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.,�r^+► • , J° � ' — _.. - <br /> ,. ,.'s�n. �1r"�%- . � � <br /> . . �� . . ^�"F�- F!�!MlK:"}cr:.. . . <br /> . . ' . .. �i' a . <br /> , <br /> ......�...__ - <br /> — <br /> - .. � ' 92-� �o���i - <br /> ':i�h�:i'��� <br /> ..���ivasyw�� - <br /> ---"""'�°��°`� � periuds that l.endcr requirc�. 'Il�c insu�nce currier providing thc insuranr��hull hc chuticn by&�rrowcr tiubject tn Lcnder y <br /> ---------�---�---�����- ppprovul which�hall not he unrea+onably withheld. If Burruwer 1'ailx to maintuin c�wcrugc dexribcJ ubove.l.enJer may,ut <br /> � I.tnderk option,obtoin coveruge lo protect I.enderh righi�in Ihe Propeny ln uccordunce with p�rugmph 7. <br /> _i;;��;;�-,.,� All insursuice policies und renewul�slwll b�:ucceptuble to Lender umf shull incluJe u wtundord murtgage cluuse. Lender <br /> �� �""� shall have the right t�hold the pulicics und�enewalw. IP Lender rcyuireR,Bormw�cr tihull prumptly givc�u Lcnder all reccip�s <br /> • " v of psud premium�and renewul naicc�. In�he event of lass,Barrowcr nhull give prompt nutice ta the imurw�ce curricr aul <br /> -Y�!•��- �.'.;•; Lender. Lender muy muke proof of loss if not made promplly by Burruwer. <br /> . <br /> a���� .,,;,;;;� ,;.;,,�;�;,-. Unlcss Lcnder and @orrower c�thcrwi�e ugree in writing, ineur�nce pr�xecdx nhull be upplied lo resu�ration or repair uf r <br /> '� ` . Z,..t : the Properly damugcKl� if tfx: r�+lur•rtlun or rep•rir is cconomirally fea+ihle unJ LenJcr� +ccuri�y i� nat Icssened. It'�hc <br /> _,,,�, �: restorasi�n or nepuir iw noc economically feusible or Lenderti security would bc Icssened, �he insuaux:e praceedc shall be <br /> ,-� �: -- „.,;; upplied to the sumz�ecured by�hih Securi�y InMrument, whether or nut then due,wi�h uny excess puid to Borrower. If <br /> �"�;;�i�:'..`i, .. T' <br /> �y„�,1?�+�.:�,.;,�„�,,.. , 8orrower obundom the Prupeny,ur dixs nut uoswer within ip dnyx a nalice from Lender thut the insurance carrier has <br /> �,, ;;�r�-�:. ;j;M� oifered to�ettle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insurunce procec�lg. I.ander mny ur,e�he proceeds to repair or re�tare <br /> -�'�`•�� ��'•?�:��� . �he Pcoperry uc to pay sums sccurcd by chis Securi�y Inetrumant,whatharor not then due. 71�c i(1•duy period will be8in wl�en <br /> "",=---.°'�"-=�-„�`;�=�',� �., dfe Qot,ice is g�ven. - <br />__ �,_ -�_,:=�-- <br /> - ." � ''• �,;.4� ° lJnless Lender s�nd Borruwer uth�:rwise ag�ee in wrlUna, uny �pplicatian af proceeds to principal shnll not extend or <br /> ':.,w,.s�----____� <br /> ,���----�--�-. por,itpone the duc datc of the monthly paymenlc rofer�ed ta in paragrnphx 1 and 2 or change the amount of the pnytne�ts. If <br /> ..�*t,.-.^.x^.-�, _ <br /> --- '.�• ,�;,. . � ;, ,� under paragrsy�h 21 the Property ir: ncyuit�ed by Lender. Borrower's nght �o uny insuruncC Ex►li�icti und proceed. n:.v tin� <br /> ----�-���'--'�-o�,�_�i! from damage to Ihe Propeny prior tu Ihe acquisidon sholl pass lo Lender 10 the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty <br /> -' '�°'`` . s� '�� Instrument immcdiutely prior to the ucquisition. <br /> --;;,;�,;;� 'y��.,,,` 6. OccupAncy. Prcservation� Maintenance and Protectiou of Ihe Property; Borrower'4 l.o�n Appl(c�+tton; <br /> . � .••�'", ° Le�seholda Borrower shull occupy,establi4h,und usr the Property us Borrower;principal rcsidence wilhin sixty days after <br /> � ��:_� :-%�`�'��:- the execution of thiK Securi�y Instrument and vhall conliouc ta occupy�h�Property aS Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> ��'._,.n,�' <br /> `:,,�, ^ u... ..• lenst one year ufter the dale of acrupancy, unlrss Lender o�her.wi,e agrees in wri�ing, whicii cunsent shall not <br /> -�-s °" " .s� . unrea5onably �vithheld,or unless extenuating circum+tances exist which am beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shull nat <br /> ---;��� n•-�.. ,. <br /> I ' destroy,damuFe or impair thc Propeny,�Ilow•thc Praperty to deteriorn�e. ar commit wa+�e on the Propeny. Bonower shall <br /> -`_�:� - be in dcfs�ult ii uny f�rfeiwre uc�ion or prceeeding,whclher civil or criminul, is hegun ihut in Lender's gaxl faith judgment <br /> - "'"':�"' '` � could rcsult in fodeiture of the Prapeny or othenvise materiully impai�the lian creAted by this Security Instrument or <br /> ''�'� �� �� � Lender�security interetit. Barrowcr muy cure tiuch a detault unJ reinti�ute,us provided in parugruph 18,by cuusing ttie action <br /> ;� :�—.-,, �= , _ ' • or proceeding to be di�mi+kJ with u n�ling thut,in Lender's gocxl fui�h de�erminu�iun,precludes forfeiwre uf the Borrower s <br /> � interest in ihe Propeny or other muteriul impuirtncrn of'the licn cnuleJ hy Ihiti Secunry Inntrumem or I.enderti securiry <br /> _=r.� °�. � ., interetit. Born►wer +hall ul�+o he in defuuU if Borrowcr.Juring ihr loan upplicution proc�tiy, guve muteriully fulse or <br /> - inucrurute informuiiun or+taicmenlx to LenJer l�x fuiled to providr LcnJer wilh uny muleriul infor+nudonl in connection with <br /> . the loun evidenced by thc Note, induding, but nut limited to, reprezcnlutions cuncernin Bom�wer's accu uncy of Ihe <br /> _ .....w .. g P <br /> ;'F'� � piroperly us u prineipul resiJence. If ihis Security In.trumen�is on u Ieo�rhuld.Banoa�er xhaU comply with ull the provisionti <br /> - _ ' of thc tca.�;c. !f Borro+ver�cy��ir��e�����e to ihe ProQerty.the leuxehold anJ�he fee tide xhnll not morge unless Lender agrees <br /> . -- .���'�' to the merger in writing. <br />'�.rr_'.� ° � , �, prutection of Lender's Ri�hty in Ihe Prnperty. If [ii�ROwer Fuil� u> pc:rfonn �he cavenunta and ugreementx <br /> " � cumuined in this Security Insuumem, i�r U�are i� u lugal pr�xecJing Ihul muy �ign�ticanUy uffect Lender; righls in �he <br /> � Ptoperty(such uv a pr�x:eeJing in Bunkrup�uy,prohutc,for rorxlenm:iii��n ur liirtciture or 10 enfurcc Inw.or regulutinns),then <br />' . . . �'. Lcnder muy du uixi puy fur whutcver i.iriccxtiury to proiccl thc vidue��f Ihe Propc�rty und Lender+rightti in the Proprny. <br />�',.��, •,,' .. " Lcndcr��clic�n.+muy itx:luJc payin�t�ny�um� �ccured hy a lian which h�i�prioriry ovcr thi+Sccurily In+ln�mcnl, uppeurin� <br /> in court, prying reu�onublc auom�y.+' ter+und emering�m�he 1'rn�xny lu makc rrpi�in. Althaugh Lender m�y tuke uc[ion <br /> � ' .� ,�,,; under�hix pu�agraph 7.LenJcr dix�not hnvr tu Ju.o, <br /> � Any amountx disbur+cd hy Lcndrr undcr thia para�!raph 7 ,hull Ikcom� uddi�iunul debt oC Borrowcr�ccureJ ny Ihis <br /> ' ' . ' ' Sccurity Intiuvmcnt. Unlc•ti Burro�vcr �ind l.cndcr ugrcc�o a�hcr tcrni+ot'p•rymrnt.ihr�e:miount+,l�all Ixur int�mst From�h� <br /> � ' , Ju�c af Ji�hurxmcnt a��he N�►Ie nue anJ.hull Ix payahle.wi�h intcre�t,uFxm noticc fram Lcnder u� Burmwer reyur+ling <br />_ puyment. <br /> �".' � ° 8. Mortguge Insurunce. 11'L�nder myuired murt�u�c in+ur�mcc :�ti u cunditiun�►1 mukinE �hc loan tircurcd by Ihi. <br /> -• Srcurity In,trument. Rorrowcr�htdl puy Ihc prcmiums rcyuirrd tu muinwin Ihr murtg�i�!r in.uruncr in rffcct. !t. ti►r any =. <br /> � �• , reusun. the nN�ngugc in.urnnce cuvrrugc reyuirrd hy I.cnder lap.r+ �x rra��, lu Ix in cltcrt. Rorrowrr .hull pay �he - <br /> •'�� ' premiums rryuirrd to uhtuin covcr,i�:r .ub.lnnliully cyuivalcnt lu �hc nwn�agr imur.�nc� in rTfcrl. a1 ;� ru,l <br /> �� � substuntiully eyuivulenllu Ihc co.t m Hixrowrr oF Ihc mun�:i��:r insuran�•����•rviuu,ly in ellrrt.frum an uUcrn�ic mun�agc <br />-_ ' in�urcr uppruveJ hy Lcixicr. II,ub.tnntiully cyuivalcnl m�xtgugc in+uranrr cu�rr:i�e i,nul nvrilablc. Horrowrr.hall pay to <br /> .•� _ _ a Lcndcr�uch mumh n,um cyuul to onc-t�vcl(th uf the�•curly mon�age in,urancr premium i►cmg puid hy BnnYiwcr whcn lhr <br /> , inaur:mrc a�vcr��,e lup•ed��r cca.rJ w Ix in rl t�crl. LcnJrr�ril l•rcrrpl.u.c a�id rrluin�he.c paymrnt.:i,a lo,+r�,�r�•r in lieu <br /> '; � i�t'mor1�!ngc in+ur+mrc. L��., r�.crvc pu��mrnt�nui�•nu lungrr Ixr rryuircd. :n dtr upuun uf I.rnJer, il nwnEa�r imuruncc _ <br /> cuvrrugr lin dte amu�nu ond titt Ihe p�ri��l Ihul Lendr�•reyuirrrl pra�id�d hr an in,urrr appmvrd hy I.�nder:�gain Ikruma, �. <br /> � avoilublr nnd iti uBtuinrd. Burru�a�r,hedl p:rv the premium.rcyuirc�l lu ntainiuin muri�:aEr in.urancr in eff�ct.ur tu pruvidr:i _ <br /> . �n,.ro+crvc. umil Uk requirenxm ti�r m��n�u�c in.uraiKr cnJ,in arrordanrr«•ith any�rriurn:��:irrmrm Ixt��rrn Hurru��rr <br />