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<br /> _ u , �=r•.>� S. H�srrd or Pr'aperty la�wnnce. Borrower chall keep the improvement� no�c ing ar hereafter erccted on the
<br /> .�; + �'Propeny insurod a�oinst I�ss�by firc, huza�ds includad wjthin Ihc t�tm 'cxtcndal ci►vcrage" vnd any �Nhcr ha�ards, including
<br /> �„�?�,,�,,,�,�;� floodt ctt flaxlio�, for which Lcndcr requires inwmnce. This insurancc vhull t►c mainlainal in�hc am�wnts And ti,r thc pericxis
<br /> - i-=���i-_�.`_- tlwt Lender rcquircr. The incurance carrier providfng th6 insuronce sfwll hc chosen by Borrower subjcet to l.ender'ti opprav�l
<br /> �"4��•.-;.� ° which chall not be unreasan�bly withheld. If Borrower faila to maintain caverage dr.;crilxd uhove, t.eruler mey, et Lender's
<br /> '�'""��i��"� �s,': �f option.obwin coverage ta protect Lender's righta in the Property in accardance with paragraph 7.
<br /> :`a^� ��'� ''K All insurance policles and rcnewala shall be acceptable 10 Lender and shall include a standA�d mortguge cluuse. l.ender
<br /> `�� �hall have the�ight to hold the policics and renewaix. If l.ender requires.Bormwer shall promptly givc to I,eodc�all rcccipts of
<br /> fI}��'" `b'�';;r,:: ^' paid prcmiums and renewul notices. In the event of loss, Snrrowcr shall give prompt notice to the incurence carrier and l,eiuler. a ___,LL_ __
<br /> '� ��°�!'4r«,�.'�'�'J��Z'G, Letder rtwy make proof of loas if not madc pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> �.:,
<br /> ���_:+�.. �'^.+�;'��:. �` Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise Agree in writing.insurnnce proceeds shall be applial to res�aration ur�cpair uf the
<br /> •� ` � �" :�r� "' • pr+operty dameged,if the nestorntion or repair is aconamically feasible and l.ender's security is na Icsu�ncd.If thc restaration or —�.___-_
<br />�� ''''';'�`°•'`%�•����� rcp9ir is aot economically feasible or Lcnde�'s security wnuld be Icssened,the insurunce prceoeds shali be applicd to the sum.g
<br /> . ,;�:.�rn::,;,.�.:.w; • secured by this Secudty Instrument, whether or not Ihen due, with any excess paid to Borrower. if 8nrrower abandans the �_.� __
<br /> r� • • i<<:,�.,F;..�a
<br />�:,. ,F ;���,, ��,.�:;:;�.,�l�yi7�„�r � Property, or daes not answer within 30 days a noNce from I.ender that the insurance cnrricr has��tfered to cetde a rlaim,then �.�_ _._
<br />���'�':�'t�'�����tYr%;�� I,ender may collect the insurance proceoda. l.ender may use the procceds to repair or restore the Property ar to puy sums
<br /> ....,,:�. .� t�,� �,. -- -
<br /> �= ��^:r:�:d � secured by ihia Securlty Instrument, whcihcr ar not ihcn du;.. 7'fic 3Q dzy penad wil!begin when ihe notice ic given. _-- -- —
<br /> ':::`•"_.. .
<br /> ��,p�,u.,.._ Unless L.ender and Borcawer otherwise agree in w�ting, any application of' pnxceda to principal xhall nat cxtcnd or
<br />� � . ' •�� .�• �-t postponr thc due dotc of ihe mantbly payments refeRed to in parngrophs I und 2 or chungc the amount of thc payments. If
<br />'� •� . under pwragtaph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Borr�wer'x �ighl ti�any inxurAnce policicx and pr�KCed+rc+uUing fr�►m �,y, ._._
<br /> , damogc to thc Pa►peAy prfar t�Ihe xquisilion shall pas�to l.cixlcr ai thc extent uf�ix xumx.r•ecur�by�bis Sa�urily In�trumcnt —
<br />�;�;� � � .. - Immecfiatcly prior to ihc ucquisidi►n. � -� .
<br /> ' 6. (�cuponcy.Pncervallon,Mwlntenance wnd PrMectlon nf Il�e Pmpe�tyi ��'+'�wc�'K I.w�p Applicatlon: I,cwcchold�. orai� -
<br />� � � • �� Born�wcr�hull�xcupy,c.lahlixh.�nd u�thc Propcny a�&�rrnwcr'n principul resiJ�nrc wi�hin wix�y duyz s�Acr thc cx�cwinn af
<br />� � Ihia Sccurily In�trumcnt und xhull ruMinuc tu�xcupy Ihc Pro{x;ny uh Il��rmwcr'r principul rc�idcacc fi�r ut Icu+t unc ycar oftcr
<br />)�'. ' • ,,�.�; ' the dutc uf�xcupancy, unlc�x Lendcr��thcrwir�e ugrces in wri�ing, which conscnt �hall mw t+c untcru�nably withhcld, ar unlctis
<br /> . cxlcnuuling circums�wncca cxixt which urc tkyonJ &►rrowcr'K rimtrol. �►rrowcr tihall nut Jctitroy, domugc or impair �hc
<br />� � ' PrapeAy. aUaw the Property to Jcteriorutc, �►r cammil wusle on Ihc Pn�xny. Borruwcr shull be in defuult if uny forl'citure
<br />�� . wction ur pmcc�xting, whether civil i�r criminul, iw i�cgun that in l.c�uler'ti gaxl foith judgment ruuki result in forfciturc��f thc
<br />'� � Pmperty o�otherwise materially impair the lien crcAted by�his 5ecurity Instrunu:m or I..cndcr's x�:urity intcrcat. Born�wer may
<br /> � cure such�de:fault end reins�ate,as providcd in puragraph I S,by causing thc sKtion or pmcceding to be Jismissed with u ruling
<br />�`� that, in Lc�uler'c good faith detcrmination, prccludes forfciwrc of the Borrowc�'g interest in the Propeny or �thcr matcrial
<br />:: _ , . . . impriru�ut uf tit� lien�reated by ihis Sccarity lnsitumcnt ar i,endcr's arcurity interest. SorroL:�r�ha!! also be in defeult if -.. .---.--.::-_- -
<br />' � , Bortower,du�ng the loan application process,gave materially folr,e or inuccurate information or statementx ta I.ender(or fuiled �,���-�
<br /> , � ' to provide l.ender with any materiul information)in connectian with the loan evidenced by the Not�, iocluding,but not limited r —_�=.-.
<br /> � , to,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny aK A p�incipal residence. lf this Security Instrument is on a �"'
<br />_ leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the leasc. If &►rrower acquires fce title to the Property. the � ,-. ' �-
<br /> le�sehdd and the fee tidc shall not merge unless l.ender agrccs w thc mcrgcr in writing. �-_ _.
<br />* � 7.Protection of l.ender's RighA4 in the Prape�ty.If Bormwcr fuils to perForm thc covenants and agreements rnntained in � _�_
<br /> this Securiry Instrument, or there is u Iegal proceeding that may signifiwntly affect Lender's righ�s in the Pmperty (such as a �"c'-'��`='
<br />