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��n� �c � ��-�-- � � <br /> .,,�:. . <br /> � _-:r. - -�_. . '��:�,-- -. <br /> . .. ' Y�•�• . . ._. . -.... _.._.Y_....... .- . - <br /> . y .� ..r 92����� �`�- <br /> - �:�' , <br /> �� �� � ' TO(3E7'HER WITH all thc improvementa now or hercafter erocted on the prapeny,smd all eacemems,oppurtenances.and <br /> � .. ..,, <br /> � xR��•• +..:- fixtures now or hercaRe� a pprt ai �hc p�opony. All rcplacements and additians shall �Ico bc covcred bv this Secu�lty <br /> � �"-c'"�- '"k" Itulrumcnt. All of thc foreguing is rcfcrral tn in Ihis 5ccurity Inslrument aH thc "Paiperty.' <br /> .i�flfe _�tiM�li �' �. <br /> - ,�..�;,�„�-.� W��. BORRUWBR COVENANT3 �hut &irrower ix IawPully�cised nf thc c�tuic hcrcby convcyai unJ has the rlghl to grynt aiul <br /> �x�;'::��ru?� ., convey Ihe Propeny and thut Ihc Propcny ia unencumt�cred, cxcep iur crnumbrnnccs��f rccurd. &�ROwcr wnrruntx wid wfll <br /> -� . �.�� s defend generully the tide tii the P�aperty agaiost all claims and demurulx,suhjcct w any cncun�hrunces��f reconl. <br /> � } ...:. <br /> �r• ����- ,•� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combine�u�iPurm covenants for nulianul uk unJ nomunii'umi ravetwnta wi�h limited <br /> ' �;�. ",�'; • varietiana by jurisdictinn to rnnstitute u unifarm xecu�ity instrumenl cavcring reul pruperty. <br /> • -���•.::.,s UNIFORM COWENANTS.Ei��rr�►wer and I.ender covenant und vgree uc fiillowr:: <br /> -- ,_ .. <br /> � ----�--- -•---°, <br /> r;,��, , 1. Poymem oP Prfnc(pal and Interest; Prepayment And Lwte Chnrges. Bc�nowcr shall promptly pay when due thc <br /> �'rt� � }:.,�'='�+'w-�� princfpal af and intcrest on thc dcbt cvidencod by the Note and any prcpayment und latc charg�x duc undcr thc Notc. <br /> r_h.��i <br /> �r,; ��.•�. , � • .. 2. Fundr for Tpxes pnd Insurance. SubJect to applicable law ur w a written waiver by Lender, Barrower shall pay to <br /> - �� : • ".� Lender on the day monthly pAyments arc duc undcr the Note,umil the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds')Por:(a)yr.arly taxes <br />��-��' • � and assessments which may attain pdority ovice this Secu�iry Instrument us n Ilen on the Property; (h)ycarly Icaschold payments <br /> .,_-- r,,.ti,:..,.., ..J . �. <br /> y� • .• . or ground rems on the Prapeny,if any:�c)ycarly haznrd or property insurancc prcmiums;(d)yearly flood insurance prcmfums. _._ _____ <br /> a°�: ��:r�• • .�. .• if any; (e)yearly martgage insurance premiums, ii any; und(�any sums payable by Banowcr to Lender, in uccordence with _ <br /> � "'"' '`'�"`� the pruviaions ai partigraph 8. in lieu af thc puymant uf nx�il�age iiuurcui�preuiiun�s.Thc� It�ntis are:,allcd"Gscrow ltcrns." ��- --- <br /> ,� � _ .•;� ,,. _ _-- _ _. <br /> � ''''�,; <br /> • ° •+' Lender may, ut any time, collect and hald Funds in an amount aat to axceed the muximum acnount a Iender for a t'ederuUy <br /> ''�� ,,�`:,� ?`;:,;';`' related mortgage loan may require for &►rrower's escrow account under the f«iernl Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br />- `�� '�''� •''' � 1974 as amended from time to limc, 12 U.S.C.Sextion 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to thc Funds <br /> ',�''r <br /> ;.� ` . � seta a lesser amount. If so, L.ender may,at any timc, collect and hold Funds in pn nmount not ta excecd the Iesser umount. <br />_+r„ <br /> -, : ` ' Lender may estimatc thc amount of Funds duc on thc basis of curnnt datp and reasanablc estlmatc�x af capendilure4 of furore �'c��*-°�:`'- <br />-. ., a �.:, Escrow Items or otherwlre in accorduncc wi�h upplicable luw. <br /> . _*..,�,� __ <br /> ' • The Funds shall be held in un institwion whore depn�ils orc insurcd by u fi�crol ugenry, inrtrumcntnliry, ur cntity <br /> .. (including l.endcr,if l.,�ndcr is�,urh an intitiwtiunl ur in any ���Icrul Hunk la►an Bank.IAndcr shull upply Ihc Fundr��u puy�hc � � <br /> ,. � � � Escmw Itcros. Lendcr may na�chargc&►rn►wcr iiir holding unJ upplying lix:FunJ�. unnuully unnlyiing thc cxrow ucr�wm,or ��,�-:y�. . <br /> f--.,... - <br /> �� � vcrifyiog�hc E,rrow Itcmr,unlc�� :Andcr pay.Fi��rr��wrr imcrr�t�m thc I���Mt.u��i u��i���uni�luw�xrn�ils Ixiulcr�o niukc.uch c.....�•�-�-- <br /> rFia±����• <br /> a chargc. Huwever. lA�xlcr muy rcyuirc li��rrowrr tu pay u onr-iin�c�hurg�fi�r un in�k�xndunl rcal crlaW�ux r���Min�t krvirc �.�_..,---.- <br /> � u�d by lxnd�r in ranncclion with �hi�, I��rn, unlcxs upplirLMc luw pn�vidc� ��ihcrwiM, Unlcvs un ugrcenknt is nwcic or � " .• . . � _ <br /> . applicublc luw rcyuircy inlcrc�t a�tx paiJ. lcnJcr�hall nut ix�r�yuircd to puy ti��rrowcr any intcrctit or r•rroing+u��Uir Fuad,. � .•-- -- <br /> ,� BaRawcr unJ I.endcr nwy ugrcc in writing,hawevcr,�hat intcrc�t+�hull I+c puid on�hc f undx. IanJcr�hull Rivc to&�ROwcr, . <br /> �'� without rhurgc, an unnuol ucrounting iif Ihc Funda, xh�iwing creiliis unJ ckMta to thc Fundc und thc pu�x�sc fii� which cuch ��__ - <br /> - -- - , :Y ..;,n, •_ _ debit tu thc Funds was m:ufc. The Fundx ssc pleclga!;e::aeldilfan:s!scsurity &�r a!!sums kyured hy�his:Scruri�y In.tniment. r----- - --_ <br /> � ° If the FunJs held by l.ender caceed the amounts permiu��l to Ix: held by upplicable law, l.ender zhall accaunt to&ircower `• V�'�`�'•''�_•— <br />" for the excess FunJs in uccordancc with thc reyuirements af npplicablc law. If the umount i�f the Funds held by l.cnder ut any --_ -_ <br /> --„- ;;::.^» <br /> . time is not suffiricnt ta pay thc Escmw I�ems when due. Lender may w notify Bc�m�wcr in writMg,and,in such casc BoROwcr +:., <br /> ' ' " shall pay tc►l.ender the urtu►unt neceswry to make up the deficiency. Borcower shull make up the deficiency in no morc thnn �__�__•�"�;�,- � <br /> ,. twelve monthly payments.ut Lendcr'. u►Ic di.r•crction. !�=-= <br /> � " U n a�ment in full cif'nll sums secured b this Securit Instrument, L.cmicr shall rorn d refund to Borrawer �n �::��:��---:—�� <br /> Pn P) Y Y P P Y Y . �,. <br /> ,.�y r��;�- <br /> ' � Funds held by I.ender.lf, undcr puragrnph 21, L.ender shull acyuirc or scll thc Property.I.ender, prior to the acquisition or sale ±'•'•��_••••-..-,Y- <br /> _ . of the Propeny, shnll apply uny Furxls heW My I.encler ut the�ime af ucquisilian or sale as a credil agsunst the sums secured by �:, ,��..,f7,;,�_;,,�' <br /> this Securiry Instrument. r�`�•�'ti'`a'-..�;;"`•-_�, <br /> - 3.AppBcallon of Peyments. Unlcss npplicublc luw providc�nthenvisc,all paymcnts rcccived by Lcnder undcr paragraphs , '. - <br />• 1 and 2 shall be applieJ: first, lo uny prcpuymem charges duc undcr Ihc Ndtc; sccand,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; 1..._ ---��- - - <br /> • ' ' third, to intcrest duc; fourth, to principal duc; and last, lo any IAtc chnrgcs duc undcr thc Notc. �`"''�-= <br /> ' � 4.Clwrqes;Licns. Borrowcr shall pay all tsuccs,ussescmcnts,churgcs,fines und impc�sitiuns uttribuWblc tn the Property ' `�="i _. <br /> q �..w :-'�-,:`w:"— <br /> " , which may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrument, und Icuscl�ld paynxnts ur ground rentx, if any. Borrawcr shall pay .•1.-„`'"` .. <br /> �• . <br /> thesc obligations in the munner pruvid�Yi m parugruph 2,or if not puid in�h�t munner, Bnrruwcr tihull pay them on time dirccdy t ' _-- <br /> to the person owect payment. Bnrrower shull promptly furnish to I.�ncier all noticcx cif amounts�u be paid under this p�ragraph. � ,,,„,,,�-� _ <br /> If Borrower makcs thcsc paymcnts direcUy, Borrowcr shull prompUy fumish tu IAnder rcccipts evidcncing the paynxnts. f -__ <br /> ° Borrowcr shull prompUy dischurRc uny licn which has priority ovcr this 5ccurity Inslrumcnt unlcsti Borrawcr: (u)u rces in �::`°-�'�' � <br />. S �' -'�?fI:�LTs'�;-- <br /> i •u�� � writing ro the payment of the oblig�tion secured My thc lien in a manner ucceptable a� L.enJer; (b)contests in good faith the lien , .. : =- <br /> • by, or defcnds against cnforccment oT thc licn in. IcFal pnxccdin�s wbich in thc l.enJcr's�ipiniun operate to prcvent the ' � <br />' ..� � enforcement of the lien:��r(c)xcures from Ihc holder of the lien an uFreernent satisfuciory to l.ender subordinating Ihe lien to <br /> this Security Instrument. If LenJcr Jctcrmincz that any part�if thr Property is subjcrt a� •r licn whirh may attnin priority over � <br /> ' . this Sccurity Instrumcnt, l.cndcr may�!ivc &�rrnwrr u nalicc iJ�nti(ying the licn. f�rrmwrr�hall tiutixfy the lien or t�kc one or <br /> morc of thc actions set farth ubovc within 10 dayr iif lhc giving of naiticc. <br /> • . Fam 3028 819t1 <br /> •. • 1'.rli•!��1 1� , <br /> . MC�3019-NE/2 <br /> t <br /> � , � <br /> , � <br /> _ i <br /> . I � <br /> J - - - - <br /> • � . __ -- <br /> _ <br /> _ _ - <br />