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<br /> � •�'Q�7`�F���R I � �t 4��J.� __" . -
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<br /> ��'�x�� .,
<br /> •����"-•�!*��"�'II�"�'� r�Nxtemnuli�H�nr��thrr tukin�of'uny pan ot�Ihc Pn►peny,or tor ci�nvcyuncc ia licu ut'condemnu�inn,am henhy AHSigncd un�l
<br /> — �����-�.t_�
<br /> _��.:.��'� Khall tx paid�o Leixtrr.
<br /> � In �tw cvrnt ul' u pqal �ukinp ot'Ihe PmpcAy, the praeedy xhull he applicd �u ih�: �umw r�ecuRd by thi� Security
<br /> ��''�:�" In,�rumcn�.whc�hcr ur n�d Ihcn duc,wilh Any�xcti,�puiQ�a B��rn�wcr. In Ihc cvcnt uf u partiul tukiag of thc Pro�xny in
<br /> -:��� ,df4 w�hkh Ihc f��f�mutkc�valuc oi ih�1'n�peny immcxliutrl��hci��re Ihe tuking iti cyuul to or grculer�hun the umounl af�he+um�
<br /> • *": . .fi•� �'
<br /> � •.�• `• ` ���. ` nccurcd hy�hi�Srcurily In�trumcn�imnxdia�cly fwti�r���hr tukin�,unlc►s HoRnwrr un�l l.cnder othcrwiu:agrcr in wri�ing.
<br /> :�f ri ,�,h '':'(:;•,,� �Ix�Rumr.ecured by thi�ticrurity In�lnunent shull ix reduced hy the am�ium uf�he pnxred� multiplicd by ihe folluwing
<br /> ��`�� � 1•� .,�, ���� Fru��ian: ud the tMUI unx+um ai ttk hum�+:etiurrd immrdiatcly befon thc tukinK.di�•ided hy Ih).the fuir murke�vnlue ot'the
<br /> :-: �J A�:�..l l:..ti�..:.�... `
<br /> _ -�-;t.-�--------;�,-.-, Pn�ny imnK•diutuly bafurc Ihc taking. Any balanre shull hc paid to 8nrn,wer. In �hr PvPm ��f a partinl tokin� of'the ��, .-_--
<br /> •i�.{.�;�±;�;,.{r • . Propeny in which�F�fuir murket vnlue of the P�rc��xny immrdiately Infon the wking ir le�s tha�tll��amuum of the,umy
<br /> .�ii,`:
<br /> - =�r�ti�',�r�•. :� securcd imme�iutely hefore tho tnkin�,unles. Burrower und Lendcr otherwitir a�roe in writing nr imlexx upplicable Inw
<br /> ��;;'��••: � ��thenvlre pmvides,the pr�xeedc�hnll h�upplled u►thc.um►+ecurcd hy 1hi�Sccumy Inxlrumrnl whethur nr not IFk sum+am
<br /> w,�::�: -:.�.,.;;,;� ': , �hendue.
<br /> -. -- �y�' �,,,� ':� If�he Propeny is nt�ndaned by HoRmver,or if.utior natic�hy Lrnder to Bnrrowcr thut�ho c�mdemnur offen u,makc
<br /> =- `��'. ,.' y an owunl or.elUe u cluim fc�r damuga..Burcowar fuilr�In ro+�xmd io Lender within 3U duy,lUier thv dnlc Ihe notica ir�given.
<br /> �..•.� I.cnder i�.uuthorii.eJ tu collect und upply the prcicccd�,nt i�s opdi►n.ei�hcr tc�re+u�rati�m or rrpuir M'tha Pmpeny nr In thc -_-
<br /> : �o, � ,;�,
<br /> �. �•"W�'� . -.�..�� rum�:secured by thix Securjty Inraumem,whe�her or no��hen due.
<br />_ ��r��� � %�i+►'�. " : Unless Lender and BoRawer athenvir:�uR►eo in w�ilina, any upplica�iun of prcx:eedti�o prinripal �hull not extend vr
<br /> °"°���}'�"'� ��J'`" - a ne the dur dutr uf�hc iounthl a mvnl�+rcfcrr�J to in .�ru ra hr 1 and 2 nr chun e�h�:im�mm��f.ucb �a men�s. _ � � _
<br /> .. ' .s�.;�:'' ... pn. pc� Y P Y P' k'P � S !'Y
<br /> :_�.��!_•':.�.��;�, ;..:
<br /> 11. Borrawer Not Relewcedt Forbearance By Ixnder Not a Wwiver. Extension uf the lime fnr pnyment ar
<br /> -=- • , � madificution c►f amanixu�fon uf the+umx xecured by this Security Ins�rument grunted by I..ender to uny ruccr�snr in interest
<br /> '•��;��N,.�t'i�FIF.• .h
<br /> = v of Barmwer shull not operu�e io relcuxe the liability��f the orlginal Bormwer or Borruwerl.ucrrssarx in lmere,t. l.ender _
<br /> _"- '__." �-�• �°'= . ahul) na be n�uired to commence pr�xeedingti oguinst uny succe„or in interexl or nrtu��o ex�end time 1'nr payment or
<br /> ';-�.`�� otherwi�e modiiy amonixutian uf thc.r•um+yrcured by thin Serurity In+lrument by reas�n M'any demund mude by the original
<br />; ,, , .:6l:,w��:M' ,i:.�• 'i,
<br /> a.�r, . , Borrawer or sarrower's,uccessors in interexi. Any fo�beurance by Lcnder in exen:i.inp uny right or remedy shall not be a �`
<br /> •- '• , wuiver of or prerlude the exercise of;u�y ri�ht or remcdy.
<br /> ' �'` • 12. Successors and AssiRns BouM: Joint and Severel Liubilily:Co-�i�ners. The covenunts und agrcementti of[his �;:-
<br /> '` � Security lnatrumem shall bind und henefi� the.ucce�son und arzigns af L.end��and Bnrrower,.rubject to the provisions of -�.r,_�
<br /> � � ��'��•. • • p;uograph 17. Barrawe�:ruv�n:u��.unJ agrecment� xhull he jainl und xevcrul. Any Brnrower w•ho co-tiigm�his Securi��• [.`
<br /> `r}• ' ��''r" �� Instrument l+ut dces not rxecute thc Note: lal is co-xigning�his Security Inr�trument only to mortguge.grunt wid cunvcy thu� '���"=.�_
<br /> _'� " Borrower's interest in the Prupeny under the tctms of this Sccurity In�+tr+imenr, (hl is nut��nully obliguted to puy�hc.um+
<br /> ,, " " secured by this Securi�y Instrument:und(c)ugrees that Lcnder und uny eHher Bormwer muy agrce to extend,mudify.fo�he+u -.--
<br /> �;''" `' " or make any uccommaiatiom with regurd lo Ihe tertnz oi this Security Instrument or the Notc witlx�ut thut Borrower: u:ulu•---
<br /> ,' � ,�'k�� `�+ . �,... con4ent. _•..., ---
<br /> -i�r �� ��'�' � Y• ; _..�..
<br /> ,, .:�, l3. LoAn Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Imtniment iti ,ubject to a luw which ,e��; maximum loun �
<br /> �� -- �'':�� � «•'� cl�arges,and�hat I��W i.linnlly in�er�reted sa thal the interext or rnhcr loan churAes collected or to t►e collected in connectinn �
<br /> 5` '�' �' ' "� with the I��an exceed the rtnilted limi�s.Ihen: lul un wch loun chur e shull be reduced t� the amount nece«ary to reduce
<br /> � � . �....,:�i�.•� pc Y ' � Y
<br /> ' ��`'` the char�e tn the permitted limit; und(hl nny xum�alrcady collected Prom Borrower which exceeded rermitted limits will be �'�-=��•
<br /> �:�..,`, .,• .�;.,, c
<br /> � • • '� refunded to Borcower. Lender m�y chcx�se to muke this neltincl by reducing the principal owed under the Nc�te ar by muking a
<br /> ° ' ..�,,'�,.� .R•' ' • ditect payment to Borniwer. If u rcfund reduces prinripal.�he reduction will be treated us u punial prcpuyment withnul uny -
<br /> - .,� � � � � ' ' ' prepayment churge under�he Note. �,,.:�SI��A'�-,
<br /> �•'�„_�);��.:�;.;;�•.'�•,)yt'',a 14. Notices. Any natice tu Bnrrawer provided for in thi�Secunty lastrument shull lx given by delivering it or b� _
<br /> 4�.::��'�'�`` �••���'' muiliag it by fir��clasx muil unlexs applicable luw reyuires usr of annthcr mech�xl.Thr mKirc,hull Ix directrd to the Propcn�• —_
<br />