.I ��.;� � ..,t1 •q t�1� �'. .'s': � t )�'}'fi��i.� rl7Z ti `�.` " , nr{i +�i�� '' • ,�u.
<br /> !. .k�� �� .1�_ �+�'!�' F�.` ��y ���5 ti •N �q � .«.... r�_r� !_� s"'-- _ -
<br /> Y� �' �':�'; � _
<br /> 1'�'114.�"-M^
<br /> ���,,• ~.•`��� h�.... . s'f:.. .. . . •' ��•_ —r�
<br /> . �.�.���.�...'�i�C:'.i� .. � � �-'--s� -'
<br /> ,..:.. .��� 9�_ soa�s� �
<br /> � ,. .. •• „: �' , ' 17.TrapRter ottl�e Pr+nperty or a Ben�flclpl Interect in 8arrower. If�11 or any pan of the PmpeRy or any interest ia it
<br /> •, • ' � : .` �. 'is cold ar tronsforrod(ar ff a be- neiicial lntcrcst in Bormwcr i�sc�ld ar tranvfcmed und&�rmwcr is not a natural percon)wittKwt ---
<br /> '' � ,�.:... �'
<br /> '�-+�nYTM�,"�r,�••:�t� •� I.cnder'� prior wdtlen conrcnt, Lender ms!y. ut iis option, rcquirc immaiiatc pAymcnt in full uf�ll xums s�xurcd by �hfs �
<br /> � '' Secu�ity Instn�mcnt.Hawcvcr,tbi�option�wll not t�c exercirial by Lendc�if cxcrci�c i�pmhihital by faderal Ir�w xs of the date �"--
<br /> "`'4 .� .�`��`" of'this Secu�ity lnst�umcm.
<br /> ,.
<br /> d • ;�• � �� If Lender cxenise9�his nptian,Lendcr shall glvc Barrowcr noticc�f ucccicrution. Thc nwicc shall provide a period of nc�t
<br /> - , less than 30 J�ys t'rom the datc the naice ix drNvcrod or mailcd within which &irn�wcr must puy ull sums sccurod by this
<br /> . , • , � Sccurity Insttument.IP Borrower fuila tap�y thcsc sums prinr u�thc cxpiru�ion of�his period,l.endcr m�y invoke any remedic� -
<br /> . ,. . „ ' permitted by this Securlty Inslrument without furlhcr notia ur dcmarKl on Burniwcr.
<br /> . !S. Borrowrr'e RIR6t tu Relnctate. li &►rrowcr mects artuin cundition�, Burn�wcr shull have the �ght to turve
<br /> ' � enfarcemcnt of this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt discantinued at any time priar to Ihc corlicr of: (u1 5 days�or such alher periad as ` `—�-� "`� "
<br /> ;.t��. �'. � • applicablc Ipw moy ap�xffy for rcinst�tcment) bcfore rwle of thc Propctty pureuAnt ta any pc�wcr af r,sde cantainod in thi�
<br /> . ,, • - . Securlty Instrument;ar(b)en�ry uf u judgnrnt cnfi�rring this Socutlty lnstrument.Thasa rnndilians Are Ihat&�rnawer.(a)pay� _ _
<br /> 1�": ; � . l,ender all �ums which Ihen wauld bo due uodcr Ihia Secu�ily Inslniment und the Nate as if rw u�:��eleration had accurnad; (b) ---
<br /> � .. • . cutc�any defpult of any cuher covcnant� c►r Agrocmen�s;(c) pays�11 cxpenses incurred in enfo�cfng thix Security Instrument.
<br /> . • including. t�ut nM limital to,rcasonublc auornuys' Pces;nnd (d)takcs such action av l.�:ndcr may musnnably rc:quire to s�sssure
<br /> • � that the lian nf this Security Ins�rument, l.ender's�ights in the Prupeny and&irn�we�'s obligation to pay the sums secured by =--
<br /> this Sc�eu�ily Instrument �hall continue unchanged. Upno �instatement by Barnawer, �his Security Instrw�mn� und 1he ==--""_
<br /> ' oi+Ugations�ocurod Aereby ehall remain fully effi�ctive av if no accele►a�i�n hud or�vrred. Howevec, this ry;ht to nrim�tare shall �,,
<br /> ' :; ��''��� nat apply in Ihe case of wxcicralion under purogruph I"l. � °__ --- - -
<br /> •� �ti�`'� `�';:,,:� 19. Snle ot Nate;Chwt�e ot l.onn Servicer. Thc Note or u p�utiul intcrcct in the N�ue (t�tether with this 5�xurity �_
<br /> � , �' � Inslnimcnt)may be sald onc or mc►re timcs without prior notice to&�rrowcr. A sulc�rwy result in a r h a q gc in the enlity(known w�,,,�,--
<br /> ' us Ihe'l.aan Servicer")Ihut collectb memthly paymentK due under�hc Note t►nd Ihis Sccuriry Instrument.There also may be one �`
<br /> �::,�.__�—
<br /> ' ' ` � ar mc�m changes of thc l.oan Servicar unrcluted to u�alc uf the Notc. If thcrc is a change of the Loan Scrvicer, Bormwer will be ; ,�:,,.:.�-
<br /> � ��� given written n�►tice of the change in uccanlance wilh parogrnph (3 above und applicable law.The notice will stAte the name und ��=`=
<br /> < .,,,. ...; - .� . __
<br /> ' • uddr+ess of the ncw la►�ui Scrvlcer and�he adcircsa to which paymcnts should be made. The notice will also contain aoy wher �.��,;,.., .:rY; ._
<br />• � • inforn�a�ion m,qui�-d by appllcublc luw. �±xr�r;.�t.,__
<br /> ' 20. Hazardous 5ubclances. &►rmwer slwll not cau�se or permit thc prcsenoe, use, disposal. s�orage, or nelease of any ��-?��'�'•—
<br /> Hnrnrdaus Sub�tances un �ir in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nur �Ilow anyane el�: to Jo, unything uPfecting the ''°'°
<br /> .'r � ' ' Pro rt that is in violulion oP an Emiranrrkntul Law. The recedin twa scntences s6a11 not o I ta the rcsencc,usc,or �:"'-
<br /> � ' P� Y Y P 8 PP Y P r-°•-.�--:.
<br /> storagc on the PropcAy uf smull quumi�ies uf Fi�zanious SubstLnces that ure gen�:rally recugnized to be appropri�te to norn�l wr,•��`-�"`
<br /> �.� � :t�:;:u�—
<br /> ',; } trsidentiul us�:sand lo muintc�wnccuf the Propcny. ��,.�__.---
<br /> �; ;;�i,�i�•�''''�' Boirower shnll promptly givc l.ender written notice of uny inves�igation,claim, demand, laww�or olher uction by any —',�..
<br /> • `'' governmen�ul or regulatory agency or private p�ny involving thc Pmperty suid any Har.ardous Sub�or Environmental taw :i,.,ti�,?�'.:;
<br /> � ' ; .� '�,j', �, of which Borrower has a�wal knowledge. If Borrowcr Icarns, or is nutifi�by uny govcrnmenwl ur re�ufatary authoriry, that '•.'x,, -
<br /> • ��` � �,;�;� any rcmoval or atha;r�+emedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance uffccting thc Propeny is nccessury,Bc�rrower sh�ll proa�ptly take ,
<br /> . ::;'..,,•,�;•, all nec�ssAry rcmaliol sutians in uccordancc with Environmcntul Luw. •"i� `'
<br /> — _ —____.T _ As used in thi�psua�traph 20, "Htvardous Substonees" ure thusc xubswnees Jefined as toxic ur i�acdous�►bseances by
<br /> Environmentnl Law and thc Pollowing substunccs: gusolinc. kemsenc, other Oammublc or t��xic petr�l�;um n�afucts, tozic - ••�'�°'''�
<br /> ', pesticides and herbicidcx,volatile solvcnts,ma�eriuls con�uining u.ehc,tos or fomwldeBydc,and radioxtive mat�rials.As uu�d in � � '
<br />; � �+elatc to heal h?sufetynor environmental pro ect'ion�eral laws and laws of�he juri,diction where the Property is IorAted tlwt `. �}1':%�;;t,� �`
<br /> . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower ancl tw:nder further cavcnant su�d vgrce as followx: '�r'!'{"��,`"•�'' �
<br /> 21. Aocelemtioa; Remedles.Lender siwll glve noqce to Borrower prior to Acceleralion followi�g Barrowcr's brcach '�''%���"" ���'i -
<br /> �u�..
<br /> . . oi s�ny rnvenant or�reemenl in thls Secur+ly Instrument (but not priar to AccelemNon underp�ragraph 17 unless ,-�::,•.�;�'f;:�i�'-,����:
<br />' , , . appHcable law provldec otherwlse;. The notice shall speciiy: (a)the defAUlt: (b)the acHon requlred to cure the dePoult= •r':,e.,..���,
<br /> (c)a date,not less Ihs�n 30 ds�ys iYom the date lhe noUce is Riven to Bormwer�by whkh the default must be cured;�nd :,�,:���:Ya�.� °.
<br /> � � (d)tl�t failure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified in the notice may result in ucceleratlon oi the sums ',�•,-�-•,-:�:r�:.,
<br /> � seeured by this Security Instrument and sale of the PrapeKy. The notice slwll Pu�ther iniorm Bomower ot the rlght to ��y.�•••�a,:�-
<br /> �lnstate s►fYer AccelerAUon and Ihe ri�ht to briny;a rnurt action to assert the non-extslence of a detault or any other ' ''•'' ' �-`
<br /> . ' defense of Borrower to acceleraUon and sale. If the default is not cured on or bePorc the date speciiled in the notice, :,�•�`
<br /> • I.ender� s►t its option, may requlre Immediate {wyment in Pull of all sums securcd by this Secu�lty It►strument without
<br /> ' � ' .. , iurther demand and rnAy invoke the power of sale and any other remedie�permitted by appllcAble IAw. Lender shs�ll be �°'''-�+�'
<br /> entltled to rnllect all expense.s incumed in puRUing the remediex provlded in this par�rpph 21.lncluding,but not limited • � ' ' "
<br /> "�"'� to,reason�ble attorneys'fees and costs of tiUe evidence. , °°�----
<br /> • ''�����'' If the power of gnle is invoked� Tru.gtee shnll record a noticc of dePaull in cuch county in whtch any part oP the � `
<br /> � Peoperty Is located and shall mail copl��of such notice in the manner prescrfbed by appliceble law to Borrower�nd to ` -
<br /> . We other persoas ptrsc�ibed by applicable Ipw.After the timc required by applicable law,Tru.�tce�hwll give publk notice -. "�-"—"-�_
<br /> of sele to lhe persons and in the manner presc�ibed by appNcuble law. Trustec. witlaul demund on Borrower��hall sell . •� �"'-"��
<br />'. . We PropeKy at public auction to the hi�hest biddcr at thc tlmc and place and under the tcrms desiRnated in thc notice oP ' �+
<br /> sole in one or more parcels�nd in any order Trustee detennines. Trustce ms�y �wstpone ss�le of ell or ony parcel of the �',� "� ��u°'��
<br /> , Property by public onnouncement at the time and plyce oP�ny previously schedul�vl sale. I.ender or its des{gnee may •�,,.;�
<br /> purchase thc Property rt any sule.
<br /> . r
<br /> ti ,
<br /> Fam 3028 8190
<br /> . ' "; - Va�n R u�e � .
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