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<br /> _____ s of�le��n�Ihe sak�lacludiag fhe payment of the 7lrurtee's ke�wctuplly incurred,nM lo exceed 2,p 56 of
<br /> -_-__—_-„�,,,� the princip��mount o�IMe aote at tUe Ilme of the declarAtion af defaWt.and rew�anwble pllorneys'feen n�pe�mltted
<br /> -�� by lawi Ib)tu W wm��ecw�d by tW�9ocu�ily[astrwneati and Irl Any excerr lo tbe penoa or prr�ony k�ally eaUtkd 'd`'
<br /> _.._� - to b.
<br /> - -_- ���.r,::�^ 22. Recanveyance. Upon paymcnt oP all suir+s�ured by Ihix Sccuriry Inawmcnt,l.cndcr.rhull rcyucrt 9lustce �o
<br /> ?��'��kt, � recc�nvcy�hc Pn►perty and xhall r;urrcndcr�hiR SccurUy Inatrument and ull n��c�cvidcncing dcM +ecurcd by�hix Sccur�ty
<br /> Instrumcryt l0 7tustce. 7ivatee shall rccanvcy the Property wlthout woRamy and with�wt char�c u��hc pernon ur pc�ons
<br /> , ,�,� s��, le�ally entilled to it. 5uch person or perr�nn aball ppy ony recordotion cuxts.
<br /> •+ ��•'� ,�•�� 2,i. Substitute 71�uelee. Lender,at i1a rq►tlnn,mny from timc ta limc rcmovc 9h��tcc uMl appnirn a succrrw�r trustce to
<br /> — --_ "-r _., �_ -
<br /> ,�� � � any 7ivatoe uppoinled lu;reunder by an iaxlrumem reconded in the county in which �his SecurNy In+tn�ment is recorded.
<br /> �'.,�'" Withoul convsyanee oP Ihe Pmperty. Iha �uccescor truucc rhall succeed to all �he tide,power and dulies conferred upun
<br /> ._.,�.��,'� �' 'tr
<br /> ---:,;,,,. 7turtee hercin und by applicable law.
<br /> �Y:=.��;:;;-;� 24. Requeat for Nodces. Borrowcr requeetx lhat cupies of the notices of defauli vnd�wl�be scmt to Borruwerw uddrN++� —
<br /> � �*�?�'��;, ,�, whioh is the Propeny Address.
<br /> .�(' ' N,..,,� 2S. Rlders to thla Securily lnsirumen� If one w more dders ure executed by Borrowcr nnd recorded togcihcr witb � _
<br /> - �-=�--�',o,•� z this Securiry Instrumcnt,the cmenante nnd a�gmernemA nf ench such �ldcr xhall hc inwrporated into und tihali amend anJ -__
<br /> . _�; -:---".`"•-':t ' —-
<br /> ---------_-� supplement the covennnte nnd agreemen�s of thie Securi�y lnstrument ae if the rfder(s1 were u purt of this Secwity Inntrtiment. Y
<br />- -�__�.`.�+�`,.�' ICheck applicabie box(es)1 -z- -
<br /> ,9.,�•.; _.,-:.�. `_ ..
<br /> • 55,.:,ej-���:,_�n '.. . —
<br /> �' J.,.n��,.,:. —:_.
<br /> '�;�TM"�,�A�•.�` �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider � 1-4 Family Rider __..
<br /> � b:�•.:,�,� •:1 • —
<br /> ��.� � t.:� 5. �. .�.
<br /> ��_-�q-��.�.��,--�. _''". �G�dualed P ayment R i der �P lann e d Un it D eve lopment R i der �Siwee k ly Payment Ri d er =___
<br /> —.. 4y..1. ^iW:.:y,� �.�,�.
<br /> __ °�'"� �. • ��aY4uon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider U Second Home Rider �.�F '
<br />_°�c�� .:.�1 dr:;•A,-� —-
<br /> :.� , �.�;�: �Other(s)lspccify�
<br /> . � � � 6`
<br /> =� ' �'!�"��" ' '.`� BY SI(3NING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agreet to the tcnns und covenant� cantnined in this Security Insuumc:nt
<br /> ��.. •�
<br /> �-�'�� .' ;;;� ' ;"q, and in eny rider(s)executed by Borrower and rernrded with it. =.�ti.
<br /> -.:;�i �r i;'?�` --
<br /> -- - _t,�'r�..`•. :J�- r:�.-
<br /> _-__— ,�s+Jru.} �'t��A W�qICSSCS: :.:.
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<br /> -=� :i.c �, � , G l e n V. r� -s�►ro,�Q -__ -..
<br /> � ��Y ;;7i: --
<br /> � • '� Social Security Number fi07 6.a 2558 �:::::
<br /> -_ F; ^}j'�;... „R° C L i yzu L G� �'�C���c�r-�-tc% (SCO!) —
<br /> �; ' ' � ,r' '� Annette M. Lorance -�u =
<br /> . ��;: ��
<br /> "` � . ,,;;�.x;;;;'' Social Security Number 505 5a,37.1J�2 --
<br /> :u;. ..r . ,
<br /> ' " ' '+%��r° STATE OF NEBRA5KA, He l l Ccwnty ss: --
<br /> . ., r1.{� r-k.
<br />