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<br /> �, � , .L, r payment�may no longer be requir+ed,at the option of Lender,if mongaac insuronce coveruge(in thc anwunt end Far the periud
<br /> that L,ender requires)provided by an insurer npprovcd by l.ender aguin becomea available und is obtaincd. Bo�rowcr+hall pay
<br /> �"" �:�"'�° '"'', the prcmiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to providc a loss rescrve,until the rcyuiremcnt tar mort�+�e
<br /> �a �= '►�;"��'i .; , iosu�ance ends in accoNance with any written agneement betwecn Borrower and Lendcr or applicablc law.
<br /> -,fi.�r..�.:4_;• ... �'0
<br /> D .� 9, l�ion.l.ender or its agent may make reasonpble entdes upon and inspectiuns of thc Property. l.cnder ahull give
<br /> Borrower notix at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rcasonable cnuse.far the inspection.
<br /> ' ' �� 10. Candemtwdon. The praceeds of eny award or claim for damages, direct or cansequentiul, in connectian witb Any
<br /> ' ^ .,. condemnation or whcr teking of any part of tMe Praperty.or for wnveyance in lieu of caodemna�ion,arc hercby assigned and
<br /> � _ shell be paid ro I.ender. . -.__._� . -- __
<br /> . -. -_...- ,,.
<br /> ,. _ , -
<br /> :;,s; ��r , ;::,;.:' . In che eveat of a total taking of the Property,the praceeds shall be Applied to the sumc secured by�his Security Inrtrument,
<br /> ?';r2�'s;,�� whett�er or nd then due, with any excess paid to Barrawer. In the event of A partial taking uf'the P�openy in which the fair
<br /> I:;;rr:;r�<• . -
<br />��t'� .� ,,,,_�.;;-;�,K;, . merket vdue of ihe Properry immediately befare the talcing is equal to or greater thzn the amount of thc sumr se�:ur�i by this
<br /> ''•'•�'.^��1��.• Socurity Instnment immediately before the teking, unless BoROwer and l.ender otherwisc agme in writing,the aums secured by
<br /> • ,...`�'i;i;•., . .;rj��,' �.
<br /> , .: this Securily Instrument ahnll be reduced by the amount af the proceeds multiplied by the fallowing f�uction: (L) the total
<br /> � � � . amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by(b)the fair markct vnlue of the Pa►peRy imntediately _
<br /> '��'' •• before the taking. Any baluicc shall be paid to Borrower. In the cvent of u partial taking of thc Pn�pcAy in which thc tair __
<br /> � `--- � muket value of the Property immediately bofore the taking is Icxs ihun thc UmuuM uf tbe.um, :.�curcd toin�:dlatcfy tufore thc • - -- �
<br /> • � , • taking,unless Borrawer and Lender otherwisc agree in writing or unfcsc upplicublc low othcrvvi�c pr��vidc�. �hc prncec�ls shall
<br /> • � , be applieA to�he eums secured by this Securily Ingtn�ment whclher o�n��t thr sum,arc�hen Juc.
<br /> ,,.�.• �• �(tIx propeKy is abandoned by Bnrrowcr,o�if,aftcr niHicc by l.cndcr to&irmwcr thW thc cundcron��r affcrs 1��mukc un
<br /> � „ ;, .; ._+: ° AwArd or sctUe a claim for damages, Borrawcr faila to rcspuncl to Lencicr within 10 Jay�oitcr ihc da�c lhc n�Ni�c i+given,
<br /> ' "- - Lcncicr iK+wthurited to collect und apply thc prceee�s,pt its aption,cilhcr ta restoration or repuir nf the Pmp�:ny or to the sums __ _ _ _
<br /> sxurcd by tbis�Security Instrument,whether ur not then duc.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, any applicution of prace�s to principal chull nut exlend or � , �`��
<br /> " " postpone the due date af thc monthly payments rcfcrced tu in purugruphs 1 und 2 or change thc urnc�unt uY tiuch payments. �
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Rurbearonce By l.ender Not a Walver. Extcnsion of the time for payment ar modifiauion ___
<br /> of amortizatian af the sums secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall r�&..;��:�:_-
<br /> . not operate to relense the liability af the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender shall not be required to �.:'� •.�'"r�-.�'
<br /> . commence proceeclings against any successor in interest ar refuse io extend time far payment or othenvise modify amortixation, �'-`°"° �
<br /> .r,,,,�.�,...
<br /> of the sums cecured by this Security Inslrument by reason ot' any dem�nd madc by �hc original Borrnwer or Borrower's ��!�w:.r:;
<br /> successars ininterest. Any fotbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be a waiver of or preclude the '"�.�;;;--
<br /> ��"'` exercise of any right or remedy. __ ___
<br /> — — -- !2. Sua�sors ansl :,ssl�ns Bnnnc�;J�+M Pnd Several Llabillty; Co-slgners. Thc covenants and aRreements of this �_ _____
<br /> .� �'� � Sccuriry Instmment shall bind and benefit the successors and nssigns uf l.cnder and Borrower, subject to the provisions of -�;��.;� �j►;;t,:_.
<br /> � paragreph 17. Borrower's covenants And agreements shatl be jaint and several. Any Boreower who co-signti this Security 1�1�?��'•..�'
<br /> , , . .���
<br /> " Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument anly to mongage. grant und convey that �. . _
<br /> ' ' Borrower's interest in the Pruperty under the terms of�his Securi�y Instrument:(b)is not personally obligated to pay�he sumc � ' . _
<br /> .. secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borcower may agree to extcnd,mcdify.forbear or {� ��:��_�: —
<br /> make any accommodations w+th regard to the terms of thir Security Instrument or�he Natc witiwut that Borrower's consent. �^���� �^�„�-�--
<br /> ;,;r,�,��
<br /> 13.I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by�his Security Instrument is cubject to u law which sets maximum luan charges. :•�•�x�;�:.-�;
<br /> �� and that luw is finally interprcted so that the interest or othcr loan charg^.s collected or to be rnllected in connection with the �::5�����:.>�~`�,��
<br /> r ', �` �.
<br /> loan exceed U►e permilted limi�s, then: (n)nny such loan churge shal l be raiuced by the arnount necessary ro reduce the charge f'�''�'�: ...�'•;;�_..
<br /> ,, ' to the permined limit; nnd(b)any sums alrcudy collected from Borrower which exceeJed permitted limits will bc rcfundai to �•• �-
<br /> �'`.�' Borrower. I.en der may c hoose to ma k e t h i ti r e f u n d b y r e d u c i n g t h e p r i n c i p a l o w e d u n d e r t h e Note or b y makin g a direct �'• - •'��� -�°
<br /> � �'� � � ' poymcnt to Bonowcr. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will bc treated as a partial prepaymeat without any ����.,.�,,:�:;:;;«_
<br /> '' • " prepaymcnt cFwrge under the Note.
<br /> � l4.Nolfces. Any notice to Borci�wer provided For in this Securi�y Instrumem zhall be given by delivering it or by mailing � ,.�'' :1�,r--.__
<br /> � it by first cluss mail unless upplirablr luw reyuires use of anothcr mcthod.The notire shall bc Jirected to thc Property A d dress ( , .,n_,� '`�
<br /> ' or any other address Barcower designu�es by n�uice to L.�:nder. Any n�xicc to I.ender shall be given by fint cluss mail ro � •�t>I���.�`_.__._._
<br /> Lendcr's nddresr titated hcrcin or any othcr address l.�:nder desi�natcs by natire to Borcower. Any notice providcd for in this _
<br /> � �• Security Instrurnent shall Ix:Jcemcd to have tkcn givcn to Borrower or I.cnJcr wlx�n given as provided in thi�paragraph. ' 1 ,���'�'•"''.'�'`'---
<br /> ;� �.s,
<br /> 'f',, ,••:
<br /> . 15. Goveraing Law; Severability. This Sccurity Instrunxnt shull bc governed by fcderal luw unJ tl�c law of the , , +.�
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Praperty is Icxated. In thc event thu� any provision or clause of Ihiz Security Instrument or the Note .
<br /> conflicts with upplicablc luw,such conflirt shall not affcct othcr provisions i�f this Seruriry Instrumrnt or thc Ninc which can be .
<br /> •� � given efPect without the ronflicting provisiun. To this end the provisions oP thi.r• Serurity Instrumrnt und the N��te are declareii �� �.
<br /> • to be+everablc. '
<br /> � l6.Borrower's Copy. Bormwer shull tk given orw conli►nncJ copy af thc Notc und of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> � .
<br /> fam 30Yt tll0
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