.. , ,. -..,..,,',,.�.�� �S" • i' '`'T� �i.y I -' `:Y"J ' , ' •;: . . .�f Pl-.'C`f�n'
<br /> 1� �+i L II � l • ;:' � r�• , e._.- �i.�� . ��.,..�. .. _.�._._
<br /> IwI 'M��'�M"1���4wMqr�n.� ' .�.._ �� ..�� �� _
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<br /> , �__ xa•�: �.-, •�.�..- r.
<br /> s. � ---- .�: i�?�
<br /> • '-y.>'••;�'Sr"�'�� . �, _
<br /> ,� y ��•�F�. �,� Siu;:�� � --.�..�_. . -- ..
<br /> � l:.P�, : . _,�: . , 92_ io�to
<br /> - ��':+�.r'+n/f% ° ��
<br /> � �' . prricKl+thut Lrndcr mquirc.. 71k in�urunrc raRicr proviJing�hc in.ur;mcr+I�idl hr d�uKn hy Harcruw�r.uhJrc�iu LenJcr;
<br /> '��;'"�;'?�°`�""ti�'�."..": upprovul whirh•hull nai hc unrcuw�nuhly wiihhcld. 1(B�arowc�luilti a►m��in�:�in ruvcrugc dcuriixJ uM+vc.l.enJcr may,u�
<br /> , M�- •.
<br /> o.y`y�l:r�;. �.1.• Lcndc�:o�ion,��h�uin awcr•r�c�a protrct l.cndcr:riEht,in ihc 1'�u�xrty in,�c�►rJwirr with paragruph 7.
<br /> � � All io+ur+mcc(xilicie�and Rn�wul�,hull iu,icrcptublc w Lrudcr and rhull incluJc u�lundurd murlgugr cluu�, Lcndcr
<br /> ' ,bull h3wr�hr ri�;bt to hold�hr�dicic,und nnrwal,. II'LcnJcr requircti,Ham�N�r•hall prumpUy�:i�•c lu I.rnJcr uU nrripl�
<br /> ° '� " ��I'paid premiwn,und nnrwul nutirr.. In�hc cvrnt uf lo+ti,Born�w4r,hull givc prumpt nutirc����hc in�urancc curricr nnd
<br /> ;k'�•�='�� s'�" ' l.cndcr. l.�ixlrr niay niukc pnwf uf I�,•.if noi muJc prumplly hy Rurrnwcr.
<br /> � ., T��-"'--�," . llule„Lcodc�.iuJ liuRU��cr nthrnsi,c agnr in�criling. in.urnnc�•�r�k•r�d,.hall lx upplicd 1��rc.�urutiun ur repair ut'
<br /> �- --= ,
<br /> ' thr R���xny dumugcJ. il'Ihc rc.�uru�iun nr repuir i�rcunum�rally Ic•rriMe s�nd I.rndrr: .crurny i. nut Ic.,enrd. If Ihc • - -
<br /> ' rc.�urutiun ur repu�r ir nu1 ccamnnirully le;��ihlc ur Lendrr'r ,ccurity wuuW h� Ic���ncd. thc in+urLnrc prixceds �hull he _
<br /> , � . upplicd w thr.um,.crurcJ by�hi+ tircurity In+trumcnl, wbr�hcr�,r iK+t thrn�hir. wiih uny cxcc�ti paiJ t�� Bonu�vrr. If
<br /> . , � BoRUwcr abandon�ihc Pru�xny, ur dik+ not umwrr ai�hin .111 Juy+u ncHic� Gum Lcndcr thai thc in.umncc camcr huy
<br />� ��` ° ' �`•' � offer�d tu urltle u claim.Ih�n Lender muy collrcl Ihc in+uruncc pr�krrd.. Lendrr nrry u,e �he pr�xeed+tu rrpuir or re+�orr
<br /> w.� �e1�°'s Ihc Propcny ar lu puy+um����cured hy Ihir•5rcunry In,�rwnent.whclhcr ur not ihcn dur. The 30-day period will I►egin when i .
<br />�r.^: " . �i�='-•, thc noticc iw givcn.
<br /> . Unle,� Lcnder anJ Borruwer ulhrrwi�r agmc in writing. uny uppliru�iun o(prixccdti w principul shull n�N cxtenJ or
<br /> � " ` � pustponc thc Jur Jnlc of Ihe munthly puyment,mi'emd tu in puru�rupb+ I anJ�ur�h;utgc Ihc:unnunt of tfie paymens.. If �- -----
<br /> • _ . � � under puragruph 21 th� Pr��perty i+ucyuireJ by L.caJer, HuRowcr; right u�unp in�urance �xdicie�and pnxeeds resuUing
<br /> �, from damugr tu Ihe Pmpcny prior lu Ihc ucyui,i�i�m.hull pa.+1u l.�ndcr lo ihc cx�rnt of thr.um..rcureJ by thi+Sccuriry --
<br /> � Instrumcnl immcdiutcly prior to ihc acyuisitiim.
<br /> '. � '�' '" 6. (Iccupancy. Prerervalion. Meintenance und Protecdun of the t'roperty; fiurrower's l.uan Applicallon:
<br /> � � L.easeholds. Burn�wer tihull occupy,c+tuhlitih.anJ u,c thc Pru�xny a.fiurrowcr+principal re.idcnce wi�hin.ixly Jayy af�cr
<br /> , - -�� th�cxcculion of thi�Sccuri�y Ins�rumcnt unJ+huU c�mtinuc to�krupy�hr Pn,�ny a.Borruwcr;principul r�.idenrc fi�r at � -- ��-
<br /> • leust onc ycsu uftcr thc Julc of ix:cupamy. unlr., Lcn�kr othcrwi.c :igrcc, in writin�, w•hich c�rn.cnt .hall nut Ix •�-
<br /> � unrcutionubly wilhhcld,u�unlc..rxlrnua�ing circum��unrr+exi,� which uR I+cyond Bum�wcr:r�mtroL H�xruw•cr.hull no� �'='-'e'""
<br /> .� . destr�►y.Jamuge ur impuir Ihc Pro�xny.alluw the 1'rupcny io detcrioratr.ur cummil�+u,�r cm Ihr Pru�xrl�. HuROwcr tihall -�' �
<br /> • � be in defuul� if uny fiirfciture ucliun or prcxceJin�!, whcthrr rivil�►r criminal, i� hegun�hut in l.cndrr+gu�xl lui�h judgmcn� �`"� '
<br /> cc►uld retiult in forfeiture of �hc Pro�xny ur othrnvi�c m•rtrriully imp:�ir ihc lien creuted by thiti Seruri�y In+trument ur .�-.
<br /> . Lcnder+�ecurity inlerr.t. BoROwcr muy cum.uch u drt�auU and rein.tatr.�.r«►���«i �n�u�:���u�n i x.hy ruu,in�du�rtiun �'—a�-'`�`;T`
<br /> or pr�xeedin��o lx dismiti+rJ wi�h a ruling that.in I_ender:��xxl fuith Jetenninuliun. precludr,ti�rlcilur�nf Ihc l3arro�ve�: �y�--_-.
<br /> inlrm+! in the Propeny ur u�hcr ma�criul impuirmcni of ihc lirn crra�cd hy ihi, Sccuriry In,�rum�nt �►r L�n�l�r: ,ecurily �v4.��;�.,.u�
<br /> . imcre.rl. Borrowcr shull ulro Ix in dcfuult it' Burmwcr. Juring Ihr loun appliruii�x� pnkrti,. �avr ma�rrially fi�l,r or C`,• ,.
<br /> inucrurate inl'ormution or tirrtr�min�to l.ender lor failed�o pr�wide L.rndcr wi�li un�•maicrial inli►rma�iani in runnec�iiNi�vi�h �.. . ,,,. �
<br /> - thc loun eviJcnccd by the Nute. inrluding. hui n��i limited to. rerrcticnlaliun,runcerninE Burro���cr; �xrupanr�• of thc
<br /> = pr��w�ny m:��rincipal re,idenre. If this Seruritv In�trumen�i,on u Ieu,rhold. liorrowcr tihull runtply Nith all the pruvi,inn. ��
<br /> � of Ihe lea,r. li Born�wcr:Kyuire.fec lill��o�hr Prx��xny.�hr IcuscholJ and Ihr tc.tillr�hal l no1 mcr�tr unle.�Lendrr uErc�. 1 1�-
<br /> �� � to the mergcr in writing. � " ��.+
<br /> ' 7. Protection oP l.ender's RiRht� in the Prupertv. II Horra���r I'ail, in �xrlixm �hr ro�•rnant. +m�l a�rrrmcnh � � ,�"�",*<`.;
<br /> „ , ' contuirkd in Ihi+ Scrurity Imtrumem. ur Ihrrr i. a legal prixcrJing �hal may ,igniliranUy al'fer� Lcnder: ripht. in ihr ;, �'�',
<br /> t ' . Propehy Iwrh as a pr�xecdins�in hankrup�ry.nr�,nutc.f�,r r�,ndrmnalion ur ti►rlrimrc ur u�rntirrrr luw,or regulatian,l.th�n ' ^` '' ..
<br /> Lendrr muy do unJ pay ti�r what�vrr i.nerr.�aq� lu priNrrl Ihr �•alur ul��hc I'ruprrty and Lrnder;righ�.in the Pru�xn�. .,
<br /> . � Lcndcr:uctiimti muy includc puyin�any.um•+erurrJ hr;i lirn a•hicl�hu.priurily��vcr ihi,S�rurit��In,�rwnrnl.ap�xarmg t ���
<br /> , in cnurl. paying rca.onuhlc.�ltnm�y�'tc�ti and rmrring an lh� Pruprny lu m:ilr rcp:�ir.. Ahh�iu�h L�ndcr ma> takc arliun �.���..�..,...
<br /> � ., . �� undcr ihi�purutiraph 7.Lendrr dikti nai huvr w du tio. � `_.�°` �
<br /> Any amount.Ji,hurud Ny LenJrr unJer ihi. para�riy�h 7 .hall Ikcum�uJdili�,nul drM ul fiurruwer urureJ by Ihi, � .
<br /> ,� Sccuriry In+�rwncn�. Uidr.,H�xru«•cr and Lrndcr a�m�ta��Iher tcnn,uf p�����knt.thr.e:imuunl,�hull Ixur int�rr.t Irum Ihr
<br /> .. Jatc of di,hun�mrm at thr N„IC rutc uixl �hnll Ix p:n-aMr.«ith irnrn.t. d�m iH,�irr frum I.�nJer lu Burmwcr rcyur.iin� I .
<br /> .. Payirmnt. I . `�S�• °,
<br /> • 8. Mort�uke Insurunce. U L.ndrr n��uirrd m��ngage in,ur:mrr :u�► r�,nJi�iun uf mal.ing thr I��an.c�ured by Ihi, , _
<br /> , Srcuri�y In.trumeni. Norru�vcr+liull puy thc prcmium� r�•quircJ t„ nr.umain �I�r mun�:�g� in,uranrv in rf(crt. If. I'or any. - . �-:�:�'
<br /> � nu,un. Ihr mungaEr in.urancc cuvrragc rryuircd h} l.rndcr lap... ur rr:i.r. tu ix m ellcrl, liurruwcr .h:�ll pay Ih� ' . 'd>
<br /> • premium, rryuircd iu utHUin r�rvcrugr .ub.tami:dl� �•��ui�•alem a� ih� mon�;ag. �mur:mre previ��u,l�� m �fl'�ri. a� a ru.l I
<br /> wb��antiully cyuiwdrn�tu ihr ru,t tu Hurruwrr of ih. mon�agr in�w:uxr prr�iuu,l� in cl'Icrt. frum un :d�crn:uc mu�lga�:r --
<br /> insurrrappruved by Lrndrr. II,uhriantiall�r��u��:�Irn1 m�qlgugr in,urancrru�er:ige i,nut a�uil;�hle.H��rzo��cr.hull p:��lu � �,,�u-
<br /> . Lendrr earh mun�li a.um cyual tu un�-t���rlllh uf Ihr��arl� m��riga�:r in,uranrc prcinium txin�paid ht F3nrr�►�ti�r��hrn Ih� � _- '--;
<br /> insurunrr ravrr:�gc lup+rd or rca,rd tu tx in r(Icrl. L�ndcr a ill:�crepi.u.c an�l i ruun�he,r pa�mrnl.�i,u lin.rc,crve in lieu , '��:.:
<br /> • of m�►rt}.agc in.uriux•�. Lo��rc�cn•�pa�mrm,m:�� n�,I�m�!rr hr rrquirrd.ui d�c u�,uun �,I l.rndrr. if mungug� in.ur:wre y;. ..-•;`:•. � �=�=�-
<br /> rovrragr lin Ihc:mwunt and li�r�hc�kriud tha�Lrndrr rcquirr.�pm�ide.l I,� ,n�inwrci :ippru�rd h� Lrnd�r a�ain ikramr� �' •;:., :.�.. :.�(�:;a;.
<br />� • uvuilahl�und i.uMain�d.Rorru�ticr.hull��:iy tlir premium�rc.�uirrd lo m:uni;un nwri�:ig.in,w•:inrr�in eltcct.�,r Iu��ru��iJc a �. �°�.:. -
<br />, lo.,rc.crvr.until Ihc r�yuircment tor nx�rlg�iEr in.ur:mrc rnd.m arr��rd:inre ��iih cm� �uiuen a�_r�emrnt Ixl��ccn Hurrua•cr ; �
<br /> � :ntd Lrndrr��r applicahlr la�v.
<br /> 9. In�pctiliun. L�•ndrr ur il.,��:rnl �ua� m:d.r ir.i.un:�hlr rnlri.. u�Hxi .m.l�n.�x•.n�m,ul ihe I'ru����rl�. Lrndcr•hall . ,,
<br />' givr Burro��rr m�lier:u�he timr ul�n pri��r luan u►��xiu��n.��rril�int rr:i.un:�hl.•::m..I��i Ihr m��xcunt►. , .
<br /> 111. ('ondcmnation. 1�h�prikred.ul:m� :���:ud��i .I.nm I�n �lam,i�r,, �h�:�t ur.��n.ryurnh.il. m.��nnrilum ��qh am ,
<br /> ` . ' tim}Icl.und� I•u11�1ic�luNMreddic\lucl\I411R\II\�IBI�IF.\1 1m���un��,..•n.nm 4-411 ,�a�ir +.•�n�•,�_�.�
<br /> �.u•n�L�I�•Itu�w�..l�a�m liu � . ' •
<br /> 1��1�1�'�'l l'.111 INI�I'�111`�1�11 I 1\-•1��i'�1111� •
<br />. �
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> . , �
<br />