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.-.��ww��-s my. •%�5:4 ,-�...--.-....,._ -T- . .s . _ <br /> � ',a�.. 3'f'!�+'b� o - -_'.. <br /> i <br /> ��12� ' fi4-, }-#v'� . , a �+'•.:� <br /> _ ,/6i`� �d1Ylrfityt�,. . ..... . . ...�N-�=—___ - <br /> ..:�`�:i:�►+�.,� . <br /> � 92_ lo3�s� --- <br /> . -�?�;; <br /> —�:����;a�}�._� . <br /> ��.:�r,��j�'��s+f�� '.; prymenta msy no longcr bc requirod, w the opiion nf L.endcr,if mortgv�c insurnrree covcra�c lin�he�unt and far tho perial <br /> ' �� th�t L,cndcr rcquircx)provided by pn insurcr oppruved by Lcnder a��in Iwcomcs avoilaMlc unci is ot+toincd.Burrowcr slwll py <br /> -�i '.tdi"...�v, �.�-- <br /> n��*���"r'' the premiums roquircd ta mafntain maegA�r. insu�c in effccl,ur t�►pr�vide a loss rc�erve,until thc rcyuirenxnt for nwrtQs�e <br /> ����i�..�d�,+��-,.i..,."�...., :", , �.;. �u.r�r <br /> - -�:,�:,�.R .�-. inwance ends in accordw�ce wlth any w�itten Agreement bc�wcen Barmwer�nd L.cnder ar upplicablc law. _ <br /> �iv,� �-v�•t �z � . <br /> �c.x'��r:.,' 9.Inepeetloo. Lender or itc Agent may make rcas�nable entries upnn and iocpec�inna��f the PropeAy. Lender�twl �ve <br /> '�' �,,;..••.;.�, — _ <br /> > BoROwer notia:W the time of a�pdur to an inapection xpecffying aeaconable cuusa f�r the inrpectian. _ <br /> � . 10.Condemnntbn. The prc�oeds af any uward or claim for dwiwgex, direct �r con�eyucntiul, in canncctiun wi�h any — _ <br /> � i•.,.;� ; , r.ondemnwtian or other�akin�of any part of�he ProPeAy. or Far rnnveyunc�e in lieu af cundemnwtian,arc hcrcby aYS�i�nod s+a�i -- <br /> . . :'�'�' sliull t►e peid to I.ender. • _ - --- <br /> i -;'� In the evcnt of a totul wking of tbe Property.thc Pmceeds shull bc applieJ w the sume Mxurcd b��his Sccurity Instrument. �,..—__._ - __. <br /> '���'� whether or not then due, whh any excesa ps►id to Bormwer. !n Ihe event af a paAiul taking of Ihe Propeny in whfch Ihe f�i� �ar;---_ <br /> � market value of the Property immedic►lely beWre Ihe tsking is equul to or greater than the arncwm of�he sums securcd by thia �,_ <br /> .,�: ,::�. <br /> ��: ' Socu�ity Instrument immedistely befare the taking,unlcss Borrawer and I.cndcr atherwlsc agroe in wridn$,tho sumx acxured by �t.� <br /> _"- �•+�+�' thia Security Instrument shall be reducod by the amaunt of the pracceds multiplied by the fidlowing iructian: (u) the tawl - --- <br /> "•�•o-..; •" ' amount af the sumc secured immediately before tha taking,dividec� by �b) the fuir market vnluc of the Propcny imrnalialcly �� <br /> � a. � `, . before tha taking. Any balqnce shall be paid to &►rcov►er. la the event of u punial taking of the Property in wNich the foir ...-_--� a -__ <br /> �� •� -- _� � market value of the Property immedietely beforc thc taking is less�ban the Amount oi'the sums securcd im�tcly before Ihe _ _ <br />`'�: � ta�ing. unless Borrower and l.ender aherwise agrec in writing or unless applics+ble taw otherwix piuvicics.the P�s�L� �;��:.• <br />_ � ';'•.';'."�'� .,�'•,.� � be apPlied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument whether or�x�t the sum�nre then due. �� <br /> ��� _�'•i��'~ ' ' "• � If tM Propeiry is aba�lOned by ROROwer.or if.after notice by I.E:nder ta Borrower that the cwidcmnor affc�s to moke an <br />�r�tt� �t;;;,,;;;,;;•`•;�� �� •�•, Borrower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 days after the datc the noticc is given, �„ <br /> -'-•��:,,...� ,, ,:��''. .: •. awarcl or setUe a clsiim for d�nu�ges� �.�-4� <br /> � <br /> -"", =�':'-:_-:�:? -.��''•+ 4ender is authorized to rnllect and r�ly the its aptbn,either lo restoretion ar repair of the Prnperty or to the sums �,�_-�_ <br /> , .,' � �_ . <br /> ;,'•„f :::,_;,i.;�..!� .,� �ecur+ed by this Security Instn�ment, whetheror not then�lue. .,., �. - ��.° <br /> ° •' . . �.;�t,r; ;:,;: Unless Lendcr and Borrower ahenvisc agree in wriliag. any upplication of praceeds to pdncipal shull nat extend ar ���� o�. � <br /> .;:��:� ., - � ,r.,,c%h,:.s��� <br /> postpone the due date of the moNhly payment�referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the anmunt of such payment�. ,�;,�.� <br /> ,. , :,�,;,1 x.�. --.—_. <br /> • 11.Bon'ower Not Rele��sed;Furl�earance BY I.ender Not a Waiver.Eatension of thc cime for payment or modification •,�,. - <br /> , . �.,. . s..° .T._ <br /> f'`�° � of amoAization of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower sAall ,. • .__ <br /> ,;..;:,. •;---. <br /> '4}•S�•'''�}''�-- `"' not operate to release the liabiliry of the uriginal&►nower or Borrower's successors in intere�t.Lendcr sh�Il not be required to , ;. <br /> ,:;�;��t',�;4in< .... ` ',-- <br /> 1�fi,.` , commence proceedings agalnst a�y successor in intereat or�+efuse�o extend time for payment or othonvise modify amoAizatfon � f ,�.; <br /> .�1� .,; <br /> ,.,: ` �s�,,��,., . � • of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reuson of a�y demund made by the originul BoRUwer or Borrower's •' ,y�, <br /> � ��� , ' successors in interest. Any Forbearance by Lcndcr in excrcising any r�ght or remedy shall not be a wuiver of or prcxludc the ���� :-" ` <br /> � ty�rr�^ <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. �. <br /> �� �, �.�nr+a and Asslgnv Bound:Jolnl and Several Liobilily; Co-signers. 7'hc covenants and agreements of Ihis _� _ <br /> `,���;� -�.� Securiry Instrument s h a l l bin d an d b ene f i t the successors and assi gos of Lender and 6orrower, subjecr tu tt� p+ovi�ions of �,mY�_ -° <br /> �9:.�..-,: <br /> � � . �• �"` paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanis utNJ agrcements shall bc jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securi�y �,,,�A,::._._._ <br /> ' ' Instrumcnt but dces not exccute the Notc: (a) is co-signing this Security instrument only ai martgage, grant and canvey that <br /> �_-, e� ..d„- <br /> , ,.�re <br /> � Borrower's interest in the PrapeKy under thc tcrms of this Security Instrument; (b) is nut pc�sonally obligated ta pay the snms ;;;�?`;'i;;:` • `''',� <br /> '. secured by this Security Instrument;and Ic)agrces that Lendcr and any other Barrower may agrec to cxtend, modify, forbear or �"";'1?���,,^;� <br /> ��Ca�,. <br /> • malce any accammodations wi�h regard to the terms of this Seruriq•Instrument or the Note wlthout that Bexrower's cansent. .��s__ <br /> ��� <br /> � 13. Loan ChArges. If thc loan sw:ureJ by this Security Instrument is�ubject to a lew which sets muximum loan charges, �•;;�_,._. <br /> ° � and that law is finally interpreted�o tha[ the interest or uther laan charges rnllected or to be cullectecl in connection with t6e �+r•�-* <br /> loan eaceed the permitted limits,then: lu) uny such loan rharge xhall be rcduced by the umount necessary to reduce the�h�uge� �.J�,_,";.�:�W <br /> °. �' . . to the permitted limir And(b► �ny sums alrcady collected from Aorrowcr which exceeded permitced limits will be refu ��,��.... <br /> •• Borrower. I.eoder muy choose to make thir refund by reducing the principal owed undcr the Note or by making a direct -- <br /> payment to Borrower. If u refund rcduces principal. the reductian will be treated us u partiel prepAyment without any ��.�;T?��- <br /> prepaymenr charge under tlx:Notc. ._:�:�:`_--` � <br /> . 14. Notices. Any notice to&�rcuwcr proviJed for in this Scrurity Instrument shall tx�given by delivering it ur by mailing ,,;. �'r` <br /> . ,,,:, it by first closs nwil unless applicuble law reyuires use oF onather nkthai. The notice shall Ix Jirec�ed to the Property Address �.�;,,,��• <br /> ••;-„? . • �� �� <br /> � or uny other �ctdress Borcuwer dcsignates by notice to Lender. Any noticc to I.r.nJcr shall be given by first class muil to �i;;.•=-: <br /> ;is:�.:a... <br /> � . " l.cnder's address stated herein or•rny oth�r uddress Lender designatcs by nntice ta&�rruwer. Any noticc provided for in tt�is -,;�;,_ <br /> •. Sccudty Instrumcnt shnll be dcemed to huvc lxen givcn to Borrawcr or t.�nder when given us provid�i in this parngraph. ';��,.,�'-"'..z��; <br /> ,� '� " '' 15. Governing Ls�w; 5e�er�blllty. Thi. Scrurity Instrumcnt �hall hc govcrncd by fcdernl law und thc law of the , <br /> " jurisdiction in which thc Property is l�xut�xl. In thc cvent thut any provision ur cluuse of this S�:curity Instrument or the Note '.',;., <br /> contlicts with upplicublc law,such mnflict shall not�ffect othcr pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be , � <br /> � givcn effert without thc conFlicting provision. To this end tlx�pr��visians of this Security Instrumem und thc Note are declered .�,., ; <br /> ��. <br /> to be scvcrablc. � . <br /> ° l6.Borrower's Copy. Burruwer�hull tx:givcn uuc cunlin mcJ capy uf�hc Nutc and uf this Sccurity Inswnxnt. <br /> . � Rpm 30Y� 91l0 ` <br /> ���. <br /> .. Pp��ot 6 ( . � <br /> 1 � <br /> , � � ,. <br /> � f <br /> .. S . � <br /> •`,. <br /> ! . . <br /> i , . , � .. _ . , <br /> 1 ; ; ' � <br /> . r. � <br /> . 1 � <br /> ' <br /> ; <br /> . .� . � <br />