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.°�u � °..i.S�'�`?' ._�- . ._ "4��•° ��wa a_ ' .- ��u - . . . - i •_..L i <br /> � V .�-'1[�..�.: � 1 2 in��. <br /> - Si3EL•3:�c��LL�il�._...._.. <br /> � � . ...._. - �� <br /> ..�`' � . 92-�iO3 �7 '-- <br /> �: ����W� . � �� <br /> -���� .._. <br /> — ._�,,..,.. condemnAtion or ather takfnR of any pnrt of ihe Praperty,or fbr canveyuncc in lieu af condemnution,ure hereby uhsiQncd and <br /> ----_ �hpU be pnid tu Lendc�. <br /> __—_._.._.�:.�„�r In the event of a tatul ttiking of the Property, Ihe prcreeeds shull lx� upplled to the tiums secured hy Ihi� Serurity � _ <br /> _ __�_� Ins�rument,whe�her or not�hen due,with any excess puid to Born►wer. In�he event of u puniul�aking af thc Prupeny in ' <br /> �����-w,a which the fai�market vulue of thc Pmperty immedialcly befare Ihe mking is eyual lo nr grcatcr thAn Ihe amount of'the xums <br /> -,s. _�� secured by this 3ccurity Ingtrument immrdiately t�efore the tuking,unlexs Burrower and Grndcr o�henvisc ugrce in writing. <br /> ���"' _' the Kums securcd by lhix Security Inxtrumcnt shall bc reduced hy the amount oP the prcxecdh mul�iplied by the following —_ <br /> — t'roction: (u)the atal amount of the suma securcd immediptely before the taking,divided hy(b)the fuir markc�vuluc of the <br /> :'����,�:._„ Property Immedialely befonc the tuking. Any balunce shall b� paid to Borcowcr. In the event oP u puniul �oking af thc <br /> -�:�� ^�s Propeny m wbich tf►e fuir murket valuc uf thc Property immediately beforc the takin� is Ieti�ihcm�he umounl oP�he sumx �., <br /> '�� ti` xecured immediutely before �hc tuking, unlcss Borrower und Lender othcrwise agree in writing��r unle.s npplicable law <br /> � 1°� ; otherwi.r•e providex,the proceeds shall be applied�o�he sumx xecured by�his Security Inxtrumem whether or na the sumx ure <br /> ��' ��� . then due. <br /> ��„�„. • : ,.g .` � If the Prapeny is ubw�daned by 8orrower,or if,ufter notice 6y I..ender to BoRUwe�that �he condemnor offen to make <br /> ;�:.� en uwurd or settle a claim for dnmages.BoROwer fails�o respond to Lender within:�0 duy�ufter the du�e the nutice i�given. <br /> Y•,• < K-• Lender ix authorized to collect und upply�he pmceeds,at i�s optian,either ta rextoru�ion�r repuir nf the Propeny or to�he <br /> - _ �,'`�`�•••;�'�'..�+,���� sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or nat then due. -•_ <br /> _ ''�--������', Unless Lender s�nd Borrower�therwise agree in wrltinF, ony npplication of proceedx tu principal gholl not extend or _.. <br /> �c,.�Ctt;;::x.���•,�.: pastpone the due date of the monthly payments rcPetred lo in purugraphs 1 and�or chAnge the umoum of tiuch pnym�n��. � __ <br /> : •,.c;. : . : '� • ' ; ll. Borruwer Not Relewsedi �orbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time far puyment or _V <br /> � ' ��' ' modification af amortixntion of the zums securcd by thic Securi�y Instrument Rrunted by Lcnder to any successor in interest �__ <br /> =�itn.;:<dali�a:': . — <br /> � >� :�, of Borrowcr shall nat opernte to the liability of the orig inn l BoROwc�or Burrowcrti succexsors m imerest. Lender _ <br /> *-�'. �:ri'�`' � shall nat be required io commence praeedingx ugamst any successor in interest or refuxe to extend timc fnr paymont or <br /> -�...•� , . <br /> r•,•}`.' . � <br /> — —,••_.�, ,��.r>.;,�,t otherwise modify umanir.ution of'the sums secured by this Security Instniment by rea,on of uny demund mude by[he ongma _ <br /> •c <br /> __ __ � : R�•,�. . . ,.t. Borrawer or Barrower'.s successors in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any right ar remeJy,huU not be n °- <br /> __ ', � wuiver of or preclude the exercisse of:my right or remedy. - - <br /> ' �' 1Z. 5uccessonR and Assignx Round;Joint and Several Liabillty;Co�signers. The covenants und ugreementx of this =_ <br /> - � • � Security Instn�ment tihnll bind und benetit the succes+ors und Axsigns of Lendcr and Borrower,subjcct to the pravixions of �r:=_ <br /> "'�• • � •• ' pansgrnph 17. Burrower's covenamx and ugreements sholl be joint�nd several.Any Borrower w•ho co-xigns this Security �i'c�•- <br /> Instrument but doex not execu�e the Nate: lu) is co-rigning this Security Instrument only to mortguge,g�ant und convey�ha� _,;- <br /> . e �~' •' • 8orrower y interect in thc Pmperty under the termx of this Security Instrumem: (b)is na perwnully obligu�ed to psy the sums _-� <br /> , , ^• , secur�ed by this Security Instn�menr und�cl a�rceti�hu�Lender und any ather BaRawer may ugree to extend,modiTy,forbeur = <br /> A�+.-Y, „ � �a����' ' or muke any accommodutiuns with regard tu thc terms of this Securiry Ingtrument ar the Notc wilhou� �hut Bonawer'.s ��� <br /> = . cansent. �r <br /> , ��'� <br />-. ;� ,�,�,,,,ti�,,. 13. Loan Charges. If thc laun secured by �his Security Intitrument is xubject to u luw which setx maximum loan _�,� <br /> . •+•� � � churges,und Ihut luw ix finully interpmted tio that the interezt ar ather loan charges collected or lo be collected in connectian = <br /> '. '=' ''�' with the toan exceed the permitted limit�,thcn� (s�):my cuch loan charge shall t�e reduced by the amnunt neces�u►ry to reduce �9�`: <br /> ' ' ��' . ; th�churge ta the�errnitted limit;und(b)any sumx already collected from Borrc�wer which exceeded pertniued limits will be � <br /> .�.�•:. <br /> refunded to Burrower. Lender muy rhoose to mukr this refund by reducing the principal owrd under the Nole or by making u �;�,. <br /> ��',.��,� , � direct payment to BoROwer. lf a refunJ rcduces principal,�he reduc�ion will be treated a�n p:utiul prcpuyment withaut any �L�,' <br /> " '�'`F;.'r�• prepayment churgc under the Note. --- <br /> � � :.� l4. Not(ceg. Any notice to Borrower pmvided fcx in thi, Security Instrumenl shull be Fiven by deliverinR it or by <br /> � . ' � mailing it Ny fint cla,s muil unless upplicuble luw nyuirer use of unother methcxl.Thr notice shull be directed�o thr Property <br /> Address or any other•rddre.r Bnrrowcr Je+ignales by ni�tice tu l.enJrc Any nutice to Lender�hull Ix given by tint cluss <br /> ,� �� . I mail to Lcnder's uddress stu�ed hercin or uny ather uddrewx Lcnder notice a�Burrower. Any notice proviJeJ fix �s°"•• <br /> • in thi� Security Instrumem +hull Ix JrrmeJ �o have heen given to Borrower or Lendcr whcn Fivcn ati provided in Ihis —���-,- <br /> . � pst�Agruph. --_. <br /> l5. Governin� Law; SeverubiUly. Thi� Security In.trwnent .hall he governed by fcderul luw and the luw of the <br /> - � .junsd�cuon in which the Propeny i+lckutrJ. In thc event th•r��ny pmvisian or cluuxe of thi.Serurity Inslrument ur the Note __ <br /> -_ conflictx wilh appli�uble luw,,uch contlirt shull not affec�o�her pmvivionx of thi,Security Inslrumem or the Notc which cun ��- <br /> � � �, � be given effcct without ihr contlicling pmvi.ion. To this end thr pmvi�cionx of thi. Securiry In+trumrnt und�he Note um � <br /> � declured�o lx,cvcrablc. e- <br /> i��:��`,:.. 16. Borrower's('opy. Bo�nwcr+hall tx given rnir conf��mied a,p�•af thc Notr and of thix Scrurity In�trumrnl. __ <br /> • „ 17. 7ransPer uf the Property or a Heneflcinl InterQZt in Rorro�ver. If ull or un�•puh ol'the Pn�xrty or uny intarcnt in -_ <br /> � it is solJ or anntiferred lor if u Ixneficial interest in.Bormwer is,old ur�nmrl'cncJ unJ soRnwcr i. nnt a nu�ural pr.rzonl __ <br /> • � withaut Lendcr i priur wriuen con.ent.Lemkr it.uptinn.rcyuirc imnirJiatr payment in full uf�II aumti secured by =. <br /> >.;.�.. • --- <br /> . this Securiry Imtrumem. How•rvrr,thi���piii�n tihull n�a tk�x�rcircJ D�•l.�n�k:r if excrci.r is prohibitcd by fedcral luw u.uf __ <br /> �iDi � • � the datc of�hi,Sccurity In+lrumcn�. <br /> c�: <br /> .. � If Lender excrciscs this option,L�ndcr�hall givc Borniwcr notic���f ucrrlcrnlion. The nntiwc shull pmviJc u peri��l of � <br /> • • . not les�thun 30 Juyx fn�m the dute thc nutice i+dclivend or m�i1rJ wilhin which Burrnwrr mu+t p:►y vU�umn�rcureJ by this _ <br /> ' Securiry Instruntenl. It'Bortxiwer P�il> tu puy the,r +umx prior to thc expira�ian ul'Ihi. �xriod. Lendur muy invoke uny �l. <br /> " rentedics permitteJ by Ihi�Srrurily In+trument wi�hiwt furthcr nulirr nr dcmunJ�m Borruwrr. <br /> � IS. Burruwer's Ri�ht to Reimlule. 11'Bc�rruwrr mec�� ccrtain rimditiun.. Rurci�w�r�hidl hu�•r thc right to huvr <br /> � ' . enfon:emcnt ut'Ihi+Sccurily Imtrumrnt diuiiminucd ut um tinm priur tu Ihr carlirr ul': la► S Ju��.lur.urh �,thcr�riixl a. <br /> . . Smglr 1•am�y--Funnlc�1ur/Fnddle Muc I:VIF11R�11�iN1 Rl��Ih:\'1'•-l�udunu Cu���naN. 4�4! qrour J��1 n�wur..� L..;, <br /> . � <br /> �c.� <br /> ..,, .,� � � .1f F :e,. <br /> . �• <br /> �,,. • - <br /> . � <br /> , � <br /> � . � . <br /> � , .�1 � - -f <br /> Pr <br />