- ����t� `k N�S r' �y.t�. +' • _ . : '-� .e.
<br /> ,. 1p � .. �'� i.li.,�• �v..
<br /> . . rF� � M1 yl;....
<br /> � `'°' Uld.- • _ _---r.�..:.:i.:_. -
<br /> � ; - � .
<br /> •.tr.��c++�r...aoMR�'R, ,
<br /> _��r,'��...y:,�sw.'� 92 io{��oJ
<br /> .,r.�...c�- ..�
<br /> -- - -—LZ':.
<br /> —��:y:�.�=y 6.
<br /> --_�s i�r�=q;r�;�� condcmna�ion or othe�takiog�f ony pnrt af Ihc Prupchy,nr for convcyance in liau ul'condemnution,are hcreby uKrigncd und
<br /> --- .,,,N;�,;�-,�._��.�� xhall he puid ta Lendcr.
<br /> � � In thc event of u total taking of�he F'ropeny, �he pra:ced� xhull he applicd to �ha +ums r�u:ured by this Sccurity
<br /> —•�-�'?}=�:.-{�; Im�n�ment,wheiher or nat then due, with uny cxcc„p;�id lo HoRawer. In the cvcn�af u paAfnl toking at'the Pru�xrty in
<br /> '.T• � �'• which�he fuir murket value of the Property immedia�ely heforc thc t�king ix equul to ur grcuter�hun the amoum of�he num�
<br /> "r� i' y' ��•'� `r �;ecurcd by ihir;Scrurity Inslrument Immedfuiely txfore Ihc luking,unktiti Borrower and l.endcr otherwir,c ugrcc fn writing. '
<br /> ..,rl, .;e
<br /> ��� • �� •��� � Ihe Kumx secured by 1hi«Securily Inrtrument whull Ix�mdurcd by�he umnunt c�f�he proceed�multiplied by the fiilluwing
<br /> ���� •�`�b�'.; .;;�' fruc�ian: IA1�ha total amnunt af the s:umk+�ecuned immedf��tely hefiir�thc iuking,dividcd by Ib)�he foir mnrket value of thc
<br /> `' ...�. ---... Pru�x:rty immcdlatcly tseforc thc taking. Any balunce +hcill hc paid tn BnROwer. In �he even�of n purtiul takinR of the �_ _ ___
<br /> ��,�,�• � . Propcny in which the fAir murket vulue of the Propeny immcdiutcly bcf�re the laking i� le4s thun �hc amouot of the aums
<br /> ,•� ��r� -`; �:ecumd irnmcdintely bc�fi►re Ihe tuking, unle�s Horrower,uid LenJer otherwihe ugree in w�iling or unlesx applicable luw
<br /> ���'.''"�' "� � � e s ol he a lied���he�umy aecured b tlii�Securit Inxtrum�nt whether or not�ha sums are
<br /> ,, �,� � ',.,;,. ,. . othcrwi�c provide.r•.Ihe praceed h I pp Y Y
<br /> ;'?�nid!'�,.t., .... then rluc.
<br /> �,���,;}�_{��f• If�hc Praperty i�ubandoned hy Barrc►wcr,or iG uftcr nuticu by Lender ta Bnrrowcr�hu�the candemnor offer�to mukc
<br /> _ -f^t �.��•�� �� sut•rwnrd or ticule u claim far damuge:;,�nrr��wer fuila to re.rpand to Lcnder within 3Q duy�aQer�he Ante thc noticc is givcn, _
<br />- -�-- .� ����� Lender is uutharized�o cnllect and upply thc pnxeedx,ut it.optfnn,ei�her ta rex[orn�ian M repuir of�hr Propeny or to the
<br /> •M.,,'. ,
<br /> __ ;,,,,,�'y����• • sums necured by this Securily In+trwnenl,whe�hcr or nol theo due.
<br /> .ta�l�;.�,,TGti��.�.: �,,•° !►nle.�I.rnder,ind Ruuower�Nhervvi�a ugrec in writin�t,uny upplication of proeeed+to p�ncipul xhidl not extend or ` _
<br />-� — . poslpane the due du�e af thc monthly puymen�ti rcfeRed�o in parngn�phs I und 2 or chon�;.�he umc�un�of cuch payments.
<br /> ;�;�;�•�!''`�.t�•,,; • 11, Borrower Not Reles�sedi Forbeprance By l.ender Not a Wolver. Extension ot �he time for payment or
<br /> �"��'���'`"t�'�1?;.� Barr wer h Ilnn ti oper te t h�leaxc the liubil y�aF�hc o Rinal�Borrawe8 ar Borrow r�suec SxnR i�int rest L.ender
<br /> •�. .4��:. .
<br /> -�°�= •�a=4�"'���:` �• xhall not be reyuired to comm�nce proceeJings�gainx�nny succestior in Mterest or�efu�e to rxtend time for payment ar s..
<br /> -u,.�1 3-:.:::.- . �--r, __ - -
<br /> ���� othenvise modify umortiration of the xum��ecured by Ihix 5ecurity In+trument by rea,un i�f uny demund made by thc original �
<br /> --: •'. �;;;, ,..:�;,'�:, ;;,;, Burr�.wer or BaROwer z succeg+on in intemsi. Any forbeurunce Ny Lender in exercisfng uny right or remedy shall na be a _
<br /> ..;;-- wuiver af ar preclude the ezerci+e of uny right or remedy.
<br /> =- �, . " ,; 12. Successors and A�.cigns Bound;Join�and Several I.iabUity;Co-signera. The cu�cnantc and ugreemen�x nf thi+
<br />_ .• ,r";�r•'��� Securiry Instrument rhall bind und heneiit�he successor.e nnd as+igns of Lender und Borcower, suhjec�tn the provisions of _
<br />��'., ;� �� ' purug�uph 17. Borrowerz covenumx und ugreemeMs tihall Nr joint und several.Any Borrower w�ho co-signs this Security -_
<br />'''�:�; „ Imtrument but does not execute the Nwe: Ia1 is co-signing this Security Instrument only to martgage,grnnt und wnvey thut =
<br /> Borrower'.s interest in thc Propcny under thc tcrmti��f thi�Security In�trument: Ibl iti not penonully obliguted to puy the sumt
<br /> �•�'-•� • r,ecured by 1hi+Security Inslrument;und(c)uFrees thut I.ender und uny ather Borrower may aFree to extend,malify,forbear
<br /> ...";t, � or mnk� uny uccommcxlatianx with regard tn the terms ot thix Security Inxtrument or the Nute without thut Borrow�r�
<br /> - ���'�`�`.''�v';;�,;,�..�r consem. --
<br /> �� '<<4,��`� �, 13. I.oan Charges. If�he loun �ecured by ihi�; Secu�i�y Intitrumen� i. subject to n luw which sets muximum loan _
<br /> - �� . ' churge�,and that luw is finally interpretrd tio�hu�the interest or uther loan charges collected or ta be collected in connection
<br /> ," ' .1 wi�h the loan exceed the permilled limil�,then: lul uny+uch loan charge tihull he reduced'ny the amount necessury to reduce -
<br /> , the churge to the pt:rmilted limil:and(b)uny sums alnudy collected from Borrower which e�cceeded permitted limit�wlll t►e
<br /> �''`, refunded to Borrower. l.ender muy ch��ze u�make Ihis rcfund by reducing Ihe principul owed under the Note or by mukin�n _
<br /> � , '� � . ' direct puymem�o BoROwer. If u refund reduce�principal,the rcduction will he Ireuted•rx a paniul prepuyment with�w�any -__
<br /> � �,... .= prepaymem char�e undcr the Note. e
<br /> �' � 14. Notices. Any noticc lo Borrower pru�•�ded for in ihis Seruri�y In+trument tihuU lxs given by delivrrinE it or by -
<br /> " � maifing it by tirs�da.•mail unl�w�upplicuble luw rcyuirez u�;e oT smnthcr nkthai.TIk notire shall lx:Jirected to Ux�Propeny
<br /> • • � , • Address or any ather uddre+s Bo�rower Jr.ignutex by notice to L.�nder. Any notice to L�nder shall bc given by tint clu�x -_-
<br /> � � muil to Lendrrt ucldress xlaled hercin or uny othrr uddre..L�nder de+ignute.by notice to Bonowrr. Any nntice proviJeJ f�r [ 41'"'
<br /> • , ^','..
<br />_ �,;;;t;;; ' in thix Securiry Inxwment shull Uc Jeemed to huve heen Eivrn �o Borrower ar Lcnder when given u� provided in this L;�-�•-�-
<br /> is:'
<br /> . . ,�,�,,; ��-� ' purugruph. ": --
<br /> � ,�;;,,,' IS. Governing Law•; Severabillty. Thi. Srrurity In,trumrnl +hull he govumcd by i'edcrnl luw und �hr luw nf thc =--_
<br /> i=s_.�=-
<br /> �- •" jurisdictian in which the Pruprny i�kxu�cd. In the event thnt any provi�iun ur clau�e of Ihi�Sccurity In.lnim�nl or the Note ;;:.:�
<br /> • • °'�'•�'' conflic�x with upplicuble la��v,such r�ntlict tihall not utTcct o�her pruvi+ion.of thi.Securily Instrun�ent or the Nute which ran � �
<br /> be givrn effect a•i�hou[ihe conflic�ing provision. 1i�thix cixl thr pravi�ions M'�his Securiry In,tn�ment und the Note um �- _•
<br /> ��, --
<br /> .' ' declured to lx�cvcrahk. ir�•a,�r..
<br /> "��.��' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr.hull Ix givcn onc cantiimicd rap��nl'the N��te und of thix Scruri�y Inxtrument. }�;..y.rr,
<br /> � ' � 17. 7Yansfer of the Propertv or u Renefiriui Interest in Burrower. It':�U��r any pan of Ihc Pn�perty��r uny interrst in �«�
<br /> � it i+xnld or 1run+ferred�or if a IxnMirial intcre.t in Borro��•rr iti sold�ir v:►n.ferrrJ mid Borrnwer i,not a nuturul personl "
<br /> without Lender's priar wrinrn con�ent.Lrndrr may. :�I i�.u�lion,rcquire immediutc ruyment in t'ull uf oll sum.�•rrured hy
<br />- • ' thi,Sccurit Ins�rument. Huwcv�r,thi+oplii�n.hull not Ix excrci,ed hy l.ender it'rxcrri�c ix pruhihi�eJ hy 1'cd�rnl luw uti of �,
<br /> Y
<br /> �•"-!��K � the date of Ihis 5crurity Instrumcnt. �
<br /> �.� � II'Lcnder exercises this option.Lrndrr.hall givc Hurcower nolice of;wcel�ratiun. Th�notire.hall provide•r Exri�xl of ��� ,
<br /> �. '�'°: ' not Ic,.thun�0 duy.fr��m the dat��hr noticc i,JclivrrcJ ur mailrJ�►ithin��•hirh Borru��cr mu.r�pay:dl,um�,rcurcd by thi+
<br /> , .. � a''i.!!', Security Imtrumem. If Bora,wrr I:►il.1��pay tlx:sr ,um, priur to the rxpiraliun��f Ihi, �xriud. LenJrr muy invokc �ny ,--
<br /> , r,��.�.
<br /> • '�:,:'� rcmcdir.pernii�tcd hy thi�Sccurit}�In,�rumem�vith�►ut I'unhrr na�icc urJrmand on Bnrro���r. �r
<br /> IS. Horrower's RIRht to Reio�tatc. If Nurrc�wrr mrcl. rcrtain r�mdition.. 13urri���•rr �hall havr Ihc rigM to havc '. : ,..:
<br /> , " . cnforcement of thi.Serurity In�trumrm di.rontinu.d:n ai»� timr priur tu Ihr rar lirr uF. i:�►5 Ja�.�ur,ur h u�hrr�xri�x l �i, ,
<br /> u
<br /> timglc Famd�••M'annk\luelF'mddle\luc 1'\IFt1NN Iti�TRI�AfF.\T••l hutomi c'u..nanh q/911 �/u�e.•J n)n�a�pesi .
<br /> ' • l`
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