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<br /> _ -__ _-���'� TOQ�7'H�R WITH ull�hc improvcmen�K now or Ncrcaflor erectcd c►n�he pmperty,and nll ca*cmcnlr:,uppunonpnres,
<br /> �_.__.�._._._.-,.,,� and t�xlures now an c�reuftcr a pun of Ihe pmperty. All replacomente�wKl uddiiionx vhAll ulco be cnvered 6y thfr Stuudty
<br /> In�tnlment. All of the Parcgaing iR rcfcrted to in�his Sccurity Imd�umcnt m�he"Properly."
<br /> —"""4"�"'°"`@tl0� BORROW�R COVENANTS�hat Burrower ix luwfully scirrd uf�hc estalc hcreby c��mcycd und hu►Ihc righl to yranl
<br /> =—`����y;��� und convey the Propchy tu�d that the Property(s unenaumbered,except li►r encumhranrex uf reconl. Hnrnnwer wwr�ms und
<br /> �, '!�u a,f-r
<br /> ;ci�.���•��� wfll dePend generally the title lu the 1'rap�:rty aguinst all cldmy uKl demunds,rubjcc��o uny encumtxunce.m't►tiurd. _
<br /> L�S�
<br /> -- 'I'HIS SBCURITY IN5TRUMENT cumbincs unifiirm cmcrumt� (nr nulional uK und n��n•unit�um cuvcnunt� wilh
<br /> ���rf0►OG�r.� limitcd variw�ions by)uri�dictic�n ta canstiiwc a uniform+�eu�i�y insuumcm covcrinyt real pn�+ehy.
<br /> �:-z_��,__,. � -
<br /> � UNIFQRM CQVENANTS. Barmwcr und Lcndc�cnvcnum unJ ugrcc r�fulluw�:
<br /> .�Y��-"• 1. P�ymenl u�Principal and Inleresli Prepaymenl aad I.Ate�.'bwry{e�. HuROwcr�hall�xomp�ly puy whcn dua�Iw
<br /> �„_ �•��R� principa1 uf and inlcrcsl an lhc dcbt cvidcncecl by the NutcunJ ony prcpuymcnt unJ lutc churgr�dur un�kr�hr N�Nc.
<br /> "—`v= 2. Funda�or"Ihxea pnd Incrrance. Subjecllo ap�licudk law ur In a writtcn waivcr by l.c�ulrr,SuRawcr�hull pay lo
<br /> ���r�.' � Lender on�he duy momhly payrnentb ure due under�he Note,until thc Nn1e is puid in full,u,um l"Fund�."1 R►r:(u)yeiuly
<br /> •-"�'�' ` � tnxes und�,rge��men�s which may attuin priorily aver IhirSecudly lostrumen�As o licn un the Propeny;(b)ycu�ly MurehalA �-
<br /> -'�'�"�'�T�•-, puymentx or ground �nts on Ifu� Propeny, if uny; Ic) yearly har�r�cl ar prupeny insurance promiume; (dl yenrly fl�xxl -__ --
<br /> ���`°������ -� insurance remiums, if an (el earl mon u o insurnnca rcmiums,if nn ; and (f1 un rums able b Bomower to =_._
<br /> _ �:.
<br /> ---------- , P Y� Y Y B � p Y Y • PuY Y _-
<br /> `.�......�.1.� >>_.�' Lcnder.in w.cor�uice wl�h �ha pnwir+i�►n�.uf purugrAph 8, in Ilcu of tho payment of mortgage insurunce pmmiums. These -- _
<br /> - - _ �.,_.._-;-�.,��c;; ,
<br /> .. �,.,.,,,,,,, ilems ure called'Eserow Items." l.ender mAy,u[uny time,collcct und hold Pundx in un nmount na to exceed the maximum �,;,
<br /> ;;;� -,� umaunt a lender for s►federnlly r�elsted mottgage loun may myuire for Borrowerk escrow uccount under tM federul Real ����•J�
<br /> _�����'��: ` Estate Senlement Procedurss Act af 1974 as umcnded from time ta dme.12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey.l"RESPA"),unlexs unother =_-
<br /> ,� ,,.�, law tha1 applies ta the Flmds sets u lexser amount. IP so. I.ender mAy,ut any time,cdlect and hold Funds in an omoum not lo �� c.-
<br /> 'S�i;.� --' e::
<br /> — �:�� ��',`' exceed Ihe lesscr umount. Lendar may estimute the �mount of Funds due an the basis of curtem data and reasonwblc �;'�-
<br /> --� ��'�'�� ;- • esumates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwir,e in accardnnce with applw-ui�le luw. =_ _-
<br />�"��.;•: ..�r:.,a�� 'Ihe Fu�ds shall be held in an institutlon whose deposits ure insurcd by a federal agency, insln�mentality,or entity ___
<br /> (including Lender.if L.ender is such an institution)or in my Federnl Home L.oan Bank. Lender shall upply the Funds to pay
<br /> ,�'��� .,• ` /he Escrow Items. L.ender muy not churge Borrower for holdfng and applying the Funds,annuully analyzinpt �he esrn�w �'-�
<br /> -�,3i.: . �,,',;.s�'.. ° nccount, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pnys Borrower interest on �he Funds and applicuble luw permits °
<br /> ` I.ender to make such a charge. However, l.ender may rcquire Borrower to pay A one-time charge fcx mn independent reAl
<br /> _������: � '� .;:.,� astata Inx reporting service used by Lender in connecuan with this loon.unless applicuble IAw provides otherwise. Unless�n --
<br /> --.�`�:.�:,� •��;�'��'�`�i�, '�• agrecment is mude or applicuble law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required ro pay Barrower any interest or ,
<br /> °����,? ' •�e�v;•:�''.-:•� eamiags on the Funds. Bornnwer and l.ender mAy agme in wridng.howeve�,thal interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �;;;���
<br /> _����; � shnll give to Borrower,withaut charse,an annuul uccouming of the Funds,showi�g credits and debits to the Funds sutd Ihe `
<br /> �=-��+:"'�'��'°a' .`• '���`� purpose for which each dei�it to the Funds was made. The Funds urc pledged as addi�ional securiry for all sums recured by ._
<br /> � ' - this Security Instrument. �7
<br /> .���:.��n.�:�,,:h�.. If thc hl�nds held bp Lcnder exceed the umountis permined to be held by appNcuble law, Lender shall account to ��'"`
<br /> - . " 'n��' �` Bortnwer for 1he exeess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable luw. If the amount of the Funds held by �'���—
<br /> - ' � � Lender at an time is not suKcieM to a the Escrow ltems when due,Lender mu co natif Borrower in writin ,and,in F��
<br /> - ^"��, � ., such case Boyirower shall pay to Lender the amount neccssary to make up�he deficiency.y Botrower shall make up the �"°`-'
<br /> � � deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly p�yments,at l.ender�sole discre�ion. Q.�_,_
<br /> ` „ Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Inswmeat,Lender shull promptly refu�d to Borrower uny
<br /> Funds held by L.ender. If, under patagraph 21,Lender�hall ncquire or sell the Property,L.:nder,prior to the acquisitian or �r"""°
<br /> ��- +���'��>•••<< sale of the Property, shall apply uny Funds held by Lender al the time of ucquisition or sale us n credit ag�inst the sums �.�4:�'=-
<br /> z�•.•� � � , ' ' secured by this Security Insuument.
<br /> � 3. AppNcation oP Paymenta Unless upplicuble law provides ahzru•ise, all payments received by Lender under
<br />- = . ° paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be upplied:first,to�ny pr�epayment churges due utxler Ihe Notc;scwnd.ta nmounts payuble under ��'���=-
<br />�':'r�� � paragraph 2:third.to interest due:fouAh,to principul due;and last,to any lace charges due under the Nwe. __
<br />` .�', ? � 4. Cbatges: Liena Borrower shall pay all taxes, asses+ments,charges, finec and impositions uttributable to the m
<br /> �..t;,�� ' �" " Propeny which may s►tlain priority over this Security Insuument,and leusehold paymcnts or ground rcnts,if uny. Botrnwer W,�
<br />-- ��+ :,. shell pay tAese ot►ligations in the manncr provided in purngmph 2,or if not puid in that manner,Borrower shall pay�hem on �;
<br /> ' ? ��~ time direcNy to the perxan owed paymem. Borrower shall promptly furnish t�l.ender all notices of Amounts to be paid under �=" �
<br /> —'".•'� � •� this ara ra h. If Barrower makea these a nts direal , Bomowcr stwll rom tl furnish to Lender recei ts evidencin Z:`"•l`�
<br /> � P 8 P P Y� Y P P Y P B
<br /> , '� • _;:, ' the payments. __- -
<br />_ �.._—
<br />-- ��,,. :'.•�;r:`•'�" . Borrower shall promptl�•disrharge any lien which hus priority over Ihis Securiry In�tniment unless Borrower:(u)s►grees o,.--
<br /> • '. ' '• in writing ro the Pa}�ment of�he obligation secured by the lien in n manncr acceptable to Lender,(b)contes�s in good fuith the �;��_
<br /> •° licn by,or defends against enforrement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the ��y
<br /> ;�," , ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of ihe lien un ugreement xntisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> ���•:.:;:;. to this Security lostrument. If Lender determines that uny part of the Property is subject to a licn which muy attnin priodty � ' '
<br /> "��'',� .' � over�his Sccurin Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a no�ice identifping the lien. Bo►rawer shall sa�isfy�he licn or take �—L::�`
<br /> "�,���•��-: " • one or more of thz actions set forth abovc within 10 days of�hc gi�iog of notice. '�"`
<br /> 5. Ha�ard or Property Insurance. Borrower tihall keep the improvements now exis�ing or hereafter erec�ed on the � '�
<br /> '.•�,�' � Propeny insured ugainst loss by fire,hazards inrluded wi�hin the term"ea�ended coverage"und any other hazards,including
<br /> . . floods or flooding,for wbich Lender requires insurunce. This insurance shnll be maintaincd in�he am�unts und for 1he •
<br />; , .,�t�• S . ,� �;��1��
<br /> . �r,_. ;'. ;�;. Fam3o2ll 9/9D IN.�te•:njA�wgrsi �.�.;
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