�. . . . . , _ „�:
<br /> . ;�''� -�'^•�. �� . �;��a,.._._ -- - ,��.�.~ _- -_-
<br /> �os: .n
<br /> y'�i.,�rl j�;,�� �.,4 ��: .---
<br /> L - .:�.� w�� ��� 2 1o3�os
<br /> `,��:Mi, • 9 '
<br /> _,�� � .,T� ,
<br /> �'`aN�7i,.e.�.�.:.i...L_: -
<br /> .����"�=�r---�- � dw Proporty i�a t�k�n or damaped,lender shall have ths optlon,in Its aole end abwlute�Iscretion,to apply a0 wch P�ocNds. _M W�-
<br /> -� �,�KU��i ::.
<br /> �- � �:=��.: . aRsr d�duaN�p th�nlrom ell aosb and�xp�ns��Incurred by it In conneotton wfth�uah Procead�,upon�ny Ind�bt�dn„s Ncur
<br /> ''��",�-"`%��°�i f"' hereby and m�uch order a�L�nd�r mey dstarmfns,or to apply ell such Proceeda,eRer�uch deductlon�,to the n�tondon of th�
<br /> �". ',l�,V' .' , the due data of�ny paymenu ndar thsrNote tlor cure an default�thairo nder orehe etundar Any unapptaled lur d�sha/bo pe�d to ___ __`_
<br /> ' ;��!�;��.. " Tro�ror. _�
<br /> , , ...,_ , . . 8, P�dornunc�br l.�nd�r.Upon ihe ocaurrenca of an Event of Default hereunder,or 11 any ect is taken or lepal proceadin0
<br /> � z : „+�:�-° �- commenced which materlally aHecta Lender's Interest in the Properly,Lender may In Ita own discretfon,bat without obllgadon to do � _ _ _
<br /> '�"� � • ', ao,end wilhout notice to or demand upon Truato►and wlthout rdleasinp 7rustor lrom any oblfpatbn,do eny act which T�uetor has
<br /> � kt�r[�;,�.
<br /> _�"��� '�' ap�eed but falls to do and mey al�o do any other act it deems neceseary to protect the security hereof.Truator ehall,fmmedfately �
<br /> �� upon demend therelor by Lander,pay to Lender all coats and e■penses Inwrred end suma expended by Lender In connectlon with
<br />�,�s�'�+'����� the exerclee by Lender of the foregaing rlghts,together with interest thereon at the delault rate p►ovided in the Note,whiCh ehall b�+ _
<br /> -� �+j(1��'�"`''•'�' added to the Indebtedness reaured hereby. Lender ahall not incur any flabflity because ol anythfnp It may do or omR to do �w��
<br /> l�v y::�t`:i',,;�. . ,.�
<br />'�',i.'r •....:.; ...,•�: ' . Iwreunder. �.,��4_:__
<br /> � «A--�'���� �� � 9. Ha:a�dous Mat��laU.Truator shell keep the Property fn complience with all appllcable laws,ordinences and regulatlons rz_ _ _
<br /> ��,�} ,'_':�;��,y_ .: relatlng to Indu�trfol hygfene or environmental protection(collectively retered to herein as"Environmental Laws").Trustor ahall _�
<br />:;:-� � .'-•5 keep the?roperty lree irom all substances deemed to be hezardoua or toxic under any Environmental Lews(collectively referr�!tn
<br /> r_" � ,;?. • hereln as"Hazardous Materlals"1.Truator hereby warrants and represents to l.ender that there are no Hazardous Materlala on or
<br /> � d,:.��; under the Prope►y.Truslor hereby aprees to indemni(y and hold harmleas Lender,fts di�ectors,oflicers,employeea and apants,end
<br /> any eucceesora to lender's interoal,lrom and apefnat any a�d all clalms,damegee,losses and Ilabillties arlslny In connectlon with
<br /> ihe presence,use,disposal�r traneport ol any Hazerdous Materlale on,under,irom or about the Propetry. THE FOREOOINCi
<br /> f , - ' ` SURVIVE RECONVEYANf:F OF THIS nEEp OF TRUST. �___ _ _
<br /> •� 10. Anipnm�nl oi R�nf�.Truetor hereby asaigne to Lender the rents.leeuea nnd prol�ts ol�he Nroperty:providnd Itiel Truator �
<br />}.•� ehall,unlll the occurre�cc�of an Evenl ol 0elault hereundar,have Iho nphl�o collect and reta�n auch rent�.�ssues end prul�te as they
<br />� become dua end payoblo Upon the occurrence ol an Event of Default,Lender may,edher In peraon or by ayent,with ot wlihoul ��`_�
<br /> ���
<br /> brinpiny any aclfon or procued�nfl,or by�ieceiver appcinted by e court und without regurd to I��c�ac+ucluACy ol its sacunry 9ntor ;Lu
<br />�•• ': upon and lake possesslon of Ihe Pr�perty.or nny part Ihereof,In�ts own name or in the nama ol Ihe Truetee,and do any acts which It �+��,�,.;;
<br /> daema necosaery or da�lrnble to proserve the value,marketabdiry or rentabil�ty ol lhe Properry,or any part Ihereot or�nlerest the�eln, __ -
<br /> � In4roese Ihe Income therelrom or protecllhe oecunty horeof and.wlih or �vithaut taking posaeasion ol ihe Property,sue for or W=�TM�_
<br /> � � olherwfse collect tho rents,ibsues nnd FrolftB thereol, mcludfng Ihose pest due and�inpaid.and opply lhe same,leas cost8 and a��s-ryF
<br /> � expenaea of operatlon nnd collect�on�nclud�ng adorneys'feea,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order as Lender
<br /> may determine.The enterinp upon and:ak�ng possncsion ot the Property,the collscUOn of auch renta,isauas and proflts and the —;y�,
<br /> � � applicatlon thereol as aloresaid,ahall not cure or wa�ve any delault or notice ot delault her@under or fnvalidate any ect done in —
<br /> ' response to such delault or pur9uant to such natice of delault and,nolwithstandf ng the continuance in possession of the Property or �
<br /> IhA ColleCtion,recelpt and applicellon of ren18,fssues or pro6ts,and Trustoe and Lander shell be entitled to exerclse every right :,;,�,,�;-_
<br /> provlded lor in any ot the Loan Inatruments or by iaw upon uccw�a���e oi any Cvent o!Dotauts,!nCltJding tr.�!►ho��t Gmitation Ihe riaht �.�-...,,_'- __'
<br /> ' to exsrcfae tlie power ol sele.Further,Lender'e rlghls nnd remedies under thls paragraph shall be Cumuladve with,and In no way a r "
<br /> I�mltetfon on,Lender s rlghts end remedfes under any assignment of leasea and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee `��
<br /> � end the recelver ahall be IiaWe to account only lor those rents nctually received. �---
<br /> 11. Evenq ol 0�tauN.The tollowing shal!c�nstitute an Event of Detault under this DeRd of Truat: E�.-_
<br /> � (a) Fallure to pay any�nslallment of pnnclpal or interest of any other sum secured hereby whon due: .,y��y�:,_
<br /> (o) A breach of or detaull under any piov�sfon contamed m the Noto,Ihis Deed o(frust,any af the Laan Instrumems,or any -Y���;_
<br /> ' other Ilen or encumbranco upon the Property: � ���� •
<br /> (c) A writ ot execuQon or aqachment or any simllar process shall be entered againat Truator whlch shall become a hen on r�����_;,..�:r•.
<br /> ' the Property or any porlbn thereof or mterest tharein; ��-�,.;;.-
<br /> ' � (d) There shall be flled by or nga�nst Trustor or 8orrower an acunn under nny present or future federal,atnte or other __
<br /> statute,lew or regulatlon releting to bankruptcy,insWvency or other reUef 1or debtors:or there shall be eppoiMed any trustee, � ��`
<br /> • recelver or Ilquldator of Trustor or Borrower or of all oi any part ol the Property,ar the rents,issues or prollts thereol,or Truetor � �;.ti�_��
<br /> � • or Borrower ahall make any genera�assignmant tor Ihe benelil of creditors; ���"�`"'�"' -
<br /> -•n:;.�r.
<br /> ' (e) The sale,tranefer,leese,ass�gnment,Conveyance or lurther encumbrance ol atl or any part ol or any Interest in the �� ..,,„�,ti p,r
<br /> �� Property,elther volunterfly or involuntenly, without the expreas NrHten consent ot Lender; provlded that Trustor ahall be � t .,�� -
<br /> ' , „ " permitled to exec�te a lease ol the Property that doeR not contain an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed �
<br /> - one year; ;
<br /> ` ' (Q Abandonment o1 the Property;or .
<br /> (g) If T►uator fs not an indlvldus�,the�ssuance.sale,trnnsfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ol more than a total t . _
<br /> of percent of p1 a corporaUcn)its issued and outsta�d�ng stack or(d a partnership)a total ol percent ol � -"�'
<br /> partnershlp fMerests durfng the perlod th�s Daed ol Trust remains a lien on the Properry. �� :°:.�V'�.-=-_:
<br />� 12. R�medt�r,AceNeritlon Upon Deleult.ln the event of any Event oi Delault Lender may,without notice except as required by ` ..
<br /> lew,declare all indebtedneas secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon becomo due and payable `h.- ; , e�
<br /> wtlhout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender may. E , �
<br /> " �� (a) Demand that Trustee exercfso the POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Trustee shall thereaHer cause Trustor's �
<br /> Interest In the Property tc bo sold and the proceads to be distnbuted,all in the manner provided In tho��ebraska Trust Deede
<br /> Act;
<br /> � � (b) Exerclse any and a;i nghts prowded for fn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upan occurrence ol any Event o1
<br /> Defaull;end
<br /> J (c) Commence an actfon to foreclose th�s Deed ol7rust as a moitgage,appoint a reCewer,or specdically enlorce any ot Ihe
<br /> covenanla hereof. '
<br /> � No remedy herefn Conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve of any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> Loen Inetruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulat�ve.shall be in addition lo every othar remedy gwen
<br /> . , � � hereunder,In the Loan Instruments or now or hereatter ex�stmg at law or�n eqwty or by slaWle.and may be exercised ConCUrreMly,
<br /> Independently or euccessively.
<br /> 13. Tru�IN. The Trustee may res�gn at any time w�lhout cause. and LHnder may at any tir,ie And w�thout cauae appaint a
<br /> � successor o�subalitute Trustee.Trustee shull not be I�able to any party.�nCluA�ng wrthout limitation Lender,Dorrowar.;rustor or any
<br /> purchaser of the Property,lor nny loss or damege unless due to reckless or willlul m�sconduct,a�d shall not be requ�red to take eny
<br /> actlon In connecGOn with Ihe e���orcoment ol th�s Doed ol T�ust unless mdemml�ed.�n wnting,lor all costs,compensation or
<br /> , ...............ti �....aa....,., T.��mm mav narnmw a i���rchnser at nnv sale of the Property UudiCial or
<br />� �� � ---'---- @7f�18nSB8 Wnici�may u&obbvGGu�a...����....................._... ..--'-'
<br /> under tho power ol sale granted hereln►;postpone tne sale o1 all or any port�on o�the Property,as provided by law:or sell the
<br /> Property as a wliole,w m separate parcels or lots ot Tr�stee's dtscretion.
<br /> 14. F���end Expans��.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise ol power of sale.Truslee shall be Qntrtled fo apply
<br />''I • any sale proceeds first to payment of ait costs and expenses of exercis�ng power ol sale,�ncludmg a�l Trustea's lees,and Lender's
<br /> and Truatee's attorney's fees,actually Incurred to exte�t permitted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses 9ny
<br /> right provided by law to cure an tvent ot Gefault.Lendei�Imll ba antittod to raco�c�!rem i ruster Aii�nats and expenses actuallv
<br /> � ' � Incurred as a result ot Truator's defaulL inc�uding without limitatlon a11 Trustee's and attorney's feas,to the extent permitted by
<br /> � appllCable law.
<br /> 15. Futura Advance�.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at�ts option, make add�tional and(uture advances and re-
<br /> advenCes to Borrower.Suth advenCes and reedvenCes,wlth interesf thereon,shall be secured by this Deed o1 Trust.At no time shell
<br /> the princfpal amount ol the mdebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.not�nclud�ng sums adva�ced to protect the sec���ty ot th�s
<br /> Deed ol Trust,exceed the orfylnal princfpnl amount stated herefn,or$ 14,000 00 .whichever is`yreater.
<br />