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<br /> _ � ,,f� � p�yments m�y na lon�er be requirod.�t thc option ni L.ender,if mortgagc insurancc covcroge(in tho amounl and far the period
<br /> �?A�� ���:. th�t Le�der roquireY)prc:idcd by an insurcr approved by Lender again hccomes Avafluble wnd ix ubtainal. �►rrower 5hall pay
<br /> '~ '-��•:•�����"" rcmfum� uitod to maintain nwhgage insurnncc in eifixt,ar lo providc a loss rcacrve. until thc rcquirement for mon��.s --
<br /> :��s.�,"�..�a�_�_a.._ .�., �P �l
<br /> =—= fmunnco ends in accordonca wi�h any w�inen Agreenxnt betwcen Borcower and l.ender ur applicable law.
<br /> ��� '��..;!'�' y � 9.lmpection. L.cnder or itc agcnt may makc rcasanable ent�fes up�m and inspectians oP the Propeny.L.eeder nholi �ive
<br /> ',^;�� ;� : ' purrower notice at the tfine af or prfor to an inepoctian Rpecifyfng reasonable cauze for the in�poction.
<br /> �� � l0. Condemnalion. The procoeds of uny award or claim far dumagex, direct ur con�equendal, in connoction with any
<br /> �•�,w , '�� ••. condemnAtion or dhcr tokin�of ony pert of thc Propeny,or for conveypnce in licu of cunderonotion, arc hereby as�igna!w►d
<br /> •�' „�, �,. .. , '� ehvl be pafd to Lendcr. ..._-� _--.- .--
<br /> ,� � ;t=�'u..
<br /> ��`'�i;ry�.�,�,.. In the event of a towl wking of the Property,the praceods ahall be applied to the sums secured by this 5ocurity Instrument,
<br /> ;.��q�,�;�;:� whether or not then due, wlth any excess paid to Borrawer. In tho event af a partial taking af the Propecty in which the fair
<br /> �;:„.a<.,�d:`: �'' � market valuc of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or grentcr than rhe umount of'the aums securcd by thie
<br />"'�`� • � . Security[nstrnment immedi�tely before the taking,unless Burrower and L,endcr othenvise agrec in writing.the sums secured by
<br /> ' .• this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the anwunt of the praceeds multiplied hy the following Frection: ta) tiue taal
<br />� `._:'��; ''. „_,;� . amount of the sum� �cured immecliately before the taking. dividecl hy(b) the fair market value of th�Propeny immediouly _�y___
<br /> ,� ,�_' before thc taking. Any bulance ahall be paid to Borrower. !n the evcnt of a peitiaJ t�kiog of tGt PrapeAy in which the frar
<br />� � �.s=�':�'.;�.t s+�' muket value of the Property immedfately beforc thc taking Is Icxs tharo the amount of ehc s�am:s sec�red immodiately before the �,
<br />,''r - _,'•`�': ` • �`. tuking.un1�.;s Q.�rrowcr and Lcndcr othenvfsc agrec in wr�ting or unless applicsble!aw�lvrai4t Qrovide�,the pr�ed�+�w11 _- ___ _.
<br /> '�'�a ^ �� • be applied to tha sums secured by thic Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums Are thert due.
<br />�t�; If the Pmperty is abandoned by Borrowcr,or if.aftcr noti�:e by Lendcr to Borrower that cl�e caaKicmnot offera w maice an
<br />'�'�` aword or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after tM cPate the no►ice is given,
<br /> f�;y � •
<br /> �� � ` -� • l.endcr is authorizcd to mllect and apply the procceds,at its option, either w restoretion or repeir of tbe Proper►y or to the cuau
<br />�, �-.T ' , sccured by tbis Security Tnstn►ment, whether or not then due. �' ` T� +F.9
<br /> • • Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to pdncipal she�� not extend or
<br /> � „ postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the aimunt of such payments.
<br /> " � 11. Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> �• � ' of amoRiration af the sums secured by this Socurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Burrower shall
<br /> ' "�"� " not o rate to release the liabilit of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall nat be required to =-
<br /> ''?�;�t::){ :;' �• � pe Y
<br /> i '��'�''�'•.� commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ur otherwise modify amoAi7ation
<br />,, .. .� , ,;'., of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demend made by the original Borrower ar Borrower's
<br /> . " �•"�:r� successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lcnder in exercising any righl or remedy shrll not be a w�ver of or preclude the
<br /> s,�;�;;�.•� , �.,�,.;:','�:
<br />;t:,.',: �; ".,:':� exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> '�E.�• • '"�'' 12, 3tMCesso� pnd A�.efgng Bound; .loint and Several I.iabflity; Co-siqaers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> si+• ,
<br /> ' � •���'c); , Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and acsigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions af _ �
<br /> �;:�..��.:
<br /> ,;;:,, • �f.;�,^� , paragraph 17. Aorrower's covenonts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secu�ty _____�_
<br /> �� �' . Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is casigning thls Security Instrument only to mortgage, srant and convey that �="��.:g:,4;,,_
<br /> � Borrower's interest in the Prupeny under the terms of this Security[nstrumenr,(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums f �� "'' •-,
<br /> secured by this Secu�iry Instrument:and(c)agrees that I..ender and any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify,forbear or '
<br /> � make any nccommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borcower's consent. -.-��'Y;-
<br /> 13. Iwwn Cht�rges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum loan charges. .
<br /> • and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chacges collected or�o be collected in connection with the =*�+..��� �� ��� '�
<br /> : ca..x--:�_
<br /> � loan eaceed the permitted limits,then: (n)nny such loan r.harge shall be reeiuced by thB amount necessary�o reduce the chuge t--:�:r�-.;,,y_ _
<br /> � � , ta the permitted limir and(b)any sums ulrcady collected from Borrower which exceae,cled pennitted limits will be refunded to � �"`�•-°• -
<br /> a „
<br /> Bornower. Lender may choc�se to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct �
<br /> paymenc to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reductiun will be ttcated us a panial prepayrn�nt without any �`
<br /> ' prepayment churge under thc Notc. ���Y•? ---
<br /> .11.,./r� . ...�..�.,,.. ,
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borruwer provid.;d for in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivering it or by muiliag '•"•
<br /> ���:�� it by first cluss mail unless upplicable law reqwres use of unother method. The notice tihall be directed to the Property Address �
<br /> ;:�r; • or Any other address Bortower designates by notice to L.ender. Any m�tice to Lendcr shall be given by first cluss mail to
<br /> '�"'°'.� ' Lcnder's address stated herein ur nny other address Lender designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided far in this - --
<br /> Sixurity Instrument shull be dccmrd to have becn ivcn to Borrowcr or Lender whcn •ivcn us rovided in�his paragraph. I��"��`=
<br /> �. "'. �f�Y�;.�. 8 b P `u;``•:•�•-
<br /> . ' '��-��' '` 15. Governing I.aw;Severabtlity. This Securiry Instrument xhn�! be govemed by federal law and the law of the � . � • • �
<br /> �
<br /> , ��i�; �' ' jurisdictiun in which the Property is Iocuted. [n the event thut uny provision or clause��f this Security Instrument or the Note ' •
<br /> „��i,.,��; co�flicts wilh npplicable IAw, surh eonflict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Intitrument or the Note which can be
<br /> "�'''•�. given effect withaut the conflicting provisiun. Tu this end the pruvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declar+ed _
<br /> I
<br /> to be sevcrablc. '
<br /> l6.Borrower's Copy.Borcower shull bc given onc conformcd c�py of the Notc nnd uf this Sccurily Instrument. �
<br /> • Fonn 3�2� f1�0
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