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<br /> �i�:...,-�.�t;=�:i,: . _ periods�hat Lendcr requircK. 7he inxurtutcc carrier provfding Ihe insur;mce�hall be choscn by Borrower tiubject lo l.anderk —
<br /> �.�y,;,,,,,Ert>a,y�y,.,,p� . npprovAl which rhall nal be unreawnably wi�hheld. If Sorrower fails to mulntain coverage de.critxd atxrve.Lender may. m
<br /> _��.�..�..av:.�.,�._.•Y'" Lender'�+option,obtain caverogo lo pmtect Lender':+dgh�s ia the Property in accarciunce with purogruph 7. �_
<br /> - �i-'?t'��=�•"�� ��. All ingurnnr.e policies and renewpls shull be ncceptable lo Lender wki shall include a stundorcl mangage cluu+�e, Lender
<br /> ' �� � ���,<.,;"} �t shull have the�ight to hold the pulicies:and rcnewuls. if Lendcr requires,Borrower whall prompUy givc to Lendcr all rccciptti
<br /> �''�"'���`a ' � . af paid premiums nnd re�ewal notice+. ln ihe event of lo,�s,Borrower shidl give prompt ix►tire to ihe in.rurunce carrier and
<br /> ^ - : " i Lender. Lender muy mnke proof of lorx if nut made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> �' `�K.«.r:;:�✓j�,:°_ � •; UnleSg l.ender and Borrower othenvire agree in writing.insurance proceeds tihull be upplied ta re�torution or n:poir uf
<br /> _ the Property dumaged. if the rcstoration or repair iY ecoaamKnlly feasible und Lcnde��securiry iz nat IesseneJ. If the
<br /> ,,�;;; `� - , rertoralion or repair is not economically fea.wible or Lender'.s securi�y woulJ be lessened,the inau�uiwe prcrcred,.hnll Ix; � °� •-
<br /> - ; -. � - . upplied ta the sumx xecured by this Security Instrument, whether ar nat �lun due, wlth any excec,paid ta Borrower. IF
<br /> _ ; ... '. Bormwer ubandon.4 the 1'ropeny, or daex not nnswer within 30 days u naice fram I.cnder tha� the insurpnce currier hus
<br /> . . " , -� offered to rettle u claim,then l.ender may collect the inxurunce proceedc. I.ender muy use the pruceed�to repair ar restare
<br /> -- „' _•� the Property or to pay sum�secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. 'llie 30-day pe�iod will begin when
<br /> -- " - the notice is given.
<br />='��� • :-..,�,��:,,,� Unlesg Lender and Borrower atherwise ugrec in writins,uny opplicu�ion of prcueeds ta principul shall not extend a .a
<br /> .-� ,�ea.�,-_-.-�-.- . � —_
<br /> ° ,� •. ,, .�,,, , postpone�he due date of the monthly puymenta rcfeRed to in parugruph� 1 and 2 or change the nmounl c�f Ihe puymeals. If
<br /> ��.-.-.•� :_��- r.:. " unJer pnrugraph 21 the Property is ucyuircd b,y Lcnder, Borrower's riRht to any insuran�r�+olicies and pracccds resulting �_ ,
<br /> ` from dumuge to the Property prior to thc ucquisilion shall pasa to Lender to the exlent of the sums secured by this Securily
<br />_ �''�;�o� ' � Inxtrument immediately prior to lhe ucyuisition. -
<br /> , . 6. Oceupancy� Preservalion, Malntenance and Protection ot the PropeMy: Bor�ower's Loan Applicallon; _ ____
<br /> Q� � [.easeholds. Borrower shall accupy,establish,und use�he Pruperty u�c Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after --` -_
<br />,. � the exec�tion of this Security Instrument s,nd shall continue to accupy the Property as Bortower's principul residence for ai
<br /> -- Icu.0 onc ycar after the date of accupuncy, unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent tihall not be _- _- _ ____ _
<br />,. ;� ., . ', �� unreutionably withheld,or unlesx extenuating circumrtances exist which are beyond Borrower'.s cantrol. Borrower shall nd ��: :,
<br /> , : destroy,dmm�ge or impair the Praperty,nllow th�Pmperty to deteriarote,or commit waste an the PropeRy. Borrower shall --
<br /> •� be in default if any forFeiture action or proceediag,whether civil or criminul, is begun that in Lender's goad fuith judgmem
<br /> • �' could t+exult in forfeiture of the Piropeny or otherwi4e materially impuir �hc lien creuted by this Security Imwment ar __
<br /> „ Lender�.r•ecurity interes�. Borrower muy cure such u default und reinstnle,u�p�ovided in puragraph 1 R.by causing Ihe action
<br /> d , ". ' or proceeding to be dismisxed with a ruling Ihut,in Lender's gcxid faith detertninution,precludes forfei�ure of the Borrower's _ _ __
<br /> ' intercst in the Property or olher muterial impuirment of the lien creu�ed by �hiti Securiry Instrument or Lender's security �
<br /> " , interegt. Borrower shall also be in defuult if Borrower, during the lunn upplicution process, guve materially false or
<br /> '. . , inuccurcue informati�n or titutements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any materiul infarmatianl in connection with �,,,,,�„
<br /> ' � , the loan evidenced by ihe N�te, including, but na limited to, representulions concrrning Borrower; ocrupancy af the —'
<br /> "' , � Pr+aperty ns a principul rexidence. If this Security Ins�rument iti on u lea.ehold, Borrawer zhnll comply with ull the provisionc --
<br /> of the leasc. If Bortx�wer ucquire+fee title to the Property.the lenschold und�he tee title xhall not merge unless Lender ag�es _
<br /> ., - -
<br /> , - - ;,,—!.- ro th�mergcr in wrning.
<br /> •. "s 7. Protectbn oP Lender's Ri�hts in the Prape�ty. If Borrowrr fuils to perform the covenunts und agreements '�;°",L°�;_
<br /> . .,�,,�:..,. ' _ _
<br /> ,;.�; comain�:d in thin Securiry In��rument, or �here i, a IeFal proceeding �hut muy zigni�camly uffect Lenders rights in the _ -
<br /> . � Pro rt Isuch w:a roceedin in bunkru �cy, robu�e,for candemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rcgulation�),�hen �.I.--=���I__,-^=
<br /> - pe Y P S P P �_�_W=_
<br /> . Lender muy do und pay for whutever is ncce,sury to protect the vulue of�he Pruperty und Lender's rights in the Property. .;_,,.n.-;,zF;;—
<br /> Lender�nctinns muy include puying uny+ums securcd by u lien which hus pricxiry over this Security lnstrument,oppeuring ,•,��•`.`+ain�
<br /> •• ,�;.:���" " in coun, a in reasoneblc attnme s fecs:und cntcrin nn�he Pro n to muke rr airti. Althou h l.ender mu �ake action 'f{>���.""
<br /> p Y S Y � S P� Y P � Y t�p-�•,.
<br /> , under this parugruph 7,Lender di�z ni��huve to�so. �
<br /> � � An amountti ditibuned b Lender under this aro�ru h 7 .hall become udJitionul debt of Bormwer xecured b this ''� °"�{`
<br /> S: Y Y P' b P y +�.s-w=;_—
<br /> .. Securiry Inhuument. Unles,Burr<�wer and Lcnder ugrce�o uther tcrm+of paymcm,thcsc:�moun�s.hull beur intcrest fram the �'=;�y`�`�`_'
<br /> '.. � dute of dixhunement ut thc Notc r�te aixi xhull be puyuble,wiih intrrcxl. up�in noti�r from Lcnder to Borrower rcqucsting '""���'`',�"�
<br /> ���.. ,.��.,.•---
<br /> paymem. -
<br /> � •;°';.�:,,;;;: 8. Mortgage In�ur�nre. If Lender requimd mongugc imuruncc a,u conJitiun uf m:�king the luan secured by thix ��•" •-�
<br /> + ;;�}��,�;•.�' Securiry Inslrument, &�rrower xh�ll puy �Ik premiums rcquired to muintuin the monguge intiurunce in effect. If, for uny ;��'R=,�•-
<br /> � ,.a�.:,. ,�•z�•�:-.-,._
<br /> , rcuxon, �he nwnguge insurance coveragc required by l.endcr lapsc. or cea�e+ to lk in ei'fecl. Borrawer shall puy the __
<br /> , premiums reyuired to ob�uin coverage tiuhstanliully eyuivulent to �he m�m�,vge in,urunce previuusly in effrct.ut a ra+t � �' _
<br /> subztuntiully eyuivulent to the ccnt t�i Borrower nf thr mungvge in+urance previnusly in effrrt,from an altemute monguge �``
<br /> ' insurer upproved by l.ender. U+ubslantiully cyuiv,�lent mon�.u�r imuranc�cewerag�is not uvuilable.Borrower shall pay to •�.�-?'��--
<br /> Lendcr earh mon�h u.um ryual ta onr-�welflh uf tlx yriirly mongugr inxuranre prcmiu�n being puid by Borrowcr whcn the • ' '""� --
<br /> , ;�.` inxurance covernge lapxed or ceused lii Ix in rl'frct. l.ender will urrept.u+r an�l retuin thrsc p•rymenl+u+u loxs reserve in lieu �.,.����"r-`:
<br /> of tnc�rtgagc insurunce. l.oss rexervc paymrn�ti may no lan��r ix rrquirrd,ut�hr�iptiun of Lcndcr,if morlguge imurnnce '••' "�•`��.'-�-�
<br /> • � coverage(in the amoum und for the�xrial thut I.cndcr rcyuire+l provi�kd by an in.urcr uppriwed hy Lender uguin becomes '� � •-
<br /> , -� uvuilablc and is obtuined.Borniwcr,hull puy thr premium�myuirrJ lu muimain murt�u�:c imurance in effect.or to provide a ,
<br /> , loss rexcrve,until�he nquircn�ent tor mort�aFr intiuruncc cnd+in ucrurdunrc wilh uny w�iuen agrcemem bctwecn Bormwcr
<br /> unJ Lender or upplicuhle luw. �
<br /> 9. InspecNun. Lcnder or itr u�:en� nwy muk�rcaumuhlc rntric�upun aixl in.�xction+uf Ihr Propeny. L.ender+hall �..
<br /> give Born►�vcr noticc a1 thr time ol'or prior�o;m in,�xriiun s�xcil'yinE rca,uns�hle cawr t�,r ibr in.�xriian. G`
<br /> ' 10. CondrmnuUon. Tlx pnxced�ul any award ur rlaim I��r d:miagr..�lircct�,r cun,cyu�nti�►1.in ronnertinn with tmY ,
<br /> SmpkFamih••F�nnicSfuriPYcddle�fucl'\IFfIR�11\R'fRl'11F:\7' -l'ndannc'a�.n,mt. 9�9i1 ip�+¢r?�y��pt��•u
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