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N�� sl�a "o.�.`:-i�=�fi�%'� �, I�1�`:� ''�.it�'+ .. �..� � . _ ."':';'n.., -�'r.'n��..�.�-__iS�.�:i{.�.r--'���-- . <br /> i�/t.t• �'� ' �� J)� .. , .... <br /> - � — __ —. <br /> �• �W+rF.r�+,u./Yd�'.�+n. <br /> — _ ' <br /> - " <br /> IF�i,�s� . .. -� <br /> .. ' , i -,W e,.:►+. <br /> . . � ..�t... <br /> ..t.�i1N� � III�I' L{wa�P . , - '_ <br /> :;�,� '�il ','�_ <br /> .�- - . 92- �03�90 --___ <br /> �'r ..��..a'.,. y„Ey.4 <br /> -�i±��Bifr3�tC�:�•;� � <br /> ; .,�..��-�..�w:�,.s� <br /> _—�L�.�„���� TpdE7'HER WI7'H all�he impmvcmentti naw cx hereuf�er crec�ed un�hc prc�eny,und All c•rsemcnt.,uppunenwKCti, <br /> :�.,�,,.,,,�,.��,,,,�;�� and iixtures now ar hereaRer a pnrt of the pmpcKty. All nplucements wNl addi�ion�xhull ulw be cov��l by�his 5ecurity <br /> --- y ---- In�pument. All of Ihe fcxegaing ie referned to in ihis Securily Instrument uc ihe.'Prapcny.. - - <br /> - BORROWFdt COVENANTS thut Borrowcr ia luwfully�eised�f th�estatc hcreby convcycd unJ ha,ihc�ight w gran� <br /> �=� ° And convey lhe PropenY smd that the Property is unencum6ercd,except far encumb�c�of recurd. Borrowcr wnROnta�nd <br /> �����,�� � _. <br /> `:� �..• '. will defend generally the tiUe ta the P�vperty agnmst All cluims and demandx,nuhjert tu uny encumbronra��i recutd. ____ <br /> TFIIS S�CURITY INSTRUMFNT cam6ines unifcxm covenun�s fix natiunul uK und nan-unilurm cavenunir wi�h <br /> .-..�'�. � : limited vada�ions by jurisdictian to constitute a uniforni security in.trumem covcrinp real pruperty. -- <br /> �::;"�; UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ogrce as fallowr: ` <br /> '�� � 1. Pnymenl ot Principal p�d Interesti Prepaymeol nnd Lnte C6arges. Barowcr sholl promplly pay when duc Uic <br /> ��'�`y-��:�` principal of sind inlerest on�he debt evidenced by�he Note und nny prepuyment uixl late churgeti duc under ihe N�ue. <br />— "fi�;?�;'�.;�;�,e;;�r ,.� 2. Fluads for'11�xes w�d lnsurancG Subject to applicable law ar to a wriuen waiver by Lender,Surrowcr shull p�y ta -- <br />�-"��='���, Lender on the day mon�hly pnymenls ane duc undcr the Note,until thc Notc is paid in 1"Fund�'1 for.lnl ycurly _ <br /> � ' �axes and ussessments which may atlain priority aver�his Security Inslrument as u lien on the PropcAy:(bl yearly leasrhald <br /> . . :'.. s•:`. .,,•. . p�y m e n u o r g r o u n d re n�s o n �F�e P r o p e n y, if an y: (cl yearl y hazard or pro p eny insuronce premiums; ld� yeurly Ilood �°`-- __— <br /> r�Y��!rY��t�.���•; � i nsurance premiums, if any: (e) yeuly mongage insurance premiums, if uny;und 1� any sums payable by Borrower to <br />__ �:,� � . j Lender,in aaordance with Ihe provisicros of pamgmph !ieu of 1he puymem of mortgoge insurance premiums. Th�e _ _ <br /> ,. . �. i items sue calied"su��W f�r����. �.z�tiacf any tirssc,collect and hold Funds in un amount n���r�►exl�rwl�hr msaimum ��, _ <br /> umount a lender far � federully rala�ed matgage loan may require for BoROwer 5 escrow uccount under the federul Renl �;-�--• <br /> '°-'���``'�� � Estate Seulement Procedu�es Aot of 1974 as arnended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 c�sey.("RESPA"),unlesx another �'"••° <br /> '�``".`'s•"��`.�: ° ., � �a�y thsu applies to Ihe Fundc se�s u lesser amount. If so,Lender mu ,ut an time,collect nnd hald Funds in an amount not to y <br /> Y Y �=�'...�. <br /> a_ • ' � � ' ezceed the lecser umount. Lender may estirnate 1he sunou�[ of Funds due on �he basia of current data s+nd nes�sonable ��. <br />�f ' esumate.s of eapenditu�s uf fulure Escruw Items or otherwise in accordance with applicuble IAw. -`- <br /> � •''��'� ' The Funds xhall �hcld in an institution whosc deposits are insured by a federal agency, inslrumentuliry, or entity �.�" <br /> , �.�.�.�5. - <br /> �� � (including L.ender,if Lender is such an institutionl or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bnnk. Lendcr shall upply the Fundc to pny __ <br /> Y � Ihe Escrow Itcros. L.endcr muy not chtuge Borrower for holding and s+pplying the Fundc, unnuully unulyzing the escrow <br />�"' ' occount,or verifying the �scrow Items, unlesc l.ender pny� Borrower interest on the Funds and applicnble Inw permits �''°"'� <br />'� , l.ender to make such a charge. Huwever,I.ender may require Borrawer�a pay A one-time charge for An independent reul �y <br /> , � . ., o •' � 7��'�••Y-.^�'� <br /> 4* ' � estate tcu reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless upplirAble luw provides otherwise. Unless an ��,r_,.�,_. <br />�•�, _.� ' I — ---__. <br />•�,. : , :;�,„ agreement is madc or applicable luw requires interest to be poid,Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Barrower any interest or �xi�� <br /> ' earnings on thc Funds. Borrower and L.ender mny s►gree in writing,hawever,thot interest shnll bc paid on the Funds. Lcr.der �•:..�•• <br />*..� �''r;;"y'��' shall give to Bortower,without char e,an ennuol accountin of Ihe Funds,showin creditx und debits to�he �unds and the 1:;.•.:_:�•• <br /> B S B �i.a,.-��` <br /> ' ,��r�•.. �+;._;a�. <br />'��': , purpose for which each debit to the Funds wsis made. The Fundx ure pledged us additionul security for all sums xecured by <br /> � '•' ' this Secudty Instrument. !^'-- <br />±.' .. ' . ;�... .` � If the Funds held by Lender exceed ihe umoums permiued ta be held by opplicable law. Leixler shall arcount ta �___��- <br /> Borrower for the exces�FUnds in uccordanee wi�h the reywremen�s af appficubie luw. Ii[he amaunl uf�he Fun�hrid by =� °- <br />� • ' Lender at any time is not sufficiem io pay the Gscrow Items when due,Lendcr may so notify Borrower in writinR,and,in �� ..� <br />� • � such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to mahe up the deficiency. Borrower shull make up �he �e.�;�su_ <br />' .��',� �� deficiency in no more t6un twelve momhly puyments,nt Lenderti sole discretio�. __—_— <br /> t Upon payment in full of nll ,ums�ecured by�his Securi�y Instrument,Lcndcr shull promptly reiund to Borrower any —'�=�:;,� <br /> �•.1' � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragmph 21.Lender shnll ocyuire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to Ihe ucyuixition or <br /> � � sale of the Prapeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender al the time of acyuisiliun or sule as a credit ngainst the sums �(•°�-'r-`*y' <br /> Y •• ' secured by this Security Instrument. �°'�"`=-- <br /> � . 3. ApplicAtion of Payments. Unlcsx applicabM luw provides othcrwise, all payments received by Lendcr under --M-z��. <br />�^ . � puragrnphs I and 2 shull be applied:Cirst,to uny prepayment chsuges due undcr the Note:second,to umiwmti payable under <br /> �����.-_•.� <br /> psuagraph 2:third,to interest due;founh,to principal due:und last,w uny latc churges due under the Note. —°--°- <br /> ,•��� <br />� •� 4. Charges; I.iens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, As+c.smenh, char�e+, fincs swd impositions uttribWable to the , .�--,, - <br />� � property w6ich mny atwin priodry over Ihis Security Instrument,and Ievsehold payments or ground rems,ii'any. Borrower , ,__ . <br />� shall pay these obligations ia the manner provided in par.�graph 2,or if noi puiJ ia tliut munner,Borrower shull puy them an •,:Ni,�=�.fs <br /> time direcUy lo the person owed payment. Bormwer,hall prompUy fumixh lo Lrnder all notice�of amounts to be paid under ��:'�»,�,`�"r-�,'.s;. <br />� ' � � this pamgraph. If Borrower mnkex these puymenls direcdy, Borrower shall promptly t'urnish to Lcoder receipts evidencing �•�--°_ <br />�; � ., Ihe puyments. .dycY.'°�_�, <br />'• Barrower shall promptly discharFe uny lien which ha+priuriry over this Securily In.trumrm unless Borrower.(n)Agrces ,�i�%Y_T=-3;- <br />' • � in writing to the payment of�he obligation serured by Ihe lien in u munnrr xceptahlc to L.cndrr:lb►contexl�in good fitith U�c ::';,;�, ':�= <br /> . l i e n b y,or defends a gainst enforcemeM of Ihr licn prcxcedings whKh in thc Lender;opinion operrte to prevent thc �: ; ' <br />''r enforcemem af the licn;or(cl�ccurc.from the holder of thc licn nn agrecmcnt�a�ixfartory w Lender subordinating the licn �;1�,:�!i,:?;.:�-� <br />° • ' 10 Ihis Security Instrument. If Lender determinc,that uny part of thc Pro'eny i..ubject to a lien which muy ut�uin priori�y ':�'�;:.':;•�'�" <br /> c <br /> � ' over�his Sewrity Instrument.Lender may Rivc Borrowrr u m�tire idrntifying the lien. Borrowrr shull salisfy the lien ar tolce �.l��� <br /> ' one or morc of the urtionx set forth above wilhin 10 days of the�iving��f notirc, <br /> � 5. Hpzard or P�operlv Insurance. Bamiwer shall kcep the improvement.nuw existing or hereafter erected on�he <br />. . '' property insured again��bss hy fire,hazurd. incluJeJ wiihin�he tcrm°exlcndrJ co�•rragc"and any �nhrr ha�urd.,including � <br /> :�,r,'• floods or tlaoding, for which LenJcr rcyuirc+insunu►cc. 'fhis insuruncc.hvll tk mainluincd in Ihc mm�untx and for Ihe � <br /> . � <br /> 4 ',.�t`.:' • Form 3921t 919D �rx��r:u/A puya.� , . <br /> �;��•' �. <br /> ...:;::. G <br /> . E- <br /> ._ _ . „�:-::.: . <br /> , <br /> � . <br /> , <br /> + <br /> . , <br /> . � <br /> , <br /> . � � -� - -- - - -- <br />