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<br /> �:;� . "' ;h'� •'• TOaETHER WITH�II the impmvements naw on c�reafter ercctod an the property,and all eacementr,�ppurtenanas,and
<br /> :_�r• �" ���
<br /> ���!"'����•:" fixtures now on c�rraftcr o pan af Ihe property. All replocemcnts wd rdditions aholl �Iw bc covered by thia Secutity
<br /> ="�',.� ' ,,.�aa:_� •
<br /> ��:,..,.����;•^ • lnslament. All of Ihe foregaing is refened �o in this Sccurity In�t�umcnt as the Pmpeny.'
<br /> --,� . BORROWBR COVBNANTS that&ttrawcr is lawfully�cixal�if ihc csiatc lu�rcby convcycc!und hu.�thc right to g�unt uiul
<br /> I'���r �� � convcy thc Property and that thc I'roperty is uncncum6cral,cxcept for encumbrunccz af r�:cnrJ. Rcrnowcr warrantK �nd will
<br /> v i;•,��.�'°4;:`� defend generally the title to Ihc P'mpcAy againat all cluims ond dcmands,xuhjcct to uny cncumbrunccx of ra:��rd.
<br /> ��°� • � ,,;- ;^ THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMF.NT combines unifonn covcnunt�for nutional ur,c and nun-uniforn�cuvcnanta with limited
<br /> �����.: variatiana by jurisdictfon lo consdwte a uniform socu�ity insmiment covering real propeny.
<br /> ��,�-..t �, .. � UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orr��wcr and l.cndcr covenunt and ugra:us fullowx: �W�:
<br /> �i;�i�' � �',•`�'."�' . !. Poyment at Princl�l and latere�ti Prtip�YmeM and I.qte Clwrge�. Horrowcr xhall prumptly pay when duc �hc `-` `--
<br /> --- -'_•=��' ° principal of und interest an the debt evidenced by the Nnte and any prepuyment and late churgex Jue under the Nate.
<br /> , ' . � � ' 2. Fund��or T�xes s�nd lnoura�»e. Subject to applicable law or to a written wuivcr by I.cnJcr. Borrowcr shall pay to
<br />�� :�` d �` � I.endcr an thc duy monthly payments are due under thc Notc.until Ihe Note is puid in full,a xum 1"�unds')for:(a)ycarly taxes
<br /> ,��,.�,_ ,;: ,� arui assessments which mey MtAin prio�ily ovcr this Security Inatrument us u licn on thc Pmpeny;(b)yearly Icasehold payments
<br /> � � �.:•• or ground renis an the Propeny, if any:(c)yearly hazard or prupeny insurence premiumg;(d)ycarly flood insurnnce premiums, `
<br /> �,'�� �� if any; (e)yearly mortgage i�ur�xe premiums, if wy: aad 1�a�►y sums puyable by BoROwer to Lender, in accordance with _�
<br />_;_ ,���," �Y. �� the pR�vieiany of parag�ph 8. in lieu of the pay�rot of mortgage insuronce premiums. These items are called"Escrow Items.' —
<br />�'^ " L,ender may, ot any �iu�,witca;t ami hol3 Cun3s in an amaunt nat to cxcced thc maximum asaou�►t a lender f�r a federally
<br />!� - . -' rel�ted mongage la�n may require for Horroa�er's escrow accaunt under the federnl Rcal Estate Sectkynent Procedures Act oi
<br />�z`' ^ �'� ' • 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�seg. ("RESPA"). untcss ancxher la�x that applies to thc Funds
<br />�',, �.,:,I;,3;,��:• sets a lesser amount.If so. l.ender may, at any tlmc, collect nnd hold Funds in an art�ourn ooc to ea��,,i thc lcx�cr amount.
<br />`��" � - � L,cndcr may estimate the amoant of Funds due�n the hasic of cuRCnt daw ond reason�blc es�iantes oi e z�e n d i t u re s u f f u wre `_
<br />�....: - • '� ,
<br /> , :.'�.:' ' • •{ Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. __ _ -
<br /> • • - " The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depoaits are insurcd by a fedcral agency. insuumentality, or eatitY ___
<br /> �,��•��-; �� (including L.ender,if L.ender is such an institution)ar in uny Federal Home L.oan Aank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the ---
<br /> - �:��:��i?�•� ��.. Escrow Items. l.endcr may not chargc Barrawcr far halding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing t6e escraw xcount,ar
<br /> � verifying the Escrow Itcros.unlesc L.cndcr puys Borrower intcrest on thc Funds and applicable law pertnits Lender to make such __
<br /> ' � „ a charge. However, I.ender may require Barmwer to pay a one-timc charge Por on independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> : �, � used by L.ender in connection with this loan. unless upplicable law provides utherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> � " • applicable law requircs iNercst to be paid, l.ender shall not bc requircd ta pay Borrower any intercct or eernings on thc Funds.
<br /> ' '. '.�� ,:. Borcower and L.ender muy agrce In writing,however,that intcrest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lender shell give to Borrower,
<br /> � �?';�: ,,.;;, without charge, an annunl accounting af the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Funds und the pwpoce for which cach
<br /> _ •`''° • ' d=bit so tlte Funds wa� ma�Ir. The Funds are Qledged ns additional security for�!! sums secured by this Security Instrument. -
<br /> , If the Funds held by I.ender ezceed the amounts permitted to be 6eld by applicable law,L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> . ', ' for the excess Funds in accordance wi�h thc rcquirements of applicable law. If Ihe amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ' time is not sufficient�o pay the Bscrow Items when due, Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing, and,in such cuse Borrower
<br /> � .`��':, shall pay to l.ender the a�nount necessery to mAke up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in na more thon
<br /> � twelve mon�hly paymems, at Lender's salc dixcretion.
<br /> ' „ ° Upon paymcnt in full oi all sums sccured by �his Sccurity Instrument, l.ender shall promptly reFund to Burcower any --
<br /> ' :, • Funds held by l.en��er. If,under parngraph 21, Lender sbAll acquire or sell the Property,Lender,priar to the acquisition or sale �. ."__•`-
<br /> of the Property, sh�ll Apply any Punds held by L.cnder at the time ol'acquisition or sale as a credit ageinst the sams serured by -'-�"�-
<br /> [__.�-•1=
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> �� . _ 3.Applkatfon of Poyments. Unlcss applicublc law providc,othcrwisc,all puymcros receivcd by L.ender under paragraphs �_ �
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:fir�t, ta nny prepuyment charges due under the Note;second, tn amounts payable under paragraph 2; a_,___
<br /> . a' � " � third, to interest due; founh, to principal due: und lust, to uny late chnrges due under the Note. `s"`
<br /> , '� 4.Clwrges; Lkns.Borrowcr shall pAy all toxcs,usscssrnents, charges, fincs and impositions attributablc to the Pra rt � r�� "
<br /> P� 9 -+;;.---
<br /> '� which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrumcnt, un� Icuschold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shull pay •�''��.�:;`
<br /> ' • these abligations in thc munner providcd in prragrnph 2, or it'not paid in that nwnncr, Borcowcr shnll pay them on time dircctly
<br /> to the person owcd paymcnt. &mower shall pramptly furnish to L.enJcr all notices nf umounts to bc paid under this paragraph. •. --
<br /> r-A=
<br /> ` • If Borrower mukes thcu:paymcnts dirccU��,Borrowcr shall promptly fumish tu l.endcr rcccipts evidencing the puymcnts. �'��.�±a.�;.__
<br /> Borrowcr shull promptly dixhurge uny licn which hax prioriry ovcr Ihis Sccuriiy Instrumcnt unlcss Borrowcr.(a)agrces in ' = --
<br /> writing to the p•ayment of the nbligution secured by the li�:n in u munncr acceptable io Lendcr,(b1 contesls in good fuith the lien • ',�.�"
<br /> - rr,�� � ' � by, ot defends ugoinst enforcement ��f thc lirn in, Icgul prcxecdings which in the LenJcr's opinion aperute to prevent the • ,�{'"`�'
<br /> � � enforccmcnt of tM: licn;nr(c1 sccurcx fmm thc Ixildcr uf Ihc licn an ugrccmcm ti:�ti.fuctory �o I.cnJcr sulwrdinating thc licn to , � ��
<br /> � this Security Instrument. If l.enJer detertnines th�t uny pan ol'the Pri�perty is suhjert to a licn which may uttuin pri��rity over
<br /> � • ' this Security In�trumcnl.L.cndcr may�ivc B��rrawrr u nutice idcntil'yinF Ihe licn. Borrowcr xhall u►tisf'y thc licn n�luke ane or . '
<br /> ;' • s .?r. .,. • more of thc u�:tions sct fonh •rbovc within 10 dayx of thc givi ng ol n�Hicc. ;
<br /> t `+,'�.� Farm 3028 8l9(1 ' ,
<br /> . a.a�a o�s � .
<br /> . �, �. , ,
<br /> MC.9019•NE/2
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