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-�la��F'�' ,� « �S .:. ;' . <br /> .-„�..,,.�j��►tr�{r'�,>;»- _ <br /> rr�ewwyywu;,;a�;.:__ _ _ � <br /> , _ _ . <br /> � � <br /> ' � ._. _ _ . . . _ - - - ---- <br /> - �_�:..�-.--;�.�� 92- 10�4� <br /> ^��a.i71f�4i'�"14'J/" � — <br /> ��7'_ - � t:,�;. <br /> ��•W TOa@THER WITH All thc Impn►vcrncn�s now on c�rcuftcr crcctcd on�hc prciperty.w�d oll cn4cmcntw,uppunenunccs, <br /> �'. ''�,•,� <br /> n+�+�� and fixtures now on c�rcaflcr u puM of ihc praperty. All replucemrnts ond udditionx hhall ulxo Ix covcrcd hy IhiK Security <br /> ��'������ "� - ' Inr�rument. All af thc furcgoing i�rcfcrrcd w in ihis Secudty Instrumeni aw thc"Prnpchy." �.,_.. <br /> '�`� `"��'•^'�'��+�}�•' BURROWER COVENANTS Ihat B�rrowcr is lawfully nci�cd of Ihc es�utc hcrehy canvcycd And hur:thc�ight tn grunt <br /> :. •� .;.-..� .� <br /> °'�"' "" '��''� 'a•� �" und convey Ihc Rroperty and Ihut Ihc Propeny in unencumbcred,except for cncumbruncca af rccord. Banuwer wurrunts And <br /> , � ° •�"'°' • • will dePend generally the titic to ihc Praperiy ugainat all claimx und dcmundti,�ubJect lo uny cncumbrunce�of record. <br /> o�`-'k.�:,����•.h�••�.• THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combincx uniform cavcnuntK for natiunul usc und non-unitarm c�venunla with <br /> ! �• }��`� limiled vuriution�by Jurixdiclion la conKlit uM a unifixm�ccu�ity inswmcnt cuvcring reol property. <br /> ;�. ... _ ..,,,,,:, .. ._ .. <br /> .�.,. .;.^"','F""�• "` UNIFURM CUVENANTS. Botrowcrc�nd LrnJ�r cuvcnum und ugrc�u+fulluwti: `�. --__ -�— <br /> 'i.<A:�� : :k=''', •: 1. Pnyment o�Principal and Inte�esti Prepayment aod l.ate Chwrges. BaROwcr shull promptly puy when duc the _ <br /> '�{�+�'v►►�=�� .-� princiPul of und intereFt on the debt evidenced by the Nutc und uny prcpuyment und IAIe churges duc undcr thc Note. __ <br /> �r �'��'t�E�i;�,n�; °� 2. Fbnde tor 7bxes and Insurance. Subject to upplicuble luw ar to u wrllten waivrr by Lender,Burrower shall pay ta �_ <br /> -- �T" -��:�,s.< Lender on the duy momhly pAymenta urc due under Ihe Natc,until�hc Nate is puid in full,u sum("Funds"1 for:(u)yearly ___ <br /> , . texes and assessments which muy Auain p�foriry ovcr thi�Secu�ity Instrumenl us a Ilen an�hc Piroperty:(b)yearly Ieusehold _ _ <br /> -_�'.�••.�. , .�.� : payments or ground renls an the Properry, if any; (c►yearly har.urd or property insurunce premiums; (d) ycurly ftaod `` <br /> :�;.M1..•....�_; insurence premiums, if nny; (e)ye�uly monguge insu�ncc prcmiums, if Any; und(� any xumw puyuble by Barrower w <br /> � � Lender, in uccordance with the provisianti ai paragraph 8, in licu of the puyment of mongoge insurunce premiums. Thexe _ <br /> :�� ilCn�s are called"Escro�v!►ems.' Lendcr may,at any timr,rnllec�and hold[lmds in un umount not to eaceed the mazimum i__ _ <br /> � ,,:;��•.:;��, , amount a lender for u federally related morignge loan may requim for Borrawer's escrow uccount under the lederAl Rcui � <br /> �V� � � Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to timc,12 U.S.C.$2601 e�scp.("RESPA'7,unlcss unather ="`=`'' <br /> ���., ,,, .�°• law thot applies to the Funds sets a Iesser amaunt. If so.Lender rnay,At any time,collect and hold Funds in nn umaunt not t� �t'` <br /> � ::� � I ^ . exceed the lesser ameunt. Lender may estimute the amount of Funds due an the basis of current data and reasonable �'�''�-jL <br /> — - ��;'-=�� � � estimates of expenditures of future E.SCrow Items or otherwise in accordence with applicable luw. .�;,T."� <br /> �=�� ,a .�..�r,.x�,.•.;:',.. .�. w�u��' <br /> . ,y � ;t• The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ure insured by u federoi ngency, instcumentality, ar entity <br /> 'z,", • " (including l.ender,if Lender is such an institulion)or in any Federtil Home Loun Bunk. l.ender shall upply the Funds to pay —. �� •-y- ' <br /> r <br />�' � ,�,.; Ihe Escrow Items. Lender may not churgc Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the cscrow = <br /> ��f�,;::R,�; � • account. or verifying the Escrow Items, unlass l��nder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applirAble luw permits <br /> • �h,:r;;��, ' � Lender to make such a chsuge. However,Lender mny require Borrower to pay a one-time churge for an independen�real �-_^�✓-°=— <br /> � . ' ,•' �. estate tax reporting service used by L.ender in connection with this loan,unless upplicuble Inw provides otherwise. Unless un �•y�•--��� <br /> , �� � agreement is tnwde or applicable Inw requ ires interest to be paid,i.ender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any interest or <br /> r_-n.:r.a•-�•...- <br /> � � � . "��; curnings on the Funds. Borrowcr und Lender may agree in wriling,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender •�js-��— <br /> ;;��`;;,<< " ' shall give lo Barrower,without churge,un annuul accounting of the Funds,shawing credits and debils ta the Funds�nd the ��.:�N:• <br /> � � '.�:;,`�;,�, , ' � purpose for which eACh debit to the Funds wus made. The Funds are pledged as additio�wl securiry for all sums secured by _ <br /> •:.�:'..'�_: <br /> . ,.;,. . � <br /> .�:;,, � � �his Security Inswment. "°""°"�` �— <br /> , ( lf the Funds held by I.ender ezceed the wnounts permilted to be held by npplicable law, Lender shall account to "+ . _ <br /> -- -- -- — Hurn,wCr fu� tha e�cess I'unds in arcardancc with thc requErements of spplicable law. lf Ihe amnunt of the Funds held by = .��'•.___ <br /> ' Lentler at any time ix not cufficicnl w pay the Escrow 11ems when due,Lendcr may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �.;'m� <br /> � �• such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the nmount necessnry to muke up the dei'iciency. Borcower shall make up the �1'�`��+.�._ <br /> � ��,', � ' deficiency in no more thun twelve manthl y puymentx,ut l.ender's sole discrelion. li:a::,.��:�'' <br /> .; :• — ---- <br /> Upun payment in full of ull sums secured by this Securily Instrument,Lender shull prompdy refund ro Borrower nny <br /> � Funds hcld by Lender. If,under parogruph 21,Lendcr shall oi:qufrc or sell the Propcny,t,ender,prior to the acquisition or �r- - <br /> . salc of the Properry,shAil upply any Funds held by Lender a�thc iime of ncquisi�ion or sole as n credit against the sums �,`;.- <br /> • � secured by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3. Applicalton oP Payments. Unless upplicuBle luw provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under �- <br /> �.�si�.�F:.:..� <br /> purngrnphs I and 2 shnll be upplied:first,�o uny prepuyment churges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under �b,r-;�,•,.; <br /> � � paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth, to principal duc;s�nd Inst,ta any late charges due under the Note. �,,;,_.,_.�—_ <br /> , 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shull u ull taxes, asscssmenls, char es, fines nnd im sitions a�tributable to the ����� <br /> P Y � Pp ,,.�.:.�.�i:._ <br /> . Property which mny attuin priority over this Securily Ins�rument,nnd Icusehold puymems or ground rents,if uny. Bortower �;;;:��µ,;._ <br /> �s.r� <br /> . shall pay theac obligutions in thc munner provided in p•rrugraph 2,or if not pnid in�hat manner,Borrower shall puy them on _„���mn_ <br /> ° � time directly to the person owed puynknt. Borrowcr�twll promptly fumish to Lendcr ull notices of pmounts to be paid under ---- <br /> , '.;�r.� • ' this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these puyments dincQy,Borrower shall pmmpUy fumigh to Lender receipls evidencing ; '�:�"?, <br /> 1,,..� • Ihe payments. '�s�a,...�,�,•:— <br /> Honower shull promptly dischargc z�ny licn which hos prioriry ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(u)ngrees =��i.i�,��i?'_ <br /> � ` in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u manner aceeptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the ---_�-° <br /> • '�'�; ' � lien by,or defends�gainxt enforcement of thc licn in, Ie nl ocecdin s which in�he Lender's o inion o ru�e to revent the „ �'`'�,''""�`, <br /> :, B Pr € P I� P ,._,:_,�`--=— <br /> � � ' � enforcement af the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of'the lien an ugreemenl sntigfactory ta Lender sulwrdinuting the lien •- � �: <br /> '�'� to this Security Inswment. If Lender determine.�hut uny pun of the Propeny is subject�o a lien which may uunin priority ,,.��,,.�_.. <br /> � over this Security Instrument,Lendcr may give BoROwer u no�ice identifying the lien. Borrower sholl satisfy the lien or take �°`—^_°��:r�� <br /> , ;�::• ,., <br /> ' one or more of thc uctians set forth above within 10 duys of Ihc giving of noticc. f <br /> � 5. Hazard or Property Insuraace. Borrower shall kecp the improvement�naw existing or hereafter erected on the � � <br /> ;., ' Property insured against loss by fire,haxards included within thr trnn"extrnded coverage"und uny other hnzurds,including p.; . <br /> ;,_'� • floods or floading, for whKh Lender reyuires insururue. Thi. in+ur•rncc .hall tx�mainluined in thc amounts und for the �+ '' <br /> , ;i.' <br /> ' Fbrmsetx 9�90 r�wKe�nJn��ges► � . . <br /> t ., .. � � ' } C� <br /> , ' , i+. <br /> y. . <br /> J <br /> ( <br /> . � � { <br /> � <br /> ,� - � � <br /> ' ' �� � . __ ._. . . _._.— ___ _. ..._ <br />