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<br /> - _ . .._�.�:��� 9� 10���3
<br /> -----_----=�+�='-� of swle,and the cn1e,includinQ the payment of lhe 7lrustec'e fee9 actuplly incurred,not to exceed 3.0 `�°°�
<br /> --�.. tho princlpWl omaunl ot the note et Ihe Ilme o�tlie dtclrrAlion ot de�AUll�and rewsons�bk atlorneyA �ee+r as permltted
<br /> by law;(b110 pll wna iecured by thl�S�cw�ily Iwtrumeat;wad(c)ony�xcao to Ib�perwn or perw►�w kWdly eatttled
<br /> - -- a u.
<br /> 22. Reconveyonce. Up►n p�yment oP all sums secured by this Secu�lly Instrumenl.Lender xhull reyuest 7Yustec Ia
<br /> �`�'�������b�8� reconvey tha Propeny and shall surrcnder this Securily Instrument and �II notes uvidencing debt ,ecurcd by�hix Securiry
<br /> -.L�,tl�wy��t.sww,�� .
<br /> ""°'"a� In9Uument to 7iustes. 'I}ustee xhall rcconvcy ihc Property without warcamy and wilhout cha��e to Ihc pen�on or pcn�ons
<br /> _��� le�ally endUed to it. Such perROn or perxuna xh�ll pwy�ny recardution rostr. -
<br /> - °,; 23. Subeitilule 7lrustee. LcnJer,al ite upliun,muy from time to time rcmove'Ihistee and up�int a rucccssor tnistec to
<br /> — ��;vr:Y eny 'Itustee appointed hereund�r by an inRtrument rccurded in the caunty in which this Security Inslniment is recarded.
<br /> �,��°�v`q�3''•�.� 'r Wilhout conveyence of Ihe PropcAy,Iha succeascx trustca shall succecd�o uU the tiUe. power suid dutics cc►nfrrred upon
<br /> _ -"'-"�." '�: 71ustcc herein und by Applfcable luw.
<br /> �����+,�.�, ; 24. Request tor Natice�, Borrowcr rcqueaiR�hat capiea of the noticea of defuul�und wle be sent to Bonower Y address
<br /> '►';�'.;,c�:';'�i,.T i�,,� which is�he�'ropeny Address. -
<br /> �"'` '� t`'•�` . . . 2S. Aldem to thie Secu�Ity In�lrumen� If one or more riderx ore executed by Borrower and recorded together wlth
<br /> It". �
<br />..� -::�LU"r�.c���..'t�, " --
<br /> ��'T��,.;,;,. � thiR Secu�ity Instrument,the ravrnam� su►J ugreemenis of each Fuch rider shall be incorpornted into und �hnll umend und
<br /> '�'����4.�•_�;�=`''� � xupplement the covenantx und ugreementx af thie Security Incttument na if the rlder(a►were u part of thix Security Insuument.
<br /> ;LL's:;,.=;�.wex�+ulti t-��;••r. �Cheek uppiicuUic bax(csy� -
<br /> _- �:��;�.Ma:'.:,� -
<br /> �. 'hwi:N+t.Yq/';.
<br /> "����r��`'�`�= `' o a Condominlum Rider �I-4 Fnmily Rider
<br /> �;� ,_, Adjusteble Rat�Rider
<br /> ' ��,'�t�'�hcww�• �
<br /> _ _'_:��'?�,;,.�4;��-� ; �Gradua�ed Payment Ridor �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider _
<br />---�;.~•,t�'��°r;�`.� . �Balloon Rider �ltutc lmprovement Rider �Second Hom�Rider
<br /> •s�:'•.:•� , �.
<br />� -�'';�'�����-�-, -_ �Othcr(s)Ispec�f I
<br /> ���. a... �.,
<br /> , �:,�•` BY SIGNING BBLOW,BoRnwer ucceptx und Agrees�o the terms und covensmts cantoined in�hia Security Ins�niment
<br /> _-�.� �«.'�.� und in any�deKs)eaccuted by Darrower und mcorded with it.
<br /> --�lsi . .�r • �.. �
<br /> ` �—:•. • �� W�UIOSSCS: /'G�'�'�I �
<br /> '�+d�.�' , .�� � ($CAI) �
<br /> :�. ° , �i�j,
<br /> _ ��'`""" ''-` ROSERT L. 'slEITZEL -Bmrowcr �
<br /> - • .. Security Numbe RFQ/''
<br />- � . `��+���, ?� (Scull
<br />,`;��� � +.7;...� ' •Borrower � ,
<br />; �, �:'~ ,� .;;;'�:,:' � : DEBRA JO WEITZ
<br /> .;.. ,,; .. . ,,�. Social Security Number
<br /> 505-74-196Z °
<br />_ � • �
<br /> . . . STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County sc: _
<br /> .. ; • '�-,:+;::j,.:..:.�.
<br />- On thih 2?TH duy of NPR IL� 1992 .beforc me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> = ,. �; . ,�. .
<br /> �_ � . ::����:'• �, duly commissioned and quulificd for wid county,perxonully cumc ROBERT L. UIEITZEL AND DEBRA TO
<br /> ' " ' � WEITZEL� HUSBANO AND WIFE ,to mc Known to be the �,;
<br /> :�.;: -.
<br /> „ 5, ., ,��' 'dentical persons(s)whoxe namels) +ue tiubxcrilx�d to the forrgoing instniment und ncknowledged the execution thereof to
<br />-•� • •� IR volunlury uct und decd. _
<br /> in suid coumy,the r
<br />- . , `y hund aixi naiarial scal at GRANO I5L , ASK � =
<br /> 'z� ,. Po i�! �~ �
<br /> AI��; `. ■
<br /> __� p d . -� ����t/f Z'" No�aryPue��c 4.
<br /> ; , f�a'w������ RHQUEST FOR R�CONVEYANCE
<br />°z'., : � ',a . . TOTRUSTEE:
<br />- �� • Thc underxigned is 1 oldcr uf the notc or ncHCS sccured by this Decd of 71ust. Said notc or ncxes,together with ull -
<br /> , � cuhcr indebtedne�s srcured by this Dccd of 7Yu+t,huvc hcen puid in full. You ure hcrcby dirccted�o cunccl suid note ur notes �
<br /> � und this Deed of 7Furt.which are delivercd hereby,und lu R�convey,without warranry,all thr est+�te now held by you under '_
<br /> �• ' lhis Dccd of 7ivst to the per�un ur�xnuns Icgally cntiUcJ thcreto. --
<br /> �
<br /> . � , ' Date:
<br /> .,t. Forlll�22i 9/90 !/hIt'�'A rr�A/klRPSI �
<br /> • �e: � , � __.
<br /> � ' ..
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