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<br /> _,.�_,�.�.,_,,,,,, .. . TO(iETf��R WITH aU �he impriwcmcnt,nuw�x hcrcaf�cr erccted un thc pruperty,unJ uU cu.cmcntti,uppuncnunces. � __
<br /> �1?�.°"�t;"!�'?'#f'' "r ancl fixtures naw an c�reufter a p:ul cif the prapeny. All npluccmcnt+und addi�fong xhull ulw be covcred by thic Security _ __
<br /> �`,��a�� � Inr�rumem. All uf�he furrgoing is rePeRed ia in this Sccurity In.wununt us�hc"I�tc►�xny."
<br /> ' :�� .. �
<br /> , BORRUWER CUVENANTS Ihut Borruwcr i,luwfully r,ei�ed of thc c+latc hcrcby cunvcycJ und huy thc right to��unt
<br /> 'h•�•� - and convcy thc F'rc��x:ny and thut�hc Pn�pcny i�uncncumbcred,cxcrpt for rncumhr.�ncc�oi'rccord. B��ROwcr warr�nis wid _
<br /> � will defend generally�he li��ta Ihe Proprrty against all claims and demand�.�ubje�:t w uny encumbrunces uf record.
<br /> ^ ��`��`� �•' THIS SECURITI' INSTRUMENT combinc� unif��rm rovcnanls for nutionul u,r und nun-�mifurm covenunU. wilh
<br /> ;�'�- vqaxvww-«�� ; c--"r--_.--_. :--_. . .
<br /> • ' t�„ .. limited varfs�tions by jurihdiction to constilute a uniform.r•ecurity.imtrument covcring reul prc�peny. ��.
<br /> � � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lende�covennnt und ug�ce us fullo�vx: -
<br /> � � 1. 1'nymenl ot Principul And Interest:Prepayment and Lpte ChargeR. Bonowcr.hull pn�mptly pay when duc�hc
<br /> � " � ; principal af and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note un�1 any prepuymcnt and lute char�;cs duc under�he Nwc.
<br />�=_�.��� 2 Funds for 7Lxes pnd Insursuice. Subject ta aNplivablc law or to u wri�ten waivcr by Lendcr,Borrower shall pay to e �_�
<br /> --° - Lender an the duy monthly paymentx urc due under tha Nrnc, until the Note is paid in full,a tium C'Fundr"1 for:(u►ycarly
<br />-_�:�_� ., `V * taxes und a�gessments which may auuin priurity over this S�:curiry Insuument us u lien on the Property;(b)yeurly Ieasehold =___.__.____
<br /> , . ,�� • �F,,,,:�,c{�: • � ' payments or ground rents on lhe Praprny, if any; lc) yculy hacurd ar propeny insururue pn:miums; (d1 yetuly fload ___ _____
<br /> • , imurance premium�, ii sny: (c) yrxrl� niuitgaga inaw�r�:e prcmiums. if any: ;tnd Itl any tium� payablc hy Rorrower�o
<br /> �,;:., ' . � � Lender, in uccordonce with the,pruvisians of pamgraph s3,in lieu uf�he puyment of mangugc inxurance prcm�umti. These �--
<br /> :;,%,. . . , ., , � items ar�e cullad"Excrow ltem+�" LendG�may,at nny tims,coUect und hold Fuod+in un amount not ta exceed the muximum _
<br /> � " amount u lender for a fedetally reluted mq�t�uge loan may requirc for Boaower c escrow accuunt under the federol Re•rl _� _
<br /> .�;';.�� ' �"..� � Estule Sclqemenl ProceduteF Act of 1914 ati amaqdGd fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C. �?6[11�•t sey.C'RESPA"),unlcss uno�her
<br /> .�f - - ___ � law thnt applies ta the Funds sets a lassrr�maunt, If�o,L.ender muy,ul uny dme.collect and hold Funds in rn umount nut to ' _ _
<br /> �:_.-�'--
<br /> � � ' exceed the lesser nmoum. Lendar may estitnnte tha amount of Funds due on the busiti of currrnt Jalu und reawnoble �_��,�,,
<br /> '+' • ' eslimules of expendi�ures of future�scmw Items or othsrwise in uccordance with upplicrbk law. � _-
<br /> " � � 7'he Funds shull be held in an imtitWion whol:e depoxils ure insured by u federul u�ency, instnamentality, or entiry w���� ���_-�
<br /> ' " ' (including Lender,if Lender ix such an in.tiwtiun)or in uny Federal Hamc LoUn Bank. LcnJcr+h•rll•rpply the Funds to pay ' "'-�-_-
<br /> � �� the Escraw Itemx. l.endar may nat churge Borrowrr for holding unJ applying the Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow �_�-�_:'
<br /> � •,t�,:, uccount, or verifying the Escrow Uems, unless Le�dcr p•ry. Borrawer int�7ert on the Fumis and applirable luw pern�it� ���;~�•ni� -•
<br /> � ° ,:';�;�� I.ender to moke such a charRe. However,Lender muy reyuire Borrower to puy u onc-time charge for an independent real °�
<br /> • esiuie tux reponing xervice used by Lender in connec�ion with thix loan,unletiti upplicuble law provides otherwiwe. Unlcs.un -:_;�, .:.; -
<br /> , _ ugreement is mudc or applicuWe luw requires imcrcri lo Ix:puid,Lender shull not be rcyuired�o p:►y Borrowe,�r any intcre.t or �--�-- °
<br /> . " eamings on the Funds. Borrowe�und(.endcr muy ugn:c in writing,how�vcr,thut intcrest,hall be aiJ un Ihr Fundti. Lender "'�''�''""""
<br /> P' �e;�..r�
<br /> •, sh�ll give to Borrower.wiihnut charge,un nnnunl acr�uming of the Fundx,.howing crcdit�und debits to the hunds and the ..,,.:�;,.�--
<br /> purposc for which euch debit lo the Funda wuc mude. The Fund�arc pledged us udditional security for ull xum,sc.�curcd by
<br /> _ - -- this Security Instrument. � ._--
<br /> � � If the Funds held by Lendar excee�l the unx►un�s permitted lo Ix: held by upplicable luw. Lender shull uccount to �'` � �x.' `
<br /> • �'�'�a. Borrower for the excess Funds in acrordnnce with thc reyuimments of upplicablc luw. If the umount uf the Funds held by ,�,., _
<br /> • Lender nt any tima is not sufficicm to puy the Escrow Items when due. LenJer may+u notify Borrowcr in writing,and,in � �� _ ._ -
<br /> such case Borcower shull pay to Lender �hu umount necestiary �o mukc up the cleflciency. Bormwrr shall make up Ihc �� `,�
<br /> � deficieix:y in no more�hnn Iwclve m�mlhly puymc�mx,ut l..en�r+solc dixrrctian. ��q"_
<br /> � Upcm payment in full uf all sum��ecured by thi.Securih� lnstrument,Lrnder�hull prompUy refund to Borrower any
<br /> Fun ds h e l d by L e n d c r. I f,u n d e r p a r u g r u p h?1,Lendrr whall ac quire ur+cll Ihc Pro p erty,LenJcr,prior to the acyuisition or • .,-�=
<br /> 1 � sule of the Propeny, tiholl apply un}• Fund�held by Lendcr at�hc time of ucyuisition or sale as a credit aguinst the ,ums .•._--
<br /> � ` � secured by this Securiry Inslrum�nt. ,
<br /> ' s o rwi�e ull a ment, received b Lender uncler �, ~'I, .. .
<br /> , • . 3. Application of Paymentv. Unlc.� applicablc law providc the p y Y
<br /> � parngr�phs I und 2,hall be applied; firat,to any prepuyment churge,cluc undcr the Note;xecond,to vmounts payable under -_..- --., ,.
<br /> " ' p;uagraph 2;third,to interest dua;fuurlh.W principul Jur:and la+t.to any Intr chargeti due under the Note. +t�"���,-►:,7�";_-
<br /> � 4. Ch�rges; Liens. Burrowcr tihall pay all tuxrx, a,�c.+mcn�s, cFwrge,, tincx :md impotiitions uttribuwblr w Ihc ' , ____
<br /> " • Property which m:►y a�tain prioriry over this Securiry In.trument,anJ Ieasehnld payments ur ground rcnts,it';u�y. Borrower - = n
<br /> � shall pay thecc obligations in�hr manner provided in para�:ruph 2,or if not paiJ in th�t manncr, Borrowcr shall pay them on � • � � .
<br /> time direcdy to the person owed puyment. Borrower.hall prompUy furnish to L�nJcr all noticc.ol'umoum.ro tx paid undcr
<br /> ' ' thix purugruph. If Borrower mukes the.c puyment,direcUy.B��m�wer shall pr��n�ptly fumitih to Lender recciptw eviclencinR �-r_
<br /> the paymcnts. �f;:-
<br /> . Borrowcr tihull promptly dixchurgr any licn whirh hu+��riurit�•ovcr this tirrurity In.tnimrnt unlc�t Borrowrr:lal agrecs - .,,�.,-��
<br /> • '' in writing to the payment of the obligutiun�rrurrd by thr lien in a mannrr acrcptablr tu I.enJer; Ib1 rontesls in gaxl fuith thr ���;;,,;,-�
<br /> � � lien by,ar defends uguinst enforcement ut thc licn in, Ic�;al pnxceJing���•hirh in thr L¢nJ�r's apinion up�ratc tu prevcrn th� "'-
<br /> � I enfon:ement of thr licn;or(rl+crurc+t'rum the hulJrr�N'Ihr licn an agrrcment<uti+facwry lo Lendrr sulwrdinuting lhe lien � �•
<br /> to thiti Securiry Inx�rument. If Lender drlemiinc�that any pun uf�he Pro�xny �+ �ubjcct tu a lirn which may auain priority ,
<br /> , • � over this Security In�tniment.Lcnder may pive Burruwrr:i n�►tice iJcnlifyinE thr lirn. Hurruwrr.hull�utisfy Ihe licn or t�ilcc t
<br /> • i one or more uf thc ur�ion�+rt(onh utx�vr�vithin Il�J.�y.ul thr�i�ing of noticc.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Properly lnsurancc. Borri�wrr�hall kccp thr impruv�nmm,n��w cri+�ing un c�rcaflcr rrcctcd un thc
<br /> � Property intiured u�:aimt lox�hy �rr. hriarJ+includcd ai�hin thr trnn"rxtrndrd ro�rragc" and any„thcr h.vard+.including
<br /> tloods or tl�xiding, 1'or whi�h L�ndrr rrquirc� insuranrr, 'Thi. imur•rnc� +hall tk mum�amcd in �hr amomits and for the I
<br /> � ,
<br /> � F'ormW12lI 9i911 �ru¢r�n�n���rc� � .
<br /> i
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