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<br /> �'`—'�� TO(lEfHER WITH All thc impmvcmcmr n��w ar ixreuflcr enwt��l��n Ilk�x�qxny.wxl ull caKmcM�, appurlen+uiccc.
<br /> ��-���"h� md fialures now or hercuf�cr u puti of �he pmperty. All Rplu�cmentr u�xl rulditionw ,hrll yIK�he�ovcrcd hy Ihix Seeurity
<br /> —'--="`�'=_='�" Itwlrumen6 All of thc foreguin�is refeReJ 10 in thiec S�.wudly intitNmcnt as�hc"Pr�+e�ty...
<br /> �� --- BORROWER COVENANTS tt�t �R��wcr iv luwfully �ciw�l uf'11tr r�lote hcmhy cunvcycd wxl h•ry Ihc�ight lu gront
<br /> �,�--�- ��� • and convey thc 1'ropeny and lhul thc Pn►perly is uoencum6ercd, exccpt fo�encumbwxcr uf rci:�xd. Burrowcr wart�ntx aml
<br /> :'� ., r'���." will defend gcnemlly ihe litle to the Prupcny uguinsl+�Il.lulm.r urd ikm�xi..auhjecl lu uny cixumhruncc�of r�ticxd.
<br /> — ,. :: . ,
<br /> � THIS SECURITY INS7RUMENT combincx unifixm cavcn;uu� fi�r n.�tiunul ux and nan•unifcKm covenant� wi
<br /> •�,��.. �hi � _ limited vuriutions by jurisdictiun to con�+�itute a unifiKm�urily im�rumenl awrring re�l pro}kny. r
<br /> UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Bortow��r t►nd Lcndcr cuv�h�wu wwl u�tr�r�.�lullow,:
<br /> .. 1. Payniteat of PrGklp�l nad Interesti Prep�ymeot aud LAte l'har�ea. &�rtower wiwll pramptlY paY when dw:the
<br /> ""o'`��f r. .�' � prinrip�I of and interest on the debt eviaic�xed by the Notc wui eny prep:�ymcnt und latr churgc�duc unJer 1hc N�xe.
<br /> I�a.�s... , .A,•. ..
<br /> 2. Fuads for'Ihxes aad Insunrsee. 5ubject to upplicable IAw iK tu u written waiver by Lcndcr,Bcxtower shall pay to
<br /> � _z, ._�,��; I.ender on the day monthly payments sue due unde�ihe Nute,umil ttx No�e iti paid in full,a sum("Funds"1 for:lal yeuly
<br /> „�..,: __��. :-,. ° wxes and assessn�ents which muy Wtoin priurity ovrr�his Sccurity Ins�rument us n lien on the Praperty:(bl ye�rly Icasehald
<br /> - '- �v..u:�:;rr,•}`'•.a:.. :•' ps+yments or ground rcnls on Uu: Propeny. if �ny: l�1 yeurty hazurd ar prupcny insurance premiums:(d) ycarly [luix7
<br />� � :�`i�:• •`�': ; " insurance premiums,if any; (e) yearly m�►rtgage insurnirce premiums, if uoy: wnl (fl uny sumy payablc by Borrower to
<br /> �.�;�-...y `�`'�'- ---
<br /> _ ,,�,,_,��,^T Lender.in uccardance with the pmvicicmc of paragrnph 8,in lieu of the payment of mottgag�insutvnce premiums. Tltese
<br /> �� ':- �•b`�.,`�.�ti� items ue caI1M"F.scrow Items." Lender may,ul uny ume,col�ct anci hofd Funds in an urtaw�t nut eu rKCeed the maximum
<br /> � �+�ti�'��.;� :'.' • amount A lender for a federally related mortgage loan m�y require for Borrower�escrow accaunt under the Fedeml Real
<br /> ' ��""� �.�3�" Estate Settlement Piracedures Act of 1974 us umended from time ta�ime.12 U.S.C.$26111 er seq.l"RESPA").unless nnother
<br /> _ ,;�•.,,""�y
<br /> • . • law that applies to the Funds sets u lessa:r amount. If so.Lender may,at uny�ime,collect und hald Funds in an amount na to
<br /> ,' "'``' ''1• -6-�� o ' exceed the lesser umount. la:nder may e�timn�e the nmou�u of Fundx due on �he basis of current dau and rcaso�wble
<br /> _•.r.. �• . .
<br /> - =;���,. - estimates of expendilures of fulure Furow Items or aherwlse in accordance wi�h applicuble law. _
<br /> - ��=y`—� . The Funds shall be held in on instiwtion who.r•e depoai�s are insured by a fedcral ugency,instrumentality.or entiry
<br /> -- —.• d•��� 1''•'�� ' (including Lender,ii Lender is such an in�tiw�ian)or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall Apply the Funds to pay
<br />;"}_��`� • • ' ' _ 1he Escrow Items. Lender moy n�t charge Bomower fix holding s�nd Applying the Funds,a�nually analyzing the escrow
<br /> -�•�;; ,,� . ;�:, account,ar verifying the Escrow Items,unlesx Lender pays Borrowrr interest on tt�e Funclti und applicuble luw permits
<br /> .-;: ,<,`'•c?`%!'t� ''"'� Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender muy require Borrower to pay a onedime ch:uge fix an independent real
<br />.=:';;��'. ;i;^'��:' � ' eswte Iax reporting sen•ice used by Lender in connectioo with�hix lo;u�,unless upplicable luw provicles wherwfse. Unlegs an
<br />=��%;� ' agmement is mttde or applicable lau•requires inrerest to be paid, Lender shall not be reyuired to pay Borrower ony interest or
<br /> ,,..�:..,,�
<br />_''•�„ , � ;..:;, ' eamings on the Funds. Borrawe�and L.ender mny Agree in wri�ing,however,that interest ahull be paid on the Funds. Lemder
<br />-' shall give to Borrower. without churge,an unnual uccouMing of the Funds,showing credi�+and debi�s to�he Punds and the
<br /> -`';;, "' � �� purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds ore pledged a+edditions►1 security for ull sums secured by
<br />__i: ' . �•:° P•. this Secu�ty Inslrutnent.
<br /> _�� „ �,�,. lf the Funda held by I.ender ezceed the �moun4ti permltted to be hcld by applicuble luw, Lender shall uccount to
<br /> — .o •��-_-- = Bum,wr� fui t1�a axczci FLnds i�a�:ardancc uiih thc reyuinments of spplicable law. tf��Amnunt of the Funds held Dy
<br /> " � � Lendet at i+ny time is not suificient to pay the Escrow hema when due,Lcndcr may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> � such case Borrower shull pay �a Lender�he amount necessary ta muke up the deficiency. BoROwer shull muke up�he ��
<br /> � ,,'� . deficiency in no more than twelve manthly payments,nt Lender'y sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums sccured by thic Securily Instnrment,Lender shull pmmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> ` ,� ' ' Funds held by Lender. If,uncfer paragroph 21.Lender xhall acyuire or sell tlx Property.Lender,prior to the ucquisitiun or
<br />�°�°!"� �� ,t � snle of the Property,shnll upply any Funds held by Lender at Ihe�ime of ucquisilion or wle as u credit�;w►+t the sums
<br />_:��•t�;;��.'. ' ., secured by this Securiry Inswment.
<br /> _ � ' ' ' ' 3. Application of Psiymenls, Unles� upplicuble law provides atherwi.e, all payments received by Lender under �__
<br /> ` � .. parngrnphs 1 und 2 xhall be applied:firsb to any prepayment churges due under the Note; second,to nmounts paynble under _
<br /> - � . � paragroph 2;third,to interest duc;fourth,to principal duc;and lusl,to any lute rharge+due under the Note. �
<br /> ' 4. Char�es; 4fens. Borrower stiall pay ull tuxes, as,essmcnts, churges, finrs:u�d impositions anribuwble to the
<br /> ' '' propeqy which mny attain priority over this Security Insuumene,und lea�ehold puymem�or ground rcnts,if�►ny. Borrower ��
<br /> ''•:' ' �� � shall pay thesc obligation�in the manner provided in purogrAph 2,or if not paid in that munner.Borrower sh�ll puy them on �,�
<br /> � '� � ., time directly to the person owcd paymem. Borrower shAll prompily furnish to Lrnder ull nuticr.of vmoums to he p�id under
<br /> �� this paragrupb. If Horrower mukes the�c pa�•memy direcUy. &xn�wer shall pmmptly fumish lo Lender receipts evidencing �''�r
<br /> .�, , . , the payments. __-
<br /> Horrower shall promptly discharFe any lien which ha�pri�rity over this Security Instrum�nt unless Borrowee(a)ugrces 4
<br /> � in writing to the payment uf the obligation s�cured by the lirn in a munner acceptuble to Lendrr,(bl rontesls in good faith 1he --
<br /> .. : � s� .. lien by,or defends ngninst enforcement of�he lien in,Iegal pmreedings which in the Lendcr;opinion operute ro prevent th� o
<br /> • , . y. � enforcement of the lien;or(e)securec from the halJer of ihc lien an agrcrmcnt su�i,Factory to Lendcr,ubordinaling the lien '�
<br /> _ � to Ihis Security Instrumenl. If Lender delermines th•rt any pun of thr Property i,+ubjcct t.�a lien which mny uttain priority ,�.
<br /> � ' . �� � - �� over this Security Inslrument,Lendcr rnuy give BoROwera naiicc identifying thr lien. Borrowrr shall xati�fy the licn ar toke "+•
<br /> � " one ar morc of the aaiom tict furth abovc wi�hin 10 day.of thc givinF of noticc.
<br /> • ., . 5. Huzard nr Property Insurance. Horraaer xhall kccp thr improvrments nc►w exi+ting or hercaf�er crnted un thr �'
<br /> Property insurcd uguinst loss by�re,haxard�includcd within the ierm"rxtended wvrragr"•rnJ any ulher har.urdti,including •
<br /> � ' floods or flooding. for which Lender requires insurunce. This insuronce xhall br muintained in the nnwunts and for the �
<br /> " I
<br /> ,',' t Furm Ju2d v�91 �lti+re 2 nf A/wResl ..�.
<br /> i �•
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