'�I(.'.tj _f: °!1; � ,�.�...�.�...• ' _. ,- :
<br /> R.,,. � _ . .. .
<br /> ` - . �i:' '�r�_ ��M _ .-__
<br /> . .•.�.. ':t:1f i�i.�.7i .V , —
<br /> � � .)� . .. '"
<br /> r,�i .t�..� 15j.. �'4`u ' . , .
<br /> ���.: .������' ' � ACKNOWLEDGEAAENT OF DEED OF TRUST �o�-1O�Q$'�
<br /> �,����".+�'� � �,
<br /> -��'�g��.�.' . ' TFiUBTOR READ TFi18 BEFGRE 8lOMINd:
<br /> `r?c�+.
<br /> �' ��` ��"��,` ,
<br /> a, �� ;,�;��_,_M Tru�tor und�nfand�th�t th�dotum�nt thtl Tru�tor I��bout to�x�cute 1�a Owd of Trost�nd nol�mort��q��nd th�tth�pows►
<br /> �.., ,�" • of�N provlcNO�or In th�DMd ol Tru�t provida aubstanGally dlff�r�n1 rlph4 and abllpadon�t0 Trutla ih�n�mortp�q�In 1h�a�nt
<br /> t oi�ddault or brN�ch oi obllpaUon und�r th�Di�d of Tru�t,Includlnp,but not Ilmited to,th�L�nd�r'�ripht t hav�tha Prop�►ry wtd _
<br /> '� F M . _.� r_���'� by th�Tru�tM wlthout�ny�udicl�l procNdlnp.Tru�Wr r�prasanh ond w�rnnU th�t thls�eknowlad m�nt wu�x�autrd by
<br /> � �
<br /> 'a•.• : . .•.r�.��+. ._ T�wto►b�fore tM�xecudon of tl�ONd of Trust.
<br /> - -,�-- • -r ._ "__- --°'_- _
<br /> �°�`'�'a N . WILSON �R �tor
<br /> _ � � , , .� _.� o
<br /> . � -� , �'�.�'-� I.f.� -
<br /> ' 1�;1f't'�. ' � COHSTAN�LSON Trwtor
<br /> ;���• .
<br /> ,. :.,.
<br />_-_ — . ., = .r•.r" , - -
<br /> - - - � „��lb,M1��%'�, OEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES
<br /> ��:�`.... . '_�.. _• let Aar. , 1992 b end e
<br />--�-� . � � THIS DEitU clF 1 flU$T,Is mede as ol Uie day of Y �� � --
<br /> ;��-�' '.. � �„�, l3LENN R. YILSDN JR 3 CONSTANGE MILSON , huaband and rife �
<br /> -,,�� �"�', . � ,.;. � theTruator,
<br /> �;�,. . 10540 PUttDEY DR. EDEN PARME55347
<br /> `;�. �°��' , whoe�malllnp addrei�Is lherein"Trustor; wlwthe►on�or mor�),
<br /> ���`�'•'_ `�` ,'� Five Points 8ank, a Hebroska Corporation --
<br /> � .- � tha Trustea, �
<br /> �.• .,,�.�,;;,;�:.��,:;"�f.�';�•• �� P.O. Bax 1507 Grand Ioland, NE 6980Z (hereln Trwteo'1,end
<br /> � f k ��
<br /> .�� ,:Pi' .. � „ whoso maiUnp eddress Is
<br /> �•.,,.,,, , .: .
<br /> � �. ` ... the Beaoliciery, Five Pointe Bank .
<br /> �: .
<br /> '� ' whoao mailinp addreae Ia p•0. Box 1507 Iirand Island� NE. 68802-1507 (herefn"Lendar").
<br /> „ ;; . o . LENH R. WIL.SOH JR
<br /> •� • FOR VAWABLE CON8IDFRATION,includfn�Lender's extenofon of credlt Identlfled herefn t�
<br /> .. �.-.,--
<br /> � 6 CONSTANCE YILBON (heref�"Borrower",whether one or more)and the Uuet heretn created,
<br /> - . � !' the recetat of whlch it hereby ocknowladped.Truetor hereby Irrevocebly grants,tranafere,conveys and aesiyns to Trustee,iN r
<br /> �'t � � � TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE,lar the benetlt end secuny ol Lender,under and sub�ect to the torms and condidons hYrelnaMar set � - '`"
<br /> • ����_.
<br /> -- .,.,�.� _ : rorth,the reai prvperiy.de9cri�i as fatlaws: _�_--
<br /> . ;,:,y:��,: ,, 5uite No 4, and Garage C, Allene Winc]sor Square Oondanini�n Property Regime, �,
<br /> d qeing part of Unit 1 Lot 2� Hlock 8� Replat Continental Gardens� an A�dolition ���,-_
<br /> to the City of Grand Island• Hall County, Nebraeka• �^______
<br /> Topether with all buildin�s,improvementa,fixtures,atreets,alleys, pessepeways,easements,righta,privllepes and appuAe- �.�,.a
<br /> � � nences loceted therepn or In enywlae pertaining thereto,and the rents,issues and prolits,reversiona and remainders thereol,and
<br /> �� . " such petsonel properry thet ia atlached to the improvemants so as to constitute a Iixture,includlnp,but not Ilmited to,heatiny and = —
<br /> � coolinp equipmenh and together with the homestead or maritel inlerests,d any,wh�ch Intereats are hereby released and waived;all �j;y�_LL-
<br /> ' of whlch,Including replacements end addltions thereto,Is hereby declerad to be a part ot the real estate secured by the Ifen oi thls _�,
<br /> ' Oeed of Tru4t end all of th�foreyolnp being referred ro herein ea the"Property". • - ,
<br /> �:�„�, Thls Deed ot Tru�t ehall aecure(a)the payment ot the princfpal aum and interest ovidenced by a proml4sory note or c►edit _.�,�,:�';�I_,''
<br /> ri 1 1at 201019 5:�:`=: Y
<br /> , ��.��"-;.�' „ � ayreement dated April lst 1992 ,hevin�e maturiry date of—.�A � �,tz•�_===
<br /> 33,223.60 ,and an and all modiHcatlona,extensions and renewals � '"""�`
<br /> ' ' �.,;;� in the aipinal princfpal amount af 3 Y ..��
<br /> ,: th er eof or theret0 and an y and all luture edvances and readvances to Borrower(or a�y of them If more Ihan one)hereunder ..,•�--=,-=-_.-
<br /> _ � •.•,s:�.:
<br /> � purauant to one or moie promieaory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"):(b)the paymen t o f o t her aum s a d v a�c e d b y ' :y.
<br /> � Lender to protect lhe aecurly o1 the Note;(c)the performence ot all covenants and agreementa ol Trustor set lorth hereln;and(d)all - v•�.,
<br /> '" �� preaent end(uture indebtedness and obligatlons of Borrower(or any of Ihem II mae Ihan one)to Lender whether dlrect, indlrect, �•---�l`:
<br /> ebsolute or contingeM and whether arfsing by note,gueranty,overdraft or othe�wlse.The Note,thls Deed of Truat and ony and all �,�;,,��.
<br /> ' other docuents th9t aeCUre tho Nate or otherwlae executed in connectlon therewlth,mcludmg wfthout Iimltatlon gueranteos,88curity �`-.�;�
<br /> . ' ",,� " ayreements and eeslpnments ol leeeea and rents,shaU be relerred to here�n as the"Loan Instruments". ti �±'��w�a
<br /> ' T�uetor covenanla and a rees with Lender as follows:
<br /> 1. Pa m�nt ol Indtbtldnef�.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d when due. �' ..�'�1.!��r����`
<br /> r
<br /> � � 2. THI�.Tru9tor fs lhe owner of the Property,has the nght and authority to convey the Property,and warrents that the lien �
<br /> crealed hereby Is a Ilrst and prlor Ifen on the Property, except for liens and encumbrances set forth by Truator�n writfnp and
<br /> � delivered to Landar before execution of thls Deed ol Trust,and the execuhon und delrvory ol thls Deed of Truatdoes�ot violate eny
<br /> ConbaCt or other oblfpatlon to which Trustor is subject.
<br /> ' �� , 3. Tax��,Au���m�nU.To pay before dellnquency all taxes.speaal esseesme�ts and all other charyes ayamat 1he Property
<br /> now or hereetter levled. .
<br /> 4. In�ur�ne�.To keep the Property�nsured agafnat damage by fire,hazards Included within the term"extended coverage".atld
<br /> suCh other hazerds as Lender may requ�re.m emounta and wrth compan�es acceptable;to Lender.nam�ng Lender as an eddit�onal
<br /> � nemed fnsured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss under s uch polic�es,the Ldnder�s authonzed to ad�ust,colleCt and
<br /> Compromise,all clafine thereunder end shall have the option of apply�ng au or part ol the�nsurance proceeda(il to any indebtedneas
<br /> secured hereby and In auch order es Londer may determine,(��)to the Trustor to be used for Ihe repalr or restoration of the Property
<br /> or(ifl)tor any other purpose or ob;ect sut�sfoctory to Lender w�thout aNect�ng the I�en ot a���5 Deed o1 Trusl lor the fu��amount secured
<br /> hereby before 9uch payment ever took place.Any appl�cauon ol praeeds to�ndebteane�s shall not extend or postpone the due •
<br /> date of any paymenls under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5 6�erew.Uoon wntten demend bv Lendar,Trustor shall pay to Lender.In such manner as Lender mey desiynate,suNic�ent
<br /> sum8 t0 eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the�011ow�ng:(i)eu taxes,assessmems and oi�er ci�a�yv5 nyai��5t
<br /> the Property,(h)the premmms on the property �nsura�ce requir@d hereunder,and��ii)the premwms on any rnortqaye insurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Malnt�n�nc�,R�palrs and Canpllanc�wlth Law�.Trustor shall keep the Properry fn good cond�tfon and repau,shall
<br /> promptly repefr,or replace any improvement whiCh may be damaged or destroyed: shall not commit or permit eny waste or
<br /> deterloratfon o}the Prbperry;�hall not remove.demo��sh or substbnUally alter a�y of Ihe improvements on the Properry. shall not
<br /> cnmmit,suMnr or perm�t eny aCt to be done�n or upan Ihe Property�n violauon ol any law.u►dinance,or regulaUon.and shall pay and
<br /> promptly df�Cherqe al Trualor'a cost and e�pense all I�ena.encumbrances and charyes levied.�mposeO or assessed aqa�nat tne
<br /> PrOperly or eny part thereot.
<br /> �. E�nln�nt Comdn.Lend�r�9 hereby ess�yned all componset�on. awarda.damages and othe►payments or rel�e'�here�naker
<br /> "PrOCeBde")��conneCtion w�th Condemnnt�on or other teking of the Property or part thereof.or tor Conveyanca�n lieu ol Condemna-
<br /> � tlon.lender shall be entitled at�ta opt�on to commence,appear m e�d p�o�ecute in its own neme any action or proCeedings,and
<br /> aholl also be enptled lo make ony comprom�se or aetl�ement�n connection w�th such tak�nq or domeqe In Ihe evont a�y port�on ol
<br /> i •
<br /> - NK S�1611Na+pi�cunurn pwt/��v�U N11
<br /> �1�MNqMINIS�NOICM�Yrf�t.u�IMO$W�hQ�ASMIC�tl+�l��[tV�NMf�Y�
<br /> • I I � _. . .. ._ _ _. _ _ _
<br />