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<br /> �:�� �,�,�r� 1-4 FAMILY RIDER
<br /> �.�`: � �,.,4 Assi�nment of Rents �
<br /> ��:rs,�: .,.:
<br /> •� `• .• • � TN13 l�4 FAMILY RIDBR it m�de this 27th day of Aprf l, 1992 ,
<br /> '� '+`�`'"' +�.. : .,. aad is incorponted ina and�Iwll be deemed w anend and supplement p�e MartQaQe.Deed oF 7tuu or 3ecurity Dced (the
<br /> ��� �.;
<br /> . - - . "Securiry Wwment")o[the sante due given by the undersigned(the"Borrower")W�ecuro Borrowerh Notc to T h e �-�---_--- _
<br /> � ;.�°��' . . '�,y� - Equiteble Building and Loan Associetion� Grend Island� Nebrask`�e���'
<br /> - of tha seme dace�nd wvainQ�he Property de:cribad in�he 3ecu�ity Inswment and Iceaeed ae 18 0 3 N o r t h H u s t o n �
<br />�� ! ° •� end 1814 West 18th. Grand Islend. Nebreske 68803 �
<br /> �. ;; � ,
<br /> � ,. �-- -- -
<br />�' � ,. .�>.. • �P+nPenY Addma� °
<br /> 1. .,� �-�' _ ---- -
<br /> ° .� .. 1�4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addltlon to 1he covenantr and a�amenw made in the Security Instrumart.Bo�rower �
<br /> �
<br /> . „ aod Lender funher covenant aM agrea as follows:
<br />.:: . " A. ADDITIONAL PROPBRTY SUBJECT TO T11E SECURITY INSTRUMEN7: [n addidon to the Property —
<br /> ,described in ti�e Security inauurnent,the followiog ltems arc added w the Property descriptton,and shall also consdtute the
<br /> .� , � Property covered by the Security Inswment:building muterials.appliunces and goods of avery nature whatsoever now or ,� _
<br /> � � ' � • hereafter located in,on.or used,or intended to be used in connectlon with the Property.includln�.but not limited to,those _,,.��
<br /> - for the purposes of supplying or diatributing heaang,cooling, elxtriciry, gas, water. air and ligh� flre pnvention and �
<br /> . exdnguishing apparatus� security and access control apparatus. plumbing. bath tubs. water heaters. water closete. �Inks, —_�__--r-
<br /> rangcs,swves.�frigerators,dishwashers,disposals,washen,dryers.awnings,storm windows,stam doors,scrern�,blinds, ��__-
<br /> ' ' ahades,curtatns ond curtain rods,attached mitmrs,cabinets,panelling and unnched floor coverings now or hereAfter attoched ��i;;::':_'-'
<br /> i.��?j—�.
<br /> . to the PropeKy,all of which,including replacements and additions thereto.sh�ll be deemed to be and remain a part of the �•• � _
<br /> � property covercd by the Securiry lnstrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property described !n the Security �;,�_�`�,_=""
<br /> . Inswment(or the leasehold estate if the SecuritY Instrument is on e kasehold)are r�eferrcd to in�hi� 1-4 Etamily Rider and .,.,,,.�,.��
<br /> � the Securiry In�wment as the"Ptoperty." —
<br /> `' " .' .��
<br /> - B.USE O�PROPEFtTY;�4l1�LUNC�WIT!!LAW. Rormwer 4ha11 not seek,agree to or maka a change in the • . �---� _`-
<br /> use af the Property or its zoning classifiaaHon,unless Lcnder has agreed in writing to the changc. Bortower shall comply �� " --.�-:
<br /> • vv�th al!taws.ordinances,reguludons and requirements of any governmental body applicable to the Property. �
<br /> G SUBORDINATE LIENS. Faccept as permitted by federal law,Borrower shall not allow any lien infertor to the ��y,�.�.,,.;;:_.
<br /> . Security Inswment to be perfected agalnst tlte Property without Lender's prior written pertnission. - ��,�.:,
<br /> =tv�.w�Y'iY'�:.�._
<br /> � D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE. BoROwer shall maintaM inswance against rent loss in addidon w the other he�suds for `�•*':'�;-•R�
<br /> � whieh insurance is required by Unifam Covenant 5. ��.,�"'''f�;'''•----
<br /> "f�.:._
<br /> - � E."BORROWER'3 RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED. Unifortn Covenont 18 is deleted. . '___-
<br /> i . F BOltROWER'S OCCUPANCY.Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agne in wridng, the fust aentence in
<br /> Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Bortawer's accupancy of the Property is deleted. All remaining covenants and agreemenls - '--
<br /> •• ';rs� �t forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. � � � ^
<br /> ,.:;,t !�' '.�-- =
<br /> �!''`' • G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender�request,Borrower ahall nssign to ixnder elt leases of the Property . - �°
<br /> , � �� and all security deposits made in connecdon with leases of the Property. Upon the assignment,Lender shall have the right w , � =
<br /> " ' modify extend or terminate the existing leuses end to execute new leases, in Lender's sole discreuon. Aa usod in this � • �"�;�__
<br /> . , •,��h'•.-_�
<br />, u •,•�.; ' paragrnph G,the word"lease"stiall mean"sublease"if the Security Inswment is on a leasehold. ' ;�^'_.�r�
<br /> ' �' .. . absolutely and uncondidonally assigns and transfe�s to Lender ull the rents and revenues("Rents")of the Proper�y,regandless
<br /> ' of to whom the Ren�s of the Property are payable. Bortower authodzes Lender or Lender's agents to coUect the Rents, and
<br /> ,;,, � agrces that each tenent of the Property shall puy the Rents to Lender or L.ertder s agents. Howevar.Borrower shall receire Ihe
<br /> ,�',. (
<br /> MUL77STATE IA FAMILY RIDER•Fannle ModFYeddk Mac Unlform In�lrument Fotm 3170 9f90 (paRt f oj2pagerl I
<br /> i ITEM t7901Y�W) fxM We�NWee»FmrM lee� ,
<br /> � ' , To OAw C�1�0061?9000 0 VAll�1�1o1•Il�t .
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