r�.t�,:�s� � . ,;. K,:,, �.� . :; .;::.v; • .:,�w_���•c�r�r •�.n.��� ,. _ . • .,
<br /> �5 r � .J �::�.. 9� • u_�__._-
<br /> td[%'.`i'` �.'�'�"Nya�;�. ,�`'• ,'�•_ . _'T"'_""�
<br /> - . �r _. . � . _
<br /> 2
<br /> '�i;r.�!::�i1i:t� '1 �'1N11_..t'1�,', _ _�:�a.�. "' ""'_ _ �—.. -
<br /> .r�.`...-- -.•...
<br /> ._��.,;.,. ., . .,�.�o.. ' �2— 10�i�;.� ��..--�.
<br /> _:�:..:.��r�;,;� � ,;� �
<br /> ,:::��.�-;��,�,,�� .
<br /> -�r�'�'`��`'���. a Iicable law me s if far m�nstotement)bef�ro gule nf the Properly pur�uum �o any pawer af sale contoined In�his
<br /> •.,;,,i PP Y P� Y
<br /> -+���'� �'•• • Securlty Instrumem;ar(b)emry of u judgmenl cnfarcing�hig Siecuri�y Inx�rument. Thar�c condidnns+ue thut Sonower. (a)
<br /> _-.�a��.:,:_...�.�,..
<br /> 5R,.,,,r,,,;�...�.� pays Londer all sums which Iheo wauld be Jue u�xie� �hi� Secudry instrument und the Nole us�if noaccelerution had
<br /> ri .;; ,��� .• ,, . �. occurred;(b)cures uny defoult of nny other cnvenun��+or ugrcements;le)pays all expenxex incurred in enforcing�his Security
<br /> .�� '•T�'' '' �' Instrument. including,bu� nc►t limi�cd to, rea�unable uttumeys iees;and(d) lukes �uch uction us l.ender rnay rearonably __
<br /> .; .y . . s
<br /> . �:�' � ' require to ussure thut ihe lien nf this Sccurity In,wmen�,l.cnder'.r rightx in the F'rciperty and Borrawcrk obligaUon to puy�he
<br /> 4. '.., u a',:. �. sums sccured by �his Security Instrumenl Khall contfnuc unchunged. Upon rem�intemcnt by Bnrrowcr, thix Security
<br /> � �'��{�� - Inauument And the obligulio�x xecured hereby shall remnin fully effcetive aK if na ucceleralion hod ��ecurral. However,thir
<br /> . . ,•M„�_
<br /> �a�:;.".r� ��� �ight to reinstute shatl not Apply in the c��ce i�f nccelera�ion undrr��rAgraph 17. o _: ,_ __
<br /> `{�:'!''.•�~� 19. 3Ak of Notet ChpnRe o�I.oAn Servkrr. The Note or a pahiul interes�in thc Notc Itogether with�hix Security
<br /> :x�,.�, - �,':-;.« . " insltumenl)may be wld one ar mare timey wlthaul prinr nntice to Borrower. A rale may resull in o change in the entity
<br /> n.�s�._:,,,,,, � ` (knawn afi the"Loan Servicer"1 Ihul coli��ctn munthly puyments duc under the No�e und this Security Instniment. There alxa
<br /> -_ �"�•`.�° =-` muy be one or more changeg af the Loun Servicer un�+elutNd�o u sule of'1he Note. If there is A chunge of the Loun Servicer,
<br /> �� + ''�+';'}0�`�, ����• Bam�wer will be given written notice of Ihe chunge in accordance wfth parugrnph 14 ubove and applicabk law. The notice
<br /> ��r-+ ,.. ' .'•° . � will slate the nume and uddress of thu ncw Loun Scrvirer and the uddrcs�:In which pnyments shiwid be m:�de. The notice wiN
<br /> "' =- � - � �� ',,. ,.�. alsocontuin nny athcr infonnaifon reyuireci by upplicnblc Inw.
<br />�:y.;� "� : •� 20. Hp�rdaus Subxtances. Borrower ghull not cuu�e or permft the prexemc,use,dispo�;►I..�oroge,or releaye of any
<br /> _ - ..�.� �..'.�A'.k '
<br /> _:; ".�y�-.�:..���-� .. Nuzardous Subxtanceti un�r in the Pr�peny. Darrower sholl not do, nor nll���� anyune el.e to do.anyihing affecting the
<br /> ' ''�' r PrapeAy that i�s in vialution of uny EnviranmentAl Low. The preceding two scntences shall nat upply to the prcsence,use,or
<br />,�.;�;.
<br /> "; ^ - � s�orege an the Prapeny of small quamities of Hurardous Substanccs ihat:ue generullY recagnized to be uppropriutc Io norm�l
<br /> r ��` i '. �,'...; . � residential uses und to muintenancc uf the Prapeny. _....__
<br />=�'- . �.+ " . Bartower shall promptly give LenJer written natice uf a��y investisation,claim,demAnd,luwsuit or alher acliun by uny F
<br /> � _�:� ; ;, __. govemments+l ar rcgulalory ugency or pnvute pnny involvingi Ihe Propeny and uny Hazardaux Subslance or Environmental ___
<br /> .,� .:,�, " . Law of which Borr��wer hus uctuol knowlcdgc. If Born�wrr leurna, or is natificd by any goremmental or regulntary
<br /> - • ,, uu�hority,thut uny removul or other remedia�ion of uny Nuzardouti Subslance uffecling the Proprny i.neces�ury,Borrnwer
<br /> • . shull promptly take ull neccssary rcmcdiul uclion�in uccordonce with Environmentul Law.
<br /> , ;�.5:,• _ As u�ed in Ihis parugruph 2(1,"Hururdoux Subslunccx"ure those xubslanees de�ned as taxic or haxurdous substances by
<br /> � ��.'>;;+�k,��� ` Environmental Law and the foUawin�s +ubstunces: gasoline, kerosenc.Mher tlummuble or taxic petrolcum pralucts,laxic
<br /> " "'�'>��'' �'' pesiicides und herhicide+, volalilr +ulveniti, mu�eriul�comaining u�bestox or fonnaldehyde,und radiouclive mal�rials. As
<br /> �"�.�•� , ,,, u�ed in�his p�rugraph 211."Environmcmul L�iw"mcun+federul laws w►d luwx of thc jurixdiction whcrc�he Properry is lacutrd �'=��
<br /> � ' '.I thut relutc to hcuUh,safcty ur cnvironmcruul pratcc�ion.
<br /> � • . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer anJ Lender funhcrcovcnunt and ugrce us I'ollows: --
<br /> ' 21. Acceleration; Remedie.r. Lender sludl give nolice lo Borrower prior to accclerati�n following Borrower's j; •_
<br /> „ . . ' breach oP any covenpnt nr agreement in Ihis Securily Instrument(bul�ot prfor to accelerution under paragraph 17
<br /> • • " unless appNcuble law pruvidrs otherwise). The notice sball xpecQr: lal lhe dePault:lb)Ihe�ction required to cure the _ _
<br /> -w �� dePaull:(d a d�le.uot less Ihan ill dayr from the dute the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the dePault must be _�_-T�
<br /> -� �' cured;and Idl lhat fpilure to cure Ihe default on or before the dsNe specilied in Ihe natice may rrsuii in u�wrieraiiuu of _ -- _
<br /> ' � � ` � the sums secured by this Security Instrument und sele ui the P�ope�ty. The nutice shall iurther iniorm Borrower oP �
<br /> . ' ... the right to reinstale ai'te��cceleration and the riRht to brin�u cnurt uction to assert the non-existence nf a default ar
<br /> • Am•olher defense of Ror���w�rr r��acceleration and sele. If'tbe defuult is not cu�ed no or before the date speciiied in ��
<br /> �'�' � , the noNce.Lender al ils opt+or+m.�y requlre(mmrdiute puyment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Securlt��1nslrument �= 'J
<br /> • „ wlthout fu�ther demand and may incokr Ihe power of tiale und anv other remedies permitted br upplicu6le luw. 1,-
<br /> - ' I.ender shell be entiUed lo collerl ull exper+ses incurred in purr,uinR the remedies provided in this parARruph 21. ''-y'��'
<br /> :x�
<br /> e'°= —
<br /> � ' includinR.but nnt limited to,reasonable altorneys'feex und cutits of title evidence. t�--
<br /> If the power of sale is imaked.7Yustee+hull rec�Kd u notice oi'defuult in each cuuntr• ln whicb uny part nP the f�
<br /> " Prnperty is Iceated�nd xhall mail copfe+oP ruch nolice in the manner prrscribed bv upplicuble law toBorrmver und to `�,�--
<br /> •' the other perxons prescriFxd b�•upplicable luw•. Aner the lime reyuirrd b�•upplicuble law,7Yustee�hall�ive publk � �,,;;,
<br /> nodce oP�ule tu Ihe personti und in the munner prescribed by upplicable lua•. 'IFurler.withoW demand on Borrower. +:I,.�'T"'- �•`
<br /> �_ , - shall sell Ihe Praperty ut public uuctinn lo thc hi�hetit hidder ut Ihe time und pluce und under the terms desiRnated in �
<br /> the notlre oP sule in une or morc purcck und in un�ordrr Truxt��e drterminex. 11�u.r•ter muy postpooe.r•rale oP a0 or an�•
<br /> �',:.'�,. . pnrcel of the Property By public unneuncement ot the time und pluce uf anp pre�•inusly rrheduled wle. I.ender or its �_ --
<br /> • ••''��.. • deci�nee may purchutir the Properl�•ut uny�ulc. u
<br /> � �� � .� Upun receipt of payment of the price bid,'llrustec tihull deli�er lo lhe purchu+er 7Yustee's cked conve�•inR the �,'�.Y � .
<br /> ��:�,,i'��� ``'.`�,:• . P r o p e r t y. T h c r e r i t a l c i n t h e T r u z t e c+d c e d tih all IK primu Pucir evidcnre of thr truth of the slatemeMs made therein. �;•'•; '.�
<br /> �'� ,� 7�uatee shall apply the proceeds oP the tiule in Ihr fblluwin�order. lul lo all co+t+und expensex uPexercisinR the pu�ser ____
<br /> ,,• . "- -.�__.
<br /> . ��' -
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