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<br /> S.Ii�aaad ar P�rogerty Insor�ace. Bon^ower smsll k�p ths ianprovem��a�v esisting or hereafter etect�d on �;_,_.._
<br /> . tTne�agerty insur�i a�inst la�by fst�hazards includ�xl within ths tetm°exten3zd ooverage"attd any ot8er hazards, �•_;°._
<br /> iaaluding floods or fl�uding,for whic�Lendep fequir�insuaance.Thi.s insuruuce sh�l1 ba�int6ined ia the amounts �'"`-=°-
<br />' aad for the periads that Lendes requites. 'l3s:.ia�ce carrier providiag tha inrn�uaseoe shall be chasea bp Borrowar �',-,:
<br />. ' sub�ect w i.ender's approvul wtnich ehall aot 1�unt�easonablg�rithheld if Bomovrer fails to msinuria coverage described �,�;
<br />`.'' ' a6ove,Leader map,at Lender's aption,obiain coverage i�protect Lender's rights ir�the Pr�gerty in accardance with
<br /> . ��
<br /> , paragraph 7. ,-_
<br /> All insurance policies and r�a�wala shall t�socep3abte to Lender�1 sh�ll incSude a s�andard mortgage clause. �,V�`�
<br /> �:. I.euder shall have the right to hoid th�polici�sud rea��vsls. If LeL.&�ec-�uis�es, Barrower shnll pronnptly give to �"'_`---�
<br /> °>�`a=r:. I.ender all receipts of paid premiums end renat, j�sat'sces.in the eveai v'L?r�$c�rro�ver sball give prompt aotice to the `;��'.
<br /> =``�i� insurance carrier and I.ender.Lendes anay m�S��r•c�u�f'<��f flnt �r ��tly b��rrac��r. [;°_u"'
<br />=:,.:�+nt- •�-=,
<br />�:�-::f,�a; [Tat�s Lender aad�orca�eY othE-,z�se&���s�s:z-��e cncu�si�3i�applie3 ta reIIt�ration c�repair =_ __
<br /> � �t�.�F��ertg daa��if the restoPatsanar��i:��cta�?�llg€�`i�£�¢nd Lender's secasity is�2lessened-If the -J
<br /> � � rr.�°t.xiat sr re�ir�st��t ecoaomically feasib;e�?�..�nder's sacurity woeu3 i�e lessened,the insurance psooeeds s�tall be
<br /> . spplied�0 2�e sums secured by this Security Instrumeat,vrhether or not then du-.vsith any esc�gaid to�orcower.If i�t'�
<br /> ` $orraxer s6aadone the Property,ar does not answer withi�3�f daqs a ao4ioe frum Lender that the insuranse carrier has __
<br /> � offered w settlo a claim,then Lendes may coilect the i�sueaace p�saceed9.Ls�tdzr may use the praceeds to repnir or __ _
<br /> reswm the Property or to pay sume saaured by this Security lnstrument,wheth:s ar not th�►duo.The 30'day Qercod wi11 �=
<br />. begin whea the notice is given. `
<br />� Unl�I.euder aad Borrower o4heriv�se ngre�ia writi�,;,any agplicatioa oi pr�eods to principul eh�ll aot exund or � .
<br /> • pastpone the du�date oi the maAthly paymente n4ernd�i ia para�raphs 1 ead Z or change the arnount oT the psymonta r=
<br /> ` I�under paragraPh 21 the Propsrty ie ncquired by L�ac. Borrower's rig�t w any insvrast�e policie9 aad praceeda —�°°
<br /> sesulting from damaga to the Ptoperty pr�or to the acquieitEian ehall g�to LeQ�er t4 the ostesit of the s�me�cured by �.._:.=
<br /> tbie Sccurity Ia�tcument immediateSy prior to tha acqunsitI��. ��.:
<br /> • 6.Oceupaacy.FreservatYan.Maintenmw��dd3 P�Mee4ion of ths Praper8y;�o�rosver's Loan Applicstion; -..--
<br /> I.eauholds.Boraowes shs11 orcupy,eatablisb,and use t�s L��operty as Bono�e priacipnl rrsidenae wttP�in sixtq days =-,
<br /> after the execution o4 this Security Iastrument aud ehnlb canttuue w occc�apy tLo Property es Borroweds priucipal
<br />_ .. reaideuce for at least oae year aft�the date of occupanap,wlnse Lti�ndei othesarise agrecs in writi�,which consent sh�llt
<br /> not be�mreasflnably withhsld.or unle�eytenuating circuaa�utnces esist Which ase beyoad Borsawer's coatrol.$orrower
<br /> shal!not destray.dasnoga or impair the Praperty,all�v�s�coperty to detesiorate,or c�nmit weste ua t.�e Property. ="
<br /> s �, Borrower shaU be ia default if any fotPeiture acsiQ�os pcaceediag,whet�r civil or crimfinal, is b�n that ia l�nder's
<br /> _ : good faith judgment could resuIt ia forfeiture of ths ProiJartq or otherwi�e materially impair the lien creatc�h�this __
<br />=; ;:. Secaritg Instrt�ment or Leade�r's s�ti8�in�t. &smmewr may cure such a d.�f�ult and reinstate.es pr�en�d in -----
<br /> . pagaa�, 1& h9 causing the ac2iap or �g tt� ba dismissed witL a n�tiIIg that. ia l.eadei's��faith
<br /> • � det�.rauon,Preciudra iorYeiture of the Ba�c�s's inL.-s�st in ths Fro�c-rtp os oiher material is��auir�ent o4 tchhe lien �-`.
<br /> � �: cc�tsy this SecUtity Instrumcni or LQUC£:t''ss��rritY iat�res�Bono:ecx shall also be in de#a�.l'�Ia3rm�r.durin8 �°1�'
<br /> � • tfis€�application proces. gave material;J��si�e oz innccuratt iafon�stion or sta►tements w��(a��ited to
<br /> � �� �mv�c�Lender with any material inforniatics�£�c��us�ar�with the lc,an avidenced by ths Note.i�udi�,�t�:st n�i
<br /> .� %` limitz�to.re�r�eutations caa9erning Borr¢��.ac�upan�of the Prop�rty es a principal sesideace.t+�`11ri.�:`�"c:�ritY
<br /> ' .Instrumrnt is oa a Fs�.�ehold,Bomorres steal2 a�r��lg wi2a all¢ke pzavi�►�cs of t�e t�se.If Borrowar acquiraa,ts�tor�te to
<br /> " � th�Propertp.the leasehold an3 the feetitle `=� r.�t�er�unles9I.��r.•ir4�esw the mergor inwritiag.
<br /> .. ` � 7.Ptotestion of LenBes's Rnsyh4e in the Pra�atty.<3f Borrowe�[�5s to perPorm the covenanLs aad�meats
<br /> � ' con4siu.2d ia this Sarority Instr�rs��cg.,:ar there ia a Iegrl.:pr�g that maq sigQifi�satly afPect Lender's r�t�'.s ia the
<br /> . �� Pro�y (sucb as a prooeedis��iic� �tcy. prox.�ut�. gor candemnation or f��eiture or to��c�rae:�a� or
<br /> . ; :rCgulardans�.taen Leader may do aAd pap f+s,��Satever{ts!:�cessar9 to protxt the value of tha P�pertg r�uri�i:endsc's
<br /> ��i:��: rightB�a tha Property.LeAdefs ictions may��cludo pAlri�g auy aums secw�ed by a liers which hzm�^�I�Y over this
<br /> � : " �►zpsty Tnstrument�a�'pearIng in court,papi�,g i�oswbiorattorneys'fe�ersd entartng on t�e Pra�t�r�sice repaira. �-
<br /> �,��, . : AirLt��Lender may taYe actiflnuu�erthis 0�8�Pb�•�der daesnat have w doeo. �_.
<br /> � ' ���mounte disbw�sed by Lcnder undes th;s�s,agra�g�?e h u t t�c om�a�c c t itio n a l debt of Bor�+c:�r��:��u,+8 b y this
<br /> "_ . Securi�Iaswment.Unle�Bmrower aad Le�r agr�+e us other terrme oY p3yme�t�thGSe amoua�.�Lh�s iatertst
<br /> e
<br /> : , from tha date o f disbursemeat at t ha Note tats aa d s h a 1 1 t�u.paya b le,w i t t►in t:r e s t�u p o n n o t i c e f r a a m f�s 7�v�'�3 o r r o r r e r
<br /> `. � ., requestingPaymeat. �
<br />��;;.;:;� 8.Mort=sfe�suraace.u Leader taquired aavasgu�insurance as a cx�dition o4 making t�i:ruw��cureA by this
<br /> ='' Securitq Instrumant,Borrower eball pay the premiinmw r�u'sred to nnaintain the mort�g�e insura:.ce in efiar�.�fot aay
<br />:%�s:':��'.. �� reason.the mortgage iasur�uise coves�►ga requ6rcA by L�,�a�.,°r lapses or ceasea to be��efteae�.Boma�ser�1G1�puy the f :,,
<br /> ..•�i':."� � premiuma requirtd to obtein cavegage su6stantially�gulvm!'t:ttt to the mastgpge insurar�x pne r�z.W.ly i�$��.at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalont to the cusi to�cr�uger oF t2�r� :�ortgage i�ra�ce previously in ef.ilo�c�a��x,alternate
<br /> � .� � �:. � mortgege in�curer approved by LeTCder_ �iL r�stan4qlL� e4uivalcnt most�ge insivance co��� i� rnzc availtble►
<br /> Boaawer ehaU pay to Lender eacta moaQlr.��s e�uu1 r,��e�.-:e-twelft�oi the yrarlq mostgage insur�r.��rami"ny m be'sag
<br /> .paid by Bonower when the iastu�cotiti..;�,m:apsa3 ncr�:�sed to be in efioct.Lender will accept.u�arnu.�.�si:n thcse
<br /> ' � paqmtnte as a la� reserve in lien oT :a�� isw►�iye. La3s nservo paymenta may ns insr� i;re urtquirod,
<br /> � � � �m sazr eo
<br /> � �-6p�)cY91slo1 v,ys D ef e (Nsrtl�:
<br /> . i
<br /> �
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