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���j��l��:�z� <br />oEEO oF rRUSr <br />(Continued) <br />PROP�RTY pAMpG� INSURANCE. The folfowing provistpRS relating to Insuring the Propetfy are a part of th�s Deed nf Trust, <br />Page 3 <br />Mafntenance vf insurance. �'rustar shaA procure �nd maintain ppficies of ffre fnsu�ance with standard extendad cnverage <br />endorsements on a replacemerrt basis fpr the �ull Ir�surable value oovering alt Improvements on the Rael Prnperty in an amount <br />sufticient fo avoid appilcatfon af pny noinsurance clause, and with a standarcl morcgagee ctause in favvr af 1,.ender, together with such <br />ather hazard and Ilabitity insurance aa Lender may rsasanataly require, Palicies shalt be written in fvrrrr, emounts, coverag�s and basis <br />ressonably acceptabie tv Lender and issued by a rxympany or campan�s reasonabiy accaptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request af <br />l.ender, will de[iver to Lender trom time ta time fhe pqitcies or certfficates of insurar�ce in form satisfactory ta Lender, including <br />stlpulations that coverages wilt not be cancarlf�d or diminiahed without et least ten (1D) days prior written natice ta Lender. �ach <br />insurance paiicy also st�al) include an endarr,�rnent providing th�t cpverage in favor of lender will not be Impalred In any way by any <br />act, omission ar defautt of 7rustor or any other persan. Shoutd the Re�l Property be lacated In �n area designated by the C7irectar ofi <br />tha Federal Emergency Management Agency as a specia! fload hazard area, Trustor agreas iv obtain and maintain Federal Flood <br />Insurance, if available, for the maximum amount of Tru�tor's credit line and the fuit unpaid principal halanoe of any prlor Iiens on the <br />property securEng the (oan, up to the maximum policy limfts set uMder 3he Mational Flood Insurance Pro�ram, or es atherwlse required <br />by Lender, and tn malnkaih such insuranc� fiar the term of the �aan. <br />Appfication nf Proceeds. Trustor shall pramptly notifjr Lencler of arry loss or damage to the Property. Lender may make prnnf of loss <br />ffi Trustnr faiE� fa dp so within tifte�n (16) days of the casuatty. Whethar or not Lender's security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's <br />eiection, receive end retain the prac�ds af any insurance and apply tha proceeds t� the reducEfan of the Indebtedness, payment of <br />any lien afFecting the Prop�rly, ar the res#oration and repair of the Property. If l.ender elects to apply th� proceeds to restoratinn �nd <br />repair, 7rustor sh�N repair or replace the damaged or dastrayed Improvements in a manner satisf�ckary ko t.ender. Lender shsll, upon <br />satisf�ctory proof ot such expenQlture, pay ar reimburse Trus#ar from the proceeds for the r�asonabie cost of repsir or restaratian if <br />Trustor is npt in default under this Deed of Trust. Any prnceeds which have ncrt been dishursed witMin 180 days after their receipt <br />and which Lendrrr has not cvmmitted to the repair or restoration of the Property shall be used firat to pay any amount owing to Lender <br />under this Deed of Trust, then to pay acarued interest, and the remaincfer, if any, sMalt be appEi�d !a the princlpal balance nf the <br />Indebtedness. If l.endsr halds any pmceeds aFter payment in full of the Indabtedness, such proceeda shatl be paic€ #o Trustor as <br />�rustar's lnterasts may appear. <br />CompElance with �xisting Indebtednas�. puring the periot3 in which any �xisting Indehtedness des�'ibed I�elow is in effect, cpmpllanve <br />wtth the insurance ptavisions contained in the instrument eviderrcing such Eac3sting Indebtedness shal! �nstitute compliance wtth the <br />insuranca provlgiona under this De� of Trust, #v th� extent qomplfance with fhe terms of thts Deed of 1"rust wauld canstitut� a <br />duplication of €hsurance requirement. If any prnaeeds frnm the insuranc:e becorne payable nn loss, Yhe pravislons (n this 17eed af Trust <br />for dNisian of proceeds &hall apply only to Fhat portion of ihe prnceeds hot payable t� the holder of the Existing indebtedness, <br />LENnER'S EXP�NDI'fUFtES. If Trustor fails (A) to keep the Property free crf all taxes, 1(ens, �eourity interests, encuml�rances, and ather <br />ofaims, (9) to provtde any required insurance vn the Praperky, (G) ta make repairs to the Property or to cnmply with any obiigativn to <br />maintain �x€sting Indebtedness in good standing as required beivw, iiier� Lend�r may dn so. If any actlan or praceeding is cammence� that <br />would materially a�t'e�t Lender's iriberests In the Property, then Lender On Trustow's behalf may, but is not requlrad to, take any actiqn that <br />l.ende� believes to ba approprlate to prptect Lender'ffi Interesfs. A[I expenses inc�rred or paid by Lender fvr such purpc�ses wlll then bear <br />Ir�terest at the rate chargsd under the Credit Agreement fram the date Incurred or patd by Lender to the date of repayment by 7rustor. Ali <br />such expenses wifl become a part of the Indebtednes� and, at L.endePs option, wilE (A) be payable on demand; {B} be added to th� <br />bakanca af the Gredit Apreement and be appartioned among and t�e payable with any installmertt payme�ts tv b�come due durin� eifhBr (1) <br />the term af any appticable insurance poiicy; or (2) q'te rsmaining terrrt pf the Credit Agreement; or (C) be tt�eated as a balinon payment <br />whlch wili be due and payaf�e at the Credit Agr�ement's maturity, The peed of Trust also wIIE secure payment of these amounts, The <br />rights provided far in this paragraph shafl he in adcfltion ta any other rights or eny remedias tv which Lender may be entitl�i on aacount af <br />any dei�ult. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as cuMrrg the default so �s to bar l.ender from any remedy that it athervvise <br />wauid Etiave had. <br />WARRANTY; l�EF�iSE OF 71tLE. The finllowing pravisions relafinp ta awnership of the ProperEy are s part of thls peed pf Trust: <br />Tltle. Trustar warrants that: (a) Trusbar holds good and msrketabEe title of recard tv tha Property in fse s(mple, frea and clear of all <br />Ilens and encambranves ather than thasa sef forth in tha Real Property descriptlon ar in fhe Existing Indebtedness sectipn be�nw or in <br />any tif[e insuranae policy, fiEle ►aporf, pr finaf tltle opinian issued in fav�r af, and accepted by, Lender in cannection with this l�e�ecf of <br />Trust, a»d (b) 7rustor ha& the futl right, powsr, and aufhorliy tp execute and deliver thls p�ad af Trust to Lender. <br />Defense of Tltle. Subject ta the exceptian ln tl� pgragraph abave, Trustor w�rrants and will forever defend ihe title to the PrapeKy <br />a�ainst the lawful claims ot �li perspns. In the event any action or prpceeding is carpmenced that ques�ons Trustors title or the <br />interest af Trwstee or Lender under this beed of Trust, Trustor shalf defend the aation at 7ruator's expanse. 1'rustor may be the <br />nominal party ln such procaading, but Lander Shall be entitled to particlpate in the ptaceeding and tp be represented in the proceeding <br />by cor�nsel of Lsnder's pwn chdtce, and Trustor wiii deliver, or caus� ta de delivered, to l.ender such instruments as Lender may <br />rec3uest from time to ftme to permit such particip�tion. <br />Gnmplfance With�. Trustor warrants that the Property and Trustors use of ihe Proparty cvmplies with ai) ext�ting applicable <br />laws, ordinances, and regulatlons af govemment�l authori#ies. <br />5urvlval of Promises. Ap promisas, agrgements, and statements �'rustor has mada In this Deed of Trust shalf sarvive the execution <br />and defivery rN thfs Deed of 1'rust, ahall be corrtinuing in nature and shali r�emain in fu11 force and effect untii such time as Trustar's <br />lndabtedness is p�id in full. . <br />EKISTIN(3 INDEBTEDNES$. 1'he following provisians cvnc�rnina �xisting Indebtedness are a part vf this dead of Trust: <br />. bcisqn� I.ien. 1'h� fien of this Deed of Trust sacurir�g the Indebtedness may 6e secondary arsd inferfpr ta an existing lien. 1'rustior <br />expressly covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment af, the E%lstfng Indebtedness and to prevent any defauit on such <br />indebtednesa, any dafault under the knatrumer�ts evidencing such Indebtednasa, or any def�ul! under any securlty dacumenta far such <br />indebtedness. <br />No Modtfication. Trustor shall not enter into any agreemeni with tha hoider of any mortgage, deed af trust, or other security <br />