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<br /> �''Y���� 18. MNwN�ow Provl�toM.
<br /> _._ ��:�. _-
<br /> ""'""Y;,,7 �y, ' (a)Bonow�r No1 R�N�s�d.ExtenWon ot the rima for payment or modllicotlon of amoAiieUon of the�n�acured by
<br /> i� ;�,'�,,.`��. F�,; ,�,. Deed of Trwt�ranted by Lender to eny wcceasor In Interest o1 Borrower shall not operate to roleaw,In any manne�,thd IIpbI1Np � _
<br /> ,,�,�'i + � of the orl�inal OoROwer and 8orrower'e auccessoro in interee4 Lender shall not be required to commence proceedlnps again�t -
<br /> �:.�`:�= :�••. auch succwsor or relusato oxtend time for peymont or otherwlae modlly amortlzaqon o1 the aum�Wcured by thl�DNd of Trua
<br /> �'a�''``J"��'"•�`� �r`�' by reaaon ot any demenda mede by the orlginal Borrower and 8orrower's auccaseors In interee4 K_^
<br /> �� '��'� ,�:�'• • (b)I.�nd�t'�Pow�ti.Without atlecdnp the IlabiBry of aoy other psrson Hable for the payment of any obll�aUOn hereln - •�-�-- -
<br /> —•�`�,� �'��'�'f T� meMloned,and without a�ecting the Ilen or charpe ot thla Oeed af Trust upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretolore
<br /> � ���'`"- released as eacurity lor the full amount of ail unpaid oblipationa,Lender may.lrom tlme to tima and without noticep)rolsafe any
<br /> -�,,,�F,;^;,•,�•_,;
<br /> person so Ileble,pi)extend lhe melurity or alter any ot the terma of any such oblipetlons,(III)prant other indubencea,(IV)re safs
<br />���; ��;.,.��;�•_ " or reconvey,or cause ta be released or reconveyed at any tfine at Lender's optlon any parnel,portlon or all ot the Properry, -
<br /> - n . (v)Wke or release eny other or addiUonal nex:urily for eny oblipatlon haroin montlonad,or(vl)make compotitione or oth�r
<br /> w ��� ... ananpements with debtars in relation thereto.
<br /> �. ^• �.� .. (c) Fotbsanna�by L�nd�►Nat�Wah�r.Any lorbearence by Lender In axercislnp any rlpht or remedy hereundar,or
<br /> " olherwlae aBorded by applicable law,ahsll not he e walver of or preclude Ihe exerelso ot a�y such rfpht or�emedy.The
<br />� ° - ^ „3 procurement o1 Insurance or the peymeM ot taxea or other Ilan�or chpryee hy Lo�d�r rh�tt not ba a wotver of Lendsr'a.ipht to �__ _-_
<br />,� " accalerate the maturly ot the Indebtxdne�e aecured by thfa Deed ot Trust.
<br /> . , z,:.xr,��''-"* ' (d)SuacNlon�nd A�slpn�Bound;Jolnt�nd Sw�r�l Wblllqt;C�pqon�.The covenants and apreements hereln con-
<br /> � 4;,�!" tained�hall bind,and the rlpht�hereunder ahall Inure lo,ihe re8pective aucceaeoro end eesfpns ol Londer ond Trwror.AU �_,.s_-.-
<br /> � '' '�"""� �`" � covenanU and ap�eoments oi Trustor�hall be�olnt end aaverel.The captlorn and he�dln�s of the paraprephs of lhla Dwd o1 - �
<br />� .�,.�;�,�•_� Trust nre lor convenlence only end are not to be used to interpret or detlne the provlslons he►eof.
<br /> 4'::. � (e) RpuNNa NoticN.The parties hereby requeet thet a copy o'any nollca ol deteull hereunder and�copy of ar�y notice � __ . _
<br /> k,i � " ot sele hereunGer be mYlled to each perty to this Deed of Trust at the addresi aet lohh above In the m�nner preacribed by ��.�,.�, _
<br /> - ' appllceble law.Except lor eny other notfce rAqu lre d un der app l f c e b l e l e w t o b e p l v en fn anather manner,Any notice provfded �'._
<br /> •• n �� for in thls Deed ol Truet�hall be yivbn by melling such natice by certllled mafl addre4sed to the other paNies,et the addrees eet _
<br /> � � lorth above.Any naQce provlded fa In thla Deed of Trust shall be eHective upon malling In the menner deslpnated herein.If ____
<br /> � Trustor Is more than one pereon,notice aent to the addresa set lorth ebove ehell be�atice to all such persons. ��T--
<br /> F �, ?',"�x. (Q (mp�tlon.Lender mey make or ceuse to be made reeaoneble entriea upon and Inapectlons of the Propsrly,provlded
<br /> n� ��,4„ !'_�-
<br />{..•:. „ : that Lender shell glva Truotor notice prior to eny such inapeotlon specllyirp reaionable cou�6 theretor related to lender's
<br /> Interest in Ihe Properly. �°'-�`•
<br />•,. � � (g� p�aanv�yane�.Upon payment of ell suma secured by thle Oeed ol Trust Lender ahall request Trustee to recorrvey the ��^_
<br /> • - • . •`;,�t,,, Property end ahall aurrendar thla Deed of Truat and all nolea evldenclnp Indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust to Trustee. ���__�-_ _
<br /> Trustee shall reconvey the Property whhout warranty and wllhout cherye to the pereon or per�ons lepally entllled thereto.
<br />• � Truetor shall pay ell caets o1 recordatlon,If any. �`�r��`:
<br /> �.�ec.,.�-_,:
<br /> - � (h) �eson�i Prop�rly; Socu�1tf►A�r�msnl.A�sdd4llonsl securlty��r the payment of the Note,Truator hereby p�ants _ _
<br /> � ' Lender under the Nebraeke Unlform Commercial Code a aecurlry fnterest in all flxWres,equ lpment,and other p ersonal properly ��_.,}__��
<br /> used In connectlon wlth the real estete or Improvementa localed thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a paN of
<br /> Ihe real estete secured hereby.This Instrument shall be aonstrued as a Securlry Apreement under safd Code,and Ihe Lender �..
<br /> "' � ahall have all the rlphts and remedles of a aecured parly u�der aeld Code In addition to the righta and remedles created under '���'�
<br /> + •• � and eccorded the Lender purauant to thls Deed o1 Truat;provided that Lender's rights and remedles under this paragraph shell `�i�4�.-�
<br /> • �� be cumulative wlth,end In no way a tlmitation on,Lender's rlghte and remedles und�r any Other 9ecurity eyreement s;aned by �_ •�•�
<br /> ' • Borrower ur Truator. -:-�-
<br /> � ' '���' • (I) Llms and Encumbranch.Trustor hereby warranta and represents that there is no default under the provlslona of any
<br /> • "�` mortgage,deeA of trust lease or purchase contract descrfbing all or any part of the Property,or other coMrac4 instrument or q��+!(^� s.-_
<br /> yi,�..•�r--_-
<br /> 4f"•,,.
<br /> " ayreement consdtu0ng a llen or encumbrance agalnet all or any part of Ihe Properly(colleCpvely,"Liena").exlating as of the . •<<,r_ ,_
<br /> " date of thls Deed of T�uat,end that any and all exfaling Llena remain unmodffied ezcept as dlsclosed to Lender in Trustor's � . , ► �
<br /> wrttten dlaclosure of liens and encumbrances provlded for herefn. Truator shall tlmely oerlorm all oi Truator's obligatfons, �� . � ' ,..
<br /> covenante,representatbns and warranUes under any end all exislUng end future Liens,ahall promptly lorward to Lender coples �
<br /> � of all noticea ot delault sent In connection wlth any and all exlsting or tuture Liens,and shell not without Lender's prior wNttan ,�.��T.�
<br /> " conaent fn any manner modlfy the provislons ol or allow any future advancea under any exlsting or tuture Llens. _ , u,'
<br /> �) Appllc�tlon ot P�ym�nb.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,InCluding wlthout llmltatlon '�
<br /> � paymenta of princlpal and Mterast,Insurance proceeds,condemnetion proceeds and rents and prolits,shell be epplled by ..,_._ _.._ ���
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owfng from Trustor pr�d Borrower In sucn order as Lender�n Its sole discreUan deems deslraWe. air'r:=,•;a=;,�> �
<br /> ' � (k) S�wr�billly.If any provtslon of thls Deed ot Trust conlliata with applfcable law or is decla►ed Invalld a otherwlse ���
<br /> . unenlotceeble,such conlliCt or Invalldlry shall not aNect the olher provisons ot this�eed ol Yrust or the Note whlCh can be �'`` '"~,"°`j-°
<br /> ,, glven eHect wlthout the con111cting provislon,and to this end lhe provlslona of this Deed ol7rust and the Note ere declared to be . `:
<br /> ' severable. � � _
<br /> ��. ; � p) T�rms.The terma"Truator"and"Borrower"ahall includo both singular and plural,and when the Truslor and Borrowe� ,d,.,,.a-.__:--
<br /> are the aeme person(s),those terma as uaed in Ihle Deed of Trust ahall be mlerChangeable. '..`y;�-�`L�
<br /> i .:;�&".�c'""r:t _
<br /> • (m) dov�minp Law.Thls Deed ol Trust ahall be governed by the laws of tho State ot Nebraska. . -
<br /> ' ' ' Truator hes executed thls Deed ot Trust as ot the dete wrinen aboveG ,• i.
<br /> ' ( �f C<<t = ��l�L.�r �'r�'�'�'-�
<br /> � t
<br /> rustor �
<br /> ' '�� Trustor •
<br /> . • '
<br /> ,����•'.i(C��Z'i �;r
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