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201Q08�45 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued� <br />Pa�e 4 <br />agreem�nt which has priarity oyer thls Deed ot Trust by which that agresment is madifled, amended, extended, nr renewed without <br />tha priar w�itten consent vf Lender. Tr�stqr shall nefther requeat nor accept any future advancss undsr any such security agreement <br />without the prfor written consent of Lander. <br />CONDEMNATIQN. "The fo�iowing provisions relating to condemnation prnceedings are a p�art of this Deed vf Trust: <br />F'raceedings. If any proceeding in condemnaiion Is flled, Trustvr shalf promptly natify Lender �n writing, and Trustar shall prampkly <br />taice such staps as may be necessary to defersd the action and obtain the award. Trusfor may be #he naminal party in suah <br />prpqeeding, but l.ender shall be entltl�d to partivipate In tha proceeding and to be tepresented in th� proce�ing by counseE nf its own <br />ct►aice, and Trustar wtlf deliver or cause to be dellvered to Ler►der such instruments and documentation as rnay be requested by <br />Lender frpm time tv time to permit such particlpatlan. <br />Apptication of P1st Proceeds. !f all or any part of the Properly is ppndamned by aminent datn�in praceedings or by any prooeeding or <br />purchase it� lfeu of condemrlatlon, I,er►der mey at �ts elect(on require that all or any portio� of fhe net proceeds af thti eward be appiied <br />tc� the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Prop�rty. 7he net procaeds �f the award shai] mean the award after payment vf <br />all reasanabie costs, expenaes, and attomeys' fees incurr�sd by TrusFee or Lender in connectivn with the condemnation. <br />IMl�OSCf'ION OF TAX�S, �EES A�Ep CHAR�dES BY apVERNqA�hE`I'AL Ai17HnR171E5. 7'he following provisions relating ta $ovemmental <br />taxea, tpes and charges are a parf c� this C)eed of T'rtast: <br />Current Taxes, Fsns and Chargaa. Updn raquest k�y Lender, Trustor shall execute such documerrts in addltinn tn this D�sd of 7rust <br />and take whaEever ather actinn is requested by Lsnder ta perfect and aantinua Lertdar's Ifen on the Real Praperky, Truatar shati <br />reimburse Lsnder for all taxes, as described befow, toqether with a�l expenses incurred in recording, pertectirig nr continuing this Deed <br />nf Trust, Inc{uding wifhout Itmitation all taxas, fe�s, dncumentary starrtps, and ather charges far recarding or registering this Deed af <br />7rust. <br />Taxes. The foliawing shall constitute taxes tc7 wh€nh this se�tJqn appli�s; (1) a sp�n[fic tax upon this type of Deed of Truet or upon <br />al! or arry part af the Indebtaciness seaur�d by this DeBd of Trust; (2) a spee�ic tax nn Trustar which 7rustar Is autt►orized �r <br />required ta deduct frarr� paymerrts on the Indebtedness seaured hy this type af Deed of Trust; (3) a tax on this #ype of Deed of Trust <br />chargeable agaln�t the Lander or� the hoider of the Credit Agreement; and (4} a speciFic tax on ali ar any portion of the Indebtednes5 <br />or on payrr�nts of principaf and interast made by Trustor. <br />SuY�sequent Te�ces. !f any tax to which �is sectlan applies ��nactad subsequant ta the date of this beed aF Trust, this event shall <br />have the same effect as an Event of Default, and l..ender majr exerclse any or al! of its �veilable remedies for an Evertt df befault as <br />provided below uniess Trustor either (1) psys the t�x befnre it beaames delinquent, or (2) contests the tax ae provided above In the <br />1"axes and Liens section and deposits with Len�er aash or a suFflafent corporate sut'ety bond or other security satisfr�ctory to Lender. <br />SECURITY AGRE�MENT; FINAI�CiNG STATENi�NTS. The tolkowing prq��slpr�s retating ta this peed of Trust as a security agreement are � <br />part of thl& Deed of Trush <br />Sacurlty Agreerreent This �ns#rument shall const�hite a Securlty Agreemsnt ta the exterrf any of the Property oonstitutes fixtures, and <br />Lender sha1� have all aP the rfghts oY a secured party under the Unifvrm Commercial Code as amended from tirne tp dme. <br />3ecurity Interest. Upvn request by lsnder, Trustor shail fake what�v�r action is requested by Lender fo pertect and continue LQnder's <br />seaurity lnte►�st in the Personal Property. In addition to recording this l�ad af 1"ru�t in the rea�l praperty records, Lender may, at any <br />time and wlthout ful'ther autharizatipn from Trustor, flie executed caunterparts, oopies or reproductipns pi this Deed of Trust as a <br />financing statement. 7"rustor sheii reimbursa L.ender fnr all experlses incurred �n perfacting ar car�tlnuin� this security interest. Upon <br />d�Pault, 7rustor shall nQt remova, sevew or detach iha Persanal Property from tFre Properiy. Upon defautt, Trustor shali assemble any <br />Persaa�al Property not affixed to tha Property in a manner and at a plaoe r+e�sonably convenlent ta Tfustar and Le�der and make it <br />avsllable to Lender wlthln three (3y days efter receipt af wrkten demand fram Lender to th� extent permitted by eppliceble law. <br />Addrassesr. The mailing addressea of Trustor (dehtor) and Lender (sscured party) from which informatian conceming the securi#y <br />interest granted by this Deed of 1"rust may he nbtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code) are �s stated on the first <br />page of this Deed vf Trust. <br />FIiRTHER A3$URAMCE9; AiTDFWEY-IN-FAG'C, 1'he follawing provisions relating to furthar assurancas and atkorney-irrfact are a p�r[ ot <br />this �Qed of 7rust <br />Further Assurancs�. At any time, and from time ta tirne, upnn requesf o# Lendar, Truator wpl make, executa and deliver, or will cause <br />#o be made, sxecutad or deliver�td, to •Lender or ta Lenders designee, and when requested by Lender, ceuse t� �e flled, recorded, <br />reflied, or rere�rded, as the case may be, at suah times and ln �uch offlces and piaces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all <br />such mottgages, deeds of trust, security dseds, secur3fy agr¢ements, fin�ncing stetements, oarrtinuatipn statements, instruments of <br />fiarther assurance, certi�cates, and other documents as may, in the sole apinipn of Lender, be necessary pr desirable ln order to <br />effaGtuate, Complete, p9lfeCt, Con�nu8, or pl'869rve (1) Trustor's vbligations under the Cre�Eit Agreemant, thls C1eed af 7rust, and <br />the R�lated t7acuments, and (2) the ilens and &ecGrity interests created by this Deed of Trust on the Property, whether now awned <br />or hereaftar aoquired by Trustor. Unless prohlbfted by I�w ar L.e�nder agrees to the contrary in writtng, Trustor shall retmburse Lender <br />for ail aosts and exp��ses irtcurred in connectlon witl� tl�e matters refe►red tv in this paragraph. <br />Aftorney-In-Fact. If Trustor faEls ta do any of the things refsrred to in the preoeding paraQraph, f_ender may do so for and in the name <br />of 'Crustor and at 7rustar's expensa. Far such purposes, 7rustar hereby imevocably appaints l.ander �s Trustor's aitamey-Irriact for <br />the purpose of making, sxacuting, delivering, fi(ing, recardin�, and do[ng all ofher thinga as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lender's <br />sale opi�ipn, tv accampElsh ihe matt�rs referr�d to in the precedfng paragraph. <br />FULL PERFORMANCE. If Trustar pays ali the fndabtedness when due, tvrminatas the aredit line acoaunt, and otherwlse perfarms al! the <br />obligations impased upon Trustor under thl� Daed �f Trust. L.ender sheil execute snd d�liver tq Trusta� a request fc�r fuil recvnveyance and <br />shail execute and deliver to 7rustor suitable statem�nts of termination af any Tlnancing statemant nn file evidencing Lende�s security <br />interest in th� Rents and the Personal Property. Any reconveyance fee requirad by (aw �hal! he paid 6y Trustor, li permitted by applicabls <br />fav�r. <br />