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<br /> DEED OF TR1US'Y' �—
<br /> �,:
<br /> TIIIS DEID OF TRUST,made on this f�,day of July, 199b,by and smon�Rub�n E. ��
<br /> Meier,a siag�e p�on,w�ose mail�ng addrzss is Rt 3 �ox 93,Gasnd Island,Neb�68801, �y.
<br />�, ("Ta9ustor"}; Charles R Nlaser,Attomey at L.a�v,whose mailing address is PO Box 639,Grand �.-_
<br /> 1sland,NeYiask�C8802,(°Trustee");sand Aw�ora Co-Op Elevator Co.,vvhose mailin�addpess is FO _
<br /> . Bax 209,Aurora,Nebrdslaa 68818,(�e�eficiazy�. �-
<br /> FOR itALUA�I.E CUAiSIDERATION,Trustor iYrevocably Ura�sf�rs,co�veys,aad assit�s �-
<br /> to Tmst�,IN TRIJST,WTII�FOt�FR OF SALE,f�r the benefit and sec�iCy of Beneficiary,uad'�a --
<br /> aud subject to�e temms aad co�di�mas of this IIeed of�'rust,the re�P�P�Y•lacated in the Cit�
<br /> . of Eiran�. Is�and, County of Hall, State of Nebraska, aad le.�adly descn'bed as follows, (the � .
<br />: ,� "Pangez¢y")ta-v�at- =-
<br /> . Trce South oae-haL�{Sl/2)of the Nofftbwest quarter(NWl/4)of SecRion Tbirteen ="
<br /> . (13},Tov�mship Twelve(12},Range Nine(9j West of ths 64h P.M. Hall CountY, �,,
<br />. � ` � Nebiaska =
<br /> . �,,
<br /> ' � interests in adjoining mads,streets, �
<br /> . TUQEfF1IIt WTI�"all nems,easements;ag�pffiteaa�aees,
<br /> � and alteys, imp�ovemeats, and bcs�dings on said premises sub3ect to a 5ist Aeed of Trust or _
<br /> �; Mort�da,ted November 23,1994,under w�ich the Neb�aska State Bank,Os�cOSb,N�b�a�,is —
<br /> the secured party having a first lien on said above descn'bed i�:al�staee. Y
<br /> �� •:,•::� 'd'he proPeriy aad the entin-u:��te an.d interests cr:�eyed tu the Trustee are refemEd to `��
<br /> ;�r:, ``` collectively as the"TnLSi F�e.". �
<br />-= , � , . � . —
<br /> -4;?;,�: FOR TI�PUI����'SECLJFtINCs_ � —
<br /> , � a P�puaent of indebtedness in 3he total primc��ount of Sixty�ive-'D�ousand One .
<br /> � Hwndt�d TlitLe IDollars and tiu�►-nine Cents($65,103.3y�;�d l2%pet+cent intetest,as evidenced .',.
<br /> . ., by that ce�aiu Tn�t Deed Note of even date(the"1�1ote")with a mat�rriy date of Der,�mb�r t,1997,
<br /> . . executed by Tn��,wbich bas be�n deliwe�d and is payable to the order of H�neficiary and wbich .
<br /> � , by tbis refe�ce is h�reby made a.par� hereo� and any amd all modifica4ions, e�.vans and .z,.:,;_ �
<br /> � �'r� renewaJs th��and . . .
<br /> . ;,, . . '
<br /> . . �.. l,;
<br /> . �;':=:`..
<br /> - ,�,. b. AU�payme���US�sat are required w 6ce��f?:r3r the B����.ary to��i�e�:t4�.,'�i��� . , . . --
<br /> � ���:`.�,s►,�d�[�ear interest a�the rate of 12 petce..�;(���.°���r r�a:.��anum. � � . � . � —
<br /> . , ' . • :,: .,;�: —
<br /> �'� T�.`,TM,��eed of Tn�st,the N�te,and any otl�tter a�s�-s�ssnt given to evideuce or finther secirce • . --
<br /> �. t�e paym�sit and perfarmance of any obli�ation:�4cured herelry are refeir+ed to c4llecti�ety as.�r'�e ►..:
<br /> "�.oan Ins�tents:' .
<br /> , 'T���'.OTECT'I�SECUI�.�b�'Y OF T4IIS DEEIDi�6'dr�'TR�1ST: : . � . ''�� ��
<br /> � t , .
<br /> � 1. PAYM�NT OF lA1I)�TEDNESS. Tn�stor sbaU pay when due the priucipal o�au+41��,�
<br /> � • interest oa,tl�indebtedness evidc�ce+i by ihe Note,charge�,�ees and aU other sums as provid�i us� .
<br /> thc Loan�nmrents.
<br /> ;
<br /> � 2. XES. Tn�r sh�ll pay each ias�rila��nt of all taxes aad s�ecial�ssessments of ev�cy �
<br /> • kiud,now or hereai�er levied ag�insi t�ae T�st lcstate o�any par2 tu��ts�befo�deliYnqua�y,
<br /> witl�out notice or demaud,aad si�nll grovide B�neficiasy witfla evidc3nce of the payffi.e�of the sam�.
<br /> � Trustor shall payr�Il taxes aud ass�s�ments which may lie Ievied upon Beneficiary's�temst herein
<br /> or upun this Deed of Tnut arthe debt secured hcreby,without negazd to any law that may be enacted -
<br /> � . , unPosing puym�nt of the whole or any part thereof upon the�eneficiary. .
<br /> 3. �N�Ui2ANCE AND IEI�AiRS. Tivstor shall main� fire and exgended cflvcrage
<br /> � � insurance ins�ring ti�e improveauents and buildings constituting part of 41ie Tnist F�tate for an _
<br /> � amount no l�s thaa the amotmt ofthe unpaid grd�cipal batance of the Noie se��by tlais Deed of
<br /> Taust and the note secured by D�ed of Taust or Mortgage uttdei which Annara Co-Op F.l�vaGor Co.,
<br /> . i
<br /> �- . �
<br /> , ..� . • . :ii. �t: :., ,- . . . e- . e^ ,
<br /> . r; ,. - . . . . . .. �h. . t
<br /> . � � - � � - ' , � - , � . , , . ,.���,:j
<br /> . . . . ..... . . . . . , . . . . _ _ .. , . , . . _ . . �l'{}. _ .
<br />