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<br /> `"�°'��'-`�' ' ' S. Huard or property ia�turan�. Borrowor slwll Icecp the improvemenls naw existing ur hereaftar erectod on Ihe
<br /> __—���%�.
<br /> -� Property insured a��inst lasx by tire, huarda fncludod within the term "catendai cov��uga' und any othcr herards, includin�
<br /> ��`'�''-�'''�'�'`���"`��"`�� floodt or flooding,for which Lcnder rcquiren inwrancc.This incurunce xhall be mafnlaincd in�he amountK and far the periodc
<br /> �a''��'�`��""�"--`� • that Lend:r rcqui�. The incurance carrier providing the insur�nce shall be chasen by Borrawer bubject to I.ender'ti approvnl
<br /> — �+��� � which slwll not be unreasonably withheld. ff Barrowcr fails Ia mainluin rnverage de�cribod aM►ve, l.ender may, at l.cmler's
<br /> -��w.z�
<br /> -�-���,�'y �:-Y aption. obtain covernge to prota�Lender's righta in the Property in accordance with parugruph 7.
<br /> - �'��Y�v'��'� "� All Insur.+nce poUdex and renewals ghall be acceptable�o Lender end shwll includc a �tundard mortgagc clausc. L.cnder
<br /> '^'�' � ` . � '���'�,�;�j�e �hall havc the�ight ta hold tha policies and renewnta. lf Lcnder requfres,Borrawcr shall promptly give to l.ender all rcccipts uf
<br /> '=�?�°�!?'�t:: ':�;:. �;
<br /> ����':. paid premium�and renewal natices.In the event of lass.Borruwer shall givc prompt notice to the inswn+nca carrler and Lc cr.
<br /> '��.� .J�..- Y�� Lender may make proaf af loss if not made promptly by Barrower. ' ' -�-
<br /> T��rJy�4 —_
<br /> ;��`;;.�,�:' �' Unkss Lcnder and Borrawer otherwiae agrce in wdting,insurunce proceeds shwll Me applicd to restoration or repeir of the
<br /> •'�%'����'� .�' ' ' propeRy damaged,if the nestoration ar repai�is economically feasible and I.ender's security is not lessened. !f the reRtoration or
<br /> `*;"�'�`�"��'t•�:�� npair ia not cconomically feasible or Lender's security would be Icssenod,the insurance procceds shall bc applicd io the sums
<br /> �� `;,��,����� ".�� � socurccl by this Security Instrument. wh�the�or not then duc. with any excess paid to Rortower. If &�rrower ubundons the
<br /> ,.:�a�.u.,:��•;,-.,: � Property,or does not answer within 30 days a nodce fmm l.ender tha[the insurance carrier hus offered tu settle a claim,then R �
<br /> �: ,� �'���• l.ender mvy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds t� repair or re�u►re thc Property o� ta pay sums -
<br /> :� . �.,,'' ,.
<br /> • ��t,��:;'°�� ::; . secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 3Q-day period will begin when the ndicc is given.
<br /> - `:"`..�.•�",�.. ..`". Unl�s I.cr+dcr and Barrowcr othcrwise agrce in v:dting. ssny application of pn�cec�iv t� {+rinci�+nl shall nrn extend or ._--_
<br /> • .,:-.�_� ._...;.,;_.__ _
<br /> r��.��:w�.�..���:` , postpone the due date of the monthly payments refeRed ta in paragrnphs 1 und 2 or chnnge the omount �f the payments. ii _
<br /> .." n :�,;,�..:.�.:- -.,('M'
<br /> —_ .;. .: , under pa�graph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and procceds resultln� rom _
<br /> =-- `��' , :';,; ' . damage a the Property prior to�he acquisitfon shall pass to Lender to the extent of thc r,ums sccured by this Security lns�rument
<br />:-_-""'— •;., . .'' " immodiwely prior to ehe acquisition. �,_ .-
<br /> :��, :- . - ..;,
<br />_-° �'• e'� 6, Oocupancy.P�eservation,AiAintennnce and Protection of the Prope�ty:Borrower's Loan Applicntlon; I.easeAolds.
<br /> ,y �.
<br /> , • . „„ Borrower shall cxcupy,estahlish,and use the Property as Burrower's principal residence within xixty days ufler the exc�cution of
<br /> � this 5ecudty Instniment and shall continue to oc�:upy the Property as Borrower's principal �esidance for ut least ane year after
<br /> �• � �t.�� the date of occupancy,unless I.ender othenvise agreea in writing. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless �
<br /> extenuating cireumstances exist which are beyond Barrower's coMrol. Borrower shatl nM dostroy, damage ar impair �he �;g;
<br /> '� � ' � �• Property, allow thc Property to deteriorate, or cammit waste on thc Propeity. Borrower ahall t+c in defuult if nny forieiwre _
<br /> '`.. �� action or procceding, whether civil ar criminal, is begun that in Lendar's good faith judgment cuuld result in forfeiturc of'thc
<br /> • . Property or othenvlse matetially impair the lien cm�ted by this Securfty Instrument or l,endcr's security interest. Borrower may �
<br /> cut+e such a default and reinstwte,as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or pracceding ta 6e dismissecl with a n►ling � __
<br /> � � �' '�� that, in L.ender's good faith dctcrtnination. precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or othcr materipl
<br /> ..t�� �.,�• impaianent of the lien created by this Security Instnament or Lender's securiry interest. Borrawer shall alw 6e in default if ���-
<br /> _.:'��:-y:.�F.sw+��:. ,�%:.•—� .,:�m
<br /> � � Bomawcr.during the lann application process,gave matcrially false or lnaccurute mtorn�anon ur statemen�s�o i..ender iur iailrJ �
<br /> � . , � to provide Lender with any ma��rial informationl in connection with Ihc loan evidenced by the Note,including, but nat limited �'''�" r�'
<br /> to,representations coneerning Borrower's occupancy af the Property us a principal residence.lf this Security Instrument is on a � `� ���'��`"�`
<br /> � � IeasohofA, Borrower shall comply with �II the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tiQe to the Property. �he �,��- '
<br /> lqsehold and the fee tidc shall not merge unkss l.ender ugrces to Ihe merger in writing. s :��:°= _
<br /> . '•� ? 7.Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Barrower fuils to perform the covenants ancl agreements coMained in �--���
<br /> � ; , 'r"'�y�',a?"`-,.
<br /> ' this Security Instrument. or�here is a Iegal praceeding thut muy significantly affecl L.ender's rights in the Propeny Iwch us n � �•-_
<br /> �... e pracceding in bankniptcy, probatc, for condemnation or Forfciwrc or ta cnforcc lawc or mgulations►, Ihen l.�:nder may do and �_�__
<br /> " ' pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Propcny und l.cnder's rights in thc Property. L.cndcr's ac�ions may ��°���_-�-
<br /> ° ' " include paying any sums secured by a lien which hus pri�rity over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying �""'-�'"�`
<br /> �2�`.`n._-
<br /> reasonable attorncys' fces nnd entering on thc PrupeRy to make repairs. Allhough[.cndcr may�uke action umfer this paragraph �� , . ..,,.s
<br /> ' �.: . °` 7, I.ender dces not have to do so. � �•
<br /> . �. Any amounts disburscd by Lcndcr undcr this parugmph 7 shall t►ecomc additiunal debt af Bormwcr sccured by this j�,y���_ `
<br /> . >•,.•�!"`���� Security Instrnment. Unless BoROwer and LcnJcr agrcc to othcr tcrm,af paymcnt, the+c sum�unts tihall bear intcrc�t from thc �t,';""Y'1`,"�!
<br /> `A�"�''�' date of disbursement at the Notc rntc a n d s ha l l l x pvya b lc, with intcrect, upim noticc fmm L,ender to BoROwer r e qucstin� `��-��-` �,,':.-
<br /> ; i , .. .. payment. �:: .Y�k`��
<br /> � ,j 8.Mottg�e Insurat�ce. If l.ender reyuired mortgage inyurance as a rondition�►t'making Ihc loan secured by this Security - -'°�`y-
<br /> � Instrument, Borrower shall pay the prcmiwns requircd to maintain thc m�irigagc in,urance in effect. If, fi►r Any rcason, thc � ����.F�='•�
<br /> , mortgage insurance covcrogc requircd by l.cndcr lupxcs ar rcasc+to be in et'fert.Borrowcr�hull ps►y thc prcmiums rcquired to �,�Y.:;;�:�_�-
<br /> � � ' � obtain covem e substantiall c uivalent u>the murt a c insurance r�viousl m cffcr�, JI :1 l'OSI substantiall � uivnlcnt to the °^'L~'="`�=�
<br /> 8 Y 4 F B P ' Y � Y 'q ,+ ':`•;t�;a�'=_
<br /> •;� � cost to Borrower of the munguge insurancc prcviously in ct'fect, fnim un altcrnatc mnn�agc insurcr appruved by Lcndec lf
<br /> �"x. ,�,_>-�- .
<br /> ;� � ,.' substantiully equivalent m��ngage inxurancc covcragc ix not avail�hlc,&�nower,h•rll puy tu Ixndcr cuch month a sum equal �u �
<br /> ,. one-twelfth of the yrndy mort�!agc intiurvnce premium Fx:inF paid by&�rrawrr when the inxurance covcrage lap�ed or ceesal to .
<br /> , � be in effect. Lender will uccept,u�e und rctain thc+r p•r}mcnt+a� u lo�s reserve in licu ol' mon�age insuranre. Lo+� reserve !
<br /> Fwm 302� lIYO �
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