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<br /> • —� condemna�ion or othe��al:ing of any part of�he Pm�nY•�x iur ccx�vcyance in licu of condemna�ian,ure bcreby u��i�ncd anJ
<br /> �Iwll be paid lo L.onder.
<br /> !� In the event of a�aal tuking of tho Property, Ihc pmceed� tihall bc upplicd tu thr �ums r,ecured hy Ihir. Sccurl�y __
<br /> Instrument. whethcr ar nat Ihen due.with uny exrc�r paid�o Bormwcr. In �ha evenl�f u paninl�aking of�he I'ri�perty in
<br /> —.�--�------_,�..-.+� which�he fuir market value of�he Pn►pcny immafiAtely hefo►e�he�uking ix cquul u���r grcuter ihun thc umnun�of�hc fium�
<br /> =,�±��yq,n�„T;� secured by this Security Inswment immcJia�ely Ixfiire thc�aking,unle+ti Born�wr�und l.endcr uthrrwi.c ugrec in wri�ing.
<br /> thc �umx xecur+ed by thix Securiry In�trument yhall he reduce�l hy�he urnount ol Uu pnwred. mul�iplied hy �he following
<br /> �„�,����s�;� fraction: lal the taut amcwnt c►f�hc sumx ccr.urcd immediutely hcforc ihe�uking,divideJ By Ihl the� Ipir market vulue�►f�hc `
<br /> Prapett)� immediately befon: the tnking. Any bnlunrc xhall he puiJ to Borruwcr. !n the cvem ol'u puhiul iaking�►f Ihe
<br /> s Pmpeny in which�he fair murkrt vuluc uf the Propcny immedia�ely befi►m thc tukinK i�Ic..�han thc umoun�nf thc .um+
<br /> "w"'°"`'°"�"'�Q�� secured immcdiutely hefore �hc tuking. uales� florr�iwe�ond Lendrr othcrwitie ngrec in wriUn� ar unle.� �pplicahlc luw
<br /> ..�._..�._, ..�ys_��u�-�
<br /> -ti�m;. �. otherwise providex,�hu pmcecKl�+bull ix�uppfled to�he+ums.rcuRd hy thi�S�curity In�trumrm wheiher��r n�1 ihc rum.r ore
<br /> 'J;'���'_.� then due. i
<br /> ��2iY`'•- �t, 4.t.' If Ihe Pmpe„y iti ub;u�doneJ by Ham�w'er.or it'.uf�er nuticc by I.e�ide�ta H��rmw�r�hu��hr condcmnor nticn ai muke —.
<br /> � � an nwArd ar selqe u claim for dum�gcy,Barraw•c�fuil�to re�p�md tn l.endar wilhin;0 duy,i�f�er thc d+uc thc nutirc i.given. �_
<br /> ,�;11` ., � . .-:; . �.
<br /> ---- _�,,�,,,.��,;;�;t �,•.�: l.encle�i�:authori�ed to collect und upply the pn►ceed�,ia ii���p�ion.ehher to rr�lor�ulan or repuir nf the Pmpeny or lo Ihe �-.,'_--
<br /> � �:��,- y � fi.R�• sumF secured My this Securi�y Inyirument,whether��r no��hen duc.
<br /> `�5���"" � Unle�s Le�der nnd R�xrnwrr�Hhervvi.e agree in wriling, uny upplicu�inn��f pmceed�, to principal.hall nnt extend ur __
<br /> -.Y�'_X Nu. -_._- .-
<br /> - � � ..';;`, ��, ; pastpnne�ha due dute ot the momhly puyment�rel'erred to in purugrs�ph� 1 unJ 2 ur chunge thc smc�unt ol:;uch pry�mcnh;. _ -
<br /> ., .':,� • �-_. .
<br /> r
<br /> �:,.
<br /> '���� �''�- 11. Barrnw•er Not ReleaSed: �orbcArance By I.ender Not a Wai�er. Extenriim of the time Por paymenl ur
<br /> ' .�_� -
<br /> ,�: . , � •, � maclification of umohiza�ion of�he sums+ecured by thi�Seruriry Inslnirnent grumed by l.ender�o uny�ucrr,�or in inlere.i
<br /> ':?:^fiY;��:-''".-�?�::' � ot'BoROwer+hall not apemle ta relea.x:the liability oi�he ariginAl Borrower or Botrower's,uccr.son m intcr�s�. Lender _
<br /> "ut�:';=��'�•��•�s��;�•�' � shull not be re uired �o commence rc�ceedin r a nin�t un tiucce+.or in interext or rcl'use ia extend �ime ti�r puyment or
<br /> ...�,.r..;_ q P 8� E Y
<br /> �_ ��:�lr��•'''-' otherwise mc�dify amonization of the sums secumd by thi.Scti:uri�y In+trumcnt by rc•r.on of:�ny demvnd mude I�y�he ariginal =___..
<br /> � ;�'��}�,��* Barrower or Borrower+succeswn in interetit. Any forbeurance by Lender io exrrcising uny right or remedy�hull nat be u �,��:
<br /> •'�:u*..�,��_;�,> , ' wuiver of or preclude Iln�exercitie of any right or mmcdy. -
<br /> "_''�;; .�;;�,�;�:';;°�•�' 12. Succes.wnR and Asslgn9 Bound;Joint and Severol I.iAbilily:Cn-signers. Thc covcnunt�und agrecmem+�f'ihis �,;_;�,_�,,..�
<br /> -- , �• � •''-.••� Security Instrument shull bind anJ benefil the+ucresson und u+sigm af Leoder and Barrowcr.+ubjcct ta Ihc provisianz of �,��---
<br />�;_;" '" "'., �. purngrnph 17. BoROwer's covennnls und ugreements shall iw:joint unJ �evernl. Any Borro�ver who cu•tiigns thi.S�ruriry �,,;,;;..`�
<br /> :;�.'�•� Instniment but dxs nnt ezecute�hc Nate: lal is co-signing thi+Seruri�y In,trumeni only�o mor[guge.g�unt and runv��•Ihat ;'�;:,,;
<br />'_� •�• � � ' Borrowe�k intere�t in�he Pmpcny undrr the tem�s of�hi+5ecurity Intiuument: Ibl ix not penimully obli�ZUted to puy the,um. • .i�.:;
<br /> -„-�� °`S�?;�f-��'��� ` xecured by Ihis Securily lnstrument:und(c1 agmes thut Lender uixl uny u�her Borrower may agree to extend,moJify,fnrhe•rr �:�"":�
<br /> '"�� � '� • or muke wny accammodutions wiih regurd to�he �erms oi'thiw Secunty Instrument or the Nate wi�haul thal Bormwerc
<br /> Y�..r..,�...
<br /> •`��;� � consent. �s�,��---_
<br />,i� �� �� , l3. Loan Charges. If the luan +ecureJ by thi� Securiry Instrument i,.ubjec� �o u luw which �els muximum loan �y!�ti,,'
<br /> — :-- chnrgP�,a�nd�hat law ls tinnlly interpreted xo thut the interesl or c►�hcr loan charges rnllected ar ta he rolle�red in connection _L�aa �
<br /> �� � '�" � . with the loun exceed the permiued limits,then: Iu1 uny+uch loan rhurge�hull be reduced by�he ame�un�urcr,wry to r�duc� �� _
<br /> ., • the chnrge to�he pem�iued limir,und Ibl uny+ums�Ircady collected t'rom Bormwer which exceedr.l pem�iited limi��will tk
<br /> '.;.a r .,,, , refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcwse to mi�ke Ihis refund by rcduring�he principal owed under�he NcHe orhy muking a _---_
<br /> � . direct puyment to Bortowec If a refund reduces principal.�he reductian�vill t+e treuted us a paniul prepaymem wi�hou�any �:{�•�
<br />'��" ' ° �. prepuymem churge under�he Note. �';''
<br /> ',':.. ... - 14. Noticeg. Any notirr to Bormw•cr providcd for in thi,Securiry In.trum�nt xhrill,hc given My delivering it or hy `y�;��;,'_:-
<br /> � d lu Ihe Pro rt �'"---
<br /> �' �. ' � '' ' muiling i�by finl clu+�muil unle.s uppl�cablr law rcyuire.u.e of an��ther methexl.Th�no�ic��hall be Jirectc � y
<br /> " Addrexti or uny othcr uddresti Borrower dc�ignulr+by nmicc a�Lcndcr. Any notice to Lender xhull I�give�by fint clusti
<br />� �'�'+� •�•,.,.,�'.. muil to Lender's uJdres..wted hcrcin or:my othcr aJdre.+LcnJcr de.igna�cti by nolicc to Borr�wcr. Any noticepraviJrd for
<br />"`�`°"`� ' in this Securi�y Inslrumem zhall tx decmed io huve bern given to B��rrowcr or Lender when given u+provideJ in Ihis �rp,-,,,;::
<br /> , �',.�..,.- ��.• purugruph. �`��,�'`
<br /> : i.�• . 9(._- -
<br /> � • I5. Governln� Law; Ser•erubilit�•. This Security lntitrumcnl tihall lx govrmrd by I'ederul luw und thc luw of thc
<br />�'�`,,,,'� � � � jurixdiction in which the Proprrty i.kxc��ed. ln thc c�•eni thu�any provitii�m or cluutic of this Securiry In,trumrm ur thc Notr
<br /> � � ' . • cunfticts with applicable luw..uch contlirt shall not al'1'crt�nher provisi��ns uf�hi.Securiry In,trumem ur the Notc which cun
<br /> ;,'f;;.+.: ' � t►e given effect without �hr contlicting provisian. 1b Ihis end thc provisiom oi�hi� Security In,wment und ihe Notc ure
<br />_-j•` ' ' declured io lx.rveri�ble. �-.~;:T��
<br />;•.�- --
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr,hull Ix givcn onc raniornicd ropy ot'ihr Notc and uf�hi+Srrurity In,wment. �_----
<br />',�4i�i•'r 17. 'llraosier oP Ihe Property or a Beneficiul lnterest in Borrow•er. If ull��r nny part of thc Pmperty ur uny imerest in � s;,,:,,.,,.
<br />��.Mi��,-'• . � ' � _
<br /> � it is s��ld or tramfcrrcd (or if•r Menrticial interest in Borroaer i�,old or Irun+lrrred and Horri���'cr lr not u nulural prrsonl
<br /> :,,.,,'�; .
<br />;:�a"' . without L�nder±priur wrilten con+rnt. Lrndrr muy.at i�ti opliun.rcyuire immedi�uc paymcnt in full oi'all�um� ,erurc y �t�.,Acrt>
<br /> • •�.�,. ,i• this Security In�lrument. Howrvcr,lhis npliun rhull niN Ik exercixd hv L�nder if crercisc iti prohibited by f'ederul law us of _ -Y
<br /> , . .; ,, ,- Ihe dutc of Ihiti Securily Inztrumcni. �,-_:
<br /> If Lrnder exciti,c,thi���ptiun.Lendcr�hull givr B��rmwvr naticc of urrcler�uian. Thc noticr shall pruvide u peri�Kl of
<br /> ;..� � .° ';;'��. °:�) not Iesx than�0 duy.l'rom Ihe du�r ihc nnticc is drlivcnJ ur mailcd within�vhlrh H„rruwrr mu.t puy all.um..e�urcd ny thiti •�;;�i',
<br /> '%;'�';� , ' �'fi;. 'i�'•:' Srcuriry In,trumem. If BoRawer fail, ta piiy the�r tium.priur tu�he.�pirution uf ihi, �xriud. Lcnder muy invoke any
<br /> �s:_.���
<br /> .� � �f�,24�,; remedirs�xrtniucd by�hi,Scrurilv In.aumenl w itlwut funikr niNicc„r demimd un liurru���r. '
<br /> ' 18. Bor�nwer's Ri�ht to Reinslute. II' Harrowcr mrrt,ccnain cnndi�ion+. Bun•o��•cr �hull horr ihr ri�eM to huve
<br /> , ' , enfarcement of this 5ecuriq• In.trunum Ji,runtinurd a�any�ime pri„r �o�hr c;u•li��r uL• �:u S Juy.lur wch ��Iher perirnl a.
<br /> .���*`'`..' tifngle F•rmd?-•Funnlc Nuc�Freddk�fuc I'\IFtINSt 1\�1'RI�IEYI � t ndonn('u�cnnnl, VlVO qoip�•J.�/a�M�ar.��
<br /> j 'ti: � �. . '- .
<br /> i ;'': :�l ,
<br /> . ' Yn; Y
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