. . . . . . . ,; }.t�c. . . . . � � . ..�! ' t.', ,4
<br />. . .� � -� ' n . 4 _, tt i c ,,,, . .r�.��vd� �-.
<br /> ,� �:� - 9�� iQ�i'� - �.
<br /> . r.° ' :=��z
<br />� 16.�anower's�o�y.Borrower shall ba given one conformed capy of the Note aud o�this Security Insuument ,
<br /> 17.Traas�er o4 the Prags�or e BSne�fcisi 1nt�aest in�onoc�er. If all or any pnrt uf the Froperty or any � ' �,`.
<br /> iaterPSt in it ia sold or uansteirei ar it a bet►�c'sel iat�rest tA B°rr°�er is sold or tt�nsferred and Barcocver ie no2 a
<br /> .` aatural pesson)c�ithaut Let►dePa prior avritten c:ansent,l.eader msy,at itsoptioa,req�irz immedirte pey�ent ia full afi ��::.'-
<br /> '°'::``, ali aums sect�d by thia Security I�strument. Hnerevet. this option shali not be eaer��d by Leader iP eaereisg ie
<br /> . prohibited by federal tasr aa of ths date of this Securit3►lnstrume�t. "s, .;
<br /> If Lender eaercisrs this option,I.ender et�nll give Borrows�notice ot accelsrarion.'The notice ehnll�mvido e periad .�.: :`
<br /> ' of not tess 2hnn 30�ayH irom the d�te the aotice is deliv�re�d or rtnailed within which�arrawer muae p:+y t311 sume secured ,._,,'_ t
<br /> by tAisSecurit��instrumea�I4��swwer iails to gay these su�eps�or ta tha espirotion of this periad,l.cndsr mey invake � :
<br /> any remPdiee�erm�ttedhp thiaSecurity Iastrumentwithou4 fu�ther rtotice or dsmand on�ioreorver. __;_,
<br /> di
<br /> 18. �arrawor's Ri=63 to gtoinstata.l4 Bopcower mea�cesteit►condit{ons,Borrower ehell A�ve the right to havo ;',,,;,,
<br /> �_.., eraforcement oY thia fi�curit}r Iastra�ent di�ntinusd nt nny time�rior to tAa earlier of:(a)S days(or�ucb otherFeriod
<br /> _ " as applicab�le law ce�oy spatify for teinstatas�neat3 beto�sa3o at tl:�Pt°a�..ttY�urau�nt to any @��er nf sale conta�ned in �:;'�T-
<br /> a •
<br />� t�ia Security Ir.suvment;or (h) entry ot a gmeat enforcia�this unty I�trument."['Aose conditians �thflq Y..,,,�
<br /> Bortower. taI p�Ys �n�'� ��which �n would be due undar thio�ecurity Insuumesit and tha I+tote as if no °;�;;;�,.
<br /> , acceleration haai axurreA:(b?���Y defaulL ot nny o�her coveAnnta or agramente;(c)PaYB all expeases incurrcd in ; �•
<br /> �arcing qhi�5e�urity]ns�vment,iuc�uding,hut not iimitad to.r�asonebla nttoraeps'fee�end(d)taS�m such actiun as ;:
<br />� L�ader may reasoaa&lp requira w a�vre th�t the lien of thia S�urity Insuumen�,Lender s rigl�ts iA 4he PropatY and �-��:
<br /> ', Bonower's obligation w pa t l t e s u m s s x u r e d b y t h i a S e c u r i t q I n s t n�:n e a t s h s i l l o o n t i n u e unchan g e d.U p on reinatatement ��-,�;�'r
<br /> ;.;,�,'�;'�_ y o�:c:ti::
<br /> ,, �y Borrowat.this Security In.strument and the o6ligateons secured herebq shall remaia fullp effective as ii no acc�leration �., _
<br /> had oocurr�.However.thia righE to reiustatoeh�ll not apgly in the case at acce2eretion aader parngcaph 17. ___
<br /> n
<br /> ' ' 19.Sal�s aS Not�:Chaa�e oi Loan Sarvtoer.The Note or a partial interest isa the Nate(topether vriffi this Sau�ty �`�_:
<br /> �'� �
<br /> .� I�suuiaent)tmmap be mld oas or more tiiaea without prior notica to Borrower.A sale may result�n a chnn�ia the entity
<br /> ., <<' (knawn as the"Laan Servic,r")tt�at collxfs a►onth1Y P�Ynsente due uader t�e Kote and this Saugixy Insh ument.There �`-
<br /> adsu may be oase or mare cha�ges of the Losa Servicxr u�lated to a sale of th�Note. h 14 aUove�pplic�ble ln�v. —.
<br /> �?, . '' ServieGr.Borrower will be given written notix oi the chauge ia aocordeaca with paregrap, --
<br /> 'F�e ao3ice�i�]!state the�me aad addra�oi the ue9v Loan Scrvicxr and th�address to which paymeats sh9j:id lx m�da _.
<br /> .;,,:, 'I'he aatirR wi�E rlso contain any other infermatiaa required by applicable law. �� �.��of
<br /> 0
<br /> � 2�.Haamsdosas So�s�an�s.8arro�er shall not cavse or perm�t the presence.u9e.di�usal• g�.. ��
<br /> ~`.�;' ang�Inpardous Substanxs on or in the F�pert9.Borrower eLall not do,n�r alta�v�yone el�e to do,anythinE affectiag �.-,:-
<br /> t�.��c�operty t�at is ia violaEioa oY anq Enviraameatal Law.The preaedin tw�o sentences ehafl not ap�ly to the greseaoe. �•�_-
<br /> . us�, or storag8 on the Fr�gerty of small quantities oi Ha�ardous Su�sssao�.s that are generaUy ra;ognized w bo
<br /> ' & priateto normsl resi8�atia1�s aad to maintenaace of the]Pragert9.
<br /> .: �Borrowzr�ha1D promp3tp give Lender�vritteta notioe of eay investigati�a,ciaim.densand,lawsuit or othsr actiaa by
<br /> sh op vate mvolvin�t�e �'roperty and any Hazas+dous Sut�stance or �'`�
<br /> . . any govem�eatal or reguiatory agene9 Pn P�Y � vemmtatel oP
<br /> Eav�ronzneatx➢Hsw o!which Botrower hrs ectuallmowledga.�f B�u�urs,:er learns.ot ta notified h�any ga
<br /> �
<br /> , . re�ul�►tory aca4Lrority.that any removal a�¢�er reme�'iation ��a�FIaza�OUS Substance affecting the Propertp'i� � -.
<br /> . �rY,��W����py��ge�?g��g�ae�d'�nl ectians in ewu�nce with Environme�ntal Lac�.
<br /> � �s�d in this h 2[D. Han.�sdflus Su6st�ezs are 4hose su�asdef'med as tosic or hazsrdous eo� ��-
<br /> P�S�P
<br /> by�nt�ix+onse�sntal Law and the followin��ubstances gasoline.kemseae�otker fLasnmable as tosic petroleum �, �Y
<br /> :.�,.,:f. to�c pesttci�aad herbicides, vota�solvents. materials om�t�irring as�b�tos or f�rmatdehyde; and radiaactire
<br /> .�:'.:.�4t, matessals.A�a�l in thisparag,�agh�k�"IE3►viroamental Law"mc�feder�l laws sud la�vs of the jurisdtchoa wh�t3w
<br /> , p'ropertyiet��dthatrelatatohe�lt'�,snEet9orenvironmentalgrs:r�tion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORMG��ANTS.Borcowerand I.ender#urt�.s�venaataa�sg�ee as foiloW� �,_
<br /> " Zl. AcczleraRioa: 1�xs��8tea Lender shaU �ive aoti�cs �o Banao:�er pr�ar to aaxletatton iolla�in}�
<br /> � ' gorro�ver's mracb oi a�m��vtnaat or ap�eement in tmi9 3acaaity 1nst��meat(but noi pr�or to ac�tentlnn �
<br /> m pecify:(s)tho deiaulr(S�)tDta
<br /> � � ander�ra��a.n7 oatesa upplicabla law provides otFaerEVr�rs3:.'�he ao3tce shail s • _
<br /> action requu�sd.�cara the deia�l� dc)a dau,not less�3�dnya iroan tha date the nottee is tiven ta
<br /> HQ�SOACt.f�°�ch Yhe de�aott mnst ha eured;aud Qd)4ira���31aro 4o caro tha defamlt on or before tho da2a �-
<br /> 4 h
<br /> � • ,';' �ied i��a aotitx n�y rasail4 in accelerat�on oi tho saffis secured by this Security Iastsu�ant an8 saAo of
<br /> . . �]E�sogerig The a����sll�a�her intorm Borrowes oi the rip�s to selashte dter aceeleratton aad thv �:,
<br /> � r' ��ti tm�.,���y��mn t�assert tti�aon-e:istencx os s defamlt or nap o=her deienso oi Borrowcz.ta �
<br /> �,r�`� . acalerati�.a�a3 sa1e.�?the defau�E�t i�s not curad oa or befahm Q�o date apecitied sm tha nottee.Lender.a¢itas �
<br /> : �'``�ts> optiop. ms�Flm�ntre�mmediaEe��m eat ia fall of all soaam recured by this Sectf¢ity Instrameat wittaaut.� --
<br /> . �;..'�r further de�nasd aad �3�invoYe r.�e power of as3e aad�g othor remedIas pepmitted�q spplici8le t�:�.
<br /> � � Leades ahdl be en3itP�iu�a collxt aU e:pensea iacomd ia p�uias the remedies provided m tbie pnni��. �`...,,
<br /> � 21,iacludias,Dmt no4 tnmfi,i¢ed to.rasonible�ttomeys'iees md costs o!titlr�evidenco.
<br /> �,.,:�_
<br /> � V the p�Rer of aate i�invoked,Trast�shall record a notice of defaalt in ea�h coante In wbich any p�o!
<br /> � the Proper�p��oc�ted�nd sh�U mail coPies o4 such no4i,e�in tho maaaer pres�rtbed by applicabla lma�4� �:
<br /> . Hoirower�dl sa the other persons prescnbed by appl�ea�i�c£�i�v.After tha tiffia rs�q�ired bp applic�abls�f��sr„ r--=`�,°
<br /> e �
<br /> Tsus4eo sharDA��e pul��c notdce oi sate to the petsons an8 irs r3�e man�et 9rescribed D�sppticable law.�cwrd�,
<br /> � � Aithout dezsc�ad oa I�tower.ehall aell the Properiy at pu�h2ic a�tcti�m t:o the hag��st biddes Q�thfl ttatr���7 �;.::�
<br /> pltce amd ms�d�s tflte c�aaa desi�natod in tho nostce oi saEc i�one os s�3o pareels aad ia sm�cssdcz Tcr:,,^4m �t.;:;
<br /> detesmiaes.9'rustee zaay pastPone aalo of�ll or any putxl of the Ptopeaty bq pIDbllc+3nnmu�r��g u4 4�+e ���
<br /> ' . time aad�rflu�of any previously scheduted cal�. Lender ou nts desi�ueo m�y pt�rchase the Pr�cPe�tY�'�8 _
<br /> sale. �
<br /> F�w 8Q3 30 -
<br /> ..' � ��1�tQ1Ux0� r��0�}e Ini27at .r
<br /> . , . . . .
<br /> - . . .
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