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<br /> R�ents wuil(i) La�der hu aiva�Bonowa't�odce of defwit punuwt W pany{nph 21 ot the 3ecuriry Imwma�t ud(ii)
<br /> -:,;� l.ender Iw Qiven ndice w�he tenaat(s)that the ltenta�e to be p�id to L,e�ufer ar l.ender��ent. Thi�wi�nment of Renu
<br /> _�_ Y ��'"� cw�utitutea an�biwluta aseignmrnt+�nd not an usi�nment for adclltfon�l�ecurity only.
<br /> - If L�ender Qives notico af brcach to Borcower:{i)all Renu received by Barowet th�ll be hcld by Botrower w uustee for
<br /> �-_�_;:._c� the beneflt of Lmder oaly.to be �ppHed to Ihe wms�cured by Iho Secudty ImtNme�� (ii)Lcndcr ahdl be entitled to
<br /> �-:-�---_-°-.� �.�-.�.�ae� .,.
<br /> -a� collect�nd roceive ul of the Rrnis af the Propeny�(iii)Darowcr agrees ttwt each tennnt of the PropeAy ehall p+�y dl Renu
<br /> ,_.�i .;,� due and unp�id w i.ender or L�y agaus upon Lendcrlt written dertuu�d to the teiunt:(iv)unlas�ppliablo I�w provldes
<br /> �,�.,�..�� ;�� otberwise. �II Rente collxted by Lenda or l.eoder's pgenp sluil be appliod fint w Iho coat� of�alcin� control of u�d
<br /> ___ __��� ���g�he pro{seny wid collxQng the Itenu. includin�, but not limited w.�ttomeyti fees.receiver�a fas.premium�on
<br /> .�����;�,..� receiverlt bonds.rcp�ir and mefnten�nce cast�,insuranco premiums.taues.�aessments and odur cha�es on 1he Property.
<br /> -' and then to the eums eecured by U�e Secu�ity Inshumen�(v1 Lenekr.l,enderti agenta or any judicially appolnted receiver
<br /> r�:.�;,.�..—..:.,��. -
<br /> -=--��•�,,;�;�t;;;��,� stu116e lisbk to�gV nt for only ihose Rents xtually rcccived;and(vi)Lender shall be enlitledto havc a receiver a{px►inted =
<br /> to uke poacesaion oTand manwge the PropeAY and colleet the Renu ond proiib derived from tho PtopertY wilhout�ny
<br /> -- altowing as to the[nRdrq�wcy oF the Propeny as secudty. and of =
<br /> ��� lf 1he Rents of�he Pmperty ero nd sufficient to cove�the costs of laking conaol of,u►J nwnaeing thc PropertY _
<br /> �, . �� ..
<br /> �x - collecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for tuch purposes�haU bxome indebtedne+�of Borrower to L.ender
<br /> '��'-��"' �nd by�he Securiry Instrument pursu�nt to Uniform Covenant 7. -.
<br /> .�s,� . ��" .
<br /> _ ..�,�.` Bixrowu�ta and warnts tlwt Bortower hn9 not caecuted any prior�ssignment of the Renu and iva not ac�d wiN
<br /> - �_'���`•,;:"i"_��c'>: _
<br /> �'���' •; oot Nerform�ny Act�at would prevent Lender from exercising i�dghts under 1h1�puuBmPh.
<br /> �,'-��,• ,�►"+,�`'.• I,ender�or t.enda�a agena or a judiciAlly appointed�+eceiver.ahall not be required to enter upon.lake control of or
<br /> - :,s; .; �. °� �� maintain thc Properq' before or Aiter giving notix of default to Borrower. However, Lender. or L.cnder�i agents or a -_
<br /> � .
<br /> ,?��,�",�.�;' ...�, judicially appointed recoiver.may do so u any time when a defaup occurc. A�ry applicadon of Renta shall not curo or waive
<br /> �
<br /> �' ' any default or invalldate any wher right or remedy oE Lender.ThiA sssiQtuneat af Renls af tho Property siwl�tamin�when
<br /> �c;��:..::�.._�,
<br /> '�r"µ.,,�:"',.^"- . ail 1ha tums secured by tha Security lnsdument w�e pald In fuU.
<br /> -.��'.��: . . �
<br /> �- —����?>;�'.r` I.CR03&DEFAULT PROVI5ION.Ho�rower's d�fault or breach under�ny note or agrcement in which Lender Iw�an
<br /> ='� •�.. ' , interest shail be a breach umkr tho Secutity lmwment and Lender mpy invdce nny of tha rcmedlea permipod by the SecucitY -
<br /> �;�..:���,.�;�°::�r "
<br /> _:,� :�.. �.;,;�'sj Inawmen�
<br />_�;,� .,F,�^' - .' "I�,`" thfs I-4 F 1 [tider�
<br /> ' '+ ;,�„ BY SIONWO BELOW.Bormwer�ccept�and agrea to the te�ma wid provlslons conaine�
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