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<br /> � ����`� .. cundemnwi�m nr othrr tuking of uny pud ut'�he I'rupeny,or 1'nr cunvcyance in licu ol cun�lcnn�u�ion.urc tkrcby u«i�tneJ und _-_
<br /> ` xhull be puid tn LcnJcr.
<br /> �'��°�' �'' In �hc cvcnt uf a t.nal luking of the Property. �hc pnxecd� +hull Ix upplicd to �hr ,um+ ucur.J by lhi+ ticcuri�y
<br /> �rr' .:
<br /> �.� ` •° .� ;°`., �' In.�Nment, whethcr ar mw�hen duc, wilh uny cxcc,+paiJ�o Born�wer. In�hc evcnt of u p•rdiad iaking ut"ihv Pn��xhy in
<br /> � h' � which the fuir murkrt vulue of thc Pm�xny immediutely Ixfom thc ioking i�cyuul�o c�r greuter ihan ihc umuw�e of thr humv
<br /> P ' � . xccurcd hy thix Scruri�y In+irumcnt immcdiutcly lkti�re�hr tukin�:,unle+.Barn►wer unJ I.�iNJcr u�herwi+r agr��in wri�ing.
<br /> " ` '.'�_�"°�" �he wm�hecured by thi� Securiry In+iniment shull Ix:reduced by the umoun� oi�hc pnxecds muUiplied by the foUowing
<br /> " �''. ° '"'� fraclinn: l+�l Ihe Intul om�wnt ot'Ihc cumc ucured immcdiutely hefi�rc the t:�king,dividcd hy Ib11hc fuir nturkct valuc of Ihc �
<br /> ' '"������_���' Pr��peny immediutely hc:tMC Ihc �aking. Any buluncc shull bc puid [o s�m�wer. In thc evcm ��(u pahiul tuking ot thc -
<br /> ,,,�.�... • _. . � Propeny in which the fuir mu�c� vuluc oP the ProExhy immeJiu�ely Fxforc�he�uking i. le+s�hun�hc umuunt of�hr+umv
<br /> � - � ,ccurcd immrdiulcly hcf ixc �hc tukin�!, unlr.+ Born►wcr und (.endcr �Khrnvi,c ugrrc in wriling nr unlc��upplicublc luw
<br />���, • . . othrrwitie pn�vide.,the prexeeds�shull he applird to the xum.tiecured by thi�Securi�y In�trumr.m whe�her or not �he aums vre
<br />�: Ihcn duc. ` _ _
<br /> � If the Pm�:ny i+uh:uKl�m�•d hy Hnrr�wer,or if,ulicr nntice hy Lendcr to Romiwcr that thc r�mdrmnnr ot'fen to make
<br /> an award ur uule u cluim for dumiige�,Rorrower fail.�o m+�nJ to L�nJer within 30 duy�uller thr JAte�h�notice ix given,
<br />,:;' � � Lcnder is uuthurized to caUect und upply�hc prcx:ecds,u�iis uption.eilher�o re�tor•rtiun or repai�af the Propeny ar la thc
<br /> ` • ;.• •:�_-'.-_-_ :; ., sums ucnr��d by ihiti Security In+trumcnt,whc�hcr ur nat then duc. �__
<br />' . Unles, Lcndcr und B�Krowrr otherwi�e ugrec in wriiing.uny applicu�ion of prureeds ta pnncipal.hull ncx extend or ` -
<br /> 1.. �' � � po+tpaae�hc duc datc ot'the m�mthly puymem.mferrcJ to in paraKruphti I:mJ 3 or chungc thc amuun�of+uch puyments.
<br /> ,�.� ' ' ,
<br /> - ,f..„ . . •• . . 11. Borrower No9 Neleaved; HurbeArunce By Lender Not a Wniver. Extcn,ion ot' tlx timc for payment or
<br /> � madificutian uf amonizutian��f�he.ums rcrured by�his Scrurity Inxtrumenl gr:m�ed by Lander�o uny�ucce,tior in imcrcst
<br /> ,° • � '`�., of Borrawer shull aot operute�o r�lcuu 1he liubility nf the originul Bortower��r Bormwer's,uccessors in intcrext. Lender
<br /> . • - ' f� -� ... .hall not F+e reyuired to cammence priKerdings aguin.l uny tiucressor in interest or ret'u�e to extend iimc for p.ry+neM or __
<br /> ' u�h:rwiX madit'y umoniiaiion of�hc,ums serurrJ by�hi�Serurity Instrumrnt h��rcu+on ol'uny Jemund mude by thc originul —.-
<br /> • t; � BoROwer or B��rn►wer's .uccr,uin in in�erest. Any forlxurunce by Lender in rxrrri+ing uny ri�eht or remedy�hull nat be u
<br /> • �• wuiver uf or pr�cluJe ih�cxcrci��of am ri@h�ur remeJy. _,�_
<br /> " :,;_.;: l2. Successo�s wnd As.signs Bound;Jofnt und Se��eral l.iabllftyt��-xi�ners. The covenani�und u�rcements of�his �._
<br /> • '•�;+t,'. "; Security In,�rurncm �hull hind und iknefit thr.ucrc�son:►nd a+.rignti ��f l.cnd�r and Burmwcr.�uhjrr�io tl� provi.icu��of _
<br /> " , ,•:��;'�,;;:' purugruph 17. Barrowcr;cirvenunt� und a�rrcmrnt.rhall 6r jaint unJ�vcral. An� B��rrowcr whu co•�i�!ns thi. 5��curiry --,
<br /> '•''� ' ° Inswmcnt but d��r,not�xcru�e�hc N��te: (u1 i,r��-si�ning thi.Security In.trument unly u�murt�::�ge.grant��J ccmvey th;+t _
<br /> � ��'' '�� �� BuROwer+inlrreyt in ihc Pru�xny unJcr thc trrni.of 1hi�Securii� Imlrum<nt; lb)is n�w FxnonuUy ohligaicd to pay�hr sums
<br /> ' secured hy this Securily lntiirument:und Ir)u�.r�r.�hut Lrnder nnd an��oih�r B�►rcowcr muy agmr Io rxlend,mcxlify,forbear �-
<br /> � �� ,,, , , or mukr uny accomm�xiations with regurd to Ihe tertn+ of thi. S�:urity Intilrument ur the Note wi�haut ihat Burmwer� ___
<br /> can.ent.
<br />� �• '-.� i •. 13. Luan CbarRReti. If thc luun ,crur�d hy Ihi+ Srcurity Iny�rumcnt i. �uhiect I�� u laa whirh tie�,muximum loan
<br /> --�_ .� ', , churges.und Ihat luw is tinully interpre�ed tio ihui U�e inlere,�or nther laan churges c�,ikc�ed ur iu ix c��DrcicJ io cuuurrii�nti _
<br /> �•�; • ' . wi�h thc loun cxrccd ihr pcm�ined limii•,then: uU uny�urh I��un churgr+hall tx rcducrd by the anx�um nrcc.�:�ry to reduce
<br /> . �'�� thr churgr u�ihr�xmiittcd limir,smd Ihl tmy,um+cdroady c�,llcrtcd fr��m Rorrowcr whirh rxrecdeJ�xmiiucd limit�will tx
<br /> ;''':� ret'un�kJ to Burrow�c Lender muy ch�xne to m+ikc�hi,rrlund by reJucing�he princip•rl uweJ undrr�hr Nule ur h�•makmg u �'��""'`�:-
<br /> (,���:;';�'�� direct payment lo BuROU•cr. li'a refund rcduce�priikip�l.the rrJuctiun will Ix Ire����J a,u paniul prcpayment uithuut uny. ���"'`____'
<br /> - :,•::::��,.
<br /> . • . , prepuymen�churgc unJrr�hr Notr. ��:.
<br /> ,. • I�i. Nollces. Any MNire tu Bi�rn�w�r providrd litt in thi+ 5ccurily In�lrumrnt rhall Ix Eivcn by d�livcring it��r hy �r r�;:+ :
<br /> . .. mailin�!it hy fin�rlu,�rnail unkti.applicablr I;i�v requirr.u.r oF:uxuhcr m�thi�l.Th�notice,hall fx directrd 1��Ihr Fmperly � ' , . ..
<br /> � Addn�.�or any uthrr��ddre.. Bura�wcr dc�ignak� h� no�irc tu l_�nd�r. An)• nutice lu L�ndrr�hall tx given h�•tira rlu.s .�.:
<br /> ' �.::
<br /> ' . 1;.:::,,�� muil lo I.�ndcr'.uddre.x ,ia�cd hcrcin ur wiy othcr udJrr.,l.rnd�r ik�ign.ur,hy nulicc la R��rro���cr, An}•n���icc providcd liir � _ _
<br /> • in �hi� Security In�trumcnl ,hnll Ix d�cmcd to huve Ixen given lu HnrcuN•cr ur l.rnder when }iven uti pn��•Kird in Ihiti , _j
<br /> � ' . . paraFrt�ph. �.. �,-�r
<br /> I3. (io��erninp I.aw; tie�erubiNty. Thi. kcurily In,irunirnl �hull Ik gur�ined hy tcdend la�+•and Ihe la�ti ot�Ihr � . '�'„
<br /> ' jurisJiclion in whirh Ih�Pru�xny i+kKUlyd. In�hr r�•rn1 thiu an�•�x�►vi+ion ur cluu�c uf thin Srrurily In.lrumrnt or th�Nulc
<br /> � «,�n�<<.W��n�.rri�«ni�law.�orh rc►nllicl,hall ia�t afl'r�t nlhrr pro�i.ion.�if ihir Scrurity In.truntrnt ur Ihr Nut���hich can ;
<br /> . Ix t,ivrn et'tert wilhuut Ilx runflicting pm�•i.ion. 7ir ihi.�nJ ll�e p�ti��i.ianti �d'ihi�tircurity In,trumem :md Ihe Nol� ure .a. ..,,.,,��
<br /> declured lo Ix ticvrruhle. '"'•:�y
<br /> e
<br /> ° !6. Burrv�x•er'+('opy. Burrowrr.hall Ix�ivrn unr runti�rnrcd:up�•ut du•�1u�e rud ul thi.S�ruril� In+irumrnt. . .
<br /> 17. 'I1�ansPrr uithe Pr�ert�or u ISrneficiul Intere�l in Borro��er. If ull ur am�,:in uf thr Pru�xny�K:�ny inlrrr�t in ..=';`
<br /> i � it i�wIJ or tramtrrred Iar if a txnrfici:d inlrrr,l in Korruwrr i. .ul�i��r�ran.l'rrrcd and Hurro��er i.not a nalurid �xnonl —
<br /> wilhout Lrndrr+rciur�vrii�en can,cn�,l.rnJ.r may.:d il�uptiun.re��wre imm.•diate p�i�mcnt in full u(all .um•.rcurcJ b}• ' =_
<br /> � '�`�:' thi�tirrurily In.lnmxnt. Ho��•rver.�hi.��ptiun.hull nui lx errrri..d by Lrndrr if rrrrri.e i.prahihit�d M•I'edcral IaN u,of a�,.,,ti;;�
<br /> • .,;: .
<br /> , .. �hr dutc��f�hi� �rurity In�trumrN. , '., ���
<br /> � II'l.cnJcr cxcrci�c�thi.��pliun. I.end�r�hall�!ier 13urf���t��'nuli�•�nl acr�lrralian. 'I�h�nolicc�h:►II pru�•ICIC:�(k�i�xl of k
<br /> � not Ir���hun�U Juy,fn,m ihr Jatr�he nalicc i,J.li�•crrd or maik d��ilhin��hirh liurru��cr mu•l�•:n :�II�u�n,.ccured h��thi, �
<br /> . Srcurily hulrumcnl. It'B�n7uw•cr t'ail� lo pay Ih�•u .um. priur tu �hr r�pir:iliun uf Ihi. perind.Lcnd�r mu� im•ukr any.
<br /> nmcdir��knninrJ h��thi.5rruril� In•lrumcnt��iihuul tunhrr nuli:r��rdrman�l un Iturn►��.r. �
<br /> „ 18. B�Kro��cr's Itiuht to Rcinstutc. I( Hurraarr nmri� cruum rundiu��n.. Nurru��rr •h:dl ha�r �hc ri�ht to havc
<br /> � rnthrccmrnt ot'�hi.Srruriir In,�nnn�•Ill i�I�i��I11111UCt�:11 d111 III11P �tlli�l lu 1�1��':Il�ii•1 �d: 1:11 S il:l\.liq yUC�I ul�kl'�kfltN� :1�
<br /> timElr I.mul� ••Ff�onlc Nue F'rwld7c\1uc l\IFIIK\11\11 Rl�1F�1 1 nd.mn i„�rn.mt. 4.W1 ��.,icr�!�,I r�p��¢r�� M-
<br /> . ,,�•
<br /> 1
<br /> ' �. •,
<br />