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<br /> =-�� perioda that Lende�requi�ew. The insurs+nce currler providing the insurance shall he chosen by Borrowcr subject ro Lender 4
<br /> -�''°'°'�-���'f�'�� opproval which sholl not be unrea5onubly wi�hheld. If Borrower fuilti �o maintain coveragc described ubove,Lendcr rtwy.ut
<br /> _ _ _"'�.',;;;� I.ender R option,obtain coverage to prdect L.endcr r righls in thc Propeny in accordunce wilh pumgruph 7.
<br /> ^ �_:—�.�.. All insurance policies and renewalR shall be ucceptable to Lender and shull include n.rtonda�d mortguge cluuse. Lender
<br /> 'i���,�, ' shall huve the right ta hold the policies ond renewals. If Lender rcquire�,8arrawer shull prompUy givc tu Lender uU rc.:eipts
<br /> :� �i�;�t�;;;1'. 'd' of paid premiums and renewal noticex. In the event of lass,Borrower shall give prumpt notice to the i�suronce currier und _
<br /> '• • r�,. �;::,, Lender. l.ender may muke proaf af loss if not made promptly b,y 8orcower.
<br /> ��,�>` Unlecs l.ender and&►rrower othenvise ug�ee in wriung.insumnce praceeds shull be applied to restorotiun or�epuir of
<br /> " ����:�'� � the Property dnmuged, if the restomtion or repair is ecunomicully featiible ond Lendnr s security is nat lessened. lf the
<br /> .�:...:.. :.::. .
<br /> " � resturution ur repair is not economfcully fca�ible or Lender's security wauld he le.sene d, t he inxurance prceee ds a h a l l b e � _
<br /> ° :: �,� �.s',� �'�'�' applied to the sums secured by this Security Inslrument, whether ar not then due,wilh a�y exce�a ptud to Borrower. !f
<br /> _r'�ic:i�''. ,::._�
<br /> :;;��y�;t�:,,•; Borrower nbandons the Property. or daes not unswer within 3Q duys a notire from Lender that the insurance ca�fier as
<br /> �'�' offered to senle a claim,then Lender may collect the inxurcince praceeds. I.ender muy use the proceeds to repwr or restore
<br /> �y..::..
<br />-� �?^''-:s `-�*•�� the PropeAy or to pay aums secured by this Securily Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will be8in when
<br /> :.r�r..�.t+? r.
<br />�-�,px,�... the notice is given.
<br /> :<•� ' • ° Unless Lender and Barmwer otl�¢rwi�e ugree in writing, any upp�icu�ian af praceeds to principul shall not extend or
<br /> ;� P �' � ' postpone the due dare of ihe monthly puymentx referred to in purugraphx I�nd 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If ___
<br />�+�■�,�� ���''.I�t:�'~ r under paragraph 21 thc Propetty ia tuquired by Lender,BoROwer's right lo uny insurunce policics smd proceeds rcsulting
<br /> `''��"k�'•�.` � fram danwge m the Property prior�o the ucquisition shal!posc to l.ender�o the extent of the vumR secured by this Secu�ity — _
<br />� � .���� �� �" ' Instrument iR�mediately priar to the ucquisition.
<br /> � .•'� '� • �• 'd� �� b. Oecuponcy. Preservatfan. Mwiotenance and Protectbn of the Properly; Borrower's Loan Appl(catlon;
<br /> _- ' .• l.easeholds. Barrower shull occupy, estublish.u7d use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after
<br />� J=�y'�•°=• • 1he execulion of t6is Security lnstrument und ahall cantinue Io occupy[he Property as Borrowers pdncipal nesidence for at _
<br /> �. _ lenst one year after the dete of occupuncy, unlexs Lender atherwi�;e ugrees in wridng. which consent shall not be —
<br />�� '� ` unreasonably wilhheld,or unlesx extenuuting circumstances exist which are beyond Ha�niwrr's conlrol. BaRawer shalt nat
<br />�sr?, ,:,i;;:'�� . • ' destroy.damage or impulr the Propeirty,ullow the Property ta deteriarate,or commit wwte on th�Property. Botrower shall ----
<br />"''''�` '{rsr�;:, .,'� be in default if at�y fort'eiture octian or praceeding,whether civil ar criminnl, is begun thnt in Lendar�goad fai�h judgment �
<br />�'�; � ' ';,�r,���,.:,: could result in forfeiture of�he Property or �Nhenvise malerially impair the lien creuted by this Security Inwtrument or 6;��_.
<br />�- `��'',1"' • `• . Lender's security interest. BoROwer muy cure such a defuult und reinstate,a�provided in parngraph 18.by cuusing the action —:-
<br /> ' . or proceeding to Ue dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender�gcxxl fai�h de�ermination,precludes farfeiture of the Borrower:r ��`-=-"'=
<br /> •- interest in the Property or other mutariul impuirtnent of the licn creatcd by this Security Ins�rument or Lender's security ��i`
<br />�� T " �� ' interest. Ba�rower shall ulso be in dcfuult if Borrower, durinF the laun upplicution procesti, guve materiully false or ��_
<br />��,�. .' inuccumte infomiatian o�ztutemems to Lender(or failed ta provide Lender with Any material informution)in connection with _
<br />$S'=,.° ' ° the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to,repre�entutians concerning Borrower's occupuncy of'ttie �:-�--_
<br /> � � Property a�n principal residence. If this Securi�y Instrumenl is on a leasehold,Borrawer shall comply with all the provisians �
<br />}� ' of the tense. If Borrowcr ncyuire�fee titic�o the Propeny,the lea.�hold und the fee title shall rwt merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> r'�'"` sa the merger in�Yriting• —_-_
<br /> ti�•,•. M� � ` , 7. Prolectlon of Lender's RightP in Ihe Property. !f Borrower fails to perfortn the covenunts and agreemens.c
<br /> ��•;'�, contained in this Securiry Inatrumen�, or there is a le&al praeeding that may signiCcarnly aifect Lender's rights in che
<br /> .;..,; .., �_-
<br /> Property(such ns u prc�ceeding in buakruptcy,probate,far cex�demnation or ti►rfeiture or to enforce luws or regulations),then
<br />,. >:.�,.'� ��.<.
<br /> � Lender muy do�nd pAy for whutever is nece+sary�o pmtect the value of the Property und l.ender� rights in the Property. ��{
<br /> � �'. • � Lender:aclianx muy include puyin�uny�ums tiecurcJ by a lien which hux priority over�his Security Instn►ment,appe++ring —
<br /> - in coun,puying reuxonuMe •riwrney.+'teez und entering on the Pmpeny �o make repuin. Although Lender may tuke actian . _�_
<br /> , , • unde�thix paragruph 7,L.ender dcx�not huvc to do xo. �
<br /> ' ' ' Any umountx disbuned by Le��der under�hi.parugr.�ph 7 shall becume uJditional debt of Borrower secured by this E�,�__
<br />` � Security Instrument Unletis Borrowcr und I.ender ugree�o other termti uf payment,theu+unounts shull beur interetit from the 6;e.,
<br />' � dAte of disbunement al the Note rute und shull be puyuble,with interest,up�m notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting �.:':_
<br />�, .• , �
<br /> paytnent. ''�-
<br /> i .,` . 8. MaMgase Insurance. If Lender��equireJ mongage insurance•r, u cunditi�m of'mtJcing�he lo;ui securcd by thi. ��
<br /> t ' •. , Securily Instniment, Bortower zhall puy Ihe premiums reyuired 1�� muin�uin tlk mortguge in.ur•uice in efl'ect. If, for any ��;�
<br /> �-�:
<br /> b �• .�,::, . , �• �eason. Ihe mortg•rge insurunce covera�e reyuind by Lrnd�r lupties or ccu.rx �o t►e in ef(ect. Barmwer shull pay the t-.,-
<br />- premiums reyuired to obtain c�verage substamiAlly eyuivulcnt to tlx m�ingagr insur,uicr previously in effect. ut a cost �-�� -
<br />.7 ''';:l;r• �tCR'. ...
<br /> . �utwtanliully eyuivuMm to �ha cosi to Borrow�r i�f the monEugc insurunce prcviously in rftect, t�nm an altemate mortguge �,,,`.�
<br />�� : . inwurcr approved by Lender. It'subxtantiully eyuivalcnt mort�:�ge inwrancr coveruge ix not avnilablc.Ba�mwer shull pay to �l�,r_
<br /> S Lender euch month a tium eyunl to une-twelfth of thc yrurly munguge insurunce prcmium be�ing paid by Borrower�vhen the
<br /> . insutsmce coverage lupud urccuuJ to Ik in�ffect. Lender will uccept,u.e und rctuin thc�e paymeNx a�s+losti re,crv�in lieu z_�
<br />� � ' ol'monguge insurancc. Lo�s rc�erve puymrnt.may no lang�r Ix rcyuircd. .it th���p�ion of Lender. if munguge insur:uu� �:� _:
<br /> y • ' coverugc{in 1he umount und tiir Uk pc�ri�xi�hut Lrnder rcyuiresl pr�wided by:m in,urer approv.d by LcnJar uguin becometi r3�, -
<br /> i. uvuilablc und is obtained.Borrower.hull pay�hr premium�myuimJ to maimain murtgrge insur�ncc in et'tect,or to provida u
<br /> � �:!•;� losx re�erve.unlil the reyuirement 1'a m��nguEe inwrance ends in accordancc with any wnu�n ugmament tx:tween Bormwer f
<br /> • �`�''• und Lender ar upplirablc lu�v.
<br /> ,•;� ' , 9. Inspection. LenJcr or ilti o�tent muy muk�rca+unaMc entrie�upun:utJ in��x�tiain nt'Ihc Prupeny. Lendar shall
<br /> . s '"'' •� give Borrowcr noticc at thc timr uf ur priar io an ins�xctian s�xcif}�inE rca.nnaMc cau,c t„r thc inw�ction.
<br /> � � ' • nkcrJ��,(anv uw•arJ�,r rlaim lur damu�c,.dirCCl�,r cun,r��ucntial,in cunnrction with any � .,
<br /> ;
<br /> . l0. Condemnation. Thc p . 6 ,
<br /> Smfle F.md�--Fynnie 11ye/F�eddle�far t\IFtIR11 INtiTNI�1R\7'--UnNurm l'u�cnau�, 9I9D ywi�r t n�n�ur¢rxi
<br /> ���IdcM Itueinfw Fu+n.Inr ■ ' .
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