. . , '.+iC48k�+:cYS�,t-r.�t1e '� . . . . . • y .� -� .. • -ti ^7 ' j -_
<br /> ) ��' -
<br />� ,,r • ��� ���� ���
<br /> 1��"
<br /> of Grand Island,I� is the secured pariy refen�ed to a6ov�, (cfl-ins�ce aot exceeding �d��o ,
<br /> peffiitted). Such insivance policy shs�ll cantaia a sEaadard mortg�ge clause ia favor of ttie parti�s �';.
<br /> to the�xtent of theu ia4erest ther�in aad shall noi be cancelable,terminable or modif able without �
<br /> � ten(10}days prior wri�ten notice to BeIIeficisry. Trustor shall pmu��y repair, s�aan�,�ad ��
<br /> . replace the Tr�st E�tate or any gart tiaeraof so that,except for or+dinary wear and tear,�-..�.°T�st �=�
<br />��:, Fstate shall not deteriarate. In no eveM shall the Tivstor commit waste on or to the Tnist Estate. `-"m
<br /> �s
<br /> ' 4. �+►GTIONS AFPECI7NG TRUST ESTATE. Trustor shall�ppeaz in�nd contesi any __
<br /> � action or proc.e�ing Putport�ng to aff�t the security h�of ar tfie righ4s or gowers of Beneftci�y r�-
<br /> or Tausiee,and shaU pay all costs and expenses,including cost of evidence of title and attomeys �,:
<br />� " , fe�s,in any such action orprac�ding in wlucb�enefciary or Tnrstee may apgear. Should Tn�stor
<br />-`_��' fail to make any payment or w do any act as and in the an����provided in any of the Loan �T.
<br /> ' � Insttum�,Beneficiary aadlor T�aste�eac9�in its awn discretict�v����ut obligation so to cio�nd -
<br /> �';+�:" witltout aotice to or demand��TnTStor and without rel�suab'�:�tor fi�r.�►y mbligation,may -_
<br /> •;"�` make ardo the same in sach��raad w such extent as e€daEr may deeret>?rra�s�ary to protect the =
<br /> , seauity hereof. Tmstor sha�,i�'�,ediatiel,y upon d�mand th�r��oa by Be��&�►�Pay all cosKs a�ad .: •,.I;
<br /> ,l= •
<br /> e�nses inoune�by Beneficiatt�•.�gmta��:tion with the exerci���y Heaeficiary of the foregaing ;:
<br /> , � s�g�tts„including without li�;����f evidenc�c;u tifle,Cauit casts,a..�,�aisals,suiveys aad <'�
<br /> ,s,. �.;�_
<br /> attomeys fees. �1ny s�ch c��r�x���nses not p��,�hin ten(10)days�c,ff�itten demansl shall �
<br /> . . � dravv it�terest at the default r�t��-3 . , . .,��f u:�
<br /> �; �:.�the Note. ' �;•
<br /> ... ' ,•5�.�..��,
<br /> 5. �UIIIJENZ'DOM�. Shc;.���:e Tiust Estate,or any part ther�f or interesttherein,be - _
<br /> � take�ordamag�dby reason ofauypubli�imgmvement or coademnatioa procc-�ding,or in any other
<br /> � :�r' manner in�Iuding deed in lieu of C.�ud�ana�ion("Cti�demuadion`�,or shouY�TnLStar r�ceive any �k�-.
<br /> aatice or other infoan�ioa re�ndin��pmceedi�g,Tnts��all giv�prompt.wr�a�ai�a�otic$
<br /> ' •. thereof to Beneftciary. BeneSciary s�P�ff F�entitl��zt the�t�:�of b�ciaiy's in4eii�t�;�:;he ��-r
<br /> � ' su�,*,�t neal estate,w aU w�pe�sation�,�^�•vards an���.*'�r PaY�or relief th�for,and'§���!.� .
<br /> . � en'�,`�..�i at its option to e��nmeuce, aFPear in and �rosecui� in its own ranrte any action c� ` _
<br /> praceaclin�. B��iaiY st�a�l�lso be entitled to make�ny com�ne�isa or settleffient in connect�o� _
<br /> • with sv�takiug�a�qage. All su�h comp�on,awazds,dam��,rights or�tion a��proceeds
<br /> awar+ded to Tn�sKor (the"1Draceeds"� are heieby assigned w Be�ef ciary a�d Tia�stor agr�to �r::-.
<br /> . exxute�+a�h further assi�mgnts of the Proceeds as B�neffciary or Tn�siee ffiay n�ir�. �
<br /> '_ � 6, APPaIISi�OF SUCCESSUR TRUSTEE. Benef ciary may,from time to tiffie,b3r 4; .;
<br /> • , . � a aziuen in�^tru�ent executed and ackao�rledged by�ensficiary,mailed to Tivstor and��rded in .: ;,:.:��
<br /> -' . the Coimty ia w�ich the Tr�c Estate is located agd 1ry othenvise comPlyinB with the pr�visions of , �� `,_.,
<br /> � ���;� :;���
<br /> .� ��'•' � the app3icable law ofth�e Stz�.afNebiastsa substitate a s�c�essor or successars to the Tivs�es named�.'. •--
<br /> ,l�;, hereia or acting br�under. /%'�_
<br /> . . �. , :,-_
<br /> � ,'? '� 7, �UCCESSOAS A►ND ASSIGN�. This De�d of Tmst apglies to,inures W the 6eaefit of _—
<br /> `;;��° � and bistds a11 p�rties henw,2heir�eir�legatees,devisees,personal roprases►tative�,successars ansl --
<br /> ro
<br />; :��{,y.;°.. asQgis. T6ete�m"i3eneSciaz�'si�aU mean the owner and hoMer ofthe Note,wheEher ornot nameci �
<br /> ;i'•.; r' :' as Heneficiary herein. �e;�
<br /> ff�.:
<br /> �,�(7'j���:'�:� . :.
<br />� ,;. ` � 8. INSPECI'IONS. Heneficiary.or ib sge�,repnesentatives Qr wor�aea,are a��Iaorized
<br /> i�.,.. �;::�
<br /> .':;�� , to enter at a�reas�na6le ti,me upon or nn any pa�e Q��e Tiust F.state far�e pwpose of inspanting _
<br /> ,':r• � t�e same and for the putpose of perf'tosming any of the act5 it is authori�ed to perfoiffi uader 4h� __
<br /> terms�of auy of the Loan Ia��ruments.
<br /> :�::�:<.. � -
<br /> i.
<br /> ''� ' 9: �_V_EN'IS OF�'Ai� .�T. Any of the following events s�all b�d.�emed an event of
<br /> ��;��;; .
<br /> def�uilt hereunder:
<br /> �. Tiusior shall have failed to ma3ce payment of any installment of interest,principal,or =
<br /> .,;..
<br /> priacipal and interest or a�r ather su�secured hereby when due;ar �-
<br /> ,;�;
<br /> b, 7b�e bas accumed abreach ofordefiult under any teira,covennnt,ag¢eement,condit�on, �'
<br /> pravision,�sentaeion or warranty con�ned in any of the Loan Inst�uments. �
<br /> � . 10. �,CCELE�tA,TION UPON DEFAULT.ADDTTIONAL REMEbI�S. HeneEtciary shall ,
<br /> give aotice to Tn�or psior to sccsleration following Tn�sta�'s breach of any covenant or ag�eement �—`
<br /> � .--
<br /> • � �R
<br /> --_ l�:
<br />� � . . . . ���.
<br /> , ; • ... . . , ..�. . � ' ., , .; • � .
<br /> , . .. - . ,. _.. � � � . � - - ��.. . � i '_ �-' ct . . _ , . . ..( ,. . . .� �.�f.;'. . . . . '
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