�a'wrvisitr�"::�f�'NS�fC•'.i'!�:i.�y9�n�rl�!,�NII.YF?.�`Y`�St',`v,t-`1i��.�p..�� • �:�, a �r�t•, �t���nt4,: ;.ry ..,-.v•.e.ru..�v'v�+w�*ai�r. . :•:.�' '.- �'� --
<br /> _ �.
<br /> ,���f�f ' t•^ �'U;.7r`4'` _ '�,'
<br /> ,7;�! � .. ,,.: ,; _ ��.d.�,� .` .. .� -
<br />— '� � � i 5 w■tJ.wew•t.�S�G;. �� --_ - -- __. -
<br /> _.� �'�L 'r.• -•-=�r
<br /> - �Qi4�=5!r�et.:.
<br /> �
<br /> ��:��. .. _..,_�..�� 92- 103� -_--_ .__�-
<br /> _ .�.-_.y_�:�'w� /� s�
<br /> _.'-�i�_ �` �',�ts, ��,.�.,...---
<br /> ;,�F�:•�_°_'��.•.'. pericxls tha�4ender requinex. Tho in*umnre c�rtler pmvidin�t ihe in*urunce*hs�ll he chuKn hy HuROwer�.uhject tci Lenclrr ti
<br /> ,��.,.,�,,;};_fi,r�,,,;j:;;;;: epproval which shall nat he unrep�onahly wilhheld. If H�xn�wr�failg u�m�imuin rovcrugc ik�rihcd ulxwe,l.cn�kr nwy.u� -���:�-_
<br /> --'"- Leixlerk optian,e►btpin rnvemge lo pratect Lender x rfYhtr in ihe Pr�qxny in acccxd�nce wUh puugruph 7. ^-�
<br /> �-�� - All lnwuranee palicie�und rrnewui�hhall hr:kre�uhle t��Lrnikr und«hull Inclu�k u+�wklurd monFuge cluu+�e. Lender
<br /> Khall have�he righl lo hiiid the pciUcics und renewuln. If'Lcniler rcyuircx,B��rraH•cr shull prumptly Eivc�o Lendrr ull reccipt� �"-=�=--
<br /> �`�_.
<br /> ': ;�,�. : � o�----
<br /> � � �f pui�premiums und rencwul nMirc.r. In thc cven�u(luti., Hom►wrr whull�tivc pnmipt nuticr w�hc inxurunrr curcicr wxl —
<br /> i ., `�:• Lendcr. l.ender muy mukc pnx�C of lin.it'n�►t mwle pn�mMly by Hum►N•rr. -- —
<br /> Y Uniex�Lcnder and B��ROwer�uhcrvvi�e ugr�in w�ilin�t,in*urance pnkecJ.r tihull Im upplied�o res�orutian ur rrpair of
<br /> .:�.�..a,::.. _'�.y' thc Pro�rty dnmuged. if thc n,mraiion or rcp�ir i� crun��mically f'ra�ihle nnd I.endrr; ,erurity i. n�N le.ticned. If Ihe ----- - -
<br /> ��'�.�r..: L _.
<br /> M4 ,• rcslorul an nr repAir is nM econanicully feaxihle or I.ender��ecu�ity w��wld lx: lecaened, the imu�nre pmceeds.hall be
<br /> •� t,..
<br /> S;e r•-
<br /> -�'•� upplied to 1hc Rumx.recured by ihiK Security In�tniment,whethrr or nol Ihen due,with uny exces� �id �o B��rmN�er. If
<br /> :,;;:",�;,,,tr '�; Borrower abundana the Prapeny,o�dc►e�c n�t answe�wi�hin 3p duy.u notice Fmm Lender�hu� �he in�u�nce ca�ier hati .��i�'_,�;�,.�-
<br /> . ,,;,�.�%�.���.",�•��'• oifered ur tietUo�+cluim,�hen Lender muy callect the insuru�ce pmceedx. 4ender muy u�e ihe pmcexd��n repair or resMro ;�,w;�.
<br /> +.. ., : :.�=r.:-_
<br /> .h, � •,��,' Ihc Prapehy ar Ia pny sumx saured by lhis Security Instrumem,whelher or no1 then due. The 30•duy period will begin when � —
<br /> t,i{. � ;::,:.+: U�e notice is glven. �' .'r� 1� a icw
<br /> �. � Unless l.ender und Borrawer rnhenvise ugree in writing,any upplicution of proczeds to principul whall not extend or �� � �" _
<br /> �_ p,..,V - �.� ,-. � 1�ilt}.S1Yur-� ..
<br /> -a-- ,;�,:,�.�s t postpone Ihe due dute of the mo�thly puyments refemed la in pnrngruphs 1 und 2 or chanFe�he wnoum M'thu paymemF. If ��-� ----
<br /> ";�"ra���- ••� ��= under paragrnph 21 dx�Pmpeny ir ucyui�ed by Lender,Barmwer's �ight to uny insurnnce pnlicies and pmceed�resulting ��_
<br /> r:� = �_ ., ,. , fram damage a�he Property priar to�he ucquisitfon shu0 pusz to 4ender lo�he extent ot the xumx s;ecurcd by Ih�r Scxu�fty � ��°°
<br /> ' '� In�tniment immediu�ely prior ta thc ucqui,ition. �''`'su_ --
<br /> "� 6. Occnpancy. Preservalbn� Malnlenunce u�d Protection oP Ihe Property; Rorrower's LoAn Appllcatian= ---
<br /> j,� '� '' � � ' LeASehdda. Bornawe�shull occupy.ectablixh.and use the Pmperty uur+Barrowerk principal rcaidence within sixry days ufrer ��--.�---
<br /> __�-��°.... ;:_.,..: �'•v=--
<br /> �,�� ,�._�,zj;,__�. . thr e,ucwim oP this Security Ins�rument und shull continue to occupy the Propeny us &�rrowerk principul residence for at _
<br /> �: ka.�t o�e }•e:u after the date ui o►rupnncy, unless Lender athenvi�se :�grees in writing, which conrent shall nw 6e � ,•
<br /> - �� �� � unmasonably withheld,or unkss extenuating circumstarues exist which are beyond Borrowerl control. Borrower shall not _,�_�;-
<br /> r^ .
<br /> _:.,, .� •.�;,., desuoy,dumage or impair the Proprrty,allow the P�openy tvdeteriornte,or commi�wuste on the Property. Borrower shull
<br /> '� �� : � be in default if any fodeiture uctfan or pra:eeding,whether civil ar criminal, is begun that in Lender's good fnith judgment F`��=-=-—
<br /> �;,;1.?�-�':�x: cauld �sult in forf'eitu�e oi Ihe Praperry or othenvise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or
<br /> F..:—.
<br /> � " � Lende�s securlty interegt Bormwer may cure such a defuult:md reinslute,�provided in purngruph 18,by cuusing�he aclion _._
<br /> or proceeding to be dismistied with u n�ling thut,in Lender:s gaxi failh determinution,precludes forfei�ure of the Borrower's ___- --
<br />:'`���.',.`��• '' �� in�erest in the Property or other muteriul impuirtnent of the lieo created by this Securi�y Instrument or Lender!s security
<br />: - : � interest. ���tiower zhnll nlw 6e in defuuU if Borrower, duria�� the loan upplicAtion ptocess, gave materinlly fulse or �_
<br /> inuccurate infomtution or stutementz�o Lender(or fuiled to provi:de 1.ender with any material informationl in connection wilh =-=- W
<br /> th� loan evidenced by �he Note, including, bu� �ot limited ta, representutians conceming Borrower's accupuncy of the �;�.s_—--
<br /> Propeny as a principAl residence. If this Security Instrument is on u leasehold,Borrower shAll camply with all the provisions �,___
<br /> _ __ _._- _ .•._ ___ of the leax. 1f Borrower acyuires fee title Ia the Pmperty.the lea.�ehnld and thr fee litle shall m�t merge unless Lender ugrees �
<br /> to the mererr in writing. - -~-
<br /> � 7. PrutectMn d'I.ender's Rights In the PropeHy. If Bnrrower fails to perform�fi� covenunts und ugreeme�ts ""''P���,�,..
<br />; • ` contuined in this S�curity Instrument, or there is u Iegul proceeding that ma}� �i�tnificantly affect Lender's rights in !he �"��-
<br /> . � . Property(such as a procce►iing in bunkruptcy,probute,for conJemnation or fori'eiture or�o enforce luws or regulation�),th�n �'••:T�=-`'r�
<br /> • �� .b Lender muy do und puy for whc�tever iz neceswvy to praert the value of Ihe Proprrty und Lender's rights in the Propem. _
<br /> , Lender;actians may include puying uny sum+tiewred by u lien which has priority over�his Securiry Instrument,appeuri�g
<br /> � �^ �' •� in court,paying reusonable uuorneyx'fee�and emrring on [he Propeny to mnke repain. Ahhough Lender muy tuke actian �""—s`��_-
<br /> . � under this parngruph 7,Lender does not huve to J�so. �°�--"�
<br /> . � Any umounts ditibursed by Lender under�his purugn�ph 7 shall becume udditionul debt of Borruwer secured by this ".;'��
<br /> � ',��:�" . , � Securit Instrument. Unlesx Burrawer and Lrndcr u rcc iu o�hcr�erms ui' u ment,�hese umounts shull bear inttcesl from the J ���
<br /> Y F p Y rt�-u:;-. ..
<br /> � �'�'�•` • • datc of disbursement ut Ihe Notc ratc und xhull 1�puyahle, wilh imrrcst,upon notice from I.ender to Bortower reyuesling ••-•y���'-��•'
<br /> • ��'; � r �.;�+Ti_s.
<br /> �;,�' � ,,s::�,,;;: payment. y -�-�-�,_.
<br /> ,,,�`�(':�'!'� •:':�. '•�,�� 8. M1toHgage�nsurence. If Lender reyuin�d mongage in.ur:�ncr r�u cunJiiion of making the loun secured by ti�is �,�};���
<br /> ' i:;;.�:-�'j�"''•�'f•;:,',•,..!�� 5ecuriry lnstrument. Borrawer .hall puy 1he prcmiums rcquircd lu maintrin Ihe mort€agr intiurance in effect. If, for any ' ''�+'t;�°'��•=r
<br /> ' ''�'� •' ��" reu,on, the mon�agc insurnnce covcr.�gr nquircd by l.cndcr lap.rs ur rrasc. w be in cifect. Banower shall puy the j;r•���;�,'�_
<br /> , ' �'�',,� �t,.a."��°..,.� �._
<br /> � • premiums requirrd to abtain rovcrage wbstanti:dly eyuivalem to�hc mnngagc insurance previourly in eifect, at a cost . ��,-�,_,_ ,
<br /> ' yubs�u�tially eyuiv�lent to �he cotit to Bom�wer of�he mongage in�curunce previou,ly in rffect,from an altemate monguge '�' ��:�:•:_=
<br /> � insurer o roved b LenJcr. If xub.tuntiuU e uivalent mon a e imurunce cuvera c i�not uvuilahle,Barrower shall u to �' �"' '
<br /> • Pp Y Y N F R B P Y :�,r,i:;��
<br /> : Lemler eacN month u sum ryuul to unc-�wcllih of thr ycurly mortgagc imur•rncc pnmium heing p•rid by Borrower when Ihe '��=�=�=-�
<br /> • ,, insurunce coverage lupxed orce:��rd to{x in effe�t. Lender���iU accept,u.e und rc�uin the.r p•rymenl�us u losx nserve in lieu ._.: r._-��� �
<br /> • ,�.,_,:.�
<br /> � ' of mortgage insuranre. Loss re�ervr paymena muy nu lunger he reyuired,a��hr uption of LenJrr, if mongaFe insurunce -.;�•�.
<br /> a �
<br /> coveragc lin the umount and for�hc perioJ�hut Lrndcr reyuirest provided by an in+urrr upproved by Lender again becomes :.:��:,���
<br /> � , � available und i.obtuineJ.Bam�wer shull .� Ihe Rmiumti re uired i�i muin�uin m�►n�u�e inxurance in effecl,or�o rovide a �";-;r.,;. --11
<br /> P'Y P 4 E b P r� •
<br /> • los.reserve,umil�he n:yuiremen�for munEuge in+urunce end.in acc��rduncc wi�h•rny wrinen.�gr¢rmrm be�wcen Borrower :::,.'.�••.:�r;?���;i-
<br /> , and Lender or upplicublc law. •" . �
<br /> , 9. Inspection. Lender ur il�agrnt mny mi�kr rca+un:�Mr cmrir+u�x�n anJ in��cuon.of�hr Pru�xrty. Lrndcr shall I � �
<br /> • give Borrower notice at the�imr��f ur prior m;m im�r�iun��xcif�ing rca�nnahle caux ti�r the in��xrtiun.
<br /> 10. Condemtulfion. Thr procrrdti uf any:��vard ur rlaim ti,r d•rma�r+,dircct ur�untiryocnlinl.in cunnrcuou�.�i�h any ',,
<br /> � : �. �.....
<br /> � tilnµl�I�am�l?..Frnnk\tue�Frcddk 11ac 1�ItclR�l l\ti'fRl'\fE\t--l'uHunn t'���cn:u��. 9i90 qq�pr?,./�,p��jr�� . ,
<br /> . • , Ii1fJ1 I.l�fr�IU�IIMY+f�ff�l`�p' � ' . . �
<br /> n��nxr�•rn wM��s:aoa�a:�v.��uu+��at•iiai
<br /> , 4
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