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��� ��5 �r:ri�7. • .:4,.�.� �vr `i`-�j''' �t�r:�;?� w. .c �.4;,;� + ��.� ����� •y!> '�YRiY1�vMAi'SCtI:'�tl}Mr..�iwevsa!P*�rw.�yr.ti+n-[.:r�, r, .�r . �:�`��S?%!�LSY�:ii`eii:r.iit_— <br /> • y� :�� <br /> �h A1er.� .ii�.r•.!�lFII. _+ i r �r� -}�I t r� ��f. i.`'�y; - � '�'..''�a'.(3JYOIu�- - -- <br /> � y 'yu. +��►�f <br /> k�...., <br /> ..t 4 ��01 }f: ). ,1' � 1f�!,.1 �!_ "^'��'�'�r/ts 1 1_� <br /> �� ',`•,�i`�'iL:r.f�r,.� . "" �� ':.: <br /> . . ., grf. �;*',• .. ' ;i:• ,:�. ,a 1,,:>` __ <br /> � :i. �.fl�a+ye.• _ �- . s �. _-_ _—,...__ <br /> � � . ' � 92-- 103�86 �= --�-_---- <br /> , . . <br /> � ' • '. � �' 17.Transfer of the Propr.rrty or a Beneticisl Intcctxt io Borrowec.lf ell or any part of the Pmperty or any interest ln it <br /> �' ' is sold or transfemed(or if a bcneficial intcrcst in Borrower is sold or trensferred and&►rrower is not u nutural person)withaut � <br /> ' • � � Lender's p�lor written consent. I.endcr may, at its option, require imrncdiate paymcnt in full of all sums secured by this `;__ <br /> s�-�������:•r�+? •� �" Secu�ity In�trument.H4wever,this option siwll not be eaerciwd by L.end�r if eaercise�s prohibital by federal luw as of the date g��""' <br /> �:�r: =- of this Security Instrumenl. ---- <br /> • �:`��° '� If l.ende�exercisec thie option. Lender shull give Barrower notice of ncceleration. The noticr shall pravide a periad of not <br /> . � letis than 30 duys from Ihe datc the notice is dclivercd ar mailed within which Bi►rrower must pay all sums sccurcd by this ' <br /> ��t ' Sccuriry Instrnmont.If Burrawcr fails ta pay thesc sums prior ta Ihe capiration of this pericxl. L.cndcr m�y invokc any rcmodiea �'�',v <br /> ;j°.,--;'f. �:'J= pern�ittcd by this Securlty Instrumcnt wi�hcwt funhcr natice ar demand an Born►wer. — <br /> .. __ . - 18. Bqtrower'q Ri�hl to RelnSlale. If Hom•war meetti certain conditi�me. F�irn►wcr �h•rll havc thc righl w h�ve ,��__ <br /> ; I � '.�. � enfcrrccmcnt cif U►iK Sccu�i�y In�tn�meM diKUminuat at Any liax prior lo the carlicr of: Ia) S Jayx (nr ,ueh �Nhcr periud as �_- <br /> ° '�'' '��� applicablc luw may ap�xify fi►r rcin►lutcoxnt) i+ciore salc of thc Property pu�yuant to any �x�wcr uf �alc cunwin�d in this �- <br /> ' • � 5ccurily Inurumcnt;ur Ib)cnlry of a judgmcnt enfiming this Saxuriiy In��rumcnt.Tho+c ronditinm ure thut&�rrnwcr: lu)pays "0.i--r <br />� �� 's�± •• l.ender all aumx which �hen wou1J he due unJer�his Security Instrument oixl�he NiHe a�il'no nccclemti�m had�xcurred; (b) � �' - <br />�;'. ' cure� any dcfault of�ny�uhcr covcn�mti nr agncnxmr; Ir)ps+ys all cxpenzcs incur�d m rnfurcmg �hiti Srcunty Instrumcnt. �. <br /> " imluding, but not fimit��l ta,nuW�nuhlc unurncyti'frr.;unJ IJ)�akcr• wch actiun uti l.enJcr nwy nu�onuhly a�yuim to u.��ure `-,...r;:-- <br /> . , Ihat Ihc licn u!�hiti S�tiurhy Inrininxnl, I.�ndcr'ti �Ight�in �hc Pr�ipchy Lnd&xmwc�'+uhligu�iun�u p•ry �he wm�u�urcd by F"" ' ���_t�-=;� <br /> • Ihix �uriiy Inrtrument .hrU ruminuc unchang��l. U�xm rcin�tutcnknt by &�m�wcr, thi� kwunry In�uuuxnt anJ thc �,�_��;..,.�,�T"'-�-"' <br /> " = '-- . ,.. • �adi�udunti wxuru! hcrchy tihuU rrnwin lldly rffi�•iiw� �.ii'n� +�rcicr��iun hwl�irrurr�yl. H�►wcvcr. �hi� rlght to rcinctatc shall <br /> ' � � • niN�pply ia lhc ca�c of urcrlcru�ion undcr pur�gruph 17. _-_�_-? - _ <br /> ' �� 19. �le of NMe; ('hwnRe of I�wn ticrvlccr. Th�• Nwc or a partiul intcrcrt in �he Nute Uagcthcr with this Security r~,�s" <br /> „ Inxwnknl)muy ix�urld onc or mnrc�inx;.wi�hnul priur mNicc to Burrowcr. A sulc rtwy rcxult in a chungc in thc cmity(known ��, <br /> . " ax Ihe 'Loan Scrvi��cr")thu�coUrct�mnmhly paymcnts duc undcrthc Notc anJ this S�.�unty Instrurn�nt.Thcrc ulso rns�y be anc ��'�_: <br /> •� or murc chungcx of thc I.��n Scrviccr unrcfu���l to u wlc uf�hc Nute.If tlurc is n chengc of'thc l.cian Scrviccr, Borrowcr will be .: • _ <br /> ' givcn writtcn nuticc nf thc rhungc in arciml•rncc with parrgr�ph Id abovc nnd upplicablc law. Thc na�icc will state thc namc and ___ _. ___ <br /> � , oddrer•�af�hc new L.oan Scrvircr and thc uddR.r w which payments shuuld tx: mude. Thc notice will ulsa contain uny other `, .• e�• '� _ ,__— <br /> � • i�fiirma�inn rcyuircd by upplicublc law. - • • <br /> �� " 20. Hn�nrduus Substsmcc�. &�rrowcr .r•hall nnt wutic ar pcnnit thc prescncc, usc, dispowl, s�nr�gc, or rcicasc af any - - __ <br /> • H�ani�►ux Sub�lanceti on ur in tlx Pmperty. Burrawer sh�ll nc>t do, nor allow anyone else to do, unything affer.ting the ����=_- <br /> • ` � Propr.ny thot is in vi�►lu�iim uf any F.nvi�onmentul lsiw. The preceding two sentences sh:�ll not apply to the presence, use, or � �;,�;�� <br /> storagc on Ihc Pn►pcny of smul) yuuntitics of HurAnious 5ubstanccs thAt arc gcncrally recogniz�Kl to be appmpriatc to nonnal ; t�� <br /> residcntial nr,cti and�o maintcnuncc of thc Propcny. ''��``��� :-- <br /> " Borrower shull prnmptly givc Lender wrilten n��ticc of any investigation, claim, dcmand, I�wxuit or other uction by any ', ;�, , <br /> , • � , gavernmentul ar regula�ory agcncy or privatc puny involving the Property and any Hau►rduus Substuncc or Environmcntal Law ��� <br /> of which Bo�rower hux nctual knowlaigc. IP Borruwer Iearns, or is notified by any governmentAl or regulutory au�hority, that ���� <br /> any removal or other remediutian af any Hiv.ard�us Substance uffecting Ihe Propeny is neceswry,Borrower shull promptly take • . <br /> all noccssary rcm�liul+�ctiunx in uccunlancc wi�h �nvironmcntal l.siw. �'�'�-."�-�'�"' <br /> ,:re•, • <br /> . —= A�u�.d in this paragraph 2tf, "lia7arduu.r• �ub�:taaces'ane thoxe substsnces det":ned as totic or hazardous soh�tanc!�by •-----�� <br /> Environmental l.uw anJ thc folluwing substunccti: gasolinc, kcroscnc, othcr flammablc or toxic pctroleum products, toxic � ' <br /> pes�icidc.and Ikrt�icides,volutilc u►Ivent,,materi�ls cc►maining a�hestoti or fortnaldef�yde,and raJioaclive matenuls.As used in � <br /> ' this pAmgrnph 20. 'Environmcntul" mcans fi�lcral laws Lnd laws of thc jurisdiction whcre �hc Property is lacated lhat <br /> I �� � " relatc to hcalth,safety or cnvirunmcnwl prat�Ytion. �1�� Nj<< <br /> NON-UNIFORM C�VENANTS. &�rzower ami l.cndcrfunhcrcovcnant and ogrcc us folkiws: ��•~•3�,:°}.:�����: <br /> ' � � ' 21. Acceleratinn; Remedie.c. I.ender shall�ive notice to &�rrawer prfor to acceleration following Borrower's breach <br /> ";`����' ot any covenaM or aRreement in t6(x Security Instrument (but nat prior to acceleration under p�ragraph 17 unl¢ss • -• � •' � <br /> Applicable Iww provldes otherwi�e). The notice shall specliy: (a)the def�ult; lb)the action required to cure/he default; .;M:•n•�.• � <br /> ' �- '.• :. (c)o date��ot less than 30 duys from the date the notice lv Rlven to Borrower,by which the dePault must be cured;And � -- .�, <br /> � ... .}x'•-- <br /> . (d)thAt Pallurc lo curc thc default an or before the date specified in the noUce may result in ncceleratfon oP the sums � �,r,:-- <br /> ' secured by this Security Iastrument s�nd r.ale of lhe Prapert,r. The notice shaU further inform Borrower oP the rlght to � �';t�•:.-�` <br /> ' reln�tate after ncceleration and thc right to brfnR a court aclion to assert the non-existence of w default or any other F =",`= <br /> .. defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. IP the dePault Is not cured on or bePore Ihe date specitied in the notice� . "',.'' <br /> I.ender, al its optinn. may requirc immediatc payment in full oP s�ll sums secured by this Securlty tastrument without - ,�n,��-'_.- <br /> furlher demaod And may invoke the powcr of sak and any dher remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shAll be •;:_�.;�,�w_;, <br /> entttled to colkrt s►11 expeas�incurred in pursuin�the remedi�w provided in thls puragreph 21.including.but�ot limited �:�-�--- - <br /> . to,reasonable�ttorneys' fees and costs oP title evidence. ��`�.-�•��� <br /> If Ihe power of�le is Invoked. Trustee shall record a nMice oP default in canc �ounty in which any part oP the � ?�'.�,�.y�- <br /> Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner pr�scrlbed by applicable law to Borrower�nd to • • � _ <br /> , the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Af�cr the lime required by applicable lew.Trustee shall give public noNce ;_,:,,_. <br /> . oi sple to the persoas and in the munner prescribed by appUcable law. Trustee. withnut demand on Borrower. shall sell E. � ,�;. = <br /> � tlte Property at public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the tirne and pls�ce�nd under the trro�s desiRnated in the notice of E •"�"""• <br /> ,.�.:. <br /> sale in one or more parccls and in any order Trustcc deterrnin��s. Trustce may potitpone xale of nll or any parcel oi the � , <br /> �� Prope�fy by public annouocement at the time und pluce ni'uny previously scheduled �nle. l.ender or its designee may <br /> purchase the Property et any sale. f <br /> Fam 3028 8190 t ' <br /> . P�1�h nl P ' <br /> MC�3018•NE15 <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . � , � <br />