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�r:i-�— -""'RLS""t � ( . . � . '�t�{�;i�. <br /> I��•,IY w . a 'U�y�}'r 41. � bit 1 �i, - .1 ,. .r�r =- <br /> 1i��lr�.sr �" <br /> . .. _....,. � 1�" ...._. .. � <br /> _ . _"�. `'',.`: _ <br /> .�� _ - -.-.:`n- - .- . 92.� i43'�'4'7 <br /> 'tr:�r�� <br /> ��rt�r::;L„aiin:ii;';�itt�.ic�� ' — <br /> �'=�n��� Applicabic luw may Mpccify fbr reinstatemenU before sale of the Propeny pursuant to any power of�sale conta�ned in this <br /> '`�� '-'"== �`:"'� Securily lnsltumenr,or 1 b)entry of A judgment enfarcing this Securfty i�istrument. Those conditions are that Borrower. (a) <br /> �����'����--`��==f'--''', pays L.ender all xums which Ihen would be due under lhia Securiry Instrument and Ihe Note as if no acceleration had <br /> ,.,�, , accurrcd;(b)curex any dePault nf ony dher covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incuRed in enfarcing this Sexudty <br /> -��'� ��� • ",�.4, In�tn�menl, includfng,but niH limiud to,reaAanable attorneys'fees; und(d)tukea such uction as Lender may reasonably <br /> -���. , rcyuire�o�9urc�hwt Ihe lien of thix Security Instrument,I.ender'.s rights in the Property and BoTrower's obligAtion to pay thc <br /> e <br /> ' ��=�° ����•• :`��' sums e�ecund hy Ibi� ticcurhy Inxtrument ahall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, tMs Securiry <br /> � ��'� In��rnmem�wl the at+liR�tionN�ecured hereby shnll remain fuUy effective as if no acceleradon had accurted. However,thic <br /> .,..,.... . <br /> .�.::.• .���M a. •. • right to rcinrlW�e�hwU iwt epp1Y in!he cu�o of ucceleratian under parAgraph 17. � <br /> ' 19, SS�k af Notei �h���e oP I.oan Servker. The Note or a purtiul intcreyt in thc Natc(together wlth this Secudry -- <br /> ��l' Inslrumentl may he w►kt�+ac a morc limes without prior notice to Borrower. A ss�le may result In a change in the entiry <br /> , n.;,r, �.;,y:;.:'� lknuwn uy Ihc"I.uun Scrviccr")Ihul cuUccla monthiy payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also <br /> �;a;tY,:1._��;�•x�. • muy hc�mr or morc rhunKe�ul'Ihr Luan Scrvicer unrelated ta n sale of the Note. If there is n change of 1he Loan Servicer, <br /> i`• 3 Bormwer wi11 FK gfven wrNten noticc uf Ihe change in accordance with parugraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice ` <br /> � �L will rtute the nume w�l uiklreti.r ot'Ihe new Lnun Servicer and Ihe address to which payments Rhould be made. The natice will — <br /> _�.��•�i!� `,':: <br />;__-�� • - .�.� alrn can�uin any ulhcr inti�rmatlnn rcquired by applicabk iaw. � y - <br /> "``'' � 20. Hpxard�wR�ubKWncee►. Borruwcr�+hall not cuuse o�permit the presence,use,dlHpa+al,s�orage,or release of any <br /> --- 'd.a':,�.'�' �,s,r' <br /> - �''�••��; r� Hu•r.urdaus, Suhqlunce�nn ur in the Pn��+rr1y. Ron�wer ahnll not da, nor allow anyone else to do,unything affecting ihe <br /> -- "' ;;M-�,�sr;" a,' Prapcny th�t is i�violationnl uny I:nvlrnnmenwl Law. 'Ihe preceding�wo sentences shall nat apply to the pre4ence.use,or <br /> _ ,��•,; ;,a,. Klorugc on�he F'raperty��f�umdl yuun�ilirx�►f Hwurduus Substunces�hat sue generally recogni�ed to be�pprapriute ta normai ___ <br /> °=�,?.',,.•,: : �;�„�.... 6 residcntfal u�cw und tc►muintanunrc of ih..�F'r��prrty. _, _ <br /> ,„ � �,� : � Burrowe�Khull prompily 8i��L�ndcr wriuen noticc��f uny invesligation,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other acUon by any � _ <br /> .� ,t _ governmentul�r rcgulatury ugcncy nr privu�e pany involving the Propeny and any Haxardous Substance or Enviraomental <br /> =�. "�°'?�'�:'.��:�'"; L A w o f w h i c h B u r r o w c� h n�a c uud knowlyd gr. If Borr��wer learns, or is notified by ony governmental or regulatary �`�"''��_ <br /> .r'�,�� � uuthorily,that uny rcm�val ur olhcr remediuliun nl'u�y Nuzurdoua Sub9tunce affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower ��; <br /> ,�.�,� ���„�f� F.:.r• . � shall promptly take ull necc�yury rrmrJiul urtiun�in urcurdance with 6nvimnmental Luw. _ <br /> t '�� � Ac uxed in Ihix pori�gaiph 211."Hun�rduu�tiuh+luncrti'ure�hoxe subztunces defined us toxic or hazurdoux subsituues by 4�_ <br /> - '���'=•� """ Enviranmrn�al Law und �hu Inll�►winµruhr�uixc�: gu+olin�:.kcrosenc,ather ilpmmable or toxic petralcum prcxlucts,taxic �:. fsl� <br /> .�"• • ^ • ,'-�; pesticiJes und hefiicfckv, vi�lmilr .olvrntr., muteriul+rontuining usbeKtos or fomwldeNyde,And radioactive malerials. As ---=— <br />'r'� o" � used in�his uru ru h 2U,"Environnun�+d l.uw"ni�un�federul luww und laws of Ihe juri�dicdon where the Property is located <br /> . P R p �'�ig�' <br /> _ . • � thot reluic to heulth,sa(cty or anvir�mmrnlul pnN�c�inn. <br />:_�r ` '�.� NAN-UNIFORM COVF.NAN7 ti. Honowrr+m�l l.cndrr 1'unix:r coven;u�l and agree u�follows: �`•��°-� <br /> ,. : , ��,r:,�.=� <br /> ��,+ • . •� . . 21. AccoleraUan; Remedler+. I.ender rhwll Rive ootice to Borrow•sr prior lo ecceleration Polbwing Borrower s �,-�,;� <br /> ` '" • . � brepch af uny covenwnt or ppreement fn Ihlr tiecurlly In�lrament (butnat pr(or to accelerption under paragraph 17 ■�:�,,Y- <br /> ' ;� �� ° unlet+.g applkuble Iww provida�otherwisel. 7'he nnNce.rhull xpeciPy: lal lBe d�tault;(b1 the Action required lo cure the —_ <br /> ; ,_ .�s;�it1�,_..� defaulli(cl a date.nut le� tlwn i(1 d�yx Pr��m Ihe dwte INe nnllce is�i��en to which Ihe default must be �- •-• <br /> -- - -.r-••�°• - cu�is wn d i d i t i m t t�i i�r e i�►c p r e i h e s l c f s u l t a n:s r!s e l u c f!h r d u l e s p e c l i l e d I n t hP noNre ma y recult in acceleratlon oP = •= <br /> „ �; �� � ., Ihe xums Recu�ed by Ihic ti�.�curity Intilrumenl und rule of the Property. The notice shall i'urther inPurm Borrower of �Yy. ; _; <br /> - the righl to reln���te Aflar uccelerulion,�nd Ihe rl{�hl lo brinK u caurl ucdon lo a�.sert Ihe nomexistence of a default or �•---� <br /> . ;° ` ' ' � uny other dePense of Borrower lu uccelerNtNm und wle. IP Ihe dei'uull i�not cure�l on or before the date specified In ��%�r=� <br /> . . Ihe nutkc.I.ender ul It��ry►tion muy requi�c bnmedlule pu�mcn!in tb0 of all sums secured by this Security Inst�ument '.t��.+ <br /> � ,�,: �• •• wifhoul further demund und mwy Inroke Ihe ��HCr of wl��nd uny other remedies pe�mitted by uppltcable law. <br /> . ''-•�s r shall be enlfUcd lo collecl ull ex �n+er h�curred In pu�suinu the remedies pruvided in this paragraph 21� �,.4 <br /> r.= l.ende p� <br /> • � inctudin�.but nM limlted to,reuwmuhle ullurne�ti'fce�und co�lti uP Nllr evidence. ��':::�'`. <br /> r �.�,�.;a_ <br /> �'''�'' i , IP the p�wer of sule Is Imoked,'IYwlee+huU ncord u nulic�oP deP�ult in nach county in whicb uny part nf the �.-„-_. <br /> . •� Property i�luculyd und�hull mnil copi��ui'tiurl�ontice b�Ihc munner presrrfbed by appllcabte law to Borrower aad ta ��.r, _ <br /> � ; � the uther persun�prcur�b��d By upplicwblc IuH, Ancr thc 11me rcyutred by upplicable law.'IYustee shall�ive publlc �,.' <br /> • i ; ootice uf 4ale tu Ihe per+on«�nd in Ihe muon�r pn�xrllxd 1►p upplicuble law. 'IYugtee,withuut drmand on Borrower. <br /> sholl gell!he Prnperty ut publi�.�uucliun to tlK hlkhe�l hldd�r ul Ihe time und place and under the terms desf�nated In �_,,w.,`5�,� <br /> . � � ' Ihe notke of sule in onc or more punelr und in un} order'llrn+lir dete�mines. 7Yuctee may postpone sale of all or uny ��= <br />,, � � parcel uP lhe Properl�• by public unnouocemenl+�1 Ihe Ihiu und plucc uf unv previnuslv scheduled wde. Lender or it4 ��_�' <br /> desfp,neo nwy purchax the 1'roperl}�ul um +ulc. �-�,�. <br />- • ��• � � � Upun recefpt of p�ymenf oi'Ihe prici�bid, '1'ru��ei•.hu0 deli�cr to the purrhuser 7Yustee'x deed conveyin� the `'"""-' <br /> . �.�, . , �� Prupert�•. Thc r�rHul� in thc'IYurl�w'r dccd,hull IK�prinin fiicle e��idencc of the truth of the titutements mude therein. � ; <br /> ,�h 7Yuat�Kh�ll upply Ihe prac�clr�ol'Ihe nulc iu Ilie follua iou orden �u l lo uU coslz und expenses of exercising the power <br /> ��:� <br /> �� . � ��A-- <br /> . �'��i�y';.•. <br /> ., ,�.. <br /> i ' <br /> � Fii►m J1121i 9/110 rywtir S uj n�w,qcu ;, <br /> . f . � <br /> ; . .��r;�•:.•1 � <br /> ; . ! I ,. <br /> r <br /> � <br /> ` . <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br /> ( <br /> �ry � <br />