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`u%4'f{IlYidiW,?':(! '.L '�rk�r}"y.Ft' r � ti • r• �, ): ri• �i Vp,Pra,v;_[n:::�..� <br /> ��iEYJI��YJiaS� ] I�'J' j I ���� � � _=.1�.�:)lfiSi��,_t�_._l� to,... . "_- - <br /> ��i� <br /> . _"' ----•. <br /> . "►.' -- -- <br /> . � , .,` <br /> -,. .�+�.,,�,- xy;. �. . - - __ <br /> • +.d '`y4...•�. . <br /> . , I ' , . • <br /> ' __..:._. ... <br /> .� _ - <br /> ,.� <br /> .. _ � . -- — <br /> . �r��„�. iO3���0 <br /> i n_ r <br /> ---'h�u r�,,::3°�^�� � <br /> —=�-:�y��y'� c►pplicablc IAw may specify ior relo+�alcm�nt)befitt+e xale af tho Pirc►perty pu�sucuu t�� nny pnwcr i�f�ule cant�ined in thla <br /> - �����r�»�_;-;:� Secu�ity Instn�ment;or(b1 entty of'ra judgmcnt enfcxcing�his Secun�y Inxtrument. lhoro corKii�ions arc that Borrowcr: lu) <br /> pny� l.ender aH Rums which Ihee would be due under lhi�Secut�ty (nslroment nnd Ihe Nolo as if n� oc�elcru�iun huel <br /> ---__�_-��������,' � occumed;lb)cutes any defAUlt of any dher covennn�a ur ugn:ememr�:lcl payy ull expemes incur►�1 in enfi�rcing�hi�Sccu�i�y <br /> __+�� ,,, q, ;i;`,.� � Insttumcnt,including. I+ut not limited lo. re�ticxiable uuomeyF'feex: and Id1 takcc such acUon ur Lcndcr may ne+w►nnbly <br /> �:�t;�' '.'�.y,,�U•��� , rcquire to nscune�hut tho lien of�hiF Secu�i�v Inytrumcnt,l.cnder i rights io ihc Prcipcny ond Numnwor4 ubllgution w puy�hc <br /> � �� � ::�t;; sums secured by Ihis Security Inxttumenl xhall cuntinuc unchunged. Upon rcinstaicmenl hy Burmwer. �his Sccurity <br /> ���r,;�;,���� I Insirument uixf the abligatiang securcd herchy siwll rcmaio fully effeclive as if nu acceleration hwl�curral, However.thiY <br /> ri�ht to reinstatc�hal�nw apply in�hc casc nf ucccleradan�mdrr para�rnph 17. ___ <br /> �� - `, , 19. Sak of Notei Cbauqe of I.�n Skrvlcer. The Nate or u puAiul interew in thc Notc Uugc�hrr wilh Ihi.r Security <br /> `�i;,':� ':,.��,'..�( � t ma bc sald ane or more Ilmev wi�hcwt prior nuUca�0 8nrcowc�. A +alc muy resup in��ch�nFe in Ihc enlily <br /> !n.trumen 1 y <br /> .4.—r.j�:;+i':•'��tr�" • •i w <br /> ,,�k,�.,.,�,�. . �,:.. �,,. , �k�o,w�aR�he �,�►An Servicer"1 ttwt collecla mcmthly puymeMS dun un der U u:NMa an d I hi�Se c u r i t y I n++l r u m e n l. 7'h�r a u l n a <br /> -- ` � i�� �µ may be ane ar more chunges of the l.aa�► Servlrer unrelated to u sale��f�he Nrna. If there i.r•a chunge af Ilx Los�n Servicer, <br /> �'�'"���±±�:• • : � Bormwcr will be givcn wrltten nafae oi thc change in acairdancc with pamgruph IA At��ve and opp8rublc luw. The notice <br /> ".:'y.. ' `:' ' will slate tho name und addrecs of�hc mw Laun Servlcer u►�J 1he uddrexa to which payment.r•whould he mwle. The natice will <br /> - „l�;,_:.• .,- • y�:,.� .� – <br /> -,;; �•�• ��-��•� .• , ulra►cantain any o�har infarrnatlon required by Applicublc lnw. <br /> "��4•���+:',�: � ?A. H�rdouo Substances, Bomnwer sholl nat cuu+e or pertnit thc prc�ence,usc, rcicusc of any <br /> ' ��"�"�� ' ' Hucu�Juun Subclances an or In the t'raperty. Borrawcr shull nat do,nor a!!o!v :snyune �I� u�dn.unythin� •rffccting thc <br /> �"'•,......�... •�r�?:� :� <br /> --- ''='°"�'"`"�' ' " Propeny thut is in vialation af uny Environmentul Law. The preccding two semencex zhall not upply to the prexnce.use,or <br /> ,�..-�.a.a,.: . � <br /> ; � '+ ` s►amge on the Property af'srnull quantiiies of Huznrdous Subxw�ceti that sue generully reco�nized to be upproprinte tu normul <br /> , � ,,;.-k�;,�;�. I residential uses und ta maintenanrc of the Property. <br /> ,�;;;'�;�.;"` ' Borrnwer shull promptly give Lender wriuen notice of any investigation,cluim,demand,luwyui�or wher uction by any <br /> _=--s�.�•�_:._,-�';_,... � � g o v e rn m e n t e l�r r e g ulato ry p genc y or privnle pan y involving the Property und uny Huzurdous Sub�lunce or Environmenlul � <br /> - '''�' ' � �� � Law of which Borrowcr bux ucwal knowledgc. Ii Bormwcr Icums, or i, nutilirJ by uny govemmcntul ar regulutory _ <br /> u _ <br />_-_; " �� " � uulhoriry.thut nny removal ar ather remediation af uoy Huz�rdour Substunce affec�in�ihc Ra�ny ix necexsary.Borrower _ <br /> - --- '�'�•'''�• •.�� tihall pmmptly lake All neceswry remediul nctionti in accardunce wflh Environmental l.uw. <br /> ��,<`° ' ' ��'i±�"• ��� As ured in this puragrraph 2Q,"Huzurduux Subxwnces"ure Ihose subslances defined us tc►xic or huiardous sub�tuncex by �' <br />=��w •���� � -s:�:}'�•�: Enviranmentnl and�he followi�g subc�unces: gusoline,kerosene,other flammuble or�oxic petmleum pralucis,tcrxir <br /> ��'1`�� t��p���•+•�.::.����}{%�`�'Yf• Mctieides and hefiicides,volatile colvenls, materials cnntaining ust�estoti��r fortnAldehyde,und rudi�►uc�ive muleriul+. A� �' <br />'.��M, l;S:7,%) �{t�.)iil�;ik�• r_' <br /> �. r;X�p. , used in this paragraph 20,"Environmemul Li�w"mcuns fedeml luws und luws of�h�jurisdic�inn whcrc thc Propcny iz lacuted �;yy <br /> � ���•' ,, +�;;:.��.�•. that relute ta health.�afely orenvironmental protection. �'�' <br /> ����F r`" ' ���� NON-UNIFORI1 COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenunt anJ agree ur foll.�ws: _ <br />_��,�,:, � Zl. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender sludl give nuttce to Iiorrower prlor to accele�olion Pallowing Borrower'g .�-� <br /> % .� breach ot any covenont or a�eement ia this Security Inslrument Ibut not prior to accelerulion under paraR�yph 17 ! <br /> ° ualess ApplkAbk I�w provides dherwlsel. The noUce shall apeciFy: lal the deiault;lb1 the action requlred to cure the �: <br /> — �'u " ^'_�_ - defsu!!;�c)e dntp,not le.cs thaa 30 dwys Prom the date the notice iR glven to Rarrower,by which the defAUlt must 6e <br />- �;r�;�.;�.•.:;�p3�' w:;;. . cured;and Id)th�t failure to cure the dePault on or before Ihe dete npeclfied in the nutice may result in acceteralion o� =_- <br /> ' �~ �^� �� -�: the sumv secured by this Securlly laslrumeot a�d wde of Ihe Properly. The nWice shall fuMhe�inPo�m Borrower oP �; <br /> .`";�r'� • 't the right to reinstate af�er accele�atlon and Ihe right to brin�u court action to ussert the numexistencr oP a dePault or �� <br /> " ��?�" ' '� any other defense of Borrower lo acceleration and sale. IP the default i4 n�N cured o�or beFare the dwte speclfied in __ <br /> � '.' ,�'••'�lj`�'�,; withoutcfurther dematad aod may inp�Ce the powere of salenund`any otheruremedics pebmitt d bv upp i eblenlpw �° <br />� • � "'ivi+ ' �r-` <br /> Lender shpll be entitled tu collect all ezpenses incurred in pnrsuing the remediec provided in this par�gruph 2t. <br /> ' •• ' including,but not Ilmited t�.reaconable attorneys'Pees aad cosls ot title evidence. <br /> ' If the power of sak is invuked,'I�ustre shpll recurd u notice uP default in each caunly in wbich uny p�rt of the �r�:• <br />- ` . •� �• Property is lo�wted and shall mall capies of'such notice in the a+anner prescrfbed by upplicable law tu Borrower and to — <br /> � • . " the Wher persons presrribed by applicublr law•. Af'ter the time required by opplicable law.Trustee shall give public � <br /> _ ,;u..�;�.�1 . noNce af sale to the pensonx und in Ihe munner prescribed by applics�ble law. 71�ustee.�vithuut demand on Borr�wer. �. <br />- ;. � , ,._, shall sell the Property al puMic puctbn to the hiRhest bidder at Ihe time und place and under the terms desisnated in _ <br /> " ° the nottce of snle io one or more parcels und in any order Trustec determines. Trustee may postpone�wle of all ur any '—'__ <br /> • paecel of the Property by public�nnouncemeot s�t the time and place of unv pre�•ioustv scheduled s�le. Lender or its �' <br />- ' '�'' •.• � �� designee may purchase the Prnperty at uny sale. �' <br /> ' •' ' Upon receipt of payment of the prirc bid,Truatee shull deliver to the purchuser 7lrustee's deed ronveyfnR the �'- <br /> „ . � Property. Thc recitals in the'IYu�tec's decd shull be prirna fucie evidencc ui'the truth oi'the statements made Iherein. <br /> c <br /> - 'IYustee shell t�pply the proceeds of the sale in the P��IluwinR order: la)lo all c��sls and rxpensex oP rxercising the puwer `�M: <br /> �:,� <br /> j — <br /> O �. <br />_ ' ��: .1.' ' w:._� <br />_ :�. . . . 1:..: <br /> .. ' �� �t.SI: <br />_ •1�� �'^ <br /> ' ���' . � <br /> {'� � ):: .._. �i�rm3112% V/411 yuierS.,/n/idcr�l <br /> , ' '�;�� ' <br /> �;; <br /> �.�_. . <br /> ,;'j'�p.: 4 <br /> I . <br />- ' , i . _.. . _' . '" ..11�i'1�� .(. . . . . • :.�'. (�!11".. • . ... <br /> 'I• ' .� - . . ` ��� <br />- ' -�11.. . , ,�• . . � .�. ' <br /> � , <br /> { • <br /> i <br /> � . . , <br /> , � ; <br /> . t,. : <br /> • - -- � - - - - <br />