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201008645 <br />DEED OF TRU5T <br />(Continued) <br />Page 2 <br />buty to Malntafq, Trusfor shall maEntain the Prqperty in goori oonditlon and pramptly perform aif repatrs, replacements, and <br />malnt�nanae necessary to preserve Its value. <br />Complfance With �nvirvnmenta!, Trustor represants and warrants to l.ender that: (1) �uring tha �aerlad of 7rustnr's ownersh(p <br />of the Property, there has bean no use, peneratinn, menufactura, stqrage, treatrr�ent, disposal, releese or threaten�d relaase of any <br />Hazardocia Substance by any persan on, under, �6oat ar from the Property; (2) 7rustor h�s no knnwledge of, or reason to beileve <br />tttat there has been, except as previously disclosed fo end acknowledged by Lender In wr(ting, (a) any breach ar violatian nf any <br />Envlronmental �.aws, (b) ahy us�, ganeration, manufacture, storage, tre�tment, disposal, release nr threatened retease of any <br />Hazardous Substance vn, undar, abaut or from the Property by any pr�or awners or occuparrts af the F'roperly, or (c) any actual or <br />threafened litigatipn or ola€ms vf any kind by any peraon relatin� to such matters; and (3) Except as pt'evfausfy disc�osed f.� and <br />acknowledged by Lender In writing, {a) nalther 7rustar nor any tenant, cpntractor, agerst nr other auUwrized user di the Property <br />shalf use, generate, rr►anufacture, atare, treat, dispose ai ar release any Hazardaus 3ubstance nn, under, abaut ar from the Property; <br />and (by �ny auah acfivity sF�a11 bm conduct�d fn camplianoe �nrith atl applicable federal, stata, end laca! laws, regutations and <br />ordin�nces, Including withaut Iimltation all Environmenfal Laws. 'frustor authorizes l.ender and Fts agents to enter upon the Prnperty <br />fo make such Inspectians and.tests, at Trustnr's axpense, as Lender may deem approprfate to de6armfne vnrrspllance af the Proparty <br />with this sectiari af th� peed of 'Trust. Any inspectiotls qr tests made by Lender shail be for LetldePs purpases only And shall not be <br />construed to oreata any responsibility or Ilab(Ilty on the part pf Lehder to Trustor vr tv any other parsnn. 'TFie representations anct <br />warrantiss cantained hereln are hased an Trustor`s due diliqence in investlgating the Property for tiazardous Substances. Trustar <br />hereby (9 ) releases and waives any futur+e claims against Lender fvr lndemnity vr cantributian in the ever+t Trustor becomes liable for <br />cleanup ar ather casts wnder any such laws; and (2) agrees ta indemnify, det$nd, �nd hold hermless Lender againat any and all <br />claims, losses, liabllfti�s, damages, penaltles, and expenses which t.�r�dgr may directly ar indirectly sastain or suffer resulting from a <br />breach of th(s ssctian of the I�eed of 7rust or as a oansequerice of any use, generaiian, manufaoture, atoraga, disposal, relesse ar <br />threatened release occurring prior ta Trustor's nwnership vr interest in the Prnpetty, whether or not tfte sdme was ar shpuld have <br />been known fo Trustor. The p�ovisloris ot this section af the peed oi Trusk, in�luding tha abligation tv indemnify and defend, shall <br />survivs tf�►e paymant pf the Indebtedness and th� s�tisfactian and reconveyance of the lien vf this Deed pf Trust snd shal! nat be <br />atfected by l.ender's acquis�t�on of any fnterest fn the Property, whether by foreclosure pr atherwise. <br />Nulsance, Waste. 'frustor shal) nat cause, canduct or permit any nulsance nor commft, permit, ar sutier any strippin� ofi or wast� on <br />or ta the Property pr any portioh of the Property, Wtthout limiting the generalit}r of th� foregaing, Trustor wilf nbt t+emove, or grant tp <br />any pther party the right to remave, any timber, minerals (induding p€I and gas), caal, clay, scaria, svif, grave[ or rack pmdu�ts <br />wlthput Lende�'s privr writt�n consent. <br />Remvvai of tmprovemar�ts. Tru�tor shall nat demallsh or remave any tmprov�menfs i'rqm the Reaf Property wi#hout Lencier's prior <br />Writken consent. As a condltion ta the remova! of any irr►provements, Lender may require Trustor to make arrangements satisfaetory <br />tn Lender to replace such Improvaments with Impr�vemants of at Eeast equal value. <br />l.ender's Right bv Enter. Lender and f..ender's agenfs and representatives msy enter upon Real Pro�erly at alt reasonable times to <br />attend to Lende�s interests er�d to inspect the Real Prpperty for purposes of Trustar'& compllanoe with the terms and cvnditions of <br />this Daed af Trust. <br />Cvmpliance with Govornmenfal Rsqulremer�ts. Trustar �hali pramptly pamply with e]f �aws, ordlnances, and ragulations, now or <br />hereafter in efFecl, of afl governmenta! authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of the Prpperty, Trus�c►r may cantest in good <br />faith any such law, ordfnanc�, or reguE�tiqn and withhoid oompliance daring any prooaeding, including appropriate appeals, $p IpTI� 8g <br />Trusior has hotified Lendr�r in writir� prior to doing sa arzd so Ipng as, in Lender's sofe opinian, Lendei's irtterests in the Property are <br />not jeppardized. Lender may raquire Trustor to post adequate sect�rity or a surerty hond, reasanabiy satisfac#ory ta Lehder, ta protect <br />�ander's interest. <br />Duty tp Protect. Trustqr �grees nefther tn abaridon or le�ve unattended the Properly. Trt�stvr sFtal! da all ather acts, in additipn ta <br />those acts set fath spave in this section, whlch f►nm the char�cter and use of the Prop�rty are reasonably necessary to protect a�d <br />preserva the prpperly. <br />TWCES qNa UEN8. The followir►g provisior� rela�ting to the taxes and Ilens on the Property pre part vf this beed of Trust: <br />payment. Trustpr shall pay when due (and fn all svents prior to delinquency) alf taxes, special taxes, assessmenta, charges (including <br />water and sewer}, flnes and impasitians le�lad agalnst ar an account of the Prap�rty, and shall pay when due all olaims for work done <br />an vr for services r�nder�d nr materia! furnlshed ta die Praperty. Trustor shal! maintaln ihe Property free of a!I liens Maving priority <br />vver ar equal to the int�rest at Lender under this Deeci pf Trust, excspt for the lien bf taxes and asssssments nat due, except for the <br />Existing Indebtedness referred fv bvlow, and except as otherwis� provided in this Deod of Trust. <br />Ri�ht #p Contest. 7rustor may withhafd payment af any tax, assessment, ar claim in ccinnectlon wlth a good lalth dispute avar the <br />pbiigaFion to pay, sn long as Lende�s Inierest in the Property is not jebpardiaed_ If a ilen arlses nr is flled as a result of nanpayment, <br />Trustar shall witF�fn fifteen (15) days after the (ien arises ar, if a lien !s flted, within fif#een (15j days aitar Trustar has notice af tha <br />flUng, secura the discharge of tt►e t�en, vr if raquested by Lender, deposit with Lender cash ar a sufficlent corporate sur�ty bnnd or <br />ather security satlsfacFory to Lender in an amaunt s�cient tv discharge the lign plus any casts and attarrreys' fees, or other charges <br />that c.�ufd accrue as e result vf a forecfosure or s�le under the lien. In eny contest, Tru�tor shall def�znd itself and Lendar snd shali <br />sa�sfy any adverse judqment before eniorcemartt a��inst the Properiy. Trustor shali name Lender �g an additians�l obligee under any <br />surety bnnd iurniahed In the contest praceedings. <br />Evidence of Payment, 7rustor shaH upon demand furnlsh to Lend�r satisfactpry evld�nce of payment of the tax�s or assessments and <br />shall authorize the appropriate govawnmental officiaf tn delivesr to Lender ak any time a written statement of the taxes and assessments <br />agalnst tE,e PraperEy. <br />Notice of Gonstructlon. Tru�tor strall rzotify Lander at least fifteen (15) days befare any work is cornmenced, any services are <br />fumishad, or any materials are supplled to tF�e Property, EF any mechanic's Ilen, materialmen's lien, or other lien could be assertad on <br />accaunt of the wnrk, �ervioes, ar materials, Trustar will upon request cyf Lender furnish to Lender advance assurgnces satisFactvry to <br />Lender th�t Trustar can and wAI pay the cosf of such improvemerrts. <br />