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<br /> —- .�.��:�-���.-:� 92_ so3eo8 =_
<br /> "���''°'�`�"--����:� TRUBTOR READ THIS BEFORE 81aNIN0: -
<br /> ��r'��?��;;#p�'��t��?'- Tru�br und�rnsnd�thd th�doaum�nt thet Trustor 1�about to�x�cuW b�OMd of Tru�t end nol s mortpup��nd th�t th�powK
<br /> ---����� '� �'� � " ol�ate provld�d for In the Oeed ol Tru�t provlde�tubat�ntl�lly dlllsnnt�Iphts�nd oblip�uons to Trwtor than a moR4�pe in th��v�nt
<br /> + t`���,.`'�,
<br /> �� j!.�C;y y��� Of a dsiault or bnaoh of oblipetlon under the Deed of Truet Includinp,but not Ilmited to,the Lander'e ripht to havo the Property wld
<br /> �� � .q;��.s'� .
<br /> �R�T.�' �1 �. � ;�"� b y t h�Tru�t w w i t h ou t en y iudlcial procsedl�p.Trwbr npr�nb�nd w�rr��th�t this paknowladpemont wa�ax�cut�d br
<br /> •�°�"'�����•��M �• T►ustor b�bn th��x�oudon of 1hs ONd o1T�uM.
<br /> -_ .�41 3'.• S'.CU`• ,a.•
<br /> -�T • ! � °-_----------_ _.-
<br /> l ,� J.��
<br /> ��,� tiLORIA J TNES ITZ TrueWr __ �
<br /> `,_-��`�� �" �;t��-
<br /> !' rr.s ....- .
<br /> if,,•.� - . E
<br /> ,;r,�,.rfs�:s.::^�� Truotor
<br />- -t' �.,.•. '.. . --_�-°-�-- �—
<br /> -� ' ' DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES ��`�� .� -
<br /> — k�aw ��'ef��i��:; _
<br /> �''���5!'1j'`� " ?`t�'� d THI3 DEED OF TRU3T,ia made ae of the�#,.—day o1 �n� ,1992�by and amonp 't�";�, -
<br /> o�l'�tia;.Y�ttii������{?1� i �G'} �_�:.
<br /> - � 1-'.'ii �'u
<br /> --,,,,��;�;��C,:r: fc:•�,.y�7�r�� the Truetor, [�1(1RIA J TttE3FNVLT2 ein��� oereon - �
<br />-._3iT'i!e'.'4ia..:r.X:��,..;.
<br /> ����` 'R �- '�� 211 w 12TH MOOD RIYBR �E,E�B��
<br /> "'° � �'• whow moili edd►ee�la (herefn"Trus or, w e er one or mo�e),
<br /> _"�'�, '. •t���.au�' .„s�}r. ' 110 �..-._.r.�
<br />:'-,-�.2'": . . �y ,,.._
<br /> � '°a�� ^ the Truatee, Riv� Poieta Bank a Nvbraaka CQYpor�tion �
<br />. `-��:'°�'ti" P.0. Box 1307 Iirmd I�l�nd. NE 66802 ��'-
<br /> ,. .. , whow maillnp add►ou Is (hereln"Tru�lw"),�nd --
<br /> .r. . ' "�.�' ';'�.;:. tho B�n�1lci�ry. Fiw Point• Bmk — ' �. � - —
<br /> .'�„ .
<br /> , � • � • whoN mallinp�ddnu I� �..� BpY 1'�07 Lirjnd i�lae�i. NE• 68802-150�__ �horoln"Londor"�.
<br /> � " ' � � . FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Inoludlnp lendor'�ox�Ynuon ot crYdll Idantlllod h6roin lo -�--
<br /> . �.,. ..,
<br /> ' ,�n [3LORIA J Tu���YViT2 (hereln"Borrower",whethvr ane or n�ore)end the truet heroln creetad, � ,•.-k•_
<br /> the recaipt o1 whlch I�hweby ocknowledped,Truator hereby irrevocebly y�anle.translers,conveye and afslpns to Truetee,IN � ., '
<br /> � '' TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for Ihe beneflt end socurlly of Lendor,under end oub�ect to lhe terms end condltlon�herelnePWr wt � '•''-•
<br /> _..� •..-. '. . ��s,:= --
<br /> • __: -- forth�iha reai properiy,�iuuciib8d ai totlow6:
<br /> . ,�... .. ._: _--- - -
<br /> �� CWNTY, HEBRASKA.
<br /> �f.�.�x_-
<br /> • a��..
<br /> � n. � • ---
<br /> . Topether with all bulldinqs,improvemants,Ilxtures,atreets, alleys,passayeweys,easements,riflhts,privilepea and appurta- -- , „�.
<br /> nancea Ixated thereon or In anywfse penelning thereto,and the reMS,Issues and proffts,reverslona and remelnders thereof,and ;, y,.;,�.,�x,,,_,__.
<br /> such peraonal property thet Is etlached to the ImprovemeMS so as m conatitute a Nxture,Includinp,but not Ilmited to,heating and ►�:;;r
<br /> codfng equfpment;and ta ether wfth the homestead or meritel Intereats,il an ,which Interests ere hereb released and walved;aU �� ."-�`�'''����a.�
<br /> ` � Y Y :�yr�u._T^_-r
<br /> . of which,Ineludinp replacementa and addlllons Ihereto,Is hereby deolared to be a pert of the real eatate aecured by the lien o1 thls .� . . ,_
<br /> " �%�••� •• Deed of Trust end all of the foregolnq belnp relerred to herein as the"Propery". , '�'--
<br /> . '. n. Thla Deed o1 Truat ahell aecure(a)the paymeM ot Ihe princfpal aum and Interest evidenced by a promieaory note or credit __.�_R;_: •
<br /> ":x?:.•,�f�?
<br /> .. ., a9reement deted �.. ,�+ ,ad�_ ,hav�np a maturity date of pa� �.� ��{ 1992 ":'�'''•"`'. ---
<br /> i4 020 S0 ,and an and all modllicatlons.extenslona and renewale . �, ..,:,, .•^``�
<br /> "' � In the orlglnel principel amount ot$ Y
<br /> , „..,.
<br /> , thereof or theteto and any and all future advencea and readvances to Borrower(or any ol them if more than one)hereunder :•�:�:ti�`,�.;__--M1
<br /> " � " • purauant to one ar more promlasory notes or credit agreements�hereln called"Note"1,(b)the payment ot other eums advanced by ••r�'�-
<br /> .,: � .�_
<br /> Lender to protect the aecurity ol the Note;(c)the perlormence o(all covenants a ed agreementa of Truator set foNh hereln;and(d)all ;:.�.3Y1<«�
<br />. �. ,-; ' present and luture Indebtedneas and oblfgatione of Borrower(or any of them if more than one)lo Lender whether dlrect,Indirect, : - �-_
<br /> ebaolute or contingent and whether arlsing by note,guarenry,overdraN or otherwlse.The Note,this Deed of Truat end eny and all �' � .,��:
<br /> ' o"' ' ' '" other doCUenls that aecure the Note or otherwlae executed In connectlon therewlih,Including without Ilmltatlon gueranteea,aecurly ,. � � ��
<br /> ;t�;��.,;`i�'�'�''
<br />