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.. y'� ,���[1��� �!+vr�.� .i S ...�!•� 'n�.��;L�.4`�:, . ;ra r .t , r+Y`c���iPf?j�_-�,. <br /> l�. t h a�d w. ..i� _.�... <br /> : �Il�' N ��MlM L}�}�`=_ __c .:-- __._--�-- - -- <br /> i�. {y�. <br /> ��,h,ydi�.. <br /> S�- ' �y4''� ��'•��sr.'--_ <br /> • yvJ., q� . , - <br /> . . ,+�A i�i+��Yti�a���. •' ' .C._.L .. .- - . . .. _. . <br /> , ���.;�:�� �,��- �:� 9�� =0381� <br /> :�.._ � �,:, �., <br /> '�'w���.,�-���������• applicAbk luw may Rpccify ipr Rinswtcmrnq before sale af�hc PYoperty pur�uunt tu any powcr of s�lc contwined in this <br /> ;•,�•�:47?�1P!�� `, ' Secudty Instrumenr or(b)entry af u judgment enforcing this Sccuriry Inxtmment. Tho�e conditionx are�hAt Borrower. Iw1 _ <br /> e'P�,4,��• • pays l.eixler all suma which then would be due undcr thix Sccurily Inswment and Ihc Nulc ux if nu acccicration had <br /> : rr��•-; ,���^��. ��_ cxcutied;lb)cures ony defaul�af uny aher covennnt�ar ag�cemeMs;lc)pays ull expcnscx incumd in cnfarcing Ibix Security <br /> , { ;• Intitrument. including,but not Ifmited tc►,rcus�mable attorncyx'fces;and (d) tuke+tiuch uction a, Lender muy rcusonably <br /> ;_�'�":'-'�,`� �• reyuire to Assure thut tho lien af thiR Security Instrument,Lender x ri ghlx in thc Ropeny u�d BuROwcrk ubligution to puy�hu <br /> .. . _.. :•�,� ' ` sumx u;cured by Ihix Securiiy Inrlrumenl �hull continue unchang��d. Upon reinxtutement hy Borrowcr, Ihix Secunty <br /> :.., - - -- _�..,.,�-. _ <br /> �� �; • o- Inslrument aixl the obligAlianx r�ec:ured hemby xhull remain t'ully efteciivr u. if�x�+wcNlerutiun haJ�xcuRCd. However,l w �-_ _- - - <br /> ��"`� ;�°�;,�'_:^Kn . � riQbt la rcinstAle Rhull nut apply in Ihe cuse of uccelerution under paragmph 17. <br /> '���w•� . • !9. Sole of Note=ChAnge o�Loan tiervlrer. Thc Nute or u paniul intercvt in th�: Nut�puge�hcr wi�h�hi�Sccurity <br /> .';: . ,�.� �,.'��, •�� InatrumenU muy be nold one or murc times wi�huw prior notice i�� 8orrowcr. A rwlc muy re�ul1 in u rhungc in the enti�y _ <br /> �. , (known ae the"Loun Servlcer")thut cullccl�monthly paymenls duc under the Nute und thix S��curity Insuument, There uls�� <br /> -;;::;�`;' ' may be one or morc chungex uf the Loun Servicer unreluted to u�Ir uf ihe Nme. If�here is a chunge of the l.oun Servicer. ! <br /> - - � ,�+� � Borcower will be given writ�en natice of the change in uccordunce wi�h pvn�graph 14 ubove und upplicuble law. The nutice _ <br /> _--�::s;�: .:'_ ::.. <br /> :�:��. � ' •� will wWte Ihe name tmd ucklress of thc new Loun Servicer and�he alddre�s to which paymenl.+huuld lx mude. The notice will !-- <br /> - : �: '��r�_-- el.o contain eny other inform�Hi��n rcyuir��l hy npplicuble law. �... _ _�_—_. <br /> W ~•„�. � 20. Hazardous Substnnces. BaRi�wer whull not cuusr or peirnii 1he pre,ence,u,e,dispasal.atoruge,or relcutic uf any ---- <br /> � �; ."" ' .. HoTardou�: Subctancex on cx in �he Propeny. Barawer shull na do, nar ullow unyonc clxc lo do,uny�hing aff�rting the — <br />;�`s•. •� ° ����� ' Pmpeny thut is in violution of any Environmenwl Law. The prec�d ing two semences shall not upply lo the presence,use,or �.. <br /> :.;����. �- . � ' ,��'° r�torug�an the Property af small yuaniities of Huzurdous Substunres th•rt are generully recog�i�.cd to be uppropriatc�o normal ��:.- <br /> . � reaiclantiul u�:es and to muimenwK:e of thc Propcny. --_ <br /> �.. . Bortawer.r•huU prumpUy give Lender written nntice of any invesugutiun,cluim,demund,law�uit o�othcr+ktion by ony c,._ _ <br /> . gavemmentul or regulutory ugency or privute party involving the Prupeny und uny Huzardou.Subxt�nce or Enviruntnenlol :�•��:_ ,_ <br />". � ' Luw of which Borsower hu.s actuul knowledge. If Borrawer Iestrns, or is notified by any govemmentul or regulatory ,� <br />._ uuihori�y,thut any removpl or other remediation of uny Ha�urJau� Sut►stUnce uffeciing ih� Propeny i.nece+�ury. BuROwer ,.;,�,:;�' <br /> ' shull promplly iake all necc+,ury remedial actionx in uccardunce with Environmental Luw. ,_�„_- <br /> ..' ` ^ �� As u�ed in Ihis paragruph 30,"Huzarck�us Substuneew'urc thoK�ubntances defined us toxic or huxurduu�substunces by <br /> � ''� � Environmentul l.nw pnd thu followin� .ubs�uncc�: gusolinc,krnxc�n�,olhcr flammublr or wxic pctrolcum pn,duct�,t��xir --•°--- <br /> ,...; . ='W'-- _ <br /> �• ' pesticides und herbicidez, volutile solvemh. mnteriul� wntuining atibe.tos or formaldehyde,vxl radiouclive materiuls. A, �:H;�,� <br /> � ' ., °°.;•� � useJ in thix pumgruph 20,"Environmentul L�w"mean�f��derul luws und luws oith�jurisdirtiun whem the Pivpeny is(ac:ulcd ��_^��==— <br /> , � I thnt mlate to he�lth.rufety orenviranmemal protection. �.,_„_....,.- <br /> `' �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr fuhher covenan�und ugrcc li+foll��w,: ,. <br /> 21. Aceeleratlon: Remedies. Lender shall give nolice to Horrower prior to acceleralbn PolluwinB Borrower's �'_"'��`v- <br />. , . . � '" �4{�it�°.E=w <br /> �.t`�`+w '��-'- � breach of Any covenant or ogreement in this Security lostrument�but not priar to ucceleration under parag�uph 17 _ <br /> � .�'`} �?y`- <br /> �r•��,�--+���_� uniess s�pplir�We irw pi°o�ides oiherKise). The aui3ir Fls:s!!kpecify: ts!the defa�lt:(!s!s4se aclian req�ri��to cure Ihe '-� - <br /> � '�� -� ' default;(c)a date.not lesv 1Bon 30 ds�ys From the date the notice ix given lo Borrower,by which the default must be �����;_;-.. <br /> , cured:and Idl that iailure to cure the default on or bePore the drale gpecified in the noiice may resuU in acceleratiun uP ,, , ��;��:-'•-- <br />' the ssums secured by Ihis Security Inst�ument and tiale of the Pruperty. The notice shall Purther inPorm Borruwer of ��..�=' <br /> ' . the rtght to reinatAte aFter acceleration And the ri�bt tu brinR a conrt action to astiert the aun-exixtenee uPa default or � <br /> �' � � ' any other defense oP Borruwer to acceleratiun and sale. IP the default is not cured on or bePore the dyte Rpeciiied ia 4'� _y". <br /> ' � � � • . the notice,l.ender at its oplion may reyuire immediale puymrnt In iull of all tiwms cccured by fhi�SecurN3 Inytrument ����� <br /> . . without iurther demand and mav Imnke the p��wer of sule�nd any olber remedies permitted by applicable law. �v�� <br /> ' l.ender shull be entitled to rul���ct all expenses incurred in purwinR t6e remedier provided in thiy parukruph 21. ..�,,,���,,._ <br />� ' including.but not limited tu.rcacunable attorne�•.+•'fees und cmtti of title evidence. • � � _. <br /> „, IP the pow•er uf suk is invuked.71�ustee.r•hull record•r mdice ot deFualt in euch count�•in which uny part of the •�-°�-°.•�-� <br /> ,, Properly is Iceated und shull muil coples of xuch nutice in tt�muru�er prrscribed by applicablQ law to Bor�uwer vnd tu , r • ;r.�a:- " <br /> Ihe ather persons prescribed bv applicable luw. Af�er Ihe time required by upplicuble Inw.'IYuhtee sholl Kivc public .�„«'��c�'�"�'".!��-� <br /> °'t�' �ti; notice otsale lo the penons und in the munn�r prrsrrib�sd bv applicable luw. 'frustee.wilhout demand on Borrower. � T � ,h� <br /> �,•�'�,!�' shall sell the Property ul public Auctiun to the hiuhe�t bidder ut tqe tima und place und under Ihe trrms desiRnated in � �����_ <br /> � . � ' � the nodce uf ra�le in one or more pvrcels und in uny order'I�usler detrrmines. 7lruster may postp�me+ale of ull or onv �',',•+'�..� ..� <br /> � parcel of the Property by public unnouncement yt the lime and pluce oP any previounly scheduled wde. Lender or f�s, �"" -_ <br /> ��'` .� designee may purrhu�se the Properl}•at uny sule. <br /> ' , Upon receipt of puyment of Ihe price hid.7tustee shull dellver to the purchuser 7Yuytee's deed cunveyin�the <br /> , Properly. The recituls in the 7Yusler'.r•drrd shull be primu fuclr r�•idence oP the truth oi'the stutemenGs m�de thereln. , <br /> 7tustee shall wpply Ihe pruceed�c uf Ihr sale in thr fidloNing order: lul lo ull rusls und e�penmes oP e�crcisinu the powrr <br /> l�'�:"" <br /> ' . . ,i� .�. , r.r st.�.=__�� <br /> .'�i I . ...•�-� <br /> ,. . • ��• <br /> . , _ .��q�'_ <br /> . , �,. <br /> �', .. . <br />� 4. . 4'-.. .. <br /> ��i i, <br /> Y <br /> . 1' �/IIIfI�� y�w� ��NIYYS���h�Mll'�'�! �,� <br /> �•�.� <br /> I �i <br /> '1, <br /> l-�I.;' � . . <br /> �.1 � . <br /> / ' <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> - I � <br />