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.����.�r::.=..r (�.wwr.•n.7�ti , ,�r•_:. <br /> »� .':+'v��,�:�- - ` <br /> -;���� � .-�jV�• ,�aMfY+vr.�Mr.YV� '' - - .. <br /> � _"''�6'�,`��?r�,?,{j'�*r"�`. - <br /> .�r�,. .�; .�„ <br /> `�, ,> ____._- - <br /> :�, . � .. — _ <br /> -"�. ,,�,� ,�`L-- �03 . <br /> ;��.:�.�:..,::�;�.�L �O <br /> � . <br /> - —=K� periudv lh3t Lend�r neyuircx. Thc in.u�uc currirr pmviding Ihc insu�unrc�hull t+e chu�n by BoROwcr�uhjecl to l.cnderk <br /> - --�_--- _ , a�+roval which shall nol be unreauxi�bly withheld. If B�xrowcr inik tn mairnuin covcrugc drKrihed utiave,Lc�xier muy,at <br /> � I.ender'x oplian,obt�ln covcroge to protect l.cnderk r�ghts in�he Pmpeny in nccurdn�cc wiih�aruRmph 7. <br /> .._�-;r All inautancc policiew wKl mnewulr xhull bc ucccptabic tu Lendcr and.hall im IuJc u.londurd m�►rtgi�gc cloutie. Lendcr <br /> --������� r;hall huve the right to hold Ihe p�+liciec mut renewal�. lf Lender reyuire+. Bnrmw•cr.hall pmmplly give to Lcnder all nrciptti <br /> ��� -• of paid prcmium�und mnewal nMicc�. In�he cvent af lo.,.Borrowe�tihull givr pmmpt no�ire to Ihr inxuru�ue cumcr wtd <br /> _ � L�nder. l.en�lcr may makr prcx�f af lox.r ii'nW mu�k pn�mpdy hy Bacwwer. <br /> :;,.�y��,��,A+�l� Unlesv Lender anJ Hnrrower�Nherwik agrce in writing,insurnnce pmceed�.hull l+e uppUed lo rr+���ru�lon ur repuir of <br /> :,� --° -- . the pru{x,�y dwuagrJ. if �Ix re,turatiuu ur repair i+eranomirally fen�ihlr und I.rnder: ucuri�y i� n�d Ic+xncd. If ihe <br /> -�� $� re�toru�ion or rcp�ir ir nM ecoix►mically feu�ible ur Lenderi;krurity w�wld tic les�rned, the in�ur;uuc pr�xccdti �hull be r <br /> ` � '��'� y upplied to the sumY ���cumd by ihin Secu�ly Intiuumenb whelher or nW Ihcn dur, wi�h uny ex��e�s puid w Borrawer. IP <br /> ���.'ti Borrower aba�xk�nw �hc'Praperty, or dae, nut :ui�wer wiihin iU duy.u noiice fmm l.ender �hut the in.urunce curricr hati <br /> ���• offered to cenle a cluim,theo Lender mAy collert�he intiurunce praceed.. Lender may use Ihe pnxeed�to repair or rc�tore <br /> 4��i��,.' <br /> �.•t,� ,,,�..:.•;_; ihe prc�perty or tu pay wm�secured by thix Security I��trument,whether or nw then due. The 30-day perial will begin w n <br /> ��.��::���::t�•��: , thenoticeitigivca. <br /> �, � i, :-,,�.� =' ,, ,., Uolc+�Lcnder and H��rruwcr ulhrrwi�ug�n: in writing.:u�y applirn�i�m uf�nuc��rdti to prinripal+hall not rx�cnd or <br /> -�ri�'�: , postpone�he duc dute oi ehe monthly p:►yments rcferred to in p:vugrnph� I vnd 2 or change�he amaunt of the payrtnnt+. If <br /> Y�-�'��;�`,���:',• uader p�rrgraph 21 the Pmp:rty is:uyuircJ b�- Lender. Rnm►wer; right tu uny imurunre policie.und prcxeed, re�ulting . <br /> =�"'"-`s"""'�'=�� from damage to the Propeny priur�o�he acyuisition shall pa.�r�o Lender�o�he rztent of thr wmb secured by�hix 5e�:unry <br /> 'S�'��"�'��" Mxtrument immediutcly prior to�hr ucqu�si�ion. <br /> �-������i''•�� 6. (kcupancy. Presen�oUon, Malntenance and Protectlan ot the PropeNy: BoROw•er's Luan ApplicAtion: <br /> ='�d,..�, , <br /> �� i�•� ` Leaseholds. Bnrtower shnll occupy.c.tublish,und use�he Prupeny os Borrower+princip+d n.idencc wi�hin+ixty doys u�er <br /> ='��` -� �he ezecwion of thiti Securiry Ins�rumem und chxll continue�o arcupy the Propeny as BoROwe��principul reyidence for at <br />- �� �••�-�'�'- Ieaat one year ufler �he dute of �xcup:uiry. unle�s Lender othenvise agrees in writing, whwl► conum tihaH not be <br /> ' _ ' "� -r��•"� �� � ' unrea.+onably withhtld.ur unle+x ex�enuuting circumstunces exist whirh um beyonJ Bamawer's comn►1. BoROwer+hull noc <br /> � � � • dexlmy,dumuge or impair Ihe Propeny.c►Ilow�he Propeny la deteriorate,ur commit wasir on�he Property. Borrower tihatD <br /> �`,ti d be in defauU if uny furfeiturc uction or proceeding.whether rivil or criminul,is hegun lhu�in LenJer's g�xn1 i:+i�h judgment <br />-L1� . •. coulJ rerult in forfeiture �if the 1'roperty or atherwi�e muteriully impuir the lien cmuted by this Security Intitrumen�oe <br /> �!•"�•� � l.ender�xcuriry intercs�. Borrnwrr may cure wch a defauU und remtitute,uti provided in parrgrnph 18,by the uction <br /> — .. , n or praceeding to bc wilh u ruling thut,in Lender's goal fuilh determinulicm.pmcludc.forfei�urc of�he Borrowxr: <br />-_;: .• ���• : � , intem�t in thr Properly or other materiul impairment of�he lien crcaled by �hi. Security Imtrument or L.ender. srcuriry <br /> in�emst. Borrower tihall al.o br in defuult if Bormwer, Juring Ihe lu�n upplicution proceti�, guve muterially ful.e o� <br />-- " � � inuccurnte informulion or tiiutementti to I.cnder lar fuiled ta pmvide l.ender wi�h uny muteriul informa�ionl in cannecucu�Nith <br />=.F:c ". ° the loan evidenced by the Noie, including, but no1 limited lo, reprcu:ntatians cnncerning sorrowrrti a:cupancy of ihe <br />°:���, ;,,w,�,�, . °,� Property as u principal re+idence. If thi�Scrurily Instrument is on u Iea�ehotd gcrn�w�er�hall comply wilh all Ihc provitiiun� <br /> __ -- of the les,e. !f 9urrower acy��im�tF�•�id��o�hc Pro�xny.tlir leaxchold und th�r Cee title.hall not me�ge unletis l.ender u�me� <br /> `��.� .� ^ ,�,r..,..;, to the merger in writing. <br /> ���•b. � . 7. Protectbn of I.ender's RiAhls in the Property. If Bormwcr fait� tu perfwm thr covenunt. und ugrcen�em. <br /> � cuntuined in thi. Srcurity In,irument, ar there i, u Ir�al puxceding that ma� �igni�camly uffer� Lender: righ�� in dx <br /> � • �� Property l+uch vs u pruceeding in b•rnkruptcy.probate,For condemnation or fixfeitun:or to enti►rce luw+ur rcgulu�ion.l.then <br /> �• �.:.. Lrnder may do unJ puy for whutrvcr iti necc.sury �o protect �hr vulu�uf thr Pr�►prny and Lendcr;righh in the Property. <br /> ��'.�� . �A Lender ti artian.may inrludr puying uny+um+ticcureJ by u lirn a•hich tw�privrit�•over thi�Security Imlrumrn�.up�xunng <br />` ' ' in court,paying rcu,unuMe un��mey,'fers uixl enlrring on�hr Pn►�n}� io male rcpairs. Although Lender moy tuke action <br /> � ^ under this puruFraph 7,Lerkirr Jocs ni�t huvr to du.o. <br /> , . �� Any amounl,disbuned by Lendcr under 1hi� paragruph 7 ,hall 1+«wlx addilional dcht uf Born►wer ,ecurcd by ihi, <br /> .. � `°''' ..` •• Security Instrument. Unk+.Bom���•rr unJ Lend�r agrec a��,thrr ternr�►f�u.mtnt.�hr.e:oiu�unt,+hall Ixar inirr�st I�roin Ihe _. <br /> ;. ....,��.;:r_'�+� •. <br /> g'��':J , .. . date oP di.rbur.ement ai the N�ac ratc unJ tihall Ix puyable.a-i�h in�eRtic.uptin nuticc fmm Lrnder to Borrower reyur.ling <br /> . '•` . .� _ payment. _ <br /> � ;� ' • • " 8. Murtgage Incurance. If L�nder rcyuimd mort�agr in.ur►mr�a.u conJitian of m:dcin� thc loun �crured by�his <br /> 5ecuriry Inslnament. &irrowrr+hull puy the prcmiums r�yuired lo main�ain tlx� mortg+igc inwrunre in el'i'rct. It'. Fur any <br /> rtiason. the mongugr inwrarxr covrra�c requircd by Lrnder lap.u+ or rratirs lo hr in efl'ect. Bormwer �hull pay lhe <br /> � ,'.:::�� -. • premiums reyuired �o obtuin ruvrrage .ub.tantiaU� �quivrknt a� thc mnng:�ge in,urunce prcviou�ly in efticci, u� a co�t <br />_ �:��•:i�� ` . ?�. �'� rubstantiully cyuivulrnt tu�hc cosl to BurtoHrr of th�mim�:ugr imur��nrc prrviou,ly in cltrcl. frum an alt�c:ia�c�m�r�gugr <br /> .:,. . .., <br /> .,_� •;.;;,F.�, insurer approvcd by l.endcr. If wh,�antially�yui�alem munEugr in,urarxc cu�•erag�i,nut u�•+�ilabh.Bom���er+ o puy ta <br />'. . . �� �•;.�.;},;�:; Lendcr euch momh cyual ta one-twrlltl�ul'thc�•early m�,ngag�in•ur:mcc prrmiwn t+ring p;�id hy Borrower when Ihr <br /> F;S�:•.��:" insurunce ravrrage lap,ed nr cra.ed ta lx in el'1'�c�. l.rnder��itt ar:ept.ux;md r�tain Ihe,r p�ymrnt,u�a lo.ti re+erve in lieu <br /> • of mortgugc in,uranrr. 1.�,..rc.crvr pu�m�� n�,lon;�rr h; thr uption uf Lrndcr. il'murlgage insuranc� <br />..;�," ' ' . . . rav�ragc lin thr amount und li�r�hc�xri�xl�hal l.en�kr rryuirc.r pr��cidrJ by an intiurcr:ippro�•rJ b�• L�ndcr ugain lxromc+ <br />., . o V� • •rvailablc und i.uhtai�nJ. Borc�nv�r tihnll p:rv�hr premium.rc.�uir�d t���nam�uin mur�ga�;c in,ur.mce in ell'rrt.or w prnviJc s� _ <br /> � a•, lo�+resan•e.unlil thc rcyuin ment (or man�!u�r in,urance rn�l.�n aacurd:mce�cilh um•��ri�len ugreement trelw�en B�,rr�wer <br /> . '" " . � ' und Lendrr or applicahlr lu�v. <br /> . . 9. Inspection. LrnJrr or ih i�gent may m:�kr rr.i�Ht.�hS�entrie. up��n and in���ti„n.„1 th�Pamer��•. Lendcr,fial1 <br /> . gi�c Borro�crr ni,�irr at thr timc uf ur�rior w un m��xru�,n�Exr�P�•ing r�.�,��n.iM:�•au..I„r thc in�(Krtioa. _ <br /> 10. ('ondemnaliun. �I'he prcxcrd.ul'an� :���•urJ��r�laim I„r�.�r,,dirc:t nr rnmc���ann��.tiun�+ith um <br /> tiinfl.Iruuh-•I�annlr�lac'Fn�ddlc�luc 1�Ii�IR\I 1\>TRI NF�'1'-l m�,•rm('„� 9''MI •p�rer?�,f•,1��r•rn, ' <br /> i-�'.Gi �.1r.N1.��.Hu.hM..F���n. lm � <br /> . ..;�,1 .,:.,.: f. ,ine,Yd�� �.Hi.�-,.p�9.P,� P„i.���7q��.�� _. <br /> � �t�i� <br />_ +, ',yl,_. <br /> t .. <br /> � <br /> . . ;i' .,�.. .- � " . . <br /> ' �el�': <br />-, ,-�,�._; .. .-.---- �---- - � . '�V:? .. . _ .., n� � ,:':(,,;t��i-• • , , . .�� _ � . , _ - . <br /> 1 <br /> ♦ � <br /> � . . <br /> 1 . <br /> '� i� �1. .._ . ._ . . <br />