- .-}.:u ` :. � . '. . . • .. � :f r- `'c .i. ?t;, . ,�_.Y:.' . � ...:i.i;"�. "�:::..�-'� .
<br /> • ,� k — — �/iy EE'�"'_—°�
<br /> ` . . g� /�� '' �_
<br /> ,
<br />' � at the opti�oa of Lender,i# martgag����^ca c�averuge (ia ths affiount an.d far ttte psriad that Leader requit�sj �_�+�
<br /> . provi�ed bg an ins�rer approved by Leade.ug�in��om�nvailaiale aad is obmiIIed.Borroa�er ehall pay the�ueaniums �n'_�::
<br /> sequi�d tQ maintain mort��i�sur��in efi�t,or to pravids a ta�resesve. uatil th� requiremen4 for moxtgage ��
<br /> �_.:;
<br /> insura�ace enc£s ia sccordance crith aay writteu a�reemeut betweea,�arrower a�td Lender or aggticabta taw. �..
<br /> 9.�spec4ion.I.ead�r ar its ap,�stt mr�y mt3ke te�sanable entrit�t t�n sad iasgsections of the Prapetty.I.ender shaU ���
<br /> give B�rrower notice aE tAe time of or grioP to an ins�sectiea epeci£ying a�easonnbie cause for the inspecrian. �;_F�
<br /> , fl0.Caudea�tion.Tha gs�ds of any award or claim for ds�sage-s,direct or consea�ential.in cannection with a-�.�;
<br />., an,y coademnation ar othe��g of ang part of the Pr�gerly,or for convapance in liev o4 con8emnatioa.ere hareby �;;
<br /> ., assagaed�ad�hall bs paid to Lend.,nr. _
<br /> ., a
<br /> Ia thB even4 oT a totel takiag oi the PrD�tat4y,tha�s sl�ali �e applied tn the suma sec�ued by this Security -
<br /> ��.=. Ynstrument,�hether or not then due.with aay es�paid to Bonower.IA the eveflt oi a gareial tekiag of the Peop•rty in �..
<br />; -.- s�hic�ihe�ais sssarlcaL•rnl�a oi tho Property immec�i�,tefy b�are t�e takiAg is«�i�al to ar greater th�n tho amount ot sho � ,:':
<br /> � `� snms�ecu�d by this�xurity Iasbvment imntediately 6efore tAe ta1cing,ualess Horrasver and Les�der otherwise agrea �;-�:-
<br />,Y" 1-
<br /> in writin�,th��ams cecured by thia Security Iuatsu�eat ehall bo�reduc�d by the amouz�t of tha proceede multipfied by ----
<br /> tt�o followIng fract�on:(e)tho totel amount of ths eume securod immedi�tely befora tha taYing,divided by(b�the fair _
<br />� muket v�luo of the PeopertY tmmadiatcly befare the takin�.Any b�lsnce sh�ll be paid to Borrowet.iu tha event of ra F•}-
<br /> � ` ptrtid takln�oF tha�ape�ty i�whlch th8 fair eaariat v�lue of t�v Pt+�p:rty imrnediatefy befnro th�Wcing ie lesa thar�
<br /> tAo�m�unt ot eho eume exw�d ic�rr�ed.iatefy bz?an:thu u+'3tn$,�le��3areoner ns�d Len�er otherc��rise a�ree ia writing
<br /> � os unlara opplicable taa ott�erwisa provida�, the procaeda stu�l tr� applied to the sums secur+ed by ttus Saanity �_=
<br /> In��t�r�acnt whethsr or not the suma ere than duo.
<br /> , " If the Ptuperty is a6andoned by Eaneo�ver,ar ii,eiter nouo9 Ap Lend�r to BarcoWer that the condemnor oifere to ___
<br /> .;',:� .' m�Ye aa sward or eettle�claim for dameges, Barroarc Inile to resgoad to Lender within 30 day�after the date the —__.
<br /> aottco is�iven�I.ender ia authorized ts collect and apply No�macc�ds.at Its�ption,either to restorsiion o�rapair of the —
<br /> ... ' Psopattq or to ttce euans Fzcured by this�ecurity tnstrumeat�whst��r or aot thea due.
<br /> a
<br /> .`:";� Ual�Leader ucd Barrower other�is�agrea in writiag,any application oY proceeds 2o gsincipal shaU aot eaund or
<br /> pasegane tha due date of the ffionttily papmenYs re4erre8 tn it� Para�aPhs 1 and 2 or ct�age the amouut of suc�t �-_--_
<br /> - payment�. ----
<br /> 11.Borrowes No4 Relsased; Farboaraar.s�y LoadaP I�Tmt a �a�ver.Estensioa af tse time for payment ar
<br /> raodi�icatioa of amartizatton af the eume satiued by tP�is Se�trity Insvuzaent gsanud by bmd�es to nny successor in
<br /> '`:�';`; intnmst oY Earrocler ehall not opas�ie w�le� the liu�ititq oi the origcasl Barrower as Ban�awa°s sua:r�ois in
<br /> : � '�:� an�ere,st.Leader shaU aot be nequired w cammence prao�in�aEsiast aay succe�nr in�e�rest or refirsa t�n est�nd �..
<br /> _�. tim�for psymeut or otherWiBe madify amortization of the soms secured bq thie Security Yr�'�seum�nt by ressan of aag �;:.
<br /> � demand msde by the original Ba�rower ar Borrowesrs sutx,�rs in interest.Any for�by I,endtr in ezereieiag -
<br /> `,..,r::;:; �_
<br /> �.-.�s�:; anp rigbtor remedy et�all aot be a cmisesof or praclude thaeye�cl�aoi aqy rightor remedy.
<br /> � r � l�Successora sad As�sigos�un8;ioimt aad Sevaral Li�bilitg;Cm-.�nr,�er�'�caveaaate aad egreem�s -
<br /> � w �:
<br /> �„t,,:`? 04 thie Sacuritg Instrumea.�s'�ll biad and bene�it the euccessoss aad a�i�m,�'I��r�3 Barrower.eubject to t�w -
<br /> :�,�:-''t!:'� pro�risions of ParagraPh l7.Bnrnazrer's wv:snanu�aad igreeme�is�sll ba joint aad sev��l�i�nq Bomo�er who co�igr� ---
<br /> ����' thia Secus3ty Instntment but doe.s nat�uta tho Not� (a}ia ca�gviing slus Security F�Uaument only m mortg�,. �
<br /> '�(•':��� �4:,
<br /> '�i;.�'' grant and eaav�y thet Borrower's in�-t itt the Prngertq u�3�a�he tertns of this��lnsitunaaen�(b) is t�R
<br /> '� �`f�'" tha suma secuted by td�3s Secuntg��ruinont;end �c)a t�,nt I.ender sad aay ottr�r
<br /> ,.•,,,.,��t perBOriaUy a�ln�4ed to pay 8�..
<br /> ,.°:.;'���r�'•'.�;:, t�e�oePee a�,�agr�to oxtead.modifY,Iorbcar or ma��aap axomrrx�dations with regsrd t�.tha tem�s of tisia Security .�
<br /> ;«; '. T�niss�ent cz the Note without thai�arro�a ema�en� .
<br /> �.;k� :' 13.Losrn Chu�es.It the loan e�by,t1►i�Se�uri�►In�G�unaes�t is subjec�t w a Im.�u�asini�h seta muYimum loa� � ,
<br /> �..�'� • ,. cbarges.a�t;iitr�a lac� ia finally inter�cts�.�3 so�at th�intea�t ma�th�r loan chargea a�t'j#��d or to ba collected in
<br /> cts
<br />',;;(,%'f'�•.' oounection c�xho laaa excfle3 the tted limit�,then:IaS aap eucb loan�ar8e s."i�II��ro8uad by the amount
<br />:;f;;rc-,t,. n�Y w r�dvice t,�e G � � itted timifi aad (b)an sums ,aa^eady cail�cted from �ormtver which
<br /> ��<�fi"f'' ezeeeded Petai%4t,td tilaiUi��t��.��to Bosxower. I.euder may c�sua�s;a�•�a�[e t3�,is refund by tedt�ing th�i .
<br /> �����r���� principal o�c�r�8er thm:'z�c:ai is�r�m�g s direct payanent to Hortorrer.����'.:�ti»u�:.c�princigal.the t�duction =--
<br />::";.y��� will be traudl�+s partial pi�epsyatsuz.s�9,t2aout anY PnP�yment claar�e yndei ti'.�.a�.:�.r, :. . . , �
<br />, F.,{�(':. .•
<br /> � �°y�'��i� 14.No�:ces.Any ao�ice to�uei�,�provided for ia this Security t,��*S*,::*�� �.,�ih'a!�'en by deliveriag ic aQ.@��y —
<br /> '�t�rrr';;.,�
<br /> ,:i.;.::,,: .: inailing it by�rst ctase mail uule��iicable law raquirm usa of aud�er mmcc�is:.�*.�.'��.y�i�x shaU br.clira:tod to'tha�
<br />:;�':,:;;�:.�; Ymper2y AdBress or any other address Eorrower desi�ates bp notioe Eo�.°'r.Any ao��.to�Lende�i.t�e,91 be pven by
<br />��.:>;,+r;�c. fir�t class a�n�l,.s?fl Lender's a�dres��.ssd henin or any othar od4,7^rss Lendar designav�.{.y,;�aotice to 8oirowor.Any
<br /> ,����,.
<br />`.,;;�, i,. no4ice provid�i,kor In tAis Secufity fnr��iment shtill be tleemad��save besn given to Egm�er or I,ender whsn�ven _
<br /> �•�r�'�1�
<br /> .�:�,� ao ptovided i��IF:�a P��Pb•
<br /> `�;,�`���f�� 15.Governins I:aw;Severaft�Y%�y.Thia Sxuriry T�osteum:�nt shall be governad h;��'.�'..�ral law and tha law ai the
<br /> :.,,7.,�::
<br /> j��.� jurisdiction ia which tho Praperty is 4ocate�.ln tha evenE thaE any provieion or cla�e of t��Secvrity Instruanent or ths
<br />;l�+�' ��'�. Note canflicts with applicable law.sus�h confliat shall aot aiPcct other provisions o�this�'�vritq IASWtnent or the No?:�
<br /> .,,�,,,.��
<br />'��t-��;< which can ba given effect withaut thrs ur�nitIcting pmvislot�.To this end the provisiar�nf�t�'ai�Security Iastrusnent aad
<br /> '��:��a`��,� tAa Noto ara doclared to be szverab?�. -
<br /> :,�;�;1�
<br /> r:
<br /> ;,,: . .
<br /> � fw�802i �/
<br /> ��BR�ta�!2tCt rq��e�6 InttlNr
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