.2'.c. .f. . ... . 'S� ;t '.:r�- . < ° R . . . -' t � - .riY�_ ..2' ..
<br /> �� j < . ` �; -
<br /> 5.'•�� . �w=::�.
<br /> ����f ' SGi° ��i�a��� �+a.�._
<br /> �.,�:
<br /> Q�'%"=_-
<br /> �`-� ' - ---
<br />•T'�` in thas:Deed of TnFSt unless applicab�e law gzovides atherwise. The notice sha11 sy�ecify; (a)the =__---
<br /> ;';`:� de�aaa33;(b?the ection required to cute the defaW�(e)a date,aot less tt�aa 4hirty(36)days from the ___
<br /> ff:!. dwl�t��notice ss given to Tnas�oY,by�rhich the dsfault musi b�6ur�d;and(d)that failur�to cure = '
<br /> R..��;;
<br />,�,�i th�d��ault oa or before the date sgecified in the.uotice may�+esult in acceleration of the sums '.:�:,
<br />,��,r= s�cur�d b this Deed of T�t and sa��of the Froperiy. T1ae notice shall�iu4her infom2 Tn�stor of ,,
<br /> '�. Y
<br />`�1;,� ���t to reinstate atter a.cceleraZion sad ths right to bring a�ourt ac�on to assert the noaexistenc� • ��'
<br /> .S,�y� of a cl�fault or any oYTaer defense of Trus�or to acceleration ansi�I�- If the default is nat c�ed oa ;�
<br /> �.;�f oa be��as�e the date spe�ted in the notice,Bene�ciary at its opt�on may requite immediate payment
<br /> ��;-
<br /> •,;;, ia fu�1 of all sums seceTa,ed iry thig Beed of Trt�st without further demaad and m�y invoke the power '
<br /> t �
<br /> li�able law. BeneSci shall be entitted to cellect `�
<br />'�'�:�; o�s��and any other remedies peimitted bY aPF �' s� .
<br /> ' " sil exp�ses iacuaed in puising the remsdies provided it�t�nis garagraph,including,but aot limited
<br /> �..�f-
<br /> tn,ie�s4nable atta�mey's fees and costs of title eviden�e. The�er�eneficiazy may:
<br /> 2i��:,
<br /> -;�� a: Either in p�isom ar by agent,with or evit�out bringing any action or pro�g,ar�y a .
<br />::�€f; �iv�erappointed bya Court andwitt�out iegard to ths adequacy ofits sec�ty,eater ugon and ta� ;�:
<br /> �. �oss�ssipn of the Tn�..�t Estate,or any part therea�in its own aame ar in the na�e of Trustee,and � �f..` :
<br /> ;. • �td�
<br />;!'r:' � sia sny ac�s whicY�it d�ems ne�essary ar desiYable w presesve the va..�;t�.�,r�arketability or Yen4a6�ity . ��`-:
<br /> :,,f:.; . . ;,.g��,--`
<br /> m,�,�::;
<br /> �;,�;,; of the Tcpst�te,o�part ttier�or anterest tl�rein,incr�ase td��e t�am or protec4 ttee . .,:�1Y_-
<br /> � ; security l�ereof aad,vvi4h or wi"�ut taking posse�ion Qf ths Trust Estate,�inoa or otherwise ,� '
<br /> �;..�,,.
<br /> RVII���,
<br /> ".r;;: co�I�Stb�rents,is,-ues andprofiLs therea�includiag thos��t due and ffipaid,a��apply ths same, � r. ;r,:;:_:
<br /> �+ess cs�sts�nd exge�es of operation and coll�tza�;�a i�cl�:d�g attomeys fees,upon any in8ebtedness . ���=�
<br /> :;;; , . d ta&in ,';�%�:.
<br /> �°: s�urned ttereby,all in suc�order as Bene��+�say:�ternune. The entermg upon aa g �•;e:�.
<br /> ;�:' . �
<br /> ,€ : .,� gos�essia.�i c�the Tn�st Estat�the collection a�sauh a�,.'�,'sssues and proSts and the applieation . �:-=.:-
<br /> ,.,,, �;:. : .
<br /> �.;;� •: � t�aeaf au a;�i�aid,shall nat cure or waive any default or notice ofdefautt hereymder or invalid�
<br /> �i��� - L..G[J.:
<br />_=����;,':
<br /> any aci doaie i�n r�~.�.se ta such def$ult or g��ar�uant to sach notice of defauit and,notwitbsa:m�ing 1;���j
<br />';:�;�;a ;., the cantii�uance it��.�sion�f the Tivst E;�e or the collection,re^..r�pt and agpl�cation o�iPnts, -•��..,,;.;
<br /> 3��ai
<br />;r•�f�j�'�:.: issues ar�ssaSts,Ttust�e�or BeaeFciary shaU be enti4led to exeicise ev ri de�for in aay ,�,:;:
<br /> e�Y. Sht�i � E;
<br /> � `" ' of th�L�Instr�ent�or by'��;•�pon occurrence of�}, event of default,����irc�ing the right 40 , ��;�;,�
<br /> '#��•` exercise ft�e pawer of sale; . � . r�°�
<br /> •1;;:i. . [.�-�,;.
<br />;;"•;:.' � ' . . �`��;_-
<br />, >,�.;. , _ •
<br /> ��`�f' Com�encre an action to foreclose ti�s Deed o��'iiest as a mortg,age,appoint a rec�ivez, �`
<br /> -�.��,. �
<br /> ;�. 1�
<br /> �;;- os speci�fcally enforce asy of th�cQ;venants hereo� . __�
<br /> .����,`:-� c. Deliver to Trustee��v�itten declaration af default and de�nand for sale,and a wPitt�n . �'
<br />