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�v; .,, ,�i,':'a��a�,ro_tt�l1'r <br /> u �E4' .: :. _ ..s� _. ' .�,: <br /> �`f �..,� . --� <br /> ��w^`+wAq7r••••'lT'.•r•:r �- <br /> � 4�'' t.. ' " � '... - <br /> + . •� - -- <br /> . - .e.`���rr w-y�'� .1�..» _. . .. ---_ <br /> • .' ` . <br /> . ,L;v� . +.•.,yv. ., . . - ---� - <br /> + """' it�iliY--- - W - r . - - —---,__ <br /> _ _ . . �43`��'� <br /> , � . :�,: g�,.., - <br /> ,;'�`'�';�'•�:,"�'�, S. fi�:ard or PropeKy lacur�ce. Borrnwer xtwll k�ep thc improvemen�r nc►w c�isting on c�rcafter erected on the <br /> . ;,; „,.., ,. . <br /> ,�� �,r,�, '� . ��,.�'�. �"�� propcny insurcJ a�aiosc los�by Arc. harAnls includcJ wi�hin tt�c tcrm 'rxlc�ul�l cnvcrugc'und any othcr hui,urtile, includin� <br /> ,�•�.... ,�' _.: <br /> ,,��,�,h;��M:,�„•�,., „ flood9 or ilaxifnQ, Por which L.cnckr rcquirrq incurancc. This insurnncc shall hc m•rintuincJ in thc umount�unJ fiir thc periads _ <br /> .� ,vr, .,• ' r' •' � tbat L.endcr rcyulrcr. Thc intiuronrc rurrier provfding Ihe inxur+ukc�hnll be cho+.�n by &inowcr�ubj�Yt to Lcndcr's+rppmval <br /> '� � � R which rhall not bc unn�HU►bly withhclJ, Ii F��nowcr fAilK w m+intain covcragc der��itx�l aa�ve, L.cnJer m�y, ot l.emfer's <br /> ;•. . . •. aption.obtafn covcnrgc �o pnNCCt I.cixicr'��igMg in thc Pn►perty in xronlancc wilh paragraph 7. <br /> ° • .. All insurarxc pulicic.r und renewals rhall he u�ccptablc lu L,cmicr unJ tihull includc u�wnJurJ mortgage clausc. Lcndcr _..— -- - <br /> ;, ,; • � Wwll Fwvc thc right to hnld thc policicx unJ nnewotx.lf�lcr rcyuf�c�.Barrowcr.hall prumptly givc�o I,cnJcr all rM:cipcs of <br /> .. _. .'-.�`.- _ paid prcmium.g and rcnrwul rkwi��rx• In�ik¢vcnt of lu�s.&�rrowcr�Fwll�ivc prun�pt nuticc w tiu inw�c c•rrrlcr and Lcndcr. �--___-_---.-__,-- <br /> r � �•';���� Lcedcr may makc pn�af of I�s ii not�prumptly hy Borrowcr. �,_--- <br /> F'�'� � <br /> - Unleas l.ender wK! Q�irruwer oth.rwise agroe in writing,in,urnnce pn�ceeJs�hull he upplicd to rc.rior��i�m ur repuir uf the _ <br /> . property�i,imagcd.if the re9turation ur rcpair ix�r�wc+mic�lly fcuvible nnd Lcnder'x�ecurity ir n�x le�u:n��l. If Ihc re+lurutKm ur �=�-- <br />� repair is not ecunomic�lly feasible or l.endcr's securi�y wcwld t�e Ies�ened.the insururke pnxe.edx tihall Ix�upplicd 1��tAr,�um� ------- <br /> t�', ' -- secured by this Socurity Instrument. wtkther or not then due. with uny exce+z paiJ to &m��wer. If Born►wcr ubandc�n�c the —____ <br />� , . �' , <br /> �� � � Rmperty, or doex na w�wer witliin 30 d:��Y u nc+tica frum L.enikr thut�he iavurvnce cArricr hu.affend to`eule u cl•rim, rhen �"°'"�-'�" <br />'�'',� , . � � " �r ° Le�der may collect the in�urarw:c pnr�.�ds. lwr�der mvy use tiwt pr�x�ed.v tu rcpair �r res�o�c the Pr+►pcny ��r ui Qay sutnr �_"'�"'°`!•°"'` <br /> ' •. �;;, � . .': securod by thix Seruriq lastrument.wh4ther or twt Ihcn duc. Tha 3tkctay peruxl wilf hcgm whcr��hc mHi��e is given. _--'°`— <br /> �:':�.;� �';,' : ,:�;:io-�;�' Unless l.ender aad Borrowcr utAentiise a�rce in wri�ing.uny upplicutiun of pr�x�f.r to principal sholl m►t eztmd or ---- <br /> �� � .`:,,;�`�,.,,.•.: '; t the clue date of tM mncithl ments referced a► in r ra w 1 und 2 ��r c • e tb:nrtx�unt of ihe � ments. If <br />�' c'r:�'; .,<<.,.. ,. - Ppg Ppne ) P�y Ix+ � Ph• IunB P'Y "'�'-��� <br /> I+ <br /> .'•':'';�4 ' . ''•'.�' '''�'� under par�gct�p�21-the Praperty is uquired by Lc�xlcr.Barrawcr'�right to uny insurance pulicies and pnxccdx rexulting frum �.,_;,, <br />,. �..,F �. .. - � ,, ,'� __ <br /> ;' ' :;�.-_ ,_.�:': , dan�ge to the Praperty priar to thc arquisition ahall pa.cs to I.ender to the cxtent ot'�hc swns secured by this Securiry In�lrutnent <br /> � ,`•'',. �. • �.;�, '. ',�' ima�adiuely prior to�he ucquisition. z� ' '� "-' <br /> , . . . . , • - — <br />;,• . � : '� .`�'�:•�'•' '�, • 6.Oocuponcy.Preservatlon.Maintenwnce And Protection oP the Property:Borrower's I.oan ApplicAtlon:lxasehalds. ��:p,';� , <br /> ''�'`�'' Bomaw�er shall occupy, esteblish,and us�:the Property u�&�rrower's prinripul residcncc within xixty Jays after thc cxecution of -- <br />: • ��`` , this Securiry Instrument and shall continue�u excupy the Propetty �.c Barrawer'.r• principal residence for at Ieast eme ycur uRer k� _ — <br /> �_— <br /> .� , the date of occupuncy, unless l.ender wherwise o�rcxs in writiag, which cansent shall nnt be unrca�nably withheld,or unless ----- <br /> � . extenuating circumstances exitit which ure beyand Borcower'ti camrol. Borruwer shall not destroy, dumuge or impair Ihe �'���� <br /> °• ° � ' Property, aUow thc Property to dctcriarntc, or commit wnstc �m the Prciperty. Burcc�wcr shAll bc in default if any forfeiturc ��'"�- <br /> " action or praccxding,wbe�her civil or criminul,is begun thal in l.ender's good fui�h juJgment could result in forfeiture of the �v' <br /> , : �. ---- <br /> ;�;�'�t Property or otherwise materially impair the lien creatcd by this Security Instn�m�:nt or Lender's security intemst. Barrower may _____ <br /> � � • � cure such u default and reinstate,as providecl in pArngruph 18,by causing th�:�tiun ur pnxxcaling to be dismicticd wfth a rulfng �.� "'' - <br /> � •.7�..'.:. .y , d''_i�._. <br /> that, in L.endcr's gaod faith determination. procludes forfciturc of the Borrower's intcrest in thc Prc�peHy or othcr matcrial �a <br /> . • impairnient of the lien c�eated by th�s�ecunty Instrument or icnders securiry in[eres[. 8orrowcr shaB wisa be in defauit if —�°`� <br /> , Borrawcr,during the loan application process, guvc materially talu:or inuccurote infartnation or stntements to l.ender(or failcd �°�!.•-_ <br /> ���,- <br /> i� • �o provide Lender with Any matcrial infornwtion)in conncction with the I�wn cviden�cd by the Note, including.but not limited - <br /> �w a�.�. <br /> ' ,. to.reprcsentatianx coneerning&►rrower's accupancy��f the Pmperty us a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a � � <br /> � i �• I�asehold, Borrower shall comply with all the pravisions of the Icatie. If Borsower ucquires fix tide to the Prop�:ny, the --..=_==._-'�' <br /> � �„ leasehold and the fee titic shull no�mergc unless Lcnder agrc�s�o the mcrger in writing. • . = <br /> .. 7.Protection of Lender's Righ�g in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements cuntained in ' <br /> . this Seeurity Instrument, ur thsre ia a legal proceecling that may signiticvntly affu�t L.ender's �ights in the Property (sucb as a ' � <br /> procceding in bnnkniptcy,probs�te, fnr condemnation or forfciture ur ta enForcc luws or rcgulations), then[.ender may do und �.._. -.- . � _ <br /> • � pay for whatever is necessury �o pmtect the value of thc Pmperty und l.�:nder'w rights in �he Property. Lcnder's uctians may T . �.:�_. <br /> include payin� any sums securcd by u lien whirh has prioriry �iver this Security Instrument. :�ppearing in court. paying •-•� „____ <br /> ;'�".� reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Pror+cny to mnke rcpairs, Although Lender mny tuke urtion under this para�raph ��°j+ <br /> f � . . 7. L.e�der daes not have to do s�►. <br /> •� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thi+ parugraph 7 shall tx�:omc udditionul debt of Bonowcr xcurcd by this , - <br /> Socudty lnstrutnent.Unless &muwrr unJ L.cndcr ugrce �o uther tcrn�s uf puyment, the�c �moun�s �hall tkar interc,t fmrn the � '��y <br /> " date of disbursement at the Nnte ratc und shall be puyablc. with intcrest, upon noticc fn►m L.cndcr to Borrower mquesting r', .w.,__:_ -� � <br /> . payment. .� �":� .-- <br /> �� 8.Mort a e in9ur�nee.lf I.ender re uir��l mort�•rg�in,urunu a,a cunditi�►n uf making thc lu�n secured by this Securiry � . <br /> . 8 R 4 6 <br /> ' � lnstrutnent. Barrower shull puy the prcmiums rcyuircd to maintuin�hc mortgugc insuroncc in cffcct. If, for any reuson, the ,� '"''.� <br /> mortgage inruronce coveragc required By l.�:nder lapacs�ir ccuse. t�i t►c in cffert, Bi�rrower shall pay the premiums required to . -,- �-= <br /> , sy <br /> obtain coveruge suba�antiully equivalem to the mortguge insurance prcviou,ly in effrct,at a c��s� �ubstantiully eyuivalent to the • .; <br /> . cost to Borrower of thc mimguge insuranrc prcvi�wsly in eff�ct, fmm an uUcrnate nwrtg•rF� insurcr approvcd by Lender. If <br /> ' substantially cquivulent murtgage insuruncc ruveru�c is not uvuiluble,Bormwrr shall pay to l.ender rach month n sum equul to ; <br /> onr-twelfth of thc ycurly mnn�agc incurancc��remimn Ixing pxiJ hy Barr�iwer wlkn thr in.uranrc roverage lupuxl��r ceased to <br /> be in eifect.l.ender will uccept,ux mxi mwin�hc�c paymenls ua a lu.� rescrvc in {icu uf mungage insurunce. l.��ss reserve i <br /> Fam 3028 9180 � <br /> . . Ppa3o}8 � • <br /> � �' <br /> . , � .. . <br /> f <br /> 1 . � . <br /> ' 1 <br /> 1 <br /> I � .__. . .. .. '_ . <br /> � <br /> . � <br />