. _ -c. . : . . .. _`iRF.tr+� :1 � o , .,. .
<br /> � ' .�. � . .. : . . `�,: ' �—s,-4_`• � :`'R'c:�,�-_ cs. - .
<br /> , . _ 6[�_
<br />. � t - �
<br /> ' .. ��O ����� '_.
<br /> eec�tec�inter�st at 12 p�rce�t(t2%}gea ann�,N)aIl other sums then se�ured herzby,and(c)the � �-
<br /> � , temaiudez.if�uy,to t�e�on or persoas i�galYy entitled th�reto. �"_
<br /> c. Trustee�ay an the maimer provided by law,PostPone sale of aIl or any gortion of tdie
<br /> Tt�st F•s�atc. �=
<br />�� j 2. �A�lFi�dF�N9T EYCL•'lJSME. 'Frn�and He�s�ici�ry,s�d exch of the�n,shall be ��-
<br /> �ttitted to enfoz+c�paym�nt artd per�,�ce of any inde62edaess ot obligations se��d hereby aad
<br /> . � to exerciffie nll a�ghts and powers���eed of Trust or uader any Loan��t or ot�er _
<br />� - . agreemtent or aay l�ws t�o�► or h�c`�.i�:�orce, notwithsta�ading some or ail o�ttee such
<br /> . indebte�ess ettd oblig�tions secureat hei�t�ay�ow or h�a�r t�othenvise�el,�v�aeth�r �-
<br /> � ..� by tnortgage.daed of t�ast,FledBe,lien,a�signaient or o�se. Neither ti�a�����this _
<br /> ' Q�zd of't�nt�t Ysot�ta enforcean�nt whet�er by Court a:ction or pzus�ant to tha.pa�ar�r�r�u�ar����
<br /> `-�� po�re�herei�c�n�aineccl,shap pr�ja�d'aca or in any man�er atTect Tn�stee's or���&��ight ta
<br /> .� , rzalizs eapon or taforce�ny other securiry aow or h�er held by Trustee or Hen�fir��.�it�Seing __
<br /> �� • a�ed ihat Ti�tst��1 Bene�ciaty,and each of�-�a�;sl� ��'tse entifled to enforc�������f Tnist _
<br /> � 4 :•� at�auy other secuti4y aow or hereafter held b���oi�ry os Tzustee in sucb�l�r:a�manner as ��=
<br /> � � they or either ef 4hsm m�y ia the�r a6soIute discr�ti�n d�teermine. No rer�sdy h�i��c�,�ed ugmt _,:=
<br /> or resea�ed to T�stee oP�enefici�uy is inten�'ta.�exclusive of any other r��►��er�in or,�iy a
<br /> `� � �� � law prov�ided or perntitted.but each shall be��v�and shall 6e in addition y�m:r�ry o�bl�r. _
<br /> , . ,. . -
<br /> remedy a3 by stotut�. Eve�r power or remedy�by an�of the Laan Instr�eats sa Tn�steQ ar -��
<br /> Heneficiary ar to which either of thc�may be c�'r�a�u.u��vise entitled,may b�ex�rcised,c:.�ncwre��ly� �� `
<br /> : . or independe�tly,from.tim�to ti�te and as o�as may be deem�d expedient by'��.st��ac� _.
<br /> Henef ciary and either of thean may pius�e incomgi�remedies. Noihing heaein shaU b�.:�o��et1� .
<br /> �s piv�ibitina�eneSciary f¢�nm see�tin�a defici�n.eY j�irdpment ag�inst the ZYustos to�e.��[e��u� _._
<br /> f aciion is penuatted bq low. . --
<br /> -k• .
<br /> � 13.RFO ��T P�RNOTIC�. Tnistor heraby requests a wpy of any�a:�2i�m'f.«��t����
<br />� , � that any notice of sate heretutdee�3 m�iled to yt at the ad�ress set forth i�th��2�p���Q'FF�i3,J. _,
<br /> . .. Deed of TYust. � � �
<br /> 14. �O�ItMNt�1,AVl�. �is Dee$of Tn�st sla�.��be�overaed by th�la�s�e±��&�S;of
<br /> .� . Nebraska. In the e�ent that ar�y�rovt�io�or elause of a�y of the Loaxi Instntmt�a���li�;?�
<br /> :b,. .���� applicabls law�,such cot�fl�Lv shtill etot r�ect other pxovislons of such lLoan lnswm��v�3�ie���n�
<br /> . • be givem effsct vuitliout the cot�flicting grovisioas, aad w t4�is e�d txee pzovisio�s of the Iay�m�
<br /> •� Insttumeats a�e declet+ed to be s�varabd�. This iastnunent ca�rcot be waived,chang�ed,or discl�d� ,
<br /> � , or terzt�.inated orsillty.but o�1y by an instrument in���iir� signed by th� party against w�ioan, ��
<br /> ' enforcement of auy waiver,chango,discharge or termin��2�is as sou$ht. :�
<br /> , .. ,.:
<br /> � . . 15. R�CAI�V,EYA,�iCT.TR�TEE. Upo�writtea�aest of Be�s:a�����,�;��� ,°':�.� _
<br /> a�l suna�secured hercby have bcen paid�ead upoa sumeader of�iis�3eed of Tr�t����?iart��a �"� :,','
<br /> � Tiustee far camcelladon and tetentlon and u�so�Qayment by Trust���Z'rustee's�e��T:ust��tall� �.°� :;�','..
<br /> rccanv�y to Trustor,ar tlsa�ers�n or persan�legalty enti�led ther�t�,as��,�otat vYanr�rit��,.any pv�#�n
<br /> ' � of the Trust Estate tben►hcid herc�4er. The roecital3 in su�eh reco8a��a:e of asi�ra��;�cs or�i� . -
<br /> � ahall be conclusive prooF of the wthti�tnass therraf. Ttie grantee�raay Yeco��r�cs mu►y 6� `�:.=,�
<br /> '. . described as"the porson ur person�te�alty cnt3ticd 4hereto." � ' '�'`�°=`
<br /> . . _ i':,._—
<br /> �:,�
<br /> • r':
<br /> . . � 16. �TOTTCES. Whcnover Benef�ci�py.Tn�stor ox Trustee sh3u1�alesire to�ive or s�m,e any ��;;��:�
<br /> � natice, demand,reguest or other commundeation urit&respect to s�inr.�ee�:al�7fc��as�,e�h�such : �;�-t�-
<br /> no�ce,demaac�,requ�t or o�h.°r communteatio�a ohulf bg in v��iting end�I�Il 7rr+��fo�ri��onl�+if�thfl -
<br /> - . same is dclivored by personAl�sen►tco ar malQed byr se�ifi�d anail,post�,Ee���fd,aretun►�r�mil�rt _-
<br /> � . .� re�uest�d�eddressed t�tho addteas set fotti�aE thQ Ireginning this Deed��'�r�x:�. ��,,►paztY.�auoy at LL
<br /> any time change its address for such natices by dYtiv�ring or mailing to�re or�a�r���s h�ret�n�as _
<br />, . . afosesaid o nott�o o�such cbart��. ., '+-
<br /> . � 17. �. Tho Trustee inoy�esign at any t3me without cav3e,�i��:�mm��•,at smy . . -_
<br /> • . : time and wit�out cause aygaint cn succeu�r ar stthatlottt�Tcustse. Tn�tee sha�.1�t�e liabIa+to�ny ,.. .�
<br /> •� . p3rty,incladirrg,v�Ithout limitation�Lendcr.I3�sro�cr�Trustor a�r any p�ar�cl�aser�!F.�th�P'ropa¢ty;for '••
<br /> � . any loss or siamage unless due to rcckic�a ar wllff�rt mt�onduct,and�all n�t b�r�uired�t�t�k� ••
<br /> � .. any actiaa in connection with the enforce�aiant oYlhi91?eet!of Tnast unless in�emnified,in wrnit�mg, -
<br /> ^ . K.
<br /> • ' •i
<br /> _ . . •� .. . . t ��t) � t i*..
<br /> .�.� • `. � � . � . . � . , � ,�,; ��,}��}'rxR��y��., r -
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