,�� , . • .,�::"t�r,�,,,r.*•.°s�°�`�';`*^ " ���
<br /> `6.::.-.
<br /> • . . .... , -..-_ l:� ..____..____"_ ..-. . .
<br /> '�`` -------- 9 ! �ol
<br /> w�i�r:.n�v:r�..�Srr�St..� � �V — .
<br /> :�;�=�.�-.���I�! cnndcmnuii�m ar uthcr tuking of uny pan uf thc F'ro�xny.�rc for runvcyuncc in licu ulconJrinnu�i�x►.un iureby w+�igncd wul
<br /> _—�*�,,r;i�„x,� xhull bc paid iu Lcndcr.
<br /> ��� M ihe event oi a tMUI wking of the 1'ro�x:rly, ilx� procecdx rhull ix: upplicJ tu Ih� +umw McurcJ by thiti 5ccurity
<br /> �-� In,trumenl.whcthcr ur nut �hen dur,wi�h nny excc+,paid tu Hurrowcr. In ih�cvcm of u paniul taking�d�Ilx� Property{n
<br /> �.� which ihe fuir murkcl voluo uf thc Pn�ny iminediatrly Ikfi►n��hc tuking is cyuul tour grcu�cr thun thc antount�f Ihe�umh
<br /> 3'!.".�
<br /> n �' xcumJ by ihi,Security In�irument imrnediu�ely lxforc�he tuking,unlr,ti Burrowrr and Lcndrr uihcrwi�e ugrec in writing.
<br /> w=''�" �he sum+ sccur�J by Ihi,Sccurily In�lrumcni+h:dl Ix rrdured by�hc umoun� oi the pr�xccdti multiplicJ by ihe fo9awing
<br /> ,S � I'rac�i�►n: (aU the tutul amouM of�hc+umw�curcd imn�ediutely�forc thc tukinp.Jividcd by IM1�he fuir murket vulue of�he
<br /> '''":' •° - Pru n iuroi�Jiatcl txfore thc tul:in•. An� Malanre +hnll he +id w R�irr�►wer. In Ihc cvem of a parliul�aking of Ihc ,_ -._
<br /> ,- �' --.� p�' >• Y f- 1 P�
<br /> :,� ,. t` Propeny in whirh thc 1'uir marke�value uf�hc Piropcny immediu�rly txG�rc thc tuking i,le��than the umuunt uf Uie aumK
<br /> �c���y�;yr;�, r�ecuMd immediulcly lxli►rc•hc luking, unles� Rurruwer und Lcndcr othctwi�c ugrcc fn wri�ing ur unle.s upplicahlc law
<br /> :�,^-_---.._-.
<br /> .,�'�.�°':.: t�^�•- c. othcrwik proviik+,tlx pnxccJ,tihail lk applicd to tbc�um�ucureJ by�hi.Srcuri�y In�trument whethcr ur n�d thc sumx urc
<br /> � "•-.`.�';',� Ihen duc.
<br /> ��.,;,r,r,;,�'; If the Prapeny is uhandnneJ hy Bc�rrower,or if,ufter nolice hy Lender to Born�wer thullhe cundemnor affen to mAke 4—-
<br /> , __ • .. un a�varJ or setUe a cluim far damuges, Borrowcr 1'ail�.to rcr.pand to Lcndcr within i0 du}•s aftcr the date the notice is given,
<br /> - - � � LenJer i�uuthuri�ed to collcct and apply Ihe pnxerds,a�itti uptiun.ri�her to m,tnru�iun ur mpuir of the Propeny or to�he
<br /> .. . ,- , ..
<br /> _ ..,,,�,,;.j„;;; xuma,rcured by thi�Securily Inytrument,whcih�r or no�then Jue.
<br /> "°'"°" Unle,s Lepder unJ Bo�rower �Hhenvi.e ugr�c in wriling.uny application of procceds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> - , v a''' ``'` �x►titpimc the duc dutc of thr munthly payment,rei'ened�o in parugruph.I und 3 or rhunge�he umount of�uch paymen�s.
<br /> -, •�,y���Y„ti �- �� I1. Horrower Not Rele�sed; ForbearAnce By 4ender Not a Waive� Extemion uf �hr timc for puyment or
<br /> ,:�,� ` ° �° • ' . mcidifics►lion of+imuniza�ion of the awn+.ecurrJ by�his Securily Instnimem�rumrJ hy Lcnder�o uny,ucrrssor in inlerctit _
<br /> — _ °� . of Borwwer,hull not operate to r.�lca.�c�he lio�bility uf the originul BoROa•er or Borcowcr's,ucce.�or� in imcrcti�.Lender
<br />