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:�m _ . _ <br /> _. �. . 4�.x. . ::,; <br /> ��,' t1'ti_1if� 7.7y ...... � .. � �_...--� .�.- <br /> � .. •- rv'.uyrl.i►i..f�." - - +-,7-TM—_-_. <br /> . . , '..: _._._ ' '. <br /> _ ,�.�♦ . - � ' __ "_ —�.-a—r--.�.�..._.. <br /> . . �=:1'_ "--,.,.�._."_ <br /> �� �,. �� ' 92'—'� 103"��w �._nz..._-- <br /> �::� �., <br /> -�_���:��:.,.,t . _-- <br /> ;::��;srt,�,::�.a'v��,:� <br /> --�;,�, ,�,� wpplicablc luw may rpecify for r�inRwcemenq before sulc of�hc Property pun�uam to uny puwcr oP sAlc comained in this <br /> �-`���;.,,��''.'�,,,.,,,:.,, Sccurity Inspumenr,or(b)entry af u Judgment enforcing thia Sccurity Instrumcnl. Thorc condidons ure�hat Borrower. (p) _ <br /> —:=rn�r:TMr�i"°", pays Lender all eums which then would be due under lhie Secud�y Inatrumcnt and Ihe Nae as if no ucccicrotion had <br /> .:�,.,.. • {�'"• : occurred;(b)cures any default of any other coven�ntx or agreemenl�:lc)paya all cxpenticc lncurrecl in enfurcing this Security <br /> �,' � �`�"` ` � Instrument, including, but nd limited to,re�onable uttorneys'fees; and(dl takcx xuch action ua Lcndcr moy rcasonobly <br /> " rcyuirc ta ussurc thut the lien af this Sccurity lnstnimcm,Lcnckrk rfghlti in thc Pirc�petty und BuRUwcr�abligulion to pny th� w <br /> �x�; :?`;,:;:�° . �ums sccured by this Security Inatrument shall canlinue unchanged. Upnn reinxlutcment by Burrower, lhis Securfty <br /> '��'��� �. Inwtniment and the obligations secured hereby ahall remain fully effective as il'�urcelrralian had accurted. However,this <br /> .. .... . � ' <br /> �'''�� ri�ht to reinstate shall not opply in the case of ucceleratiun undcr p:uagraph 17. �=_._- — _- -�- <br /> ,b•T y�~� � 19. Sak of Note:CI�oQe oi Lonn 3ervlcer. The Note or o purtipl inlerext in thc Natc(togcther with thiw Security __ <br /> " ;;�,.:,�.,��i�;;;;;.w�� lnsuumenq may be sold one or morc timec wilhout prior notice to Burtawer. A�ule muy result in u chnnge in the endty = <br /> -u•.�=-. <br /> ' (known as tlie'Laun S¢rvicer")that collaNa manthly puymen�s duc under the Note nnd this 5ecurity lnatrument. There also �_�__ <br /> �� ; �'�a� . may be one or more chmge�of Ihe Loan Servioe�unt�c�ated ta u salc of thc Natc. If Iherc is u change of thc l.oan Servicer, _ _- <br /> � Borrower will be given wntten natice of the ctiunge in accordnnce with puragroph 14 above ond applicablc law. The notice � <br />� ' will state the nAme auid Address of the new Loun Servicer wid the�ddress to which p:►ymen4�should be mudo. The notice will =--- <br /> ��. '�.y�� � ulso comain any other infarmatian rcquired by upplicuble law. _ -�.,•---_ <br /> :�.,�y�,:�_ 20. H�wrdous Substancea Borrower shnll oat cause or pertnit the presence,uxe.di.rpcmol.siorage,or releae,e of any � —` <br /> _ .,,:_•,.,�. __ Hazardous Substanccs on or in the Prapeny. Borrower shull nat do. nor ullow anyone�Ivc �o cio. Anything uffi:ctin� thc - ---- <br /> ` Propeny that is in violution of uny Environmenwl Luw. The preceding�wo sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> ��; . ,•;:�.;�� ' • storege on the PropeAy of cmull yuuntities of Hazardous Subgtances thnt cue generully recogniud to be appropriute to norm�l _ <br />�,_ �•:1,• residentlal uses und ta mnintenunce of the Property. _.-- <br />;�- � '� �'�'�: . ; , Bacrawer shall promptly give l.ender writlen notice of any investigution,cloim,demand,lawsuit or other uctfon by any <br /> s�+',,.;� —_ �=;;�;,.•F`�,,:=_ �overnmentul aT regula�ory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Huzardous Substance or Environmental ` _ � <br />^+r�-"'r. ` .� ' • Law of which Bmrower hus actubl knowledge. If Borrawer leums, or is notified by any governmenlal or rrgulutory <br /> w=;�`; •'•" `� �� . uutharity,fhat uny removal or other remediation af s+ny Huzardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary, Borrower . <br /> •�" • ' '� shall promptly tnke pll necessary remedial actions in accardunce wi�h Environmentul Law. <br /> � .��'• As used in this purugmph 20,"Hazardous Subxtunces"ure those substunees defined us toxic or huzurdous xubstances by _ <br />�•A= �� �`'�"�� � � Envicrl►memal l.nw end the fotlowing subslances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable ar toxic petrolcum pralucts,toxic E,.==— <br /> «�•,•.;:: 1. <br /> ' ` peuieiclrs ond herbicides, volatik sulv�nu,mnteriuls containing u+hestox or formAldehyde. �nd radioac�ive materials. As Ei.,:;,,''�---- <br /> y � ° � '' used in this parogrnph 20."Bnvironmental law"mcuns federul luws und luws of the jurisdiction wherc the Pruperty is located � <br />"y� • . tha�relatc to heulth,snfety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenunt ond ugree us followti: e��— <br /> ' 21. AccelerAtion; Remedles. 4ender shall give notice to Dorrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borrower•s � �°=_-- <br /> . breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument IbW not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 ��'-'"---— <br /> unless Applicuble law provides otherwlsel. The notke shall specify: lal the dePuult;!bl the Acdon re uired to cure the <br /> � � detauls;ic►a datr.ou!!�s lhsn 34 da,rs 4'rom tl�e date the noHce is given to which the deiault must be �"'='°_ <br /> !�: � � cured;and Idl that failure to cure the dePaull un or betore the date specified in the notke may result in acceleration of ��_aR�. <br /> 'r�� ''� the sums secured b�this Security Instrume�t and wde of lhe Propertv The notice shall further inPorm Borrower ni = _. <br /> !„l :M�: , ����� <br /> . :, •s�� the�ipht to reinstate aPte�acceleration and the rlght to bring a court acllon to a�erllhe non•existence of a default or <br /> • i :,�. �Ss':�, -�� --. <br /> ,,,� ��,:,,y�,;�,.:�,,.,,• , any ather defense of Borrower to accelerotbn and sale. li the default is not cured on ar before fhe date speciPied in "r_i <br />• •.�•x ,.�.�•,�� �• the notice�I.ender at i�s option may reqaire immediute payment in i'ull of all sums secured by this Securily lnRtrument ��'�.:'_ <br /> r ,, �:•':+;; � � � • wilhout further demand and may invoke IAe power of sale und any other remedies permilted by applicable law. � � <br /> . ,i,'�; . . �..�...,� '�,�- <br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in thi4 paragraph 21. �Wr��� <br /> � including.but not Umited to.reasunuble atlorney4'fees und costs oP tltle evidence. °';"�-.�'"� � <br /> • � �� ]f the power of sale is invoked.7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each county in whlch any part of the �'`�i.�,^°` <br /> '`"`" �� , Praperty is located and shall muU co ies oP such nolice in 1he manner rescribed b�a licuble la�v tu Burrower aad 10 = <br /> , : ��, �,�; ..•. p P 5 PP � n,.�_ .,.,.... <br /> . `�}:� the other persons prescribed by appli��uble law. Aiter the time reyuired by uppUcable law.'ll�ustee shall gi�•e publir -, :-!k(��;=::;,;;�s:- <br /> . . ,u <br /> �`� notice of sale to Ihe persons s�nd in the maoner prescribed by applicable luw. 7lrustee.without demund un Horrower. �n:,',j:'�;:_'�'"— <br /> r�.,..�:.'• <br /> ',`:(��:�j; ' " ., siudl sell the Praperty at public auction/o the hiRhest bidder a1 the time und place und under the lerm�desiRnated in �•nY�_�;�__ <br /> ' �"���� � the notice uf sale ia one or more parcels and ia any order 7YuRlee determines. Tru�tee may postpone!wle of oll ur uny ;.�;r�.� <br /> . ; ;,;��,`� ';,,��:.;,,7;•. , . -� <br /> ,., t , . purcel oP the Property by pubUc unnounremenl at the lime and place aPany prevMusly scheduled wde. Lender or its .'` ;�':�.;.�; ,,-.r_ <br />, ��(, .%'�� degiRnee mpy purchasc the Property al any sale. ��� ��'t;;�.,���• • `' <br /> , ��'•��� Upun�eceipt oP paymenl uf the prlce bid.'I'rustee shull deliver ta Ihe purrhuser'Ilruxtee's deed conveving the <br /> �� • o Property. The recitals in the'ilruslee's deed�hall br prima Pucie e��idence of Ihc Irulh uf the stotemenls made therein. <br /> ,,... . <br /> • 'I�ustee shall apply the pr�►ceeds oP the�le in the Pdlowin�order: laf 10 aU costs and expen�oi exercisins the power �,r,��__—_ <br /> .. ,. �:.: _— - <br /> ° `_r-___ <br /> I•:• , u <br /> �')iiu--_- <br />�:r . , _�Y��Te����"�� : <br /> , . 7!, `-�i !1',•. <br /> :y.. <br /> � , �:�-r <br /> ; t I : � , •- <br /> , hiKmJ0211 9,9D ,ru.r?,�je�a�t�•�� t <br /> ;_. � . <br /> . , i <br /> � •r <br /> , .� � I . <br /> . :i' , <br />.. . . . ,� „ . i. <br /> r <br /> I . <br /> . <br /> i � <br /> . �� <br />